People Would Rather Pay For Windows Than Use Linux.

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Rich <> did eloquently scribble:

>> Comprehension problems eh?
>> Try switching the thing around a little.
>> "Could VIRUSES exist without windows?"
>> Yes, MSDOS had full virus support too..
>> Comprendo?

> OH! *now* I get it
> lets see, lets change it around a little bit )
> Could Linux users exist without changing the subject?

When the subject is meaningless (as the original post in this thread was)
what would be the purpose of NOT changing it?
| |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
| |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
| |can't move, with no hope of rescue. |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|Consider how lucky you are that life has been |
| in |good to you so far... |
| Computer Science | -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|
Why are you raving at me? I am a Microsoft MVP not a "Linux Person" but
I happen to think that MS have taken a seriously bad business decision
in some areas of their business.

Why do people like yourself think it should somehow be mandatory to
praise something one sees as a bad decision?

I think all OS have good and bad points, and all are suited to different
tasks in different ways, but "I" want to control the computer, not
someone else, and not the computer or OS control me.

Vista could be an excellent OS but things only get to be excellent after
revision and tuning, and the Linux community are doing this while MS are
failing to do it.

Since you obviously haven't read enough of this group to understand
what's going on perhaps it is not me wasting my time, eh?

Ron K. wrote:
> What is it with you Linux people? I'm glad that you've found an OS that you
> like but why are you spending so much time here? I've tried Linux Ubuntu and
> Vista, I prefer Vista, but I'm not going to spend HOURS and HOURS on the
> Linux sites ripping it. What are you trying to accomplish? People here are
> not going to abandon Vista because you demand they do so! These OS's are like
> cars, some people love Corvettes while others want Cadilacs, which is better
> is a matter of personal perspective. Instead of wasting your time here go
> post on Linux groups about your wonderful experiences with Ubuntu or if you
> MUST rip someone up go rip up Red Hat!
> "Charlie Tame" wrote:
>> 64 bit Vista has ore driver issues than 64 bit Ubuntu I reckon, but WRY
>> deleting windows for good just wait, next time MS lose a server it might
>> just delete itself :)
>> hennie wrote:
>>> i do agree there had a few distros on my machine already and
>>> regardarding the linux gui some of them
>>> compare very favorable with windows. however i dont think that its time
>>> to move over yet as there are
>>> issues such as drivers user friendliness and games and compatibillity in
>>> a few years time i would be
>>> more than happy to delete my windows for good as soon as this issues
>>> have been resolved.
>>> "Singer" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fc0pv6$ktv$
>>>> "[H]omer" <> wrote in news:tjrcr4-lni.ln1@sky.matrix:
>>>>> The fact is that no one can ever really know for a fact whether or not
>>>>> GNU/Linux is ubiquitous. How can one accurately measure the deployment
>>>>> of something that is Free?
>>>> Snip--->>>>
>>>>> Moreover, who would mourn the loss of Microsoft, if it came to that?
>>>> Why
>>>>> would any ordinary user fear losing something as restrictive,
>>>> expensive,
>>>>> and buggy as the Windows platform ... unless they were directly
>>>>> connected with the company in some way? IME the majority of ordinary
>>>>> users have no particular loyalty to Microsoft it isn't about loyalty,
>>>>> it's about habit, but bad habits can be broken. So who are these Trolls
>>>>> that are so loyal to Microsoft, who are so terrified about the
>>>> increased
>>>>> popularity of GNU/Linux, that they'd be compelled to come to COLA and
>>>>> spout anti-Linux rhetoric?
>>>> You sound very bitter as well as paranoid. Maybe your antenna are on too
>>>> tight? Lossening the straps might allow more blood flow to whatever
>>>> passes for a brain in your body.
>>>> Getting back to Linux vs Microsoft, it appears that the Linux people are
>>>> the ones terrified of Microsoft. Why are there so many anti Microsoft
>>>> messages in your Linux group? There is very little Linux advocacy
>>>> compared to Microsoft sucks messages.
>>>> With an operating system so *great* as Linux, surely you and the rest of
>>>> the tribe could find something positive to spout about Linux.
>>>> As for measuring Linux, look around and let us know what you see.
>>>> I see Windows everywhere and Linux virtually no place.
>>>> And speaking about numbers, it seems the Linux advocactes love to drag
>>>> out surveys that show Linux in good fashion (usually conducted by Linux
>>>> websites, magazines etc) but when it's the other way around the Linux
>>>> advocates start claiming Linux useage can't be measured.
>>>> Maybe not down to the very last CD but in general Linux HAS DONE
>>>> VIRTUALLY NOTHING to Microsoft's desktop domination in 10 years and it
>>>> doesn't look like it's doing any better today.
>>>> Face it, Linux is free and people are still running FROM it.
>>>> Imagine if Sandisk gave away free 30gb iPod clones. There would be riots
>>>> in the stores to get one and Sandisks useage numbers would go sky high.
>>>> Yet Linux is free, and you know the rest.
>>>> There's nothing simpler than a product that can't be given away.
>>>> Linux is that product.
>>>> The proof is in the reaction you dorks get when you take your act on the
>>>> road, outside the mental institution known as comp.os.linux.advocacy.
>>>> Normal people don't act like you clowns over in comp.os.linux.advocacy
>>>> do.
Chris, funny I can install just about everything with Vista without having to
hunt for support first, printers included. By the way when you resort to
name calling you just cheapen your whole point.

