Ubuntu security vulnerabilities

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marco Desloovere
  • Start date Start date
"Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
> Leythos wrote:
>> In article <fahnjr$kjk$2@aioe.org>, iamalias@shoesgmail.com says...
>>>> Wrong, you only get them if a member of the community collects them.
>>>> The vendors don't make them "automatically" available though the
>>>> different update services....
>>> Nonetheless, one gets them automatically, regardless of where they come
>>> from.

>> Which is you saying that because some user somewhere pushed out updates
>> from vendors to an approved distribution point, that you get updates.
>> Seems to me that it leaves a LOT of chance to it - considering that BIOS
>> Updates and Firmware Updates are always questionable and can render a
>> system non-operational - I would rather manually do those types of
>> updates.

> I've never gotten a BIOS update from Ubuntu's auto update and won't ever
> get one.
>> Still telling lies about java I see...

> Not a lie. Are you telling me that out of the blue, without using or going
> to the Java console, that you are informed of an update? Where does this
> message appear, in the sys tray?
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes

Yes it comes up in the sys tray for a Java update. And you are still just a
troll who doesn't know what he is talking about.
Marco Desloovere wrote:
> Leythos [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:31:03 -0400] wrote:
>> In article <fah9pp$9l6$1@aioe.org>, iamalias@shoesgmail.com says...
>>>> Nope, Office programs get updates as they are ready, maybe you just
>>>> don't have your machines configured properly. I see there our machines
>>>> that have Update function set to download but not install (our choice)
>>>> have Office, Windows, and other updates ready when we check). All of the
>>>> workstations update all Windows, Office, Java, and Adobe apps without
>>>> the user doing anything other than using the computer.
>>> Bullsh¡t. Save your lies for the newbies. I know differently as do most
>>> of the readers of this ng.

>> Guess it just proves you don't have a clue about Windows Update and
>> Microsoft Update services.

> Why do you waste your time with that clueless nincompoop?
> And I totally agree with you, everything is also updated automatically
> on my Windows Vista, including all the drivers and the things that you
> already mentioned.
> Marco

Drivers? From windows update? <shivers at the thought>

Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

"Only religious fanatics and totalitarian states equate morality with
- Linus Torvalds
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Leythos wrote:
> In article <fahns7$lhv$1@aioe.org>, iamalias@shoesgmail.com says...
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for Ubuntu.

>> It's not marketing it's offering a viable solution to Window's virus
>> and malware prone OS. Not only that, it's an OS that doesn't require
>> that you constantly prove to Redmond that you're not a thief through
>> Redmond's ineffective and flawed anti piracy programs.

> And with Ubuntu being available for only a short time we've seen
> documented cases, in the public, of Ubuntu systems being compromised
> too.
> I've been a user of about Every OS on the market since the 70's and
> never been compromised, not once, and that includes all of my Windows
> based computers - so, if following the directions were done on Windows
> machines we would not have near the compromised machines there are -
> same is true with Ubuntu.
> Your anit-MS hate spew does not prove or help your case appear to be
> valid.

Leythos, there are many reasons that Windows machines get attacked alot
more than linux machines. Most windows users are more clueless, there
are more of them, there are more viruses/nasties for windows, etc. How
does that equate to "anti-MS spew"?

Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

"Only religious fanatics and totalitarian states equate morality with
- Linus Torvalds
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Marco Desloovere wrote:
> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for Ubuntu.

> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
> |
> | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose said about
> | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
> |
> | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit the
> | Ubuntu forums or Google.
> |
> | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from this ng.
> |
> | --
> | Alias
> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
> of lies.
> Marco

I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one could
say that you two are "mindless"?

To email me, remove shoes
"Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
> Leythos wrote:
>> In article <fah9pp$9l6$1@aioe.org>, iamalias@shoesgmail.com says...
>>>> Nope, Office programs get updates as they are ready, maybe you just
>>>> don't have your machines configured properly. I see there our machines
>>>> that have Update function set to download but not install (our choice)
>>>> have Office, Windows, and other updates ready when we check). All of
>>>> the workstations update all Windows, Office, Java, and Adobe apps
>>>> without the user doing anything other than using the computer.
>>> Bullsh¡t. Save your lies for the newbies. I know differently as do most
>>> of the readers of this ng.

