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Everything posted by AWS

  1. It's ready. Been using it on my laptop for a couple months now and so far so good.
  2. If you're looking for the dump file check event viewer for exact error.
  3. Yes without.
  4. I had them both running at the same time also without issues.
  5. Howdy to yuo too.
  6. Welcome John and make yourself at home.
  7. Here is a better alternative to adblock+. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/ublock/
  8. Yes sorry for your loss.
  9. We don't remove accounts in case a person comes back later. If they do the account is still there for them.
  10. Been on the receiving end of many and gave many more than I received through the years.
  11. I found this the other day. I am testing it out. There is one problem that I've seen. If you visit a site for the first time ads show. On page reload they are removed. Maybe I missed a setting or maybe they have it to show ads on first visit to a site. This only seems to happen on sites I haven't been to in the past that are not in my history.
  12. Happy Easter everyone.
  13. I got the update on my laptop and now I have to look for it. Very interested in it.
  14. I didn't know here, but, this is good news indeed. Wish her a speedy recovery from me.
  15. Good information. IBM has had a history of having problems with vulnerabilities. They went with a philosophy to release and fix later. I see they still must go by the same mantra.
  16. I have seen that error. It's intermittent and usually a restart will clear it. I don't know the cause of it.
  17. I just got the update myself. Had a similar problem. Turns out I had to shutoff windows defender and install as admin. Dougies suggestion might be best since you have XP.
  18. No one should get a free pass. Doing something like that would alienate me. Now that I rolled out iPads for the foreman and superintendents in the field I could easily move from Windows PC's to Apple for the rest of the company. Many have asked me why I haven't do so already since I am seen as a big Apple guy at work.
  19. I have heard Verizon is good. What options do you have available in your area? Sometimes, like my area, the only options are Comcast and AT&T DSL, you're choices might not be great.
  20. Those are great. You see more and more of the 3D art like this.
  21. This is a good deal. I've been using these in my servers for a while although the ones I have are 240GIGs. I paid more than this for them. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820167192&utm_medium=BehEmail&nm_mc=EMCCP-031815-hrtax&cm_mmc=EMCCP-031815-intel-_-ssd-_-item-_-480gb&et_cid=16621&et_rid=1665244&et_p1=
  22. All things must pass it some point. I'm sorry to see it go, but, will give the new browser a chance. The one thing I never liked about IE was there were few extensions and it wasn't very extensible. Probably due to the fact that Firefox and Chrome took most of the users away and the dev pool was small. I hope Cortana changes all that. I would be using IE as my default browser if just a few of the tools I use with Firefox were available. Hopefully we see some of them come to Cortana.
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