Ubuntu security vulnerabilities

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marco Desloovere
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Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

dennis@home wrote:
> "Charlie Tame" <charlie@tames.net> wrote in message
> news:uhqsFnx5HHA.4436@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> However your claim that you have never seen an infected "Windows"
>> means you are either the only person on the planet to have that
>> experience, you have bad eyesight and have been looking at the
>> microwave instead of the computer or you are plain lying.

> He is not the only one who has not had a windows virus on their machine.
> Despite your opinion that its impossible it would appear that there are
> at least two of us.

Not having an infection on "His" machine is one thing, however it is
irresponsible to make such "Assertive" claims for other machines even
for a system admin since some malware can remain hidden and fairly
innocuous for long periods. My reference to the microwave was to lighten
things up a bit.

> However I can state that I was the victim of a unix worm once many years
> ago on a Sun machine.
> It would appear that the claims that unix is invulnerable are wrong as
> well as the claims that you must get infected if you run windows is wrong.

Sure, however for such things as "Sasser" do you blame the OS or
software running under it.

> What can be reasonably stated is that some users will get infected
> whatever OS they run as they just don't understand the issues.
> There are users here that will install software on their Ubuntu systems
> if you email it to them.. they know they are safe so it doesn't matter
> if they install it.. does it?

As above more or less, is the infection in the OS really the fault of
the OS? True there is a "Vulnerability" in the OS that "You" the email
sender have taken advantage of and it should be patched, and it is most
unwise for anybody to claim any system is invulnerable, but historically
the "Combination" of uneducated users and Windows has been a big problem.

There is another issue that people miss here.

Because MS bundled IE and OE with Windows the various problems each has
run across are all "Windows" problems. A "Firefox" or "Thunderbird"
problem remains just that and not a "Linux" problem. In theory the
bundling "Should" have the benefit of seamless integration, so the
result should amount to "Swings and roundabouts" but depending upon the
way one wants to "Spin" it this integration is not necessarily a good thing.

IMNSHO the biggest problems MS now face are of their own making. WGA /
Activation is alienating users and system operators. They may be dealing
with "Corporate" systems differently but my "Corporation" is not big
enough to warrant corporate versions, they use retail or OEM that comes
pre-installed. At the same time we are wide open to problems with it
such as the one happening at the moment, wait until Tuesday to
reactivate. I accept that MS have every right to try and stop theft and
that they have every right to try and "Persuade" people to make
decisions that benefit their profits. If you don't allow that even a
furniture store would go out of business, but I see this as blackmail.
The tipping point is how many others with massive buying power see the same.

The way I see it is that if you took away NASA a lot of things would not
get the financing to try innovation. In many ways a huge corporation
like MS can innovate and do things that otherwise would not be
affordable by anyone else. This type of financial clout is good for
society as a whole, it prompts others to follow up or even compete. The
last thing I want to see is MS damaged beyond repair, however I think
the present course is damaging and ultimately will be damaging to society.

I do not think many "Absolutes" apply in the industry, and those that
maybe do now will not in the future.
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

"Charlie Tame" <charlie@tames.net> wrote in message
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Terry R." <F1ComNOSPAM@pobox.com> wrote in message
>> news:u3t%23I7r5HHA.4584@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>> Care to enlighten everyone why the Gibson Research site "is not a good
>>> site" and "he doesn't have a clue"?

>> I am quite confident that you could use Google to find many reasons why
>> Steve Gibson is considered to be a bit of a fanatic by people in the
>> know.

> So was Bill Gates...

And how is that relevant?
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

dennis@home dennis@killspam.kicks-ass.net posted to

> "Charlie Tame" <charlie@tames.net> wrote in message
> news:uhqsFnx5HHA.4436@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> However your claim that you have never seen an infected "Windows"
>> means you are either the only person on the planet to have that
>> experience, you have bad eyesight and have been looking at the
>> microwave instead of the computer or you are plain lying.

> He is not the only one who has not had a windows virus on their
> machine. Despite your opinion that its impossible it would appear
> that there are at least two of us.
> However I can state that I was the victim of a unix worm once many
> years ago on a Sun machine.
> It would appear that the claims that unix is invulnerable are wrong
> as well as the claims that you must get infected if you run windows
> is wrong.
> What can be reasonably stated is that some users will get infected
> whatever OS they run as they just don't understand the issues.
> There are users here that will install software on their Ubuntu
> systems if you email it to them.. they know they are safe so it
> doesn't matter if they install it.. does it?

No sane unix user can claim so. Viruses and worms were first created
on unix systems, before there even were MSWinDos systems. There are
plenty of less than sane unix / linux users and administrators.
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

On 8/25/2007 5:52 AM On a whim, dennis@home pounded out on the keyboard

> "Terry R." <F1ComNOSPAM@pobox.com> wrote in message
> news:u3t%23I7r5HHA.4584@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> Care to enlighten everyone why the Gibson Research site "is not a good
>> site" and "he doesn't have a clue"?

> I am quite confident that you could use Google to find many reasons why
> Steve Gibson is considered to be a bit of a fanatic by people in the know.

Just what I thought. "A bit of a fanatic" is a loose term, especially
weighing the positive readings opposed to the negative ones. I doubt
your statement is any reason to tag a site as "not a good site".
Opinions are just that, and yours differs from mine.

Terry R.

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