>> Guess it just proves you don't have a clue about Windows Update and
>> Microsoft Update services.

> I was talking about programs that are not covered by Windows or Microsoft
> Updates, of course!

There are plenty of programs that you can install on Ubuntu that will not be
updated automatically.. just as there are for windows.
It is not an issue with either OS.
"Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com.> wrote in message

> The hardware manufacturer's *never* tell you if there's an update for your
> video card, BIOS, audio card, etc.

My Samsung laptop does.
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

"Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for Ubuntu.

>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose said
>> about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit the
>> | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
>> this ng.
>> | | --
>> | Alias
>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>> of lies.
>> Marco

> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one could
> say that you two are "mindless"?
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes

Coming back to troll this group just shows how sick you are. You just can't
help yourself.
Get yourself some mental help you need it.
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Marco Desloovere wrote:
> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for Ubuntu.

> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
> |
> | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose said about
> | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
> |
> | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit the
> | Ubuntu forums or Google.
> |
> | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from this ng.
> |
> | --
> | Alias
> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
> of lies.
> Marco


Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

"Only religious fanatics and totalitarian states equate morality with
- Linus Torvalds
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

"Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for Ubuntu.

>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose said
>> about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit the
>> | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
>> this ng.
>> | | --
>> | Alias
>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>> of lies.
>> Marco

> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one could
> say that you two are "mindless"?
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes

No - you are just dense. You have been told by lots of people that Ubuntu
evangalism isn't wanted here. You just keep spewing your marketing hype
regarding the TOY OS that nobody exploits! It gets tiresome, day after day,
Ubuntu is life....Ubuntu is the wave of the future. It is so far in the
future that most of us here will not give a RATS ASS if Ubuntu overtakes
Microsoft because we won't be using computers by then!

Go take another vacation.
"Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message

> Not a lie. Are you telling me that out of the blue, without using or going
> to the Java console, that you are informed of an update? Where does this
> message appear, in the sys tray?

In a pop up in the sys tray.
If yours doesn't and you have not disabled it then it is broken.
Leythos wrote:
> In article <fahorb$no0$1@aioe.org>, iamalias@shoesgmail.com says...
>> Not a lie. Are you telling me that out of the blue, without using or
>> going to the Java console, that you are informed of an update? Where
>> does this message appear, in the sys tray?

> Yes, for all of this year. I loaded the version from Sun onto my
> systems, and it has a java update service that runs on startup and
> alerts when there are updates. If you were running Windows XP with a
> newer installation of Java you would have the same - in fact, you have
> to disable it if you don't want it.
> I'll wait for your next fit of wisdom.

I see the same thing here leythos, however, this does not equate to
automagically downloading and installing the updates as you claimed it
did just like windows updates. Java 'autoupdate' just checks and
notifies you of updates. That's it.

Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

"Only religious fanatics and totalitarian states equate morality with
- Linus Torvalds
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in

You know Leythos, what Alias says below is 100% spot on....this ONE issue.

>> Not only that, it's an OS that doesn't require
>> that you constantly prove to Redmond that you're not a thief through
>> Redmond's ineffective and flawed anti piracy programs.
Alias - Correct once

So out of hundreds of posts, he is correct once. Pretty good.

"DanS" <t.h.i.s.n.t.h.a.t@a.d.e.l.p.h.i.a.n.e.t> wrote in message
> Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in
> news:MPG.21362ff698b1f00798985d@adfree.Usenet.com:
> You know Leythos, what Alias says below is 100% spot on....this ONE issue.
>>> Not only that, it's an OS that doesn't require
>>> that you constantly prove to Redmond that you're not a thief through
>>> Redmond's ineffective and flawed anti piracy programs.

Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

In article <Xns9994A92E5B7A0thisnthatadelphianet@>,
t.h.i.s.n.t.h.a.t@a.d.e.l.p.h.i.a.n.e.t says...
> Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in
> news:MPG.21362ff698b1f00798985d@adfree.Usenet.com:
> You know Leythos, what Alias says below is 100% spot on....this ONE issue.
> >> Not only that, it's an OS that doesn't require
> >> that you constantly prove to Redmond that you're not a thief through
> >> Redmond's ineffective and flawed anti piracy programs.

