Ubuntu security vulnerabilities

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marco Desloovere
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Re: Alias - Correct once

DanS wrote:

> Casual piracy, that's a Microsoft term. By their definition, people just
> copying software and giving it to friends. I believe that is barely a
> problem at all.

"You believe"...therein lies the problem dan. You don't accept what one
of the world's largest multi-national corporations in the knows (not
believes) based on their ability to monitor their own software usage on
a global bases...MS does not "guess" when they make a market move. They
don't have to.
So you..."believe that (casual piracy)is barely a problem at all".
Obviously MS doesn't.
I'd put my money on MS.

Binary Usenet is the absolute biggest source of pirated
> software, and if there is 'casual' piracy going on, it's giving friends
> copies of software d/l'd from Usenet in the first place.

Do you have any statistical data to backup that claim? I'll bet the farm
MS has volumes of market data to backup their moves in the market.
Big difference!
Re: Alias - Correct once

Charlie Tame wrote:

> The reality is that stopping "Casual" piracy achieves nothing because
> anybody doing it "Casually" isn't going to buy a couple of hundred
> dollars worth of CD anyway, they may lash out on a cracked version,
> stick to what they have until the hardware falls over or get the latest
> version of Linux for nothing :) Casual pirates will not buy Office or
> other products that pro users may need so MS's alleged losses are really
> wildly exaggerated.

And you know all of this to be true because you've spent millions of $'s
doing market research on the subject of software piracy...is that correct?
Or is this what you in your little ms hating mind wish were true...lol!
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Vista User wrote:

> Maybe you should read your post again!
> Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
> ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
> So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
> As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
> this ng.
> Alias

hehehe...well that just turned out to be another one of alias fukkin
lies...in a continual, unrelenting string of lies.
He's a liar...plain and simple.
His coming back here just prove that fact.
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Adam Albright wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 17:42:35 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:
>>>Pot calling kettle black. You're a riot Frank. I mean besides you
>>>being the newsgroup dumbass and all purpose clown and putz.

>>You're slobberin falling down drunk again right adam?

> No, that's everybody's opinion of you Frank. I bet you look like this:
> http://www.curbly.com/uploads/photos/0000/0001/3988/grizzled_old_man_large.jpg

More family pics?
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Vista User wrote:
>>> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:fai54r$qid$1@aioe.org...
>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for
>>>>>> Ubuntu.
>>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>>>>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>>>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me,
>>>>> visit the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing
>>>>> from this ng.
>>>>> | | -- | Alias
>>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>>>>> of lies.
>>>>> Marco
>>>> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one
>>>> could say that you two are "mindless"?
>>>> --
>>>> Alias
>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>> Coming back to troll this group just shows how sick you are. You just
>>> can't help yourself.
>>> Get yourself some mental help you need it.

>> Ah, the trusty insult. You're the troll.

> Fukk you!

You wish.

> That's an insult in case you didn't understand it.
> You are the perfect definition of a troll...troll.
> Got it?
> Frank

Not only are you are troll, you're a vulgar and crass troll. I have yet
to see you offer help to *anyone* in this group.

To email me, remove shoes
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Vista User wrote:
> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
> news:faigh1$pl5$3@aioe.org...
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> "Julian" <Julianlzb87@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:%237LP19P5HHA.2752@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>> "Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:eVXgaoP5HHA.2752@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:fai54r$qid$1@aioe.org...
>>>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for
>>>>>>>> Ubuntu.
>>>>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>>>>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>>>>>>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>>>>>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
>>>>>>> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>>>>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing
>>>>>>> from this ng.
>>>>>>> | | --
>>>>>>> | Alias
>>>>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll
>>>>>>> full
>>>>>>> of lies.
>>>>>>> Marco
>>>>>> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one
>>>>>> could say that you two are "mindless"?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>>>> No - you are just dense. You have been told by lots of people that
>>>>> Ubuntu evangalism isn't wanted here. You just keep spewing your
>>>>> marketing hype regarding the TOY OS that nobody exploits! It gets
>>>>> tiresome, day after day, Ubuntu is life....Ubuntu is the wave of the
>>>>> future. It is so far in the future that most of us here will not give
>>>>> a RATS ASS if Ubuntu overtakes Microsoft because we won't be using
>>>>> computers by then!
>>>> He's computing equivalent of a Jehovah Witless
>>>> foot in the door merchant who won't take
>>>> "no thanks, I'm not interested" for an answer
>>>> and is quite happy to make other peoples life
>>>> a misery such is his fanaticism, conceit,
>>>> fear and loathing..
>>>> He's exactly the same on
>>>> alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren.
>>> That reminds me of my College days. Our house was down the street from
>>> the Jehova Witless church and they use to come by and bug us each Sunday
>>> morning. We were sleeping in, trying to get over our hangovers and when
>>> they knocked on the door, three of us answered in our robes. When we saw
>>> it was the Witless, we opened our robes. They didn't bother us again !

