Vista vs Linux

  • Thread starter Thread starter measekite
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Alias wrote:
> Paul Montgumdrop wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Paul Montgumdrop wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> Paul Montgumdrop wrote:
>>>>>> DanS wrote:
>>>>>>> Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in
>>>>>>>> Except that most people that run vista get it preinstalled with
>>>>>>>> a set
>>>>>>>> of applications that they can use, others buy MS Office or MS
>>>>>>>> Works as
>>>>>>>> an add-on, often pre-installed, printers and other hardware doesn't
>>>>>>>> require any effort to get installed unless it's OLD.
>>>>>>> Let's look at your above comparison.....with a pre-installed
>>>>>>> Vista, what apps do people get pre-installed that they can use ?
>>>>>>> IE, Mail, some cheesy games, WMP, and Movie Maker .... what else,
>>>>>>> of any real value (non-trial versions) ?
>>>>>>> When you install Ubuntu, what apps do you get by default ?
>>>>>> All I see here is a lot junk no one that was normal would use.
>>>>> You use open source Thunderbird. You can also use it in Ubuntu.
>>>> So? It's just one and not of the many. It's my alternate reader when
>>>> I need to look at *all clowns* that may be slithering around, like you.
>>>> The trash can't filter very well, like WM that has you totally
>>>> knocked out, all forms of you, like **Alias** or Alias or Whatever
>>>> Alias. I use TB to eye ball all trash blowing around.
>>> Translation: Paul's too stupid to use Ubuntu and too ill informed to
>>> know what it can do.
>>> Alias

>> Translation: You are a moron, and you'll bite and chase anything.
>> Do you think this is about MS vs Linux or Linux vs MS why the
>> Montgumdrop is here, at this particular time? I am after DanS^hit you
>> stupid fukk. And your dumb-a-hole pinches a loaf.

> Can't debate...

You actually still think this ng is for "debating"?
You dumber than we originally thought.

the pros and cons of Ubuntu so you resort to lies and
> insults.

You insult this ng by merely being here.

Ho hum.

Yeah, ho hum is the best you can do?

Are you trying to be a Frank?

All of the "Franks" in here own you!...LOL!
Alias wrote:
> Paul Montgumdrop wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Paul Montgumdrop wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> Paul Montgumdrop wrote:
>>>>>> DanS wrote:
>>>>>>> Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in
>>>>>>>> Except that most people that run vista get it preinstalled with
>>>>>>>> a set
>>>>>>>> of applications that they can use, others buy MS Office or MS
>>>>>>>> Works as
>>>>>>>> an add-on, often pre-installed, printers and other hardware doesn't
>>>>>>>> require any effort to get installed unless it's OLD.
>>>>>>> Let's look at your above comparison.....with a pre-installed
>>>>>>> Vista, what apps do people get pre-installed that they can use ?
>>>>>>> IE, Mail, some cheesy games, WMP, and Movie Maker .... what else,
>>>>>>> of any real value (non-trial versions) ?
>>>>>>> When you install Ubuntu, what apps do you get by default ?
>>>>>> All I see here is a lot junk no one that was normal would use.
>>>>> You use open source Thunderbird. You can also use it in Ubuntu.
>>>> So? It's just one and not of the many. It's my alternate reader when
>>>> I need to look at *all clowns* that may be slithering around, like you.
>>>> The trash can't filter very well, like WM that has you totally
>>>> knocked out, all forms of you, like **Alias** or Alias or Whatever
>>>> Alias. I use TB to eye ball all trash blowing around.
>>> Translation: Paul's too stupid to use Ubuntu and too ill informed to
>>> know what it can do.
>>> Alias

>> Translation: You are a moron, and you'll bite and chase anything.
>> Do you think this is about MS vs Linux or Linux vs MS why the
>> Montgumdrop is here, at this particular time? I am after DanS^hit you
>> stupid fukk. And your dumb-a-hole pinches a loaf.

> Can't debate the pros and cons of Ubuntu so you resort to lies and
> insults. Ho hum. Are you trying to be a Frank?

You really are stupid with a brain that's from another planet.
Ringmaster wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 13:49:19 -0400, Paul Montgumdrop
> <> wrote:
>>Alias wrote:
>>>Paul Montgumdrop wrote:

>>>Translation: Paul's too stupid to use Ubuntu and too ill informed to
>>>know what it can do.

>>Translation: You are a moron, and you'll bite and chase anything.