Been using Windows for decades, and I'm not being asked to prove I'm not
a thief ever. Like many other products I enter a license key and go on
my merry way, day in, day out, never being asked to prove anything about
ownership, just working and playing....

His issue is slanted by hate, asking to provide proof of purchase is
common in the industry for a lot of non-free software.


- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a
drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist"
spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)
Re: Alias - Correct once

In article <OANc7vP5HHA.3812@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl>, bill@yanaire.com
> So out of hundreds of posts, he is correct once. Pretty good.

No, his belief is just a belief/opinion. While activation is true, it's
not calling anyone a thief and it's not limited to MS - even apple asks
for licensing for their products...


- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a
drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist"
spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

"Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
> news:fai54r$qid$1@aioe.org...
>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for Ubuntu.
>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose said
>>> about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit the
>>> | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
>>> this ng.
>>> | | --
>>> | Alias
>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>>> of lies.
>>> Marco

>> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one could
>> say that you two are "mindless"?
>> --
>> Alias
>> To email me, remove shoes

> No - you are just dense. You have been told by lots of people that Ubuntu
> evangalism isn't wanted here. You just keep spewing your marketing hype
> regarding the TOY OS that nobody exploits! It gets tiresome, day after
> day, Ubuntu is life....Ubuntu is the wave of the future. It is so far in
> the future that most of us here will not give a RATS ASS if Ubuntu
> overtakes Microsoft because we won't be using computers by then!

He's computing equivalent of a Jehovah Witless
foot in the door merchant who won't take
"no thanks, I'm not interested" for an answer
and is quite happy to make other peoples life
a misery such is his fanaticism, conceit,
fear and loathing..

He's exactly the same on
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

"Julian" <Julianlzb87@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
> news:eVXgaoP5HHA.2752@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:fai54r$qid$1@aioe.org...
>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for
>>>>> Ubuntu.
>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>>>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
>>>> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
>>>> this ng.
>>>> | | --
>>>> | Alias
>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>>>> of lies.
>>>> Marco
>>> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one could
>>> say that you two are "mindless"?
>>> --
>>> Alias
>>> To email me, remove shoes

>> No - you are just dense. You have been told by lots of people that
>> Ubuntu evangalism isn't wanted here. You just keep spewing your
>> marketing hype regarding the TOY OS that nobody exploits! It gets
>> tiresome, day after day, Ubuntu is life....Ubuntu is the wave of the
>> future. It is so far in the future that most of us here will not give a
>> RATS ASS if Ubuntu overtakes Microsoft because we won't be using
>> computers by then!

> He's computing equivalent of a Jehovah Witless
> foot in the door merchant who won't take
> "no thanks, I'm not interested" for an answer
> and is quite happy to make other peoples life
> a misery such is his fanaticism, conceit,
> fear and loathing..
> He's exactly the same on
> alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren.

That reminds me of my College days. Our house was down the street from the
Jehova Witless church and they use to come by and bug us each Sunday
morning. We were sleeping in, trying to get over our hangovers and when
they knocked on the door, three of us answered in our robes. When we saw it
was the Witless, we opened our robes. They didn't bother us again !
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

Alias wrote:

> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for Ubuntu.

>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
>> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
>> this ng.
>> | | -- | Alias
>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>> of lies.
>> Marco

> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one could
> say that you two are "mindless"?

You have no sense of right or wrong do you mr atheist?
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

"Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
> "Julian" <Julianlzb87@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:%237LP19P5HHA.2752@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> "Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
>> news:eVXgaoP5HHA.2752@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:fai54r$qid$1@aioe.org...
>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for
>>>>>> Ubuntu.
>>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>>>>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>>>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
>>>>> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing from
>>>>> this ng.
>>>>> | | --
>>>>> | Alias
>>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll full
>>>>> of lies.
>>>>> Marco
>>>> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one
>>>> could say that you two are "mindless"?
>>>> --
>>>> Alias
>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>> No - you are just dense. You have been told by lots of people that
>>> Ubuntu evangalism isn't wanted here. You just keep spewing your
>>> marketing hype regarding the TOY OS that nobody exploits! It gets
>>> tiresome, day after day, Ubuntu is life....Ubuntu is the wave of the
>>> future. It is so far in the future that most of us here will not give a
>>> RATS ASS if Ubuntu overtakes Microsoft because we won't be using
>>> computers by then!

