Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "Genuine Advantage"

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On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 19:51:21 -0700, Frank <fb@nospan.crm> wrote:

>Alias wrote:

>> I don't care what you believe, Frank, and you only speak for yourself so
>> you can drop the "we" crap.

>No, I speak for the majority of people because I'm in the majority. I'm
>not some "fringe" element nut case like you.

Just more proof you are nothing but delusional.

Hint #1
The majority of Vista users don't post here, so neither you or anyone
else have a clue what the MAJORITY of users think about Vista. Hell
man, most Vista users never heard of this newsgroup. So any half-ass
conclusions a dim bulb like you may have drawn by reading fellow
fanboy crapola that's posted daily here is completely bogus,
hopelessly flawed, devoid of reason and logic from the start and
totally irrelevant and nothing close to rational. Thanks for giving us
a peek at how that "great mind" of yours actually works.

Hint #2
In reality, your mind doesn't work Frank which is your main problem.
You simply parrot what others say. You are so dumb you need to copycat
insults others have tossed in your direction. So for somebody to be
incapable of even making their own original insults I obviously
wouldn't consider your advice or commentary as useful or in any way
worthwhile on any topic. You're just a noisemaker with legs.
> You obviously cannot handle logic or the
>> concept of cause and effect so you resort to lies, insults and bluster.

>You wouldn't know "logic" if it hit you upside your stupid head!

Exactly what I concluded about YOU after reading your first posts
months ago. You've said nothing since for me to change my opinion of
you. You are nothing but obnoxious, loud and exceedingly dumb. REALLY
dumb. You don't win browny points by adding bluster and lies and that
is all you are capable of doing.
>> You're an embarrassment to the "Microsoft Community".

>Oh really? I'm not the as*hole promoting linux in this "Microsoft
>Community" who has been asked and told numerous times to stop! You
>embarrass yourself on a daily basis. I guess you're too self absorbed to
>know that aren't you.

You're the dummy trying to evangelize for Microsoft. Billy Graham
you're not. <snicker>

>I'm the type of guy you've run up against all your life and yet you
>still don't get it.

The world is filled will "your kind" of guy. Loud, boorish,
self-important, known nothing jackasses that crave the limelight and
live for the attention they pray to get. The reality is you're nothing
but a troll. I'll draw you a word picture. The NBC show called Office.
The main character fancies himself to be all knowing, clever, good
looking, very smart, respected, etc., while in fact he is a world
class bumbling idiot. Every time I watch a few minutes of that show I
think of you Frankie.
> Have you yet to
>> see *anyone* post that they agree with *anything* you say?

>Most all of the time. Can't you read you idiot? You think most agree
>with your take on things? Are you really that stupid and numb?
> Tell you
>> something? The MS fanboys and girls avoid you like the plague and just
>> roll their eyes.

>I'm not the one getting beaten up and their arse kicked on a daily basis
>for the bs I post in this ng.

You really need to get treatment for that delusional belief that
you've ever kicked anybody's ass. Yours on the other hand got to be so
sore from the daily beating your get you probably haven't sat down in
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "Genuine Advantage"

On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 22:54:47 -0500, "GO"
<> wrote:

>Frank wrote:

>> So?
>> Make a reasonably intelligent argument as to why you're here, ok.
>> I said "reasonably intelligent" it!
>> Frank

>You're asking someone else to make a reasonably intelligent argument?! All
>I have to say is "you first". ROTFLMAO!!

The sun will flicker out before Frank makes any reasonably intelligent
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "Genuine Advantage"

Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> When Vista has problems with no drivers for hardware, it's the
>> hardware manufacturer's fault.

> Who do you want to blame it on?
> When ATI doesn't fully support Linux, you say it's
>> Linux' fault.

> Says who? Some paranoid idiot?
> Double standard for breakfast, Seven?
>> I have Ubuntu running on three machines, all with different hardware
>> and none of them have had hardware problems with Ubuntu, nor would I
>> have to activate if I upgraded any of my hardware. I did do a little
>> research on hardware before installing Ubuntu on them, just like you
>> would, trying to find "Vista Ready" hardware for Vista.

> So?
> Make a reasonably intelligent argument as to why you're here, ok.
> I said "reasonably intelligent" it!
> Frank

You're asking someone else to make a reasonably intelligent argument?! All
I have to say is "you first". ROTFLMAO!!
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "Genuine Advantage"

Adam Albright wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 22:54:47 -0500, "GO"
> <> wrote:
>> Frank wrote:

>>> So?
>>> Make a reasonably intelligent argument as to why you're here, ok.
>>> I said "reasonably intelligent" it!
>>> Frank

>> You're asking someone else to make a reasonably intelligent
>> argument?! All I have to say is "you first". ROTFLMAO!!

> The sun will flicker out before Frank makes any reasonably intelligent
> arguments.

