Ubuntu security vulnerabilities

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marco Desloovere
  • Start date Start date
On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 16:11:24 +0200, Marco Desloovere wrote:

> Stephan Rose [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 17:44:52 -0500] wrote:
>>On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:15:43 +0200, Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>> The poster formerly known as 'The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy'
>>> [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 14:18:57 -0500] wrote:
>>>>If it's fixed, it's not a problem if you update. If it's not a patched
>>>>vulnerability, you are stuck with the problem weather you like it or
>>>>not. MS has unpatched vulnerabilities in their OSes (Vista and XP). If
>>>>Ubuntu has all of it's known vulnerabilites patched (at least all the
>>>>ones on that page are), I would much prefer to run Ubuntu from a
>>>>security standpoint.
>>> Could you show me an example of an unpatched security vulnerability in
>>> Windows Vista?
>>> I had a look on http://www.securityfocus.com/bid and searched for
>>> Windows Vista Home Premium and got this: "No matching vulnerabilities
>>> found".

>>Just because a 3rd party website is not aware of any does not mean there
>>aren't (or are) any. When I was giving Vista a Trial I received security
>>updates via windows update so there obviously were some...but yet that
>>site shows none...

> OK, fair enough, so where are these unpatched Windows Vista security
> vulnerabilities right now?

Every OS has unpatched Vulnerabilities, I don't care if it is Vista,
MacOS, Ubuntu, <insert name here>.

They all do across the board. Period. Anyone who claims otherwise needs
their head examined or shouldn't be near a computer.

A vulnerability needs to be discovered for it to be able to be patched. So
as long as it is not found, it is not patched because it can't be.

What's more important isn't the number of vulnerabilities in one OS vs the
other OS. That's completely irrelevant.

The only important number is the number of *discovered but unpatched*
vulnerabilities and how likely they are actually to occur. Just because a
vulnerability exists does not mean it affects a User if it is in an
component that the user doesn't even have installed or does not use.

2003 Yamaha R6

Re: Alias - Correct once

DanS wrote:

> So you have no clue as to binary Usenet do you ?

Wrong dan'o...sorry but I know all about it.

> Here's a link to MS ( & MS related) software posted to Usenet in the last
> 70 days:
> http://binsearch.info/?q=microsoft+&max=250&adv_age=70&server=
> This stuff is d/l'd from Usenet 1000's of times more than someone buying
> it and handing a friend a CD.

How do you know that to be true huh? Tell me cause I want to know how it
is you, a simple users knows tons more than the company, MS who wrote
and marketed the product?
Please, tell me how you came to this statistical conclusion, ok?
Re: Alias - Correct once

On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:39:14 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:

>By the very token insulting everything MS, as most frustrated users wind
>up doing, is not the answer.

Kissing Microsoft's butt is the answer? Must be, that's your default
response to everything Frankie numbnuts.

Re: Alias - Correct once

Adam Albright wrote:

> Your total lack on understanding how the world works isn't surprising.
> Microsoft not only tolerates piracy, it's founder Bill Gates
> ENCOURAGES it. That must throw some brainless doofus like you into a
> tizzy.

hehehe...you're drunk and spewing your stupidity again aren't you mr
Remember, you're nothing but a failed paid lying accountant for a bunch
of blood sucking attorneys.
Now tell us all about your marketing acumen ok?
You moron!
Re: Alias - Correct once

On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:42:28 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:

>Adam Albright wrote:
>> Get a grip you brainless dumbass. If as you imply Microsoft spent
>> millions on marketing research please tell us why they gave us a globe
>> named START to turn OFF our computers.

>hehehe...so you're the brainless drunken sod who is still using the
>"start" button to shut down or restart their computer...lol...is that
>You really are a clueless PUTZ aren't you!

Still confused Frankie numbnuts? I'm one of several posters that
routinely kicks you in your stupid ass every time you dumb enough to
open your mouth.
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Vista User wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:fai54r$qid$1@aioe.org...
>>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for
>>>>>>> Ubuntu.
>>>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>>>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen
>>>>>> Rose said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has
>>>>>> a point.
>>>>>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me,
>>>>>> visit the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>>>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing
>>>>>> from this ng.
>>>>>> | | -- | Alias
>>>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll
>>>>>> full
>>>>>> of lies.
>>>>>> Marco
>>>>> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one
>>>>> could say that you two are "mindless"?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Alias
>>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>>> Coming back to troll this group just shows how sick you are. You
>>>> just can't help yourself.
>>>> Get yourself some mental help you need it.
>>> Ah, the trusty insult. You're the troll.