>> That small, eh?
>> --
>> Alias
>> To email me, remove shoes

> Maybe you should read your post again!
> Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
> ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
> So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
> As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
> this ng.
> Alias

What is it about changing one's mind that you don't understand?

To email me, remove shoes
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Frank wrote:
> Vista User wrote:
>> Maybe you should read your post again!
>> Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>> ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>> So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
>> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>> As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
>> this ng.
>> Alias

> hehehe...well that just turned out to be another one of alias fukkin
> lies...in a continual, unrelenting string of lies.
> He's a liar...plain and simple.
> His coming back here just prove that fact.
> Frank

No, Frank the Vista General resident troll, I merely changed my mind.
Live with it.

To email me, remove shoes
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:fai54r$qid$1@aioe.org...
>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for
>>>>>> Ubuntu.
>>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>>>>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>>>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me,
>>>>> visit the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing
>>>>> from this ng.
>>>>> | | -- | Alias
>>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>>>>> of lies.
>>>>> Marco
>>>> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one
>>>> could say that you two are "mindless"?
>>>> --
>>>> Alias
>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>> No - you are just dense. You have been told by lots of people that
>>> Ubuntu evangalism isn't wanted here.

>> Only by the likes of Julian, Frank and you. I'm not impressed, sorry.
>>> You just keep spewing your marketing hype regarding the TOY OS that
>>> nobody exploits! It gets tiresome, day after day, Ubuntu is
>>> life....Ubuntu is the wave of the future. It is so far in the future
>>> that most of us here will not give a RATS ASS if Ubuntu overtakes
>>> Microsoft because we won't be using computers by then!
>>> Go take another vacation.

>> If you're not interested in my posts, please learn how to use your
>> newsreader's filters and don't read them.

> You idiot! No one other is really interested in your post

Frank, you barely speak for yourself, much less anyone else.

>. You're a
> linux troll.
> Get lost one and for all and don't come back.
> Frank

This from the biggest troll on vista.general.
To email me, remove shoes
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Vista User wrote:
> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
> news:faigfd$pl5$2@aioe.org...
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:fai54r$qid$1@aioe.org...
>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for
>>>>>> Ubuntu.
>>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>>>>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>>>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
>>>>> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
>>>>> this ng.
>>>>> | | --
>>>>> | Alias
>>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>>>>> of lies.
>>>>> Marco
>>>> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one could
>>>> say that you two are "mindless"?
>>>> --
>>>> Alias
>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>> No - you are just dense. You have been told by lots of people that
>>> Ubuntu evangalism isn't wanted here.

>> Only by the likes of Julian, Frank and you. I'm not impressed, sorry.
>>> You just keep spewing your marketing hype regarding the TOY OS that
>>> nobody exploits! It gets tiresome, day after day, Ubuntu is
>>> life....Ubuntu is the wave of the future. It is so far in the future
>>> that most of us here will not give a RATS ASS if Ubuntu overtakes
>>> Microsoft because we won't be using computers by then!
>>> Go take another vacation.

>> If you're not interested in my posts, please learn how to use your
>> newsreader's filters and don't read them.
>> --
>> Alias
>> To email me, remove shoes

> Maybe you should read your post again!
> Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
> ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
> So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
> As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
> this ng.
> Alias

What is it about my changing my mind that you don't understand?

To email me, remove shoes
Re: Alias - Correct once

Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote in

> DanS wrote:
>> Casual piracy, that's a Microsoft term. By their definition, people
>> just copying software and giving it to friends. I believe that is
>> barely a problem at all.

