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Stephan Rose wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 11:47:24 -0400, Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> Users could stay with XP too, and by doing so will not face having to
>> learn a completely new OS, or lose use of any Windows programs. A better
>> solution, would you not agree.. :-)

> Temporarily? Possibly.
> Long term? Bad once MS drops XP support.
> For those who don't want Vista and whatever may follow, they are better
> off choosing and learning an alternative now while there is time instead
> of waiting with XP until the last moment.
> Just my opinion...

Not really opinion, common sense and logic is more like it.
Re: Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without realOEM marketing efforts

Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Seven wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:fdf1k3$66l$
>>>>> Seven wrote:
>>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:fdeauv$b4s$
>>>>>>> Carey Frisch [MVP] wrote:
>>>>>>>> Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without real
>>>>>>>> OEM marketing efforts:
>>>>>>> The article incorrectly assumes that the power of word of mouth
>>>>>>> is not a strong marketing power. So do you and all the other
>>>>>>> fanboys. I must admit, though, Linux will be successful in Europe
>>>>>>> before the BestBuy Americans catch on.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>>>>> Sure.
>>>>>> The people looking for free stuff, like starving artist and people
>>>>>> trying to "discover" themselves...they are going for Linux in a
>>>>>> big way.
>>>>> Like Google? If you use Google, you're using Linux. Are you a
>>>>> starving artist, trying to discover yourself?
>>>> I use google not Linux.
>>>> Google uses Linux.
>>> Ergo, so do you when you use their Linux based servers to search.
>>>> I eat at a restarant that uses Calphalon...But I dont use Calphalon.
>>>> Linux so desperate it has to say your using it indirectly.
>>> Indirectly doesn't count?
>>>>>> But the "BestBuy" americans...I assume you mean people with jobs
>>>>>> and money...they use Windows.
>>>>> No I mean the computer clueless type that tools up to the Mall and
>>>>> takes back a computer like an HP, loaded with crap, no OS CD and
>>>>> spends all day on Windows Live Messenger and downloading crap with
>>>>> eMule.
>>>> Ahhh...the super superior Linux attitude.
>>>> That's why Linux is so low on the totem pole.
>>>> LinNurds are like Homeless Snobs.
>>> I meet these types every day. They don't even know what Linux is.
>>> It's an observation, not an attitude. You're the one with a snobby
>>> attitude.
>>>>>> I'm pretty sure Microsoft, like most business', considers people
>>>>>> with money as their preferred customers.
>>>>> And the sky is blue some days, right?
>>>>>> Linux, with its slogan..."It's Free, Damnit!" obviously
>>>>>> after a different clientele.
>>>>> People who want to control their own computers, you mean?
>>>> I have Vista, and "control it" just fine.
>>> Sure you do. What about WPA, WGA, Tamper State. How many hardware
>>> components can you change without asking permission from the owner of
>>> the software, Microsoft?
>>>>>> Or, they will hook you for free NOW, then will drop the hammer
>>>>>> later with fees.
>>>>> Air is free now. You're hooked now. Without it, you would have a
>>>>> terrible hangover. So far, "they" haven't charged anyone for the
>>>>> air they breath.
>>>> Air is free now?
>>>> When was it for sale?
>>>> Need to work on your metaphors.
>>> No, you need to work on understanding metaphors.

>> You need to work on telling and accepting the truth.

> When will you stop not telling the truth, Frank? Just *saying* someone
> lies is not enough. You have to *prove* it and lies, insults, clichés
> and bluster doesn't qualify as proving it.
>> Start with the fact that you're a linux troll.

> Let's not. Stereotypes never did anything for me as I choose not to be
> so narrow minded.
>> Then work on dealing with the fact that linux is not, nor will it ever
>> be, the main desktop os of choice.

> Not for you, that's for sure until, of course, it's the "latest thing"
> and then you'll jump on it in a New York second and tell everyone you've
> been using it since it came out.
>> Then consider that your presence here is unwanted and unneeded.
>> Frank

> I'm sure it's more welcomed than your lies, insults, clichés and bluster
> is.