>> Fukk you!

> You wish.
>> That's an insult in case you didn't understand it.
>> You are the perfect definition of a troll...troll.
>> Got it?
>> Frank

> Not only are you are troll, you're a vulgar and crass troll. I have yet
> to see you offer help to *anyone* in this group.

Let me help you out the front door you linux loser.
You're broke and jealous of all of us who can afford to purchase Vista.
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Vista User wrote:
>>> Maybe you should read your post again!
>>> Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>> ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>> So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
>>> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>> As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
>>> this ng.
>>> Alias

>> hehehe...well that just turned out to be another one of alias fukkin
>> lies...in a continual, unrelenting string of lies.
>> He's a liar...plain and simple.
>> His coming back here just prove that fact.
>> Frank

> No, Frank the Vista General resident troll, I merely changed my mind.
> Live with it.

You're the as*hole who changed his mind, now you live with it, loser.
The poster formerly known as 'The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy'
[Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:41:18 -0500] wrote:

>Marco Desloovere wrote:
>> The poster formerly known as the poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy
>> [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 18:14:08 -0500] wrote:
>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>> The poster formerly known as 'The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy'
>>>> [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 14:18:57 -0500] wrote:
>>>>> If it's fixed, it's not a problem if you update. If it's not a patched
>>>>> vulnerability, you are stuck with the problem weather you like it or
>>>>> not. MS has unpatched vulnerabilities in their OSes (Vista and XP). If
>>>>> Ubuntu has all of it's known vulnerabilites patched (at least all the
>>>>> ones on that page are), I would much prefer to run Ubuntu from a
>>>>> security standpoint.
>>>> Could you show me an example of an unpatched security vulnerability in
>>>> Windows Vista?
>>>> I had a look on http://www.securityfocus.com/bid and searched for
>>>> Windows Vista Home Premium and got this: "No matching vulnerabilities
>>>> found".
>>>> Marco
>>> Try searching for vendor MS and title vista, then hit search.

>> On which other web site or using which tool?
>> I already searched on Security Focus.
>> Remember it was *your* claim that "MS has unpatched vulnerabilities in
>> their OSes (Vista and XP)".
>> Marco

>Yes, but you did not make a complete search on security focus. I'll
>repeat the directions for your simple-minded benefit:
>"Try vendor MS and title vista, then hit search."
>You don't need to fill in any other fields and you will get a list of
>results 2 pages long.

OK, their search function is misleading, because these Vista
vulnerabilities also apply to Home Premium.

One consolation, though. Doing the same search for Ubuntu Linux yields
21 (twenty-one) pages of vulnerabilities.
How can Ubuntu be *that* buggy.

Ergo, I'll definitely stick with Vista!

Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

The poster formerly known as 'The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy'
[Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:50:25 -0500] wrote:

>Marco Desloovere wrote:
>> The poster formerly known as the poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy
>> [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 18:08:01 -0500] wrote:
>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>> The poster formerly known as 'The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy'
>>>> [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 15:21:37 -0500] wrote:
>>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for Ubuntu.
>>>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>>>> |
>>>>>> | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose said about
>>>>>> | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>>>>> |
>>>>>> | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit the
>>>>>> | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>>>> |
>>>>>> | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from this ng.
>>>>>> |
>>>>>> | --
>>>>>> | Alias
>>>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>>>>>> of lies.
>>>>>> Marco
>>>>> Hypocrite!
>>>> Yeah, I guess he's still a kid in puberty with the young hormones ("My
>>>> OS is bigger and better than your OS ... ha-hah") doing weird things to
>>>> his developing mind...
>>>> Marco
>>> I was talking about you, not him.

>> How can I possibly be a hypocrite while I'm speaking the truth?
>> Don't shoot the messenger!
>> Marco

>You are being a hypocrite because you are calling alias a troll for
>posting ubuntu stuff, yet you do the same yourself in this very group,
>just like Dick (Richard) Urban, MVP did. Dick should stop setting such
>a bad example for the rest of the kiddies in this group!

I don't agree.