Perhaps "drunk", "liar", "troll", "wrong", etc are intelligent conversations
where he's from?
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

Adam Albright wrote:

--------drunken (still)stupid diatribe deleted (again!)------

Dance for us!
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

Seven wrote:

> Beaver lived in Mayfield.
> Getting old, Beaver ?
> Hard to remember what town your in?
> That's what's causing that paranoia.
> For all I know, Ubuntu is some African Terrorist Plot to hijack American
> computers.
> That's why its free.
> They are clever.

hahaha...that's funny! :-)
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

Adam Albright wrote:

----another drunken diatribe deleted----- anymore stupid comments to make?
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

GO wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>>Alias wrote:
>>>When Vista has problems with no drivers for hardware, it's the
>>>hardware manufacturer's fault.

>>Who do you want to blame it on?
>> When ATI doesn't fully support Linux, you say it's
>>>Linux' fault.

>>Says who? Some paranoid idiot?
>>Double standard for breakfast, Seven?
>>>I have Ubuntu running on three machines, all with different hardware
>>>and none of them have had hardware problems with Ubuntu, nor would I
>>>have to activate if I upgraded any of my hardware. I did do a little
>>>research on hardware before installing Ubuntu on them, just like you
>>>would, trying to find "Vista Ready" hardware for Vista.

>>Make a reasonably intelligent argument as to why you're here, ok.
>>I said "reasonably intelligent" it!

> You're asking someone else to make a reasonably intelligent argument?! All
> I have to say is "you first". ROTFLMAO!!

Pavlovian dog number 3?
Damn, I'm getting a kennel going here!
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

GO wrote:

> Perhaps "drunk", "liar", "troll", "wrong", etc are intelligent conversations
> where he's from?


Only when referring to the idiots in this ng!
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

Adam Albright wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 16:19:20 -0700, Frank <fb@nospan.crm> wrote:
>> Adam Albright wrote:
>>> On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 09:24:01 -0700, Frank <fb@nospan.crm> wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> ...MS says if you don't prove you have a non pirated copy of Windows,
>>>>> you're a thief. Course you knew that and are just trying to sluff if off.
>>>> You never get tired of lying do you?
>>>> Frank
>>> So says the newsgroup's biggest liar. How funny.

>> Tell us all how you screwed your one and only install of Vista business.

> I don't lie. That's your job.

Actually, Frank has three jobs:




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Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>> ...MS says if you don't prove you have a non pirated copy of
>>>>>>>> Windows, you're a thief. Course you knew that and are just
>>>>>>>> trying to sluff if off.
>>>>>>> You never get tired of lying do you?
>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>> You never get tired of posting foolish posts that reveal how
>>>>>> reading comprehension and logic impaired you are, do you?
>>>>> Stop lying, ok?
>>>>> We all know you're a known liar!
>>>>> Stop it!
>>>>> Frank
>>>> Projecting again. What would Jesus think?
>>> About you being a liar?

>> No, about you lying about me being a liar.
>>> Proly not too happy!
>>> Frank

>> What would Jesus think about you accusing others of what you yourself
>> are guilty of doing?

> Telling the truth? You're a liar...period!
> Right before you die, you can beg Jesus to forgive
>> you and because you've read the bumper stickers that say "Jesus
>> Forgives", you know that it is true, no matter what you've done,
>> right, Frankie? No wonder you don't understand simple logic and cause
>> and effect.

> You're really one fukked up person aren't you?
> I'd say grow up but it's far too late for that to happen. Get a life?
> Well, too late for that to.
> But it's never to late to get some help...but only for the
> willing...which you obviously aren't.
> Hopeless...kind of describes you doesn't it?
> Frank

Come on Frank, can't you be more pathetic than that? I know you have it
in you.

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Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

Seven wrote:
> Beaver lived in Mayfield.
> Getting old, Beaver ?
> Hard to remember what town your in?
> That's what's causing that paranoia.

I guess you never saw Pleasantville.

> For all I know, Ubuntu is some African Terrorist Plot to hijack American
> computers.

Judging from your posts, you don't know much.

> That's why its free.

No, it isn't.

> They are clever.

At making a good operating system, yes sir, they are.

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Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

Frank wrote:
> Seven wrote:
>> Beaver lived in Mayfield.
>> Getting old, Beaver ?
>> Hard to remember what town your in?
>> That's what's causing that paranoia.
>> For all I know, Ubuntu is some African Terrorist Plot to hijack
>> American computers.
>> That's why its free.
>> They are clever.

> hahaha...that's funny! :-)
> Frank

We know that your sense of humor only consists of lying about, insulting
and blustering, Frank. No need to point it out.

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Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

Seven wrote:
> Since I stated SLI...that implies nVidia, not ATI.

I didn't know what SLI is. I looked it up and it appears that Ubuntu
will run fine on your machine.

> I didn't say its anyone's fault.
> But Linux has far more hardware support issues than Windows, since
> Windows is on 90% of said hardware.

You just said it's Linux' fault that it has "far more hardware support
issues than Windows" as if either Linux or Windows could be responsible
for what the hardware manufacturers do.

> Course, SLI on Linux would be good for what?
> Use what you like, I prefer Windows...even at $200 vs. FREE

So stay on the sinking ship. Let me know when you need a life preserver.