"chrisv" wrote:

> Singer wrote:
> > But yet if you read Linux groups from a year ago you will find that many
> > people will claim that it works fine for them. That is unfortunately
> > another poor trait of Linux groups in general. Linux always seems to
> > work fine for the Linux users

> Which it does, if you use your brain when selecting your hardware. It's
> not difficult. Boot the LiveCD of your choice and see if it works.
> > yet these same people seem to have horrible problems with Windows.

> Worthless trolls like you seem to be horrible liars. Most advocates
> would admit that Windwoes* works "okay" with the exception of the
> terribly inadequate security.
> *Excepting Vista, which just plain sucks.
> >(snip more garbage and idiocy)

"Charlie Tame" <> wrote in message
> Kerry Brown wrote:
>> "Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
>>> On Sun, 09 Sep 2007 03:22:43 -0500, Charlie Tame <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Saucy wrote:
>>>>> [Headers trimmed]
>>>>> It's because the Linux platform is mostly half baked junk.
>>>>> Saucy
>>>> Wrong on all three counts, you really have no experience in this
>>>> industry do you :)
>>> Pointless to try to reason with closed-minded dopes like Saucy.
>>> Fact: NASA picked Linux to help send it's rovers to Mars and a new
>>> super computer running Linux is helping to design the next generation
>>> space shuttle named Orion.
>>> Guess what, no Windows anywhere in sight. Oops. Wouldn't want to have
>>> a BSOD half way to Mars you know. -)
>>> The Columbia cluster at NASA's Ames facility currently consists of
>>> 10,160 Itanium 2 chips running at 1.5 GHz. The cluster has a rating of
>>> 52 sustained teraflops, 61 teraflops peak and could be easily upgraded
>>> to dual-core "Montecito" Itanium 9000 chips delivering more than twice
>>> the oomph.
>>> So that's more or less 52 trillion calculations per second.

>> Actually there are Windows supercomputers as well
>> :-)

> Yeah but how long does it take to reactivate a Windows botnet when one
> Microsoft server goes down?

Not long as the controllers are usually hijacked Linux boxes.
No one is going to risk losing their botnet by using a windows machine as a
controller.. its too easy for the user to notice something odd is happening
and to install some AV software and there goes your botnet. With Unix the
user will never notice.
"Ron K." <> wrote in message
> What is it with you Linux people? I'm glad that you've found an OS that
> you
> like but why are you spending so much time here?

Because their own platform is so dull and uninteresting they resort to
Windows .. newsgroups. As a matter of fact, some of these supposed
advocates of Linux don't actually use Linux, rather they use Windows (which
pretty much says it). It's funny, but also pathetic ... sad really.

