Linux servers hacked - who would have thought

  • Thread starter Thread starter Richard Urban
  • Start date Start date
Jerry White wrote:

> "Frank" <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote in message
> news:%23OfDL7g4HHA.3940@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>Jerry White wrote:
>>>"Frank" <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote in message
>>>>Jerry White wrote:
>>>>>"Frank" <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote in message
>>>>>>Jerry White wrote:
>>>>>>>"Frank" <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>Jerry White wrote:
>>>>>>>>>"Frank" <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>Jerry White wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>"Frank" <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>Jerry White wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>I don't recall anyone ever sayign that of Linux.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Then you must either be a newbie or else suffering from extreme
>>>>>>>>>>>>memory loss.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Search this ng (if you know how) and I'm sure you'll find that
>>>>>>>>>>>>from out resident and/or former linux as*holes.
>>>>>>>>>>>I have and have yet to come across someoen saying what you claim.
>>>>>>>>>>>Either provide proof or piss off.
>>>>>>>>>>hahaha...try harder you moron!
>>>>>>>>>Nice proof... or lack there of...
>>>>>>>>Gave up already huh?
>>>>>>>On what? I'm still waiting for some semblance of proof from your end,
>>>>>>>which you refuse to produce.
>>>>>>hahaha...try google and you'll find your so called "proof"...and that
>>>>>>my friend is my response.
>>>>>Cite a link or just admit it doesn't exist, as I've yet to find it. The
>>>>>burden of proof is on you.
>>>>Google! Got it?
>>>>Google! Got it?
>>>>Google! Got it?
>>>Cite a link! Got it?

>>Are you brain dead or what?
>>Google...GOT IT!
>> must be a!

> So you have no evidence to cite then. One just need to check your posting
> history to be sure of that.
> GoAT

hehehe...don't know how to google huh?
Adam Albright wrote:

> This newsgroup was already infested with no nothing blowhards before
> you showed up to add to the noise level.

You're the leader of the pack you imbecile!
Adam Albright wrote:

> On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 21:51:42 -0400, Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote:
>>In article <>,
>>>"Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
>>>>In article <>,
>>>>>True. But the big difference is the frequency at which such dumb things
>>>>And when the number of Ubuntu users increases so do the dumb things that
>>>So far theres nothing to back that up. You're just guessing that because
>>>Windows is so wide spread, you have a large amount no so bright users. You
>>>don't know that the same will be the typical case in Linux as well as it
>>>grows in population. But what you seem to really be missing is many of the
>>>moving to Linux tend to be those who have at least soem clue of what they
>>>are doing. That could be enough to make a significant difference. If the
>>>less-than-bright types attempt to move I doubt they will last too long
>>>unless they try and educate them sevles, which might actualy be a good thing
>>>in the long run.

>>And what you seem to be missing, having seen more than 30 years of
>>computing, is that as the masses make moves, they dumb down interfaces
>>so that the ignorant can use them, that Linux, having been a thing of
>>the technical minded people, is starting to become a thing of the
>>ignorant people more and more each day.

> Well then if "they" whoever the hell that's suppose to be keeps
> dumbing down interfaces then finally you and Frank, two of the most
> clueless and ignorant bozos currently posting to this newsgroup I've
> seen maybe you two some day will be able to learn how to use a
> computer to maybe if you're lucky type your name in Notepad and manage
> to save the file and be able to get it back on the third or fourth
> try.
>>What you will see is that the versions of Linux marketed at the HOME
>>user, the non-technical user, will provide an opportunity for them to
>>screw up, and that's the overall OS issue, not really a linux issue, but
>>the overall OS issue.
>>So, as with everything, as the masses adopt it, stupid things get done,
>>the more that adopt it the more stupid things.....

