People Would Rather Pay For Windows Than Use Linux.

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naive_but_tech_lover wrote:
> Because...LINUX IS FREE :) we live is a business world of making money. you
> cannot make money by promoting and giving free products.


At this link, there is an interesting exerpt:

"Proprietary software is based on the communist style of one-size-fits
all rather than the capitalist free market. They don’t want to have to
fix anything they want you to be ignorant of the options, if you have
any. They will make you “jump through hoops†to get support, and only
offer support during limited hours of the day and on certain days of the
week. Proprietary software companies ignore the change in society to a
24/7 time frame. They, like the governments and banks, operate like this
is the 1800s, not the 21st century."

> "" wrote:
>> Linux is free.
>> Windows is not.
>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>> Windows XP.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>> operating system called Vista.
>> Linux is free,
>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
>> After all, Linux is free.
>> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
>> so good afterall.
>> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
>> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
>> Windows?
>> It's a most common occurence.
>> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
>> Where is Linux hiding?
>> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
>> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
>> place.
>> It's not.
>> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
>> year of Linux"
>> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
>> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
>> year of Linux will ever arrive.
>> Why?

Priceless quotes in group:

"Fair use is not merely a nice concept--it is a federal law based on
free speech rights under the First Amendment and is a cornerstone of the
creativity and innovation that is a hallmark of this country. Consumer
rights in the digital age are not frivolous."
- Maura Corbett