"Peter Köhlmann" . wrote in message
> dennis@home wrote:
> < snip >
>>> I have Solaris thanks, not used it much as I have not had much spare
>>> time. I think I phrased the other comment ambiguously, I didn't mean the
>>> Apple OS and Solaris are literally "Like" Linux although as you said
>>> Solaris is somewhat similar, I meant they are both much different than
>>> Windows

>> Windows, Solaris, OSes based on linux and FreeBSD are very much alike,
>> they are more alike than different, something people often forget when
>> arguing which is best.
>> They all have a kernel responsible for schedulling, etc. and a layer for
>> handling I/O, and another layer for running the applications.

> Solaris, OSes based on linux and FreeBSD are very much alike. In that they
> are *nixes.
> Windows is a tiny little bit like them in that it handles typical OS
> stuff,
> although it tries (and succeeds) being different from unix in whichever
> way
> possible.
> It it radically different from the *nixes in its ability to run all of
> those
> famous viruses and other assorted malware.

I don't remember the infamous Morris worm running on windows.. didn't it
predate it?
Unix and Linux are not free from threats except in the minds of some users.
So even that is a similarity shared with windows.
Last edited by a moderator:
Adam Albright wrote:

> On Sun, 09 Sep 2007 11:08:59 -0700, Frank <fb@nospan.crm> wrote:
>>Alias wrote:
>>>Frank wrote:
>>>>Alias wrote:
>>>>>Translation: Saucy just had his or her argument totally destroyed
>>>>Not by the likes of an idiot linux lovin loser like you!
>>>Sigh, more lies, insults and bluster. No imagination, eh?

>>We like to keep it simple for idiots like you so you can clearly
>>understand the message.

> There is no "we" Frank. There is just one truly nuts raving lunatic in
> this newsgroup. Just look into any mirror to see who it is.

"We" my friend, are continually pulling your stings pushing your buttons
and kinkin your ignorant ass all over this ng.
NoStop wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>>Alias wrote:

>>>Not a lie. You can use the GUI for almost everything in Ubuntu.

>>"Almost" is the key word.

> Yep, sort of like Windoze Frankie Boy, where you can use a GUI for "almost"
> everything in Windoze, but certainly not all. There are times in Windoze
> that the commandline is required. Of course, you probably are too stupid to
> know this and if you can't clickety-clickety, you're lost.
> Cheers.

Don't bet your sweet cross-dressing ass on it doris!
On Sun, 09 Sep 2007 11:40:50 -0700, Frank <fb@nospan.crm> wrote:

>Charlie Tame wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> NoStop wrote:
>>>> What are you billshitting about now? It's far easier to install
>>>> software in
>>>> Linux than it is in Windoze.
>>> That's a fukkin lie and you're full of sh*t!
>>> Far easier, because of the repositories Linux
>>>> distros provide and the GUI tools provided to do the package
>>>> installations.
>>> Wrong!
>>>> And no, again wrong ... with today's modern Linux distros, "simple
>>>> computer
>>>> commands" require clicking your mouse. You can master that, can't you?
>>> More lies from doris?
>>> How's that canadian bacon doing, huh?
>>> Frank

>> What you afraid of Frank? :)

>You tell me? :-)

Frank is afraid to look in a mirror.
<> wrote in message
> Rich <> did eloquently scribble:
>>> Comprehension problems eh?
>>> Try switching the thing around a little.
>>> "Could VIRUSES exist without windows?"
>>> Yes, MSDOS had full virus support too..
>>> Comprendo?

>> OH! *now* I get it
>> lets see, lets change it around a little bit )
>> Could Linux users exist without changing the subject?

> When the subject is meaningless (as the original post in this thread was)
> what would be the purpose of NOT changing it?

Lets see, too demonstrate you have an answer?
or is answering not important in your world? :)
Bingo .. there you go.

>>> You mean, like "thank goodness I don't have to put up with Windows
>>> anymore"?

>> now YOU are telling me what I mean?

> Looked like a question to me. Can't you see the question mark at the end
> of the sentence?

Of course it did, thats my point
"You mean" notice that part? .. looks like he's telling me what I mean ..
or are words and their assembly in sentences hard to deal with? :)

Looks like he's still trying to tell me what I mean?
Know what I mean?