> "You believe"...therein lies the problem dan. You don't accept what
> one of the world's largest multi-national corporations in the knows
> (not believes) based on their ability to monitor their own software
> usage on a global bases...MS does not "guess" when they make a market
> move. They don't have to.
> So you..."believe that (casual piracy)is barely a problem at all".
> Obviously MS doesn't.
> I'd put my money on MS.

Of course you will.

> Binary Usenet is the absolute biggest source of pirated
>> software, and if there is 'casual' piracy going on, it's giving
>> friends copies of software d/l'd from Usenet in the first place.

> Do you have any statistical data to backup that claim? I'll bet the
> farm MS has volumes of market data to backup their moves in the
> market. Big difference!
> Frank

So you have no clue as to binary Usenet do you ?

Here's a link to MS ( & MS related) software posted to Usenet in the last
70 days:


This stuff is d/l'd from Usenet 1000's of times more than someone buying
it and handing a friend a CD.
Daddy is here.

>Charlie Lame Brains aka Dean Martin can't get the girls wrote:

>>Adam Hopalong aka Deputy Deputy Barney Fife and aka Jerry Lewis who

likes *boys* wrote:


Daddy is home. You boys have been playing have you?

Hopalong, you been kicking behind for decades have you, boy? Boy, the
only behind you have ever kicked in your sorry life is your own behind
while you rolled around in your mama's womb.

Lame Brains, the only thing it looks like you have been doing for
decades is kissing Hopalong's behind while rolled around and kicked his
behind in his mama's womb.

Boys, I got the size 13 shoes with pointed steel tips that I am going to
put dead in your behinds and an 100 inch whip that I'll be dipping into
salt water from time to time and put it dead on your behinds, when I
feel like it.

Daddy is home boys -- look for me. <g>
Re: Alias - Correct once

Frank wrote:
> Charlie Tame wrote:
>> The reality is that stopping "Casual" piracy achieves nothing because
>> anybody doing it "Casually" isn't going to buy a couple of hundred
>> dollars worth of CD anyway, they may lash out on a cracked version,
>> stick to what they have until the hardware falls over or get the
>> latest version of Linux for nothing :) Casual pirates will not buy
>> Office or other products that pro users may need so MS's alleged
>> losses are really wildly exaggerated.

> And you know all of this to be true because you've spent millions of $'s
> doing market research on the subject of software piracy...is that correct?
> Or is this what you in your little ms hating mind wish were true...lol!
> Frank

If I hated MS Frank I wouldn't be bothering to point out flaws in their
marketing strategy.

I have spent a long time in various MS forums but recently a number of
things have occurred that are going to cost MS eventually.

W2000 was a major leap forward over 98 / ME etc. Very stable, used it
for a long time. XP was good after SP1 and had a lot of features added.
Not a huge technological leap forward over 2000 but you got something
extra and nothing taken out.

Vista has lost OE which worked and had it replaced by a series of very
poor and much slower substitutes that still create problems for users.
UAC is "Different" than the old ActiveX warnings etc but really no
security improvement, just a nuisance. DRM has restricted things for
legitimate users to the point where using Windows for some media is
actually more difficult than other systems. Activation has gone off on
me so many times now it's pointed out the fact that MS systems are NOT
the way to go for a business than requires reliability, one simply
becomes dependent on MS too much. Driver signing is another symptom of
MS enforcing that dependency.

Basically I lost a number of features I liked and gained "Features" that
are no improvement, sometimes the opposite, and now have a system that
runs slower, does less, is no more secure and once occasionally accuses
me of being a thief whether I did anything to it or not.

For a system that's supposed to be easy to use something is wrong with
this picture Frank.

You know yourself that there is a limit to what security in an OS can
do. Nobody can stop a stupid user from becoming insecure. MS started off
with some very bad default settings which they eventually fixed and the
business systems went even further with IE restrictions. However that
was as far as they should have gone, after that it IS "User"
responsibility. Ordinary people are being asked to pay a lot for things
that most of them dont understand and which make their lives difficult,
yet actually don't work very well. When people turn up here for a bit of
help they are often insulted and treated as stupid because they, like
me, do not understand why a formerly helpful Microsoft has changed
things around just for the same of it, and (To them) made things much
more difficult for no obvious reason.