Again you are shooting at the messenger, only because *you* don't like
the message.
That's silly.

Re: Alias - Correct once

On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:46:25 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:

>Adam Albright wrote:
>> I LOVE to expose phonies like you that lie their asses off or are just
>> so damn stupid it is obvious they don't know what they're talking
>> about.
>> Check out these article fool.
>> http://windowssecrets.com/comp/070315/
>> http://www.aeroxp.org/board/lofiversion/index.php?t5821.html

>You LOVE making a fool out of yourself!

Still confused I see. I specialize in making fools like you look even
more stupid their they sound. The funny thing is you and other idiots
do all the heavy lifting. I just prod you along and you're always more
than willing to jump. I just need to snap my fingers and there goes
Frankie, jumping through another hoop with spindle dribbling down his
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

DanS wrote:

> I think Frank has a problem believing that people do change their minds
> sometimes.
> And that people have free will to do so and think for themselves and come
> to their own opinions and beliefs.
> He's just bitter because everyone doesn't let MS think for them and
> decide what is best for them.
> He seems to think that just because MS is a huge international
> corporation that does market research, they do everything right and
> should not be questioned when it comes to their decisions. He's a 'yes
> man' and never questions anything apparently.

That statement is so full of sh*t as to be ridiculous.
Tell me about your marketing experience dan'o, ok?
Impress me with your credentials in the marketing field ok?
Otherwise STFU!
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Alias wrote:

> If MS had really done any market research, they would have never
> instituted WPA or WGA as that is the beginning of the end for MS.

Bullsh*t! Cause you say so? Who the fukkk are you other than some
ex-patriot loser hiding in spain and can't afford to purchase Vista so
you've become a linux loser troll!

> the main reason I am using Ubuntu along with the added security that
> Ubuntu offers over Windows.

More lies and bs!
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Marco Desloovere wrote:
> The poster formerly known as 'The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy'
> [Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:50:25 -0500] wrote:
>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>> The poster formerly known as the poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy
>>> [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 18:08:01 -0500] wrote:
>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>> The poster formerly known as 'The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy'
>>>>> [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 15:21:37 -0500] wrote:
>>>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for Ubuntu.
>>>>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>>>>> |
>>>>>>> | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose said about
>>>>>>> | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>>>>>> |
>>>>>>> | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit the
>>>>>>> | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>>>>> |
>>>>>>> | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from this ng.
>>>>>>> |
>>>>>>> | --
>>>>>>> | Alias
>>>>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>>>>>>> of lies.
>>>>>>> Marco
>>>>>> Hypocrite!
>>>>> Yeah, I guess he's still a kid in puberty with the young hormones ("My
>>>>> OS is bigger and better than your OS ... ha-hah") doing weird things to
>>>>> his developing mind...
>>>>> Marco
>>>> I was talking about you, not him.
>>> How can I possibly be a hypocrite while I'm speaking the truth?
>>> Don't shoot the messenger!
>>> Marco

>> You are being a hypocrite because you are calling alias a troll for
>> posting ubuntu stuff, yet you do the same yourself in this very group,
>> just like Dick (Richard) Urban, MVP did. Dick should stop setting such
>> a bad example for the rest of the kiddies in this group!
>> http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.windows.vista.general/msg/8f9e4b23ebc52750

> I don't agree.
> Again you are shooting at the messenger, only because *you* don't like
> the message.
> That's silly.
> Marco

'The Message' is off topic and makes you look like a troll. If you are
the messenger, what higher authority charged you with the divine task of
making that post here?

Get serious! It makes you look like a Ballmer Butt Boy and an MS shill.

Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

"Only religious fanatics and totalitarian states equate morality with
- Linus Torvalds
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Alias wrote:

> Vista User wrote:
>> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:faigfd$pl5$2@aioe.org...
>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:fai54r$qid$1@aioe.org...
>>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for
>>>>>>> Ubuntu.
>>>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>>>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen
>>>>>> Rose said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has
>>>>>> a point.
>>>>>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me,
>>>>>> visit the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>>>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing
>>>>>> from this ng.
>>>>>> | | -- | Alias
>>>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll
>>>>>> full
>>>>>> of lies.
>>>>>> Marco
>>>>> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one
>>>>> could say that you two are "mindless"?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Alias
>>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>>> No - you are just dense. You have been told by lots of people that
>>>> Ubuntu evangalism isn't wanted here.
>>> Only by the likes of Julian, Frank and you. I'm not impressed, sorry.
>>>> You just keep spewing your marketing hype regarding the TOY OS that
>>>> nobody exploits! It gets tiresome, day after day, Ubuntu is
>>>> life....Ubuntu is the wave of the future. It is so far in the
>>>> future that most of us here will not give a RATS ASS if Ubuntu
>>>> overtakes Microsoft because we won't be using computers by then!
>>>> Go take another vacation.
>>> If you're not interested in my posts, please learn how to use your
>>> newsreader's filters and don't read them.
>>> --
>>> Alias
>>> To email me, remove shoes

>> Maybe you should read your post again!
>> Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>> ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>> So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
>> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>> As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
>> this ng.
>> Alias

> What is it about my changing my mind that you don't understand?

We all understand perfectly...alias is nothing more than a broke as*hole
linux lovin troll and a consummate liar.
Live with it!
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

"Mike" <no@where.man> wrote

>> What is it about changing one's mind that you don't understand?

> We understand perfectly. It's the mark of a true troll. Make a big,
> dramatic announcement that you are "leaving" - because you are so big
> and important (in your own mind) that you must "announce" that you are
> leaving.

I think "flounce out" is the phrase you're looking for,
it's certainly appropriate for a drama queen like Alias.
Re: Alias - Correct once

On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:53:03 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:

>Adam Albright wrote:
>> Your total lack on understanding how the world works isn't surprising.
>> Microsoft not only tolerates piracy, it's founder Bill Gates
>> ENCOURAGES it. That must throw some brainless doofus like you into a
>> tizzy.

>hehehe...you're drunk and spewing your stupidity again aren't you mr
>Remember, you're nothing but a failed paid lying accountant for a bunch
>of blood sucking attorneys.
>Now tell us all about your marketing acumen ok?
>You moron!

Dear dimwit. I built up and then sold two companies at a nice profit
just for kicks since retiring nearly twenty years ago in my 40's. What
have you accomplished accept for running you mouth and kissing
Microsoft ass in backwater newsgroups like this?
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:57:50 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:

>DanS wrote:
>> I think Frank has a problem believing that people do change their minds
>> sometimes.
>> And that people have free will to do so and think for themselves and come
>> to their own opinions and beliefs.
>> He's just bitter because everyone doesn't let MS think for them and
>> decide what is best for them.
>> He seems to think that just because MS is a huge international
>> corporation that does market research, they do everything right and
>> should not be questioned when it comes to their decisions. He's a 'yes
>> man' and never questions anything apparently.

>That statement is so full of sh*t as to be ridiculous.
>Tell me about your marketing experience dan'o, ok?
>Impress me with your credentials in the marketing field ok?

You mean like you tried to impress us? You're the bozo they claimed he
runs a marketing company, yet refuses to name it. They you were forced
to admit you run this "company" off your kitchen table and you then
admitted you have no web site to promote this so-called company. Some
"marketing" company you got. You don't advertise your services when
any marketing company is all about promoting and making things known.
What a phony and fraud you are. Now go back to your real job...kissing
Microsoft ass.

Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

"Mike" <no@where.man> wrote

> "Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote:
>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for Ubuntu.

> Of course. True Trolls - like Alias - *never* "stay away" after they
> make their big announcement that they are "leaving".

He has no choice, he is an rabid addict, utterly lacking
any self disciple and at the mercy of his fear and loathing.

He's Pavlov's bitch.
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:01:55 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:

>Alias wrote:
>> If MS had really done any market research, they would have never
>> instituted WPA or WGA as that is the beginning of the end for MS.

>Bullsh*t! Cause you say so? Who the fukkk are you other than some
>ex-patriot loser hiding in spain and can't afford to purchase Vista so
>you've become a linux loser troll!

Never before seen picture of Frankie numbnuts at work, kissing ass.

Re: Alias - Correct once

Adam Albright wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:39:14 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:
>>By the very token insulting everything MS, as most frustrated users wind
>>up doing, is not the answer.

> Kissing Microsoft's butt is the answer? Must be, that's your default
> response to everything Frankie numbnuts.

Drunk already today adam?
Grow up as*hole!
Stupid PUTZ!