>> I guess that is the only way you can make your OS politics work?

> I guess you can't read properly.

I guess you are trying to make YOUR OS politics work as well
hope you have unemployment insureance/compensation

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Rich <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
>> Rich <> did eloquently scribble:
>>>> Comprehension problems eh?
>>>> Try switching the thing around a little.
>>>> "Could VIRUSES exist without windows?"
>>>> Yes, MSDOS had full virus support too..
>>>> Comprendo?

>>> OH! *now* I get it
>>> lets see, lets change it around a little bit )
>>> Could Linux users exist without changing the subject?

>> When the subject is meaningless (as the original post in this thread was)
>> what would be the purpose of NOT changing it?

> Lets see, too demonstrate you have an answer?
> or is answering not important in your world? :)
> Bingo .. there you go.
> Rich

Could gibberish exist without mush heads?
"Frank Kirk" <> wrote in message
> wrote:
>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?

> Because 95 to 98 percent of the people are incapable of thinking for
> themselves?

I suppose you would rather have folks play with computers rather than use
them for constructive purposes such as business or communication. You want
to be able to get into the systems and play with that rather than use the
system for what it was intended.

Good luck and have a good time and let us get along with our work.

Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
> It is only hobbyists and 'upgraders' who are badly affected by Vista
> pricing.. OEM system buyers are not, and they get a free printer..


From the mouth of an MVP...
I don't believe it!
Thanks for being honest Mike, but don't you mean price and WPA/WGA/N of

Priceless quotes in group:

"Fair use is not merely a nice concept--it is a federal law based on
free speech rights under the First Amendment and is a cornerstone of the
creativity and innovation that is a hallmark of this country. Consumer
rights in the digital age are not frivolous."
- Maura Corbett
dennis@home wrote:
> "Charlie Tame" <> wrote in message
> news:Oo7zLYj8HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> The apple OS is much like Linux, Sun's Solaris is much like Linux, so
>> although they will not directly be about to support free Linux there
>> is a user base out there, which from a learning curve point of view is
>> not insignificant.

> The Apple OS is nothing like Linux.. its based on FreeBSD so there is no
> Linux in the Apple OS at all.
> Sun Solaris has a kernel similar to Linux.. not really surprising as
> Solaris is based on SVR5 and Linus copied its predecesor to make Linux.
> However the structure and resource management in Solaris is way ahead of
> Linux as is its security model, the kernel is compartmentalised as
> required by the DoD unlike Linux.
> BTW you can get Solaris free from
> if you want to see a Linux
> killer.

I tried solaris 10, and linux is much more user friendly I find.

Priceless quotes in group:

"Fair use is not merely a nice concept--it is a federal law based on
free speech rights under the First Amendment and is a cornerstone of the
creativity and innovation that is a hallmark of this country. Consumer
rights in the digital age are not frivolous."
- Maura Corbett
Saucy wrote:
> [Headers trimmed]
> It's because the Linux platform is mostly half baked junk. The platform
> is merely adequate for 3 things:
> 1. File serving
> 2. Web file serving
> 3. Sobbery at universities because is it overcomplicated and demands the
> use of arcane command line commands which the snobs think their
> referring to both establishes and proves their self-appointed
> "superiority".
> But the truth of the matter is that Linux can't even get drag 'n drop
> right.
> Saucy

Is this the voice of experience we hear in this post from you, Saucy?

Priceless quotes in group:

"Fair use is not merely a nice concept--it is a federal law based on
free speech rights under the First Amendment and is a cornerstone of the
creativity and innovation that is a hallmark of this country. Consumer
rights in the digital age are not frivolous."
- Maura Corbett
Sven Geier wrote:

> wrote:
>> Linux is free.
>> Windows is not.
>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>> Windows XP.
>> Linux is free.

> [...]
>> Why?

> 1) You may be mistaken with the "windows costs money" line of reasoning.
> See right here:
> 2) The wife just bought a laptop. It came with Windows on it. It just
> works. Why would she go to the trouble of erasing a perfectly functioning
> OS just to install another one? The apps that she likes (like OpenOffice
> or Firefox) can be downloaded for Windows just as well as for Linux. What
> motivation would she have to "switch"?
> Just thinking out loud here...

