Use of Linux Almost Doubles in 07

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Re: Now you can safely buy Linux Stock

Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:

> "assuming"
> As you so often do.
> You also get all the pitfalls that so often come with assuming.
> When you cease assuming and instead look at the facts, you may start
> to see a little clearly.

When you start learning how to post properly on Usenet, you might start
seeing a little clearly. Until then, you simply break threads for those
using REAL newsreaders.


Remove Vista Activation Completely ...

Frank - seek help immediately! Visit ...
Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:

> It is very clear.
> Since you seemed to miss what I said:
> "You regularly compare yourself to him."

When you learn how to properly post on Usenet, you might stop breaking
threads. Until then, your posts are essentially useless, as REAL
newsreaders will drop everything after your sig line because you're a
top-posting Wintard.


Remove Vista Activation Completely ...

Frank - seek help immediately! Visit ...
Frank wrote:

> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> SeriousShave wrote:
>>>>> You are off topic. Quit your trolling.
>>>> LOL! Tell that to Frank, the biggest troll here. Oh, but you won't do
>>>> that because Frank just loves Vista.
>>>> Alias
>>> Frank is not a lying linux lovin troll.

>> No, you are just a common, every day troll.

> I'm not the linux lyin troll. You are.

You are a troll, but not a linux lyin one because you're too dumb to even
get Linux installed. But that's alright ... just so long as you keep that
cork on your fork so you don't damage yourself further.


Remove Vista Activation Completely ...

Frank - seek help immediately! Visit ...
Frank wrote:

> Alias wrote:
>> Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
>>> You must admire Frank so much.

>> LOL! How do you figure?
>>> You regularly compare yourself to him.
>>> Obviously you have set his actions as a standard for your own.

>> Not hardly. Nice try but no cigar.
>> Alias

> You dipsh*t loser...I own your stupid arse...LOL!
> Frank

The only arse you own is the one you have your head stuck up into. Please
read my sig for further help.


Remove Vista Activation Completely ...

Frank - seek help immediately! Visit ...
Re: Now you can safely buy Linux Stock

NoStop wrote:

---childish bs (as usual)---
Get a life doris.
Alias wrote:

> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:%23rf19pdNIHA.4912@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:%230Qq%23idNIHA.5224@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>> Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
>>>>>> Consumers have a choice.
>>>>>> However it suits your anti Microsoft agenda to spread FUD in a
>>>>>> vain attempt to push your pet Linux.
>>>>>> As even you have pointed, Dell offers the choice of Linux.
>>>>>> Local shops also offer a choice of operating systems including Linux.
>>>>>> FACTS you know but choose to ignore when it goes against your agenda.
>>>>>> You should try facts for a change.
>>>>>> You should also try to leave off your bias and personal attacks.
>>>>>> Do that and more people would listen to your evangelizing of Linux.
>>>>>> However in the past you have demonstrated you are incapable of
>>>>>> sticking with facts and leaving out the attacks.
>>>>>> Consumers have a choice and are not force fed, a FACT you are
>>>>>> aware but CHOOSE to ignore.
>>>>> Yawn, you're so full of sh?t I can smell it from here.
>>>> Look who's talking. You complain about being nasty and using bad
>>>> language, but you do it all the time. Oops.
>>> He *is* full of sh�t.

>> Well that just might be the case, but you complain about others being
>> nasty. Hypocrite.

> I don't see you jumping on Frank's case for his continual profanity. I
> use one little word and you have a stroke.
> Alias

Go fukk yourself you lyin linux lovin troll.
"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:%23rf19pdNIHA.4912@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:%230Qq%23idNIHA.5224@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>> Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
>>>>>> Consumers have a choice.
>>>>>> However it suits your anti Microsoft agenda to spread FUD in a vain
>>>>>> attempt to push your pet Linux.
>>>>>> As even you have pointed, Dell offers the choice of Linux.
>>>>>> Local shops also offer a choice of operating systems including Linux.
>>>>>> FACTS you know but choose to ignore when it goes against your agenda.
>>>>>> You should try facts for a change.
>>>>>> You should also try to leave off your bias and personal attacks.
>>>>>> Do that and more people would listen to your evangelizing of Linux.
>>>>>> However in the past you have demonstrated you are incapable of
>>>>>> sticking with facts and leaving out the attacks.
>>>>>> Consumers have a choice and are not force fed, a FACT you are aware
>>>>>> but CHOOSE to ignore.
>>>>> Yawn, you're so full of sh?t I can smell it from here.
>>>> Look who's talking. You complain about being nasty and using bad
>>>> language, but you do it all the time. Oops.
>>> He *is* full of sh?t.

>> Well that just might be the case, but you complain about others being
>> nasty. Hypocrite.