> You must be thinking of Frank, Yanaire and Spanky, better known as
> this newsgroup's Three Stooges. You could put a pork chop on a stick,
> dangle it in front of their noses as you walk in front of them and
> they would go round and round on some exercise track for hours trying
> to catch it. That is how dumb they are.
> if you're so smart (we know you're not!) why is it that you
can't get one little install of Vista Business to run correctly?
Oh, I forgot, it's all MS's fault!...LOL!
BTW, did I mention that you are a fukkin useless PIG, PIG?
On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 11:02:03 -0700, Frank <> wrote:

>Alias wrote:
>> Paul Montgumdrop wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Paul Montgumdrop wrote:
>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>> Paul Montgumdrop wrote:
>>>>>>> DanS wrote:
>>>>>>>> Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in

>>> Translation: You are a moron, and you'll bite and chase anything.
>>> Do you think this is about MS vs Linux or Linux vs MS why the
>>> Montgumdrop is here, at this particular time? I am after DanS^hit you
>>> stupid fukk. And your dumb-a-hole pinches a loaf.

>> Can't debate...

>You actually still think this ng is for "debating"?
>You dumber than we originally thought.

Since morons like you won't let this newsgroup function as it was
intended where everyone should be free to express their opinion
without some jackass like Frank insulting them it has become a source
of entertainment where mutts like you get your head bashed in daily by
smarter posters. In Frank's case that's 99.9% of the posters. It seems
you enjoy looking, acting stupid Frank. In fact that's the only thing
you're good at.

>You insult this ng by merely being here.

The irony, if only the idiot Frank was smart enough to realize it.
Obviously he isn't.

> Are you trying to be a Frank?

You're so delusional you honestly think people admire and respect you
and want to be like you. What a ding-dong Frank really is.
On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 17:23:41 +0000, measekite wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 11:22:47 -0400, TrollsBane wrote:
>> "measekite" <> wrote in message
>> news:1vQyk.257$
>>> On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 01:19:27 -0700, Pekka Numminen wrote:
>>>> On Sep 11, 5:24 pm, measekite <> wrote:
>>>>> I wonder if now this ng can have a discussion on the merits of Vista
>>>>> vs Linux.
>>>>> If so then I can see that printing and scanning are the items in
>>>>> Vista favor. Everything else, except for some standardization of
>>>>> where applications are stored (what folders) appears to be in favor
>>>>> of Linux. There also appears to be less things in Linux that one
>>>>> finds very annoying.
>>>> Linux is much faster than the sluggish Vista, but manufacturers of
>>>> appliances and software make their products for Windows. You cannot
>>>> achieve much on Linux as you cannot use the programs and devices you
>>>> need.
>>> Please list the programs you need and about what the cost is that run
>>> under Vista?

>> Shut your frikkin yap !
>> Nobody gives a flying fork that you can't afford Vista , can't
>> configure it, and generally just like to whine like a 4 year old little
>> crippled girl.
>> Linux isn't any better nor more or less stable.
>> It's different ... if you like it, you and the other seven geeks that
>> like it can go sit in a corner and pound Penguin !
>> Friggen weirdo !

> Are you Frankie Crankie's understudy. Do you study under Frank?

Have you studied anywhere ?
Or did you stop at the age of twelve, and then decide to simply become
annoying ?
No one cares what you think of Vista (the most successful OS currently

Ringmaster, Fran's Ass Licker wrote:


Face it loser, you are Frank's Ass Licker!
measekite <> wrote in

> On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 03:58:28 +0000, DanS wrote:
>> Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in
>>> Except that most people that run vista get it preinstalled with a
>>> set of applications that they can use, others buy MS Office or MS
>>> Works as an add-on, often pre-installed, printers and other hardware
>>> doesn't require any effort to get installed unless it's OLD.



>> Wait, a backup program, but there are free ones for Ubuntu as well.
>> Go here to find an app to do (almost) anything in Linux (mostly FOS,
>> some commercial) and install using the 'Install Now' button for each
>> package (if you were using Ubuntu):

> The above is a crock. In the repository that comes with Ubuntu are
> hundreds of software titles with some heavy hitters like openoffice
> and gimp among others. Basically you get for free what would cost
> over $1000 in windows.

I guess you do have a reading comprehension problem.

Go back to the original post and see how many times I said a DEFAULT
install of Ubuntu, or a DEFAULT install of VISTA.