No matter what the EULA says people BOUGHT the computer and expect it to
be "THEIR" computer, not yours, or Microsoft's or anybody else's.
Spending a couple of thousand on hardware has not been too much of a
problem for me, maybe not for you, but for a great many people it IS a
problem and they have expectations. Whether these expectations comply
exactly with the letter of the law or the EULA is not the issue,
marketing is the issue, and people who are surprised or disappointed
deserve to have these difficulties explained and if possible improved
upon, not be treated to a tirade of insults as so often happens in these
groups. MS have aggravated some problems by their actions and criticims
need to be raised.
Re: Alias - Correct once

Charlie Lame Brains aka Dean Martin can't get the girls wrote:

<The bulls*it is snipped.>

You can run Charlie Lame Brains, like a little bi**h, but you can't hide

You are a big *boy* a big *man* in the NG that likes to run your mouth.
Where is that small package of yours you like to pull out in the NG with
a pair of *TWISERS*, boy?

Daddy is here.
Re: Alias - Correct once

In article <#rGJeTT5HHA.2752@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>, charlie@tames.net
> Hehe, all these posts by so called IT Pros claiming that activation is
> not a pain in the ass demonstrates that they are IT Pros only in their
> own minds :)

Charlie, with almost 3000 machines under my control, having activated
most of them in the last 2 years, same for all of their apps - very few
are on Volume Licenses, I can honestly say that Activation is less
painful than turning the computer on and waiting for windows to load.

The only hard part about Activation is getting my eyes to see the
difference between an 8 and a B or a Q and a O or a G and a 6 on those
little stickers.

I've only had to activate by phone 3 times in all that time, and it was
because I used the same key more than once by accident and they still
approved and activated it.

So, in your limited experience, it appears you've had problems with
activation, most don't, and while you have issues with it, most don't
and I would guess that my meager 3000 machines is a few more than you've
had experience with in your entire life, based on your comments and
manner of posting.


- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a
drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist"
spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Alias <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in news:fajfj4$md2$1@aioe.org:

>> hehehe...well that just turned out to be another one of alias fukkin
>> lies...in a continual, unrelenting string of lies.
>> He's a liar...plain and simple.
>> His coming back here just prove that fact.
>> Frank

> No, Frank the Vista General resident troll, I merely changed my mind.
> Live with it.

I think Frank has a problem believing that people do change their minds

And that people have free will to do so and think for themselves and come
to their own opinions and beliefs.

He's just bitter because everyone doesn't let MS think for them and
decide what is best for them.

He seems to think that just because MS is a huge international
corporation that does market research, they do everything right and
should not be questioned when it comes to their decisions. He's a 'yes
man' and never questions anything apparently.
The poster formerly known as the poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy
<nonee@none.not> wrote in news:faig01$od6$1@aioe.org:

>> I had a look on http://www.securityfocus.com/bid and searched for
>> Windows Vista Home Premium and got this: "No matching vulnerabilities
>> found".
>> Marco

> Try searching for vendor MS and title vista, then hit search.

And apparently forgot to look at the 6 ones listed for IE7.

You'd have to, since IE is an 'integral part' of the OS, present in every
install, and still has the highest share of use.
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

DanS wrote:
> Alias <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in news:fajfj4$md2$1@aioe.org:
>>> hehehe...well that just turned out to be another one of alias fukkin
>>> lies...in a continual, unrelenting string of lies.
>>> He's a liar...plain and simple.
>>> His coming back here just prove that fact.
>>> Frank

>> No, Frank the Vista General resident troll, I merely changed my mind.
>> Live with it.

> I think Frank has a problem believing that people do change their minds
> sometimes.
> And that people have free will to do so and think for themselves and come
> to their own opinions and beliefs.
> He's just bitter because everyone doesn't let MS think for them and
> decide what is best for them.
> He seems to think that just because MS is a huge international
> corporation that does market research, they do everything right and
> should not be questioned when it comes to their decisions. He's a 'yes
> man' and never questions anything apparently.

If MS had really done any market research, they would have never
instituted WPA or WGA as that is the beginning of the end for MS. It's
the main reason I am using Ubuntu along with the added security that
Ubuntu offers over Windows.

To email me, remove shoes
Re: Alias - Correct once

On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 22:27:59 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:

>> Casual piracy, that's a Microsoft term. By their definition, people just
>> copying software and giving it to friends. I believe that is barely a
>> problem at all.

>"You believe"...therein lies the problem dan. You don't accept what one
>of the world's largest multi-national corporations in the knows (not
>believes) based on their ability to monitor their own software usage on
>a global bases...MS does not "guess" when they make a market move. They
>don't have to.

Damn Frank, just when we thought it wasn't humanly possible for you to
try to craw higher up Microsoft's corporate butt, you go and show us
that you can. Amazing. The question, as always, what do you get out of
trying to defend Microsoft's policies? Please tell us WHY you are
always such a partisan putz.

>So you..."believe that (casual piracy)is barely a problem at all".
>Obviously MS doesn't.
>I'd put my money on MS.

What money? Please don't break open your piggy bank. I doubt you have
enough inside to buy ONE share of Microsoft common.

Your total lack on understanding how the world works isn't surprising.
Microsoft not only tolerates piracy, it's founder Bill Gates
ENCOURAGES it. That must throw some brainless doofus like you into a
Stephan Rose [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 18:05:51 -0500] wrote:

>On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 20:02:04 +0200, Marco Desloovere wrote:
>> Kerry Brown [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 07:18:09 -0700] wrote:
>>>In my opinion your post is off topic and was crafted to cause a controversy.
>>>This sure seems like trolling to me. The best trolls use the truth as a
>>>basis for their posts. They are still trolls and more interested in
>>>generating controversy than actually helping anyone.

>> Many people in this world cause controversy, but are not necessarily
>> trolls. Galileo Galilei created quite a stir with his then controversial
>> claim that the earth is revolving around the sun.
>> I did not invent the information contained in the link of my OP.
>> The point I'm making is to show that *all* operating systems are liable
>> to contain security vulnerabilities.

>And the point that everyone else is making that apparently zooms way above
>your head is that other than you, nobody really cares. We are all aware of
>that. =)

Well, this is the Usenet, so you know what to do - if you don't like a
certain discussion, simply ignore it, but then don't actively
participate and criticize at the same time. Also, please do not write
"we" when you mean just you and yourself. -)

>Well ok, a few zealots might not be. But then again, zealots (regardless of
>OS) will never see beyond or believe what they don't want. So you aren't
>going to convince them of anything.

I agree, this thread has really turned into the playground for the usual
lot ...erm... zealots. I should have known.
What a pity that we can't turn this sort of thread into renewable energy
for the good of this earth.

The poster formerly known as the poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy
[Wed, 22 Aug 2007 18:09:18 -0500] wrote:

>Marco Desloovere wrote:
>> The poster formerly known as 'The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy'
>> [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 14:19:57 -0500] wrote:
>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>> Leythos [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:31:03 -0400] wrote:
>>>>> In article <fah9pp$9l6$1@aioe.org>, iamalias@shoesgmail.com says...
>>>>>>> Nope, Office programs get updates as they are ready, maybe you just
>>>>>>> don't have your machines configured properly. I see there our machines
>>>>>>> that have Update function set to download but not install (our choice)
>>>>>>> have Office, Windows, and other updates ready when we check). All of the
>>>>>>> workstations update all Windows, Office, Java, and Adobe apps without
>>>>>>> the user doing anything other than using the computer.
>>>>>> Bullsh¡t. Save your lies for the newbies. I know differently as do most
>>>>>> of the readers of this ng.
>>>>> Guess it just proves you don't have a clue about Windows Update and
>>>>> Microsoft Update services.
>>>> Why do you waste your time with that clueless nincompoop?
>>>> And I totally agree with you, everything is also updated automatically
>>>> on my Windows Vista, including all the drivers and the things that you
>>>> already mentioned.
>>>> Marco
>>> Drivers? From windows update? <shivers at the thought>

>> Yes, there were three so far (since May 2007), and the message reads:
>> "This driver was provided by NVIDIA for support of NVIDIA nForce
>> Networking Controller."
>> What's so bad about that?
>> Marco

>If you have better luck than I, then that's great. But it's burned me
>too many times to trust driver updates from windows update.

But these updates are provided by NVIDIA, *not* by Microsoft.