Try again pal. Nothing you say will absolve you from your lies and the
fact that you're just a linux lovin lyin loser troll.
We all know that to be a true statement.
Now go ahead gives us your pat 'lies, insults, clichés and bluster'
bullsh*t answer. That won't change one fact about you.
On second thought, don't.
Just do us all a favor an disappear like you did once before but didn't
have the balls to stay away.
On top of being a know liar and troll, you're also weak.
Re: Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without real OEM marketing efforts

OK I am not in this argument it is however amusing to read so I thought I
would add something >
"Air is free now. You're hooked now. Without it, you would have a terrible
hangover. So far, "they" haven't charged anyone for the air they
We will skip oxygen bars and get to lets see the air filters on your: car,
air conditioner, heating system etc etc, heck hun they charge us for the air
we breathe all the time.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments
that take your breath away.

"Seven" <Seven@linux.sux> wrote in message
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fdf1k3$66l$
>> Seven wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fdeauv$b4s$
>>>> Carey Frisch [MVP] wrote:
>>>>> Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without real OEM
>>>>> marketing efforts:
>>>> The article incorrectly assumes that the power of word of mouth is not
>>>> a strong marketing power. So do you and all the other fanboys. I must
>>>> admit, though, Linux will be successful in Europe before the BestBuy
>>>> Americans catch on.
>>>> --
>>>> Alias
>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>> Sure.
>>> The people looking for free stuff, like starving artist and people
>>> trying to "discover" themselves...they are going for Linux in a big way.

>> Like Google? If you use Google, you're using Linux. Are you a starving
>> artist, trying to discover yourself?

> I use google not Linux.
> Google uses Linux.
> I eat at a restarant that uses Calphalon...But I dont use Calphalon.
> Linux so desperate it has to say your using it indirectly.
>>> But the "BestBuy" americans...I assume you mean people with jobs and
>>> money...they use Windows.

>> No I mean the computer clueless type that tools up to the Mall and takes
>> back a computer like an HP, loaded with crap, no OS CD and spends all day
>> on Windows Live Messenger and downloading crap with eMule.

> Ahhh...the super superior Linux attitude.
> That's why Linux is so low on the totem pole.
> LinNurds are like Homeless Snobs.
>>> I'm pretty sure Microsoft, like most business', considers people with
>>> money as their preferred customers.

>> And the sky is blue some days, right?
>>> Linux, with its slogan..."It's Free, Damnit!" obviously after a
>>> different clientele.

>> People who want to control their own computers, you mean?

> I have Vista, and "control it" just fine.
>>> Or, they will hook you for free NOW, then will drop the hammer later
>>> with fees.

>> Air is free now. You're hooked now. Without it, you would have a terrible
>> hangover. So far, "they" haven't charged anyone for the air they breath.

> Air is free now?
> When was it for sale?
> Need to work on your metaphors.
>> --
>> Alias
>> To email me, remove shoes

Re: Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without realOEM marketing efforts

EliteKat wrote:
> OK I am not in this argument it is however amusing to read so I thought
> I would add something >
> "Air is free now. You're hooked now. Without it, you would have a terrible
> hangover. So far, "they" haven't charged anyone for the air they
> breath."(sic)

"(sic)"? How so?

> We will skip oxygen bars and get to lets see the air filters on your:
> car, air conditioner, heating system etc etc, heck hun [sic] they charge us
> for the air we breathe all the time.

None of those things provide you with air they just treat the air. Oops.

To email me, remove shoes
Re: Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without real OEM marketing efforts

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> EliteKat wrote:
>> OK I am not in this argument it is however amusing to read so I thought I
>> would add something >
>> "Air is free now. You're hooked now. Without it, you would have a
>> terrible
>> hangover. So far, "they" haven't charged anyone for the air they
>> breath."(sic)

> "(sic)"? How so?
>> We will skip oxygen bars and get to lets see the air filters on your:
>> car, air conditioner, heating system etc etc, heck hun [sic] they charge
>> us for the air we breathe all the time.