What happens when she needs an upgrade of her hardware? Will Windows allow
her to do it without invalidating her install?

How long will her system run without an re-install or even a reboot?

Stability, security, freedom.


Gentoo Linux - Penguin Power
"The poster formerly known as the poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy"
<nonee@none.not> wrote in message news:fc2fem$r4k$
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Charlie Tame" <> wrote in message
>> news:Oo7zLYj8HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>> The apple OS is much like Linux, Sun's Solaris is much like Linux, so
>>> although they will not directly be about to support free Linux there is
>>> a user base out there, which from a learning curve point of view is not
>>> insignificant.

>> The Apple OS is nothing like Linux.. its based on FreeBSD so there is no
>> Linux in the Apple OS at all.
>> Sun Solaris has a kernel similar to Linux.. not really surprising as
>> Solaris is based on SVR5 and Linus copied its predecesor to make Linux.
>> However the structure and resource management in Solaris is way ahead of
>> Linux as is its security model, the kernel is compartmentalised as
>> required by the DoD unlike Linux.
>> BTW you can get Solaris free from
>> if you want to see a Linux
>> killer.

> I tried solaris 10, and linux is much more user friendly I find.

If you already know Linux then it will be more user friendly.. you get that
with all sorts of things including Macs, windows, calculators, cars, web
sites, etc. The trouble is the users never look at it from the point of view
of a new user so they never actually know if its user friendly they just
assume, often wrongly, that it is. Unless the manufacturer is prepared to
run trials with new users they can never be sure its user friendly which is
where open source can fall down.. they get all their feedback from existing
users and not from people that are newbies. So while I accept that you think
Linux is user friendly I will reserve judgment on that until someone
demonstrates that it actually is. Certainly when I went from SVR5 to Linux I
didn't think it was user friendly as everything was different (ps produced
different output and had different modifiers for instance).
Aside from the recent problem with the WGA server, a problem which was
sorted very quickly but didn't appear so because reports of failure came in
over the period of a few days, can you find figures showing that the
majority of Vista/XP users have been adversely affected by WPA/WGA? I doubt
it somehow because, in all probability, the majority of users are not

I have had to use the WPA call on maybe four occasions in the course of my
work, all XP related, and have had to use it once for myself after a new
hard drive, freshly installed, failed after three days of use, forcing a
re-install onto another drive. How many times have you had to use the

Did I see it as an affront to my honesty, or the honesty of my local
clients? Nope, just MS trying to protect themselves from the huge piracy
mess that was Win 'all versions up to and including 2000 Pro'.

I will readily admit that people who once distributed one CD and one product
code across an entire school, campus or sub-division may well be annoyed
that their bid to gain friends has been curtailed, but the rule has always
been one product code on one computer, and we all knew/know that.

The pricing of Vista is a little steep, but even if MS charged $1, there
would be some people trying to get around paying it. That is the nature of
some people.

We have no rights to expect Windows to be free, or for that matter anything
else unless it is clearly labeled as such. I think it is sad that we have to
go above and beyond to protect what is ours these days from certain members
of society, but I will be told 'get used to it'. The pirates are hearing an
echo now

The worst part of having to police in this way is that the occasional
innocent person is mistakenly targeted. The pirates see it as collateral
damage 'oh dear', but why should they care.They have what they want, and the
rest of us are left paying the price.

"The poster formerly known as the poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy"
<nonee@none.not> wrote in message news:fc2f47$r4k$
> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
> <snips>
>> It is only hobbyists and 'upgraders' who are badly affected by Vista
>> pricing.. OEM system buyers are not, and they get a free printer..

> <snippage>
> From the mouth of an MVP...
> I don't believe it!
> Thanks for being honest Mike, but don't you mean price and WPA/WGA/N of
> vista?
> --
> Priceless quotes in group:
> "Fair use is not merely a nice concept--it is a federal law based on free
> speech rights under the First Amendment and is a cornerstone of the
> creativity and innovation that is a hallmark of this country. Consumer
> rights in the digital age are not frivolous."
> - Maura Corbett


Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User