> I haven't seen anything more stupid than the two idiots named Frank
> and Leythos flapping their gums pretending to be computer experts.
> Damn funny show boys, keep it up.
> Hint: Neither of you losers known sh*t about computers or software or
> any OS in particular. You faking that you do no doubt has many rolling
> on the floor in bouts of uncontrolled laughter. You know nothing. Not
> a damn thing. Nada, zip. Anybody reading the slop you two idiots write
> understands that perfectly.

Still wearing that dirty diaper adam?
I thought your mommy changed it for you?
Diaper rash got you waded up, huh?
Live with it you drunken moron.
"Frank" <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote in message
> Adam Albright wrote:
>> This newsgroup was already infested with no nothing blowhards before
>> you showed up to add to the noise level.

> You're the leader of the pack you imbecile!

No, the boy is in a league all by himself old AAA (Adam Albright Attacks) or
old Adam Hopalong aka the NG Deputy Sherriff Barney Phife, trying to
administer his broom stick, hopping on the broom stick like a pony, brand of
justice. :)

I am glad I killfiled that forming about the mouth lunatic. What should have
happened to him at birth is they should have strangled him with his on
placenta so that he would have never made it to the Internet.
Frank wrote:
> The poster formerly known as the poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy wrote:
>> HeyBub wrote:
>>> The poster fromerly known as 'The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy'
>>> wrote:
>>>> Curtis D. Levin wrote:
>>>>> The poster formerly known as ??? wrote...
>>>>>> How does this negate the fact that this MVP is being a hypocrate by
>>>>>> doing something that he ran another poster off of the group for?
>>>>> Simple. The other poster was writing about Ubuntu, but
>>>>> probably wasn't pro vista.
>>>> Non-issue, has no bearing on this subject whether someone posting an
>>>> off topic post without even labeling it as an OT post is pro vista or
>>>> not.
>>> Well, isn't your complaining about the post being off-topic itself
>>> off-topic? It's off-topic squared.
>>> In other words, isn't a complaint about something being off-topic an
>>> example of hypocrisy?

>> And what does this post of yours complaining about my 'OT' post
>> accomplish? The same thing, but cubed.

> I bet we're now gonna have a math quiz, right?
> Damn!
> Frank

Hehe! :)
Well I get off right here! Math isn't one of my stronger subjects.

Priceless quotes in group:

"Only religious fanatics and totalitarian states equate morality with
- Linus Torvalds
HeyBub wrote:
> The poster formerly known as the poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy
>>> Well, isn't your complaining about the post being off-topic itself
>>> off-topic? It's off-topic squared.
>>> In other words, isn't a complaint about something being off-topic an
>>> example of hypocrisy?

>> And what does this post of yours complaining about my 'OT' post
>> accomplish? The same thing, but cubed.

> I didn't 'complain,' I simply observed. And asked a question.
> In my view, complaing about an OT post is, by definition, off-topic.

And it's even more ridiculous for an MVP to do exactly the same thing
that he has loudly complained about another poster doing! Just making
an observation here.

Priceless quotes in group:

"Only religious fanatics and totalitarian states equate morality with
- Linus Torvalds
"Jerry White" asked...
> "Leythos" wrote in message
>> There are hundreds of posts where Alias suggests Ubuntu or Open Office
>> as the solution to anyones problems with Microsoft. It's nice to see you
>> get nasty when you've failed, shows your level of maturity to the world.

> That's not the same as "Ubuntu was the savior of the world" as Frank
> claimed. I've heard people in this group (possible Alias) say the Open
> Office is a viable alternative, and similar with Ubuntu or other Linux
> flavors. Whats wrong with that?

Actually, that quote is an exaggeration, but "Alias" really did claim that
Linux, in general, and Ubuntu, in particular, didn't *need* any AV or
defrag. Period. Ever.
On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 12:04:19 -0400, here wrote:

> "Jerry White" asked...
>> "Leythos" wrote in message
>>> There are hundreds of posts where Alias suggests Ubuntu or Open Office
>>> as the solution to anyones problems with Microsoft. It's nice to see you
>>> get nasty when you've failed, shows your level of maturity to the world.