> None of those things provide you with air they just treat the air. Oops.
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes

And, "Air is free now" was an idiotic attempt at a metaphor. Oops.

"Air is free" is what an intelligent person would have used.
The "now" creates a time comparison...that conditions of the value of air
have changed with the progression of time.
Good Lord man...put Linux down and read a book !
Re: Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without realOEM marketing efforts

Seven wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fdil9r$qlb$
>> EliteKat wrote:
>>> OK I am not in this argument it is however amusing to read so I
>>> thought I would add something >
>>> "Air is free now. You're hooked now. Without it, you would have a
>>> terrible
>>> hangover. So far, "they" haven't charged anyone for the air they
>>> breath."(sic)

>> "(sic)"? How so?
>>> We will skip oxygen bars and get to lets see the air filters on
>>> your: car, air conditioner, heating system etc etc, heck hun [sic]
>>> they charge us for the air we breathe all the time.

>> None of those things provide you with air they just treat the air. Oops.
>> --
>> Alias
>> To email me, remove shoes

> And, "Air is free now" was an idiotic attempt at a metaphor. Oops.
> "Air is free" is what an intelligent person would have used.
> The "now" creates a time comparison...that conditions of the value of
> air have changed with the progression of time.
> Good Lord man...put Linux down and read a book !

There will be a day when you will have to pay for clean air unless the
world does something about climate change and air pollution. Soooooooo,
NOW air is free.

How come you can't reply to the post and only, lamely, I might add, try
to shoot the messenger? Is it because you have no intelligent response?

To email me, remove shoes
Re: Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without real OEM marketing efforts

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Seven wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fdil9r$qlb$
>>> EliteKat wrote:
>>>> OK I am not in this argument it is however amusing to read so I thought
>>>> I would add something >
>>>> "Air is free now. You're hooked now. Without it, you would have a
>>>> terrible
>>>> hangover. So far, "they" haven't charged anyone for the air they
>>>> breath."(sic)
>>> "(sic)"? How so?
>>>> We will skip oxygen bars and get to lets see the air filters on your:
>>>> car, air conditioner, heating system etc etc, heck hun [sic] they
>>>> charge us for the air we breathe all the time.
>>> None of those things provide you with air they just treat the air.
>>> Oops.
>>> --
>>> Alias
>>> To email me, remove shoes

>> And, "Air is free now" was an idiotic attempt at a metaphor. Oops.
>> "Air is free" is what an intelligent person would have used.
>> The "now" creates a time comparison...that conditions of the value of air
>> have changed with the progression of time.
>> Good Lord man...put Linux down and read a book !

> There will be a day when you will have to pay for clean air unless the
> world does something about climate change and air pollution. Soooooooo,
> NOW air is free.
> How come you can't reply to the post and only, lamely, I might add, try to
> shoot the messenger? Is it because you have no intelligent response?
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes

You can wriggle all you want, you stand corrected.

So, you predict I will pay for air?
You believe your doomsday scenario will occur in my lifetime?
You are truly a buffoon.
Your predictions on environmental collapse run parallel with your
predictions on the success of Linux.
Both are incorrect.
You wouldn't happen to be waiting for a messianic messenger?
He is on a private plane with Al Gore, adding pollutants to the atmosphere
at a far greater rate than the average citizen.
Re: Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without realOEM marketing efforts

Seven wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fdj2oi$sm$
>> Seven wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fdil9r$qlb$
>>>> EliteKat wrote:
>>>>> OK I am not in this argument it is however amusing to read so I
>>>>> thought I would add something >
>>>>> "Air is free now. You're hooked now. Without it, you would have a
>>>>> terrible
>>>>> hangover. So far, "they" haven't charged anyone for the air they
>>>>> breath."(sic)
>>>> "(sic)"? How so?
>>>>> We will skip oxygen bars and get to lets see the air filters on
>>>>> your: car, air conditioner, heating system etc etc, heck hun [sic]
>>>>> they charge us for the air we breathe all the time.
>>>> None of those things provide you with air they just treat the air.
>>>> Oops.
>>>> --
>>>> Alias
>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>> And, "Air is free now" was an idiotic attempt at a metaphor. Oops.
>>> "Air is free" is what an intelligent person would have used.
>>> The "now" creates a time comparison...that conditions of the value of
>>> air have changed with the progression of time.
>>> Good Lord man...put Linux down and read a book !