Going to Synaptic and having to install additonal s/w is NOT a DEFAULT

OO is installed in Ubuntu by default, and so is GIMP, but I didn't
mention GIMP because while it may be good enough for any home user's
needs....the multi-window interface SUCKS! and THAT, is my noone wants to
even try to use it.
In article <gah8ci$6li$>, TrollsBane . wrote:
>Name a more successful OS.
>(a hint : none)

That's the fallacy of popularity, argumentum ad populum, and
is very bad logic. Windows is successful at making money for Windows
vendors. That's really its claim to fame. It's always been technologically
backward if not totally fubar and a total lose once you scale past small
campus sized installations.

IOW just because 99% of the computers in the world run Windows
you can't draw conclusions about "success" unless "success" is specifically
defined as "number of computers running it" which is IMHO much too narrow
a definition to be useful.

>As an actual user of several Linux distros...none of them can barely compare
>to Win95.

Oh, horsehit.
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the wharf rat wrote:

> In article <gah8ci$6li$>, TrollsBane .
> wrote:
>>Name a more successful OS.
>>(a hint : none)

> That's the fallacy of popularity, argumentum ad populum, and
> is very bad logic. Windows is successful at making money for Windows
> vendors. That's really its claim to fame. It's always been
> technologically backward if not totally fubar and a total lose once you
> scale past small campus sized installations.
> IOW just because 99% of the computers in the world run Windows
> you can't draw conclusions about "success" unless "success" is
> specifically defined as "number of computers running it" which is IMHO
> much too narrow a definition to be useful.
>>As an actual user of several Linux distros...none of them can barely
>>compare to Win95.

> Oh, horsehit.

You must code for linux...almost there...just missing a thing or two.
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the wharf rat wrote:
> In article <gah8ci$6li$>, TrollsBane . wrote:
>> Name a more successful OS.
>> (a hint : none)

> That's the fallacy of popularity, argumentum ad populum, and
> is very bad logic. Windows is successful at making money for Windows
> vendors. That's really its claim to fame. It's always been technologically
> backward if not totally fubar and a total lose once you scale past small
> campus sized installations.
> IOW just because 99% of the computers in the world run Windows
> you can't draw conclusions about "success" unless "success" is specifically
> defined as "number of computers running it" which is IMHO much too narrow
> a definition to be useful.
>> As an actual user of several Linux distros...none of them can barely compare
>> to Win95.

> Oh, horsehit.

Oh look, you have gotten the attention of that rat ba$tard named warf
rat $hit. You had best ignore it.
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In article <uWf5nhrFJHA.3848@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl>,
Paul Montgumdrop <> wrote:
>Oh look, you have gotten the attention of that rat ba$tard named warf
>rat $hit. You had best ignore it.

Why haven't they added an "Reply Intelligently" button to Outlook?

It'd work sort of like the spell checker but flag stupidity in
addition to bad grammar.
the wharf rat wrote:

> In article <uWf5nhrFJHA.3848@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl>,
> Paul Montgumdrop <> wrote:
>>Oh look, you have gotten the attention of that rat ba$tard named warf
>>rat $hit. You had best ignore it.

> Why haven't they added an "Reply Intelligently" button to Outlook?
> It'd work sort of like the spell checker but flag stupidity in
> addition to bad grammar.

Hiccup !
the wharf rat wrote:
> In article <uWf5nhrFJHA.3848@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl>,
> Paul Montgumdrop <> wrote:
>> Oh look, you have gotten the attention of that rat ba$tard named warf
>> rat $hit. You had best ignore it.

> Why haven't they added an "Reply Intelligently" button to Outlook?
> It'd work sort of like the spell checker but flag stupidity in
> addition to bad grammar.

It's call trash talk you fool. And jacka$$, I am not using Outlook. :-P
Paul Montgumdrop wrote:
> the wharf rat wrote:
>> In article <uWf5nhrFJHA.3848@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl>,
>> Paul Montgumdrop <> wrote:
>>> Oh look, you have gotten the attention of that rat ba$tard named warf
>>> rat $hit. You had best ignore it.

>> Why haven't they added an "Reply Intelligently" button to Outlook?
>> It'd work sort of like the spell checker but flag stupidity in
>> addition to bad grammar.

> It's call trash talk you fool.

That's about all you can do.

> And jacka$$, I am not using Outlook. :-P

No, you're using an open source program.