>> That's not the same as "Ubuntu was the savior of the world" as Frank
>> claimed. I've heard people in this group (possible Alias) say the Open
>> Office is a viable alternative, and similar with Ubuntu or other Linux
>> flavors. Whats wrong with that?

> Actually, that quote is an exaggeration, but "Alias" really did claim that
> Linux, in general, and Ubuntu, in particular, didn't *need* any AV or
> defrag. Period. Ever.

Well that's sort of because that happens to be mostly the case. It is
inherently more resistant (note I said resistant, not invulnerable) to
virus / malware attacks than windows is. Also, Postcard.exe from the
latest spammer isn't capable of infecting a linux system. There aren't
enough linux threats in the wild to were you need to be constantly
watching your system like you do under windows. So no, AV isn't really
something one needs overly worry about. The primary use currently for
AV under linux is to protect windows systems (mail servers for example).

Bottom line, I'd not recommend someone be oblivious and ignorant of
security and protection...but they don't need to have 20 background
processes like under windows constantly scanning the system.

Now as far as defrag goes, yes....never is pretty much the way to put it.
Different file system, it works differently. No, it does not require
defragmentation. It stays defragmented by design. The only time an
ext2/ext3 file system can suffer from any amount of fragmentation that
would actually be of concern is when the disk is past 90% of its capacity
and there just isn't enough free space available to keep it defragmented.

But I think that point in time, one needs to worry about a larger or
second hard drive far more than they need to worry about fragmentation.

2003 Yamaha R6

On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 23:22:53 -0400, Curtis D. Levin wrote:

> "Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
>> In article <>,
>> says...
>>> "Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
>>> > In article <>,
>>> > says...
>>> >> True. But the big difference is the frequency at which such dumb
>>> >> things
>>> >> happen.
>>> >
>>> > And when the number of Ubuntu users increases so do the dumb things
>>> > that
>>> > happen.
>>> So far theres nothing to back that up. You're just guessing that because
>>> Windows is so wide spread, you have a large amount no so bright users.
>>> You
>>> don't know that the same will be the typical case in Linux as well as it
>>> grows in population. But what you seem to really be missing is many of
>>> the
>>> moving to Linux tend to be those who have at least soem clue of what they
>>> are doing. That could be enough to make a significant difference. If the
>>> less-than-bright types attempt to move I doubt they will last too long
>>> unless they try and educate them sevles, which might actualy be a good
>>> thing
>>> in the long run.

>> And what you seem to be missing, having seen more than 30 years of
>> computing, is that as the masses make moves, they dumb down interfaces
>> so that the ignorant can use them, that Linux, having been a thing of
>> the technical minded people, is starting to become a thing of the
>> ignorant people more and more each day.
>> What you will see is that the versions of Linux marketed at the HOME
>> user, the non-technical user, will provide an opportunity for them to
>> screw up, and that's the overall OS issue, not really a linux issue, but
>> the overall OS issue.
>> So, as with everything, as the masses adopt it, stupid things get done,
>> the more that adopt it the more stupid things.....

> My only question is, "Who is actully responsible for Linux?" Linus writes
> the kernel, others write drivers, the GNU tools, etc, ad nauseum, but where
> does the buck actually stop? If they change things, break stuff ( Like what
> happened with Vista) who does something about it? Who do you complain
> to? Hey, if I buy the software pre loaded in a computer, and something
> happens, or isn't working , what can I do, when I call the manufacturer,
> and they say " Well, as soon as the ice melts, and the penguin is
> out..

And what do you do with Windows? Who do you call there?

If you are having a problem, you think a tech support monkey really
actually cares? You think you can get past the tech support monkeys and
actually talk to someone of importance?

Shit, Microsoft won't even give you support unless you pay for it. Paying
for the OS isn't sufficient anymore.