> I don't see you jumping on Frank's case for his continual profanity. I use
> one little word and you have a stroke.

Because YOU complain about it when others use profanity towards you. Frank
doesn't complain about that. I was just pointing that out.

> Alias
Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> SeriousShave wrote:
>>>>>> You are off topic. Quit your trolling.
>>>>> LOL! Tell that to Frank, the biggest troll here. Oh, but you won't
>>>>> do that because Frank just loves Vista.
>>>>> Alias
>>>> Frank is not a lying linux lovin troll.
>>> No, you are just a common, every day troll.

>> I'm not the linux lyin troll. You are.
>>>> Frank is not in this MS Vista ng pushing a piece of sh*t toy os
>>>> called ubuntu.
>>> Nope, you are here insulting everyone and generally acting like a
>>> fool whose only vernacular is heavily interlaced with profanity.

>> I only insult those who deserve to be insulted because they have first
>> insulted us.
>> Idiot linux lying trolls like you are at the top of my list.
>> Get use to it. Live with it, loser.
>>>> You are you moron.
>>>> Who do you think you're fooling?
>>>> Fool.
>>>> Frank
>>> I'm not trying to fool anyone.

>> Of course you are, so stop lying about it.
>> I'm very clear with what I say. You even
>>> understand it sometimes.

>> Yes, we all understand and comprehend your daily barrage of lies.
>> Frank

> Yet you cannot come up with one lie I've told. That makes you the liar.
> Alias

FUKK!!! We've already been thru this routine you dimwitted idiot! You've
admitted in this ng that you lied. Google it as*hole.
Get some help you pathetic POS.
Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
>>>> You must admire Frank so much.
>>> LOL! How do you figure?
>>>> You regularly compare yourself to him.
>>>> Obviously you have set his actions as a standard for your own.
>>> Not hardly. Nice try but no cigar.
>>> Alias

>> You dipsh*t loser...I own your stupid arse...LOL!
>> Frank

> Please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.
> Alias

So you like dancing for me do you?
It that your sexual weirdo creep atheist POS linux lyin loser.
bjr <> wrote:

> Time to return to the leper colony, son. Take the hint. You are
> not wanted here.

If you'll stop replying to the trolls their posts won't be bothering
the rest of us.

XS11E, Killing all posts from Google Groups
The Usenet Improvement Project:
NoStop wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>>Alias wrote:
>>>Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
>>>>You must admire Frank so much.
>>>LOL! How do you figure?
>>>>You regularly compare yourself to him.
>>>>Obviously you have set his actions as a standard for your own.
>>>Not hardly. Nice try but no cigar.

>>You dipsh*t loser...I own your stupid arse...LOL!

> The only arse you own is the one you have your head stuck up into. Please
> read my sig for further help.
> Cheers.

How's that RS arse kissing coming along doris?
Daily routine for you is it?
You are a cross-dressing linux POS troll aren't you.
A typical insult from you when the FACTS go against your agenda and
you are unable to refute them.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Yawn, you're so full of sh¡t I can smell it from here.
> Alias
The proof is in your posts.
Whenever you mention how you are treated as compared with Frank.
Look at most any of your posts where you refer to Frank and you will
see the proof.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> I've *never* compared myself to Frank and you can't prove otherwise.
> Alias
Re: Now you can safely buy Linux Stock

Criticism without contribution.
Typical of those unable to refute what is before them.
Instead they need to deal with irrelevant issues such as posting style
or grammar.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"NoStop" <> wrote in message
> When you start learning how to post properly on Usenet, you might
> start
> seeing a little clearly. Until then, you simply break threads for
> those
> using REAL newsreaders.
> Cheers.
> --
> Remove Vista Activation Completely ...
> Frank - seek help immediately! Visit ...
"Alias" <> wrote in message news:fj1afj$36s$
> Robyn wrote:
>> And you in a vista discussion group trying to force feed Linux to vista
>> users!!

> Not at all. I don't pretend to attempt the impossible. I don't, like MS,
> control the hardware and large OEMs. All I can do is make suggestions. You
> are free to take them or leave them. You are also free to ignore my posts.

If you were completely truthful about what you said, I for one would ignore
your posts.
However as you are not completely truthful about stuff, to people who may
actually believe you, its best to tell them the whole truth about Ubuntu.
Alias3354246 Wrote:
> SeriousShave wrote:
> > You are off topic. Quit your trolling.
> >
> >

> LOL! Tell that to Frank, the biggest troll here. Oh, but you won't do
> that because Frank just loves Vista.
> Alias

No, you are the worst troll here, I'm afraid. By a good margin. You’re
worse than the jehovas. At least they get lost when I let the dogs out
into the yard.

SeriousShave's Profile