>> He's computing equivalent of a Jehovah Witless
>> foot in the door merchant who won't take
>> "no thanks, I'm not interested" for an answer
>> and is quite happy to make other peoples life
>> a misery such is his fanaticism, conceit,
>> fear and loathing..
>> He's exactly the same on
>> alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren.

> That reminds me of my College days. Our house was down the street from
> the Jehova Witless church and they use to come by and bug us each Sunday
> morning. We were sleeping in, trying to get over our hangovers and when
> they knocked on the door, three of us answered in our robes. When we saw
> it was the Witless, we opened our robes. They didn't bother us again !

Actually I was a little mean comparing the Witlesses to Alias.

I don't ever recall them threatning violence to those
who disagreed and just wanted to get on with their own
Re: Alias - The Ubuntu Marketing Department back in full swing

"Julian" <Julianlzb87@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
> news:uPGbRMQ5HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> "Julian" <Julianlzb87@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:%237LP19P5HHA.2752@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> "Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
>>> news:eVXgaoP5HHA.2752@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>> "Alias" <iamalias@shoesgmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:fai54r$qid$1@aioe.org...
>>>>> Marco Desloovere wrote:
>>>>>> Bill Yanaire [Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:38:59 -0700] wrote:
>>>>>>> After a two week vacation, Alias has come back to marketing for
>>>>>>> Ubuntu.
>>>>>> Yeah, remember his post (Message-ID:
>>>>>> <eeMB2np1HHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>) from August 4th:
>>>>>> | Subject: It's been fun, folks ...
>>>>>> | | ... but I'm outta here. After meditating on what Stephen Rose
>>>>>> said about | spamming, I came to the conclusion that he has a point.
>>>>>> | | So, if anyone is interested in Ubuntu, you can email me, visit
>>>>>> the | Ubuntu forums or Google.
>>>>>> | | As I don't have, nor plan to get, Vista, I am unsubscribing
>>>>>> from this ng.
>>>>>> | | --
>>>>>> | Alias
>>>>>> This proves beyond any doubt that this guy is nothing but a troll
>>>>>> full
>>>>>> of lies.
>>>>>> Marco
>>>>> I changed my mind. You never change your mind? If not, perhaps one
>>>>> could say that you two are "mindless"?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Alias
>>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>>> No - you are just dense. You have been told by lots of people that
>>>> Ubuntu evangalism isn't wanted here. You just keep spewing your
>>>> marketing hype regarding the TOY OS that nobody exploits! It gets
>>>> tiresome, day after day, Ubuntu is life....Ubuntu is the wave of the
>>>> future. It is so far in the future that most of us here will not give
>>>> a RATS ASS if Ubuntu overtakes Microsoft because we won't be using
>>>> computers by then!
>>> He's computing equivalent of a Jehovah Witless
>>> foot in the door merchant who won't take
>>> "no thanks, I'm not interested" for an answer
>>> and is quite happy to make other peoples life
>>> a misery such is his fanaticism, conceit,
>>> fear and loathing..
>>> He's exactly the same on
>>> alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren.

>> That reminds me of my College days. Our house was down the street from
>> the Jehova Witless church and they use to come by and bug us each Sunday
>> morning. We were sleeping in, trying to get over our hangovers and when
>> they knocked on the door, three of us answered in our robes. When we saw
>> it was the Witless, we opened our robes. They didn't bother us again !

> Actually I was a little mean comparing the Witlesses to Alias.
> I don't ever recall them threatning violence to those
> who disagreed and just wanted to get on with their own
> lives.

I don't think you were mean comparing the Witless to Alias. Not at all.
You were right on!