Now if you are using, say Ubuntu for example, and you want support beyond
community support? You want someone responsible to call, yell, bitch,
whine and moan at when things don't work? You can have that. Canonical has
support contracts available which you can purchase and you can get all the
tech support you want. 24 hours a day 7 days a week if you want it...just
a phone call away.

2003 Yamaha R6

Clenna Lumina wrote:
> "Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
>> In article <>,
>> says...
>>> True. But the big difference is the frequency at which such dumb things
>>> happen.

>> And when the number of Ubuntu users increases so do the dumb things that
>> happen.

> So far theres nothing to back that up. You're just guessing that because
> Windows is so wide spread, you have a large amount no so bright users. You
> don't know that the same will be the typical case in Linux as well as it
> grows in population. But what you seem to really be missing is many of the
> moving to Linux tend to be those who have at least soem clue of what they
> are doing. That could be enough to make a significant difference. If the
> less-than-bright types attempt to move I doubt they will last too long
> unless they try and educate them sevles, which might actualy be a good thing
> in the long run.

Wonder if Bill Gates has thought of that for advertising purposes...
Windows - the system for dumb users.

It's kind of funny to watch this. Leythos has a bunch of home user *clowns*
posting to him in the NG and in this thread, mainly trolls and lunatics. The
man has been working in IT longer than most of them have most likely been
alive, both MS and Linux platforms. He has them all out classed but they
don't know that. :)

I know you're reading this Leythos, and man it is funny.

Mr. Arnold wrote:
> <snipped>
> It's kind of funny to watch this. Leythos has a bunch of home user
> *clowns* posting to him in the NG and in this thread, mainly trolls and
> lunatics. The man has been working in IT longer than most of them have
> most likely been alive, both MS and Linux platforms. He has them all out
> classed but they don't know that. :)
> I know you're reading this Leythos, and man it is funny.
> LOL!!!!!

And you know all of the above how? Do you include yourself as one of the
"clowns" posting to the thread? Are you a troll? A lunatic? Both? Geez!!
On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 10:54:59 -0400, norm <>

>Mr. Arnold wrote:
>> <snipped>
>> It's kind of funny to watch this. Leythos has a bunch of home user
>> *clowns* posting to him in the NG and in this thread, mainly trolls and
>> lunatics. The man has been working in IT longer than most of them have
>> most likely been alive, both MS and Linux platforms. He has them all out
>> classed but they don't know that. :)
>> I know you're reading this Leythos, and man it is funny.
>> LOL!!!!!

>And you know all of the above how? Do you include yourself as one of the
>"clowns" posting to the thread? Are you a troll? A lunatic? Both? Geez!!

This newsgroup is infested with way too many wannabe types like the
jerk "Mr. Arnold" and stuck-up Leythos, neither of which really know a
damn thing. I've been working with computers since the late 60's and
can spot a phony a mile away. These two gold bricks are a riot to

How many Bozos you know that demands he be addressed as Mr. in a
informal setting like a newsgroup? That alone speaks volumes. The guy
is class A jerk and wannabe desperately looking for attention.

Leythos is a legend in his own mind and gets off boasting. Two
laughable clowns. Newsgroups are infested with such losers and one
thing for sure, they make most people laugh.
In article <ebl4kuu4HHA.3900@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl>, "Mr. Arnold" <MR.> says...
> <snipped>
> It's kind of funny to watch this. Leythos has a bunch of home user *clowns*
> posting to him in the NG and in this thread, mainly trolls and lunatics. The
> man has been working in IT longer than most of them have most likely been
> alive, both MS and Linux platforms. He has them all out classed but they
> don't know that. :)
> I know you're reading this Leythos, and man it is funny.
> LOL!!!!!