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Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "Genuine Advantage"

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Seven wrote:
>> At police check points, you have to produce a valid drivers license.

> I don't have a drivers license, valid or invalid and, even if I did, the
> cop can't come into my private home and take a look see without properly
> identifying himself and providing a search warrant. A better example would
> be me walking out of a store with a new lap top and the security cop
> asking to see the receipt. If I show him the receipt and he then told me I
> had to take three "genuine" tests, I would, well, get testy and so would
> you.
>> Do you scream at the cop.."How dare you accuse me of being a criminal!" ?

> Only if he or she accused me of being a criminal.

They only usually stop people they think may be a criminal.
So if they stop you then yes they think you are a criminal and are until you
prove otherwise.
AIUI if you don't produce your license it makes you a criminal (its
different here).
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "Genuine Advantage"

"Seven" <Seven@linux.sux> wrote in message
> At police check points, you have to produce a valid drivers license.
> Do you scream at the cop.."How dare you accuse me of being a criminal!" ?
> Do you scream at the waitress.."How dare you accuse me of under aged
> drinking!" ?
> Linux has no need for license agreements...Its free.

Linux has a strict license agreement.. in fact it may have several depending
on which bits of open source software you are using.
Don't infringe them as they are likely to be enforced with vigor.

> Linux must be horrible software...its users feel inclined to sway opinion
> by bashing Microsoft.
> Does Linux do anything useful ? ... or is it just "not Windows" ?

Open source Unix like OSes are useful, however they are *not* a replacement
for windows for people that need windows as shown by Alias' continued use of
Having said that it is quite possible to do many things without windows if
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "GenuineAdvantage"

dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fcchdb$p0f$
>> Seven wrote:
>>> At police check points, you have to produce a valid drivers license.

>> I don't have a drivers license, valid or invalid and, even if I did,
>> the cop can't come into my private home and take a look see without
>> properly identifying himself and providing a search warrant. A better
>> example would be me walking out of a store with a new lap top and the
>> security cop asking to see the receipt. If I show him the receipt and
>> he then told me I had to take three "genuine" tests, I would, well,
>> get testy and so would you.
>>> Do you scream at the cop.."How dare you accuse me of being a
>>> criminal!" ?

>> Only if he or she accused me of being a criminal.

> They only usually stop people they think may be a criminal.
> So if they stop you then yes they think you are a criminal and are until
> you prove otherwise.
> AIUI if you don't produce your license it makes you a criminal (its
> different here).
> HTH.

With the exception of MS and other software companies that practice the
same thing as MS, people in the USA are considered innocent until proven
guilty and the cop can charge you but he can't say you did the crime
until its proven.

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On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 22:44:18 -0700, Frank <fb@nospan.crm> wrote:

>GO wrote:
>> Perhaps "drunk", "liar", "troll", "wrong", etc are intelligent conversations
>> where he's from?

>Only when referring to the idiots in this ng!

So you just admitted you consider everyone here a drunk, liar and
troll that's always wrong. You must, since at one time or another you
called every regular poster you have "discussions" with a drunk, liar
or troll. That is the limit of your "debating" skills proving once
again what a silly old fool you really are.
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "Genuine Advantage"

"Alias" <> wrote in message

> With the exception of MS and other software companies that practice the
> same thing as MS, people in the USA are considered innocent until proven
> guilty and the cop can charge you but he can't say you did the crime until
> its proven.

The crime is not producing your license on demand.
So if they stop you and you don't produce your license you are guilty by
Re: Ping Alias ... Don't Feel Left Out - You Too Can Have The "Genuine Advantage"

On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 17:35:18 +0100, "dennis@home"
<> wrote:

>"Alias" <> wrote in message
>> With the exception of MS and other software companies that practice the
>> same thing as MS, people in the USA are considered innocent until proven
>> guilty and the cop can charge you but he can't say you did the crime until
>> its proven.

>The crime is not producing your license on demand.
>So if they stop you and you don't produce your license you are guilty by

The more you post, the dumber you sound. There are three broad
classifications. A crime (generally a felony) a misdemeanor, usually a
minor crime and traffic violations.

If you're talking about a cop making a traffic stop and asking for
your driver's license or proof of insurance and you fail to produce
either on the spot for whatever reason THAT may be a chargeable
offense resulting in you typically receiving a traffic ticket and
probably also a mandatory visit to traffic court at some future date
at which time you could produce the license and/or proof of insurance
and the case can be and often is dismissed without fine or any charge
to your driving record.

Not having your license or proof of insurance on your person is NEVER
considered a crime. Crimes are criminal acts, covered in the penal
code. The penal code is a written set of criminal laws enacted by each
state legislature, the elements making up the offenses and stating the
punishment for each "crime". Depending on state, the judge, the
offense, the Judge may follow or deviate from the suggested punishment
IF the person is tried and found guilty of the crime.

Only after a person is charged with a crime, tried in criminal court
and FOUND GUILITY by a judge or jury of his peers has a "crime"
technically taken place. I find it shocking that someone like Alias
that lives overseas understands American law far better than most
Americans do.