>> There will be a day when you will have to pay for clean air unless the
>> world does something about climate change and air pollution.
>> Soooooooo, NOW air is free.
>> How come you can't reply to the post and only, lamely, I might add,
>> try to shoot the messenger? Is it because you have no intelligent
>> response?
>> --
>> Alias
>> To email me, remove shoes

> You can wriggle all you want, you stand corrected.
> So, you predict I will pay for air?
> You believe your doomsday scenario will occur in my lifetime?
> You are truly a buffoon.
> Your predictions on environmental collapse run parallel with your
> predictions on the success of Linux.
> Both are incorrect.
> You wouldn't happen to be waiting for a messianic messenger?
> He is on a private plane with Al Gore, adding pollutants to the
> atmosphere at a far greater rate than the average citizen.

Again, all you can do is lamely try to shoot the messenger. When you
want to discuss the issues, let me know.

To email me, remove shoes
Re: Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without real OEM marketing efforts

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Seven wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fdj2oi$sm$
>>> Seven wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:fdil9r$qlb$
>>>>> EliteKat wrote:
>>>>>> OK I am not in this argument it is however amusing to read so I
>>>>>> thought I would add something >
>>>>>> "Air is free now. You're hooked now. Without it, you would have a
>>>>>> terrible
>>>>>> hangover. So far, "they" haven't charged anyone for the air they
>>>>>> breath."(sic)
>>>>> "(sic)"? How so?
>>>>>> We will skip oxygen bars and get to lets see the air filters on
>>>>>> your: car, air conditioner, heating system etc etc, heck hun [sic]
>>>>>> they charge us for the air we breathe all the time.
>>>>> None of those things provide you with air they just treat the air.
>>>>> Oops.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Alias
>>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>>> And, "Air is free now" was an idiotic attempt at a metaphor. Oops.
>>>> "Air is free" is what an intelligent person would have used.
>>>> The "now" creates a time comparison...that conditions of the value of
>>>> air have changed with the progression of time.
>>>> Good Lord man...put Linux down and read a book !
>>> There will be a day when you will have to pay for clean air unless the
>>> world does something about climate change and air pollution. Soooooooo,
>>> NOW air is free.
>>> How come you can't reply to the post and only, lamely, I might add, try
>>> to shoot the messenger? Is it because you have no intelligent response?
>>> --
>>> Alias
>>> To email me, remove shoes

>> You can wriggle all you want, you stand corrected.
>> So, you predict I will pay for air?
>> You believe your doomsday scenario will occur in my lifetime?
>> You are truly a buffoon.
>> Your predictions on environmental collapse run parallel with your
>> predictions on the success of Linux.
>> Both are incorrect.
>> You wouldn't happen to be waiting for a messianic messenger?
>> He is on a private plane with Al Gore, adding pollutants to the
>> atmosphere at a far greater rate than the average citizen.

> Again, all you can do is lamely try to shoot the messenger. When you want
> to discuss the issues, let me know.
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes

I am a superb shot.
Re: Revised WinXP policy dooms Linux desktop prospects without realOEM marketing efforts

Alias wrote:

> Again, all you can do is lamely try to shoot the messenger.

You need to learn how to actually debate an issue as apparently you've
taken to using a pat "shoot the messenger" dodge far too many times.

When you
> want to discuss the issues, let me know.

You're the one who has "issues"...want to discuss them, though I really
doubt you'd want to confront or be confronted with them.