I've given up on trying to reason with them. I see that Adam is one of
the biggest, rudest, nasty, trolls in the group and can't actually find
a reason to chat with him. At least Kurt (not seen in a long time) was
ethical and reasonable, even if I didn't agree with his piracy points.
Adam is just plain disrespectful and nasty and can't seem to make a post
without hate injected in it.

It is funny watching them, but as I get older it's gone from funny to
feeling sorry (not compassion) for them and their failure to get
anything healthy out of life.

I've decided to move back from Vista to XP until Vista's been on the
street for 12 months and until enough hardware has been replaced with at
least Core 2 Duo machines with 512MB Video cards.


- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a
drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist" (remove 999 for proper email address)
"Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
> In article <ebl4kuu4HHA.3900@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl>, "Mr. Arnold" <MR.
>> says...
>> <snipped>
>> It's kind of funny to watch this. Leythos has a bunch of home user
>> *clowns*
>> posting to him in the NG and in this thread, mainly trolls and lunatics.
>> The
>> man has been working in IT longer than most of them have most likely been
>> alive, both MS and Linux platforms. He has them all out classed but they
>> don't know that. :)
>> I know you're reading this Leythos, and man it is funny.
>> LOL!!!!!

> I've given up on trying to reason with them. I see that Adam is one of
> the biggest, rudest, nasty, trolls in the group and can't actually find
> a reason to chat with him. At least Kurt (not seen in a long time) was
> ethical and reasonable, even if I didn't agree with his piracy points.
> Adam is just plain disrespectful and nasty and can't seem to make a post
> without hate injected in it.

I don't see this Kurt. I must have killfiled it out of the gate. And old
Adam Hopalong, I gave him a hot moment, but realized all he wants to do is
flame dance so he hit the KF too.

You'll do good to just ignore those kind of posters. In some ways, this NG
with trolls and lunatics running loose in it is the worst I have seen.

> It is funny watching them, but as I get older it's gone from funny to
> feeling sorry (not compassion) for them and their failure to get
> anything healthy out of life.

Yeah, it gets pretty old quick in dealing with them. What life some of
these people have other than the Internet is a mystery, with some having the
Internet as their only reason for existence on Earth it seems.

> I've decided to move back from Vista to XP until Vista's been on the
> street for 12 months and until enough hardware has been replaced with at
> least Core 2 Duo machines with 512MB Video cards.

Vista came on this new HP dv9000 Entertainment laptop I got back 4/2007,
when the laptop that was running XP Pro became a door stop.

Vista Ultimate has done everything I have asked of it of both .Net
development and entertainment wise with no problems. I am happy with it, and
I'll never go back to XP.
On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:22:34 -0400, Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote:

>In article <ebl4kuu4HHA.3900@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl>, "Mr. Arnold" <MR.
>> says...
>> <snipped>
>> It's kind of funny to watch this. Leythos has a bunch of home user *clowns*
>> posting to him in the NG and in this thread, mainly trolls and lunatics. The
>> man has been working in IT longer than most of them have most likely been
>> alive, both MS and Linux platforms. He has them all out classed but they
>> don't know that. :)
>> I know you're reading this Leythos, and man it is funny.
>> LOL!!!!!

>I've given up on trying to reason with them. I see that Adam is one of
>the biggest, rudest, nasty, trolls in the group and can't actually find
>a reason to chat with him. At least Kurt (not seen in a long time) was
>ethical and reasonable, even if I didn't agree with his piracy points.
>Adam is just plain disrespectful and nasty and can't seem to make a post
>without hate injected in it.

You're as phony as a three dollar bill. Why should I be nice to a
>It is funny watching them, but as I get older it's gone from funny to
>feeling sorry (not compassion) for them and their failure to get
>anything healthy out of life.

What I "get" out of this newsgroup is dethroning phonies like you that
waltz in here, crow what a "expert" you claim to be then watch you
fall flat on your face. <snicker>
>I've decided to move back from Vista to XP until Vista's been on the
>street for 12 months and until enough hardware has been replaced with at
>least Core 2 Duo machines with 512MB Video cards.

Translation: This phony computer "expert" can't figure out how to use
Vista and needs to retreat back to XP. LOL!

Hint #1
It took me all of five minutes to "figure out" what's new/different in
Vista. Who's the REAL expert?

Hint #2
By DESIGN, Microsoft hasn't and likely never will make any major
changes in how you navigate your way around within Windows. Changes in
Vista are mostly cosmetic. Nothing has changed drastically at the
fundamental level. Windows is still the same old Windows it always
was. Things that are annoying like UAC, can easily be turned off.

So if you know how to use ANY version of Windows and you have at least
average intelligence you shouldn't have any real difficulty using any
newer version of Windows and the changes/new/different features.

Microsoft does assumes you can read. Further they assumes you are
willing to read up on what has been changed. It is all contained in
the build in help. My guess, 99.9% of users don't even look at the
included help system. Too bad, it is better than ever in Vista and
includes animation and useful examples including graphics and
extensive hand holding for those wishing that plus more technical
details for those wishing to learn that.

Lastly Microsoft assumes you know how to point and click and
understand many options are accessed by starting with right clicking
on objects. An example would be image files. If you simply left click
on a image file it shows a thumbnail or spawns a viewer if you double
click. However if you right click on a image file you get presented
with many options, still more if you click on properties and go on
from there.

All VERY simple. Really, but you need to be willing to help yourself.
Sadly many people are too lazy for that.
In article <enND3w04HHA.2312@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>, "Mr. Arnold" <MR.> says...
> > I've decided to move back from Vista to XP until Vista's been on the
> > street for 12 months and until enough hardware has been replaced with at
> > least Core 2 Duo machines with 512MB Video cards.

> Vista came on this new HP dv9000 Entertainment laptop I got back 4/2007,
> when the laptop that was running XP Pro became a door stop.
> Vista Ultimate has done everything I have asked of it of both .Net
> development and entertainment wise with no problems. I am happy with it, and
> I'll never go back to XP.

Yep, I can see that on the newest hardware it would handle Vista well,
but, if it's running vista at an acceptable speed then it's going to fly
with XP or 2003 on it.

I've been unable to find any ROI in Vista for businesses or people that
make money off having a computer (technical types).


- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a
drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist" (remove 999 for proper email address)
"Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message

> I've given up on trying to reason with them. I see that Adam is one of
> the biggest, rudest, nasty, trolls in the group and can't actually find
> a reason to chat with him. At least Kurt (not seen in a long time) was
> ethical and reasonable, even if I didn't agree with his piracy points.
> Adam is just plain disrespectful and nasty and can't seem to make a post
> without hate injected in it.

If we're talking the same Kurt, I miss him. He riled up a lot of people but
made a heck of a lot of interesting points along the way.
"Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
> In article <enND3w04HHA.2312@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>, "Mr. Arnold" <MR.
>> says...
>> > I've decided to move back from Vista to XP until Vista's been on the
>> > street for 12 months and until enough hardware has been replaced with
>> > at
>> > least Core 2 Duo machines with 512MB Video cards.

>> Vista came on this new HP dv9000 Entertainment laptop I got back 4/2007,
>> when the laptop that was running XP Pro became a door stop.
>> Vista Ultimate has done everything I have asked of it of both .Net
>> development and entertainment wise with no problems. I am happy with it,
>> and
>> I'll never go back to XP.

> Yep, I can see that on the newest hardware it would handle Vista well,
> but, if it's running vista at an acceptable speed then it's going to fly
> with XP or 2003 on it.
> I've been unable to find any ROI in Vista for businesses or people that
> make money off having a computer (technical types).

I have been in companies that were still using Win 9'x workstations for part
of its work force with some even down to Win 3'x and DOS 622, while the
rest were on NT class O/S machines.

It's like with anything that deals with Risk Management and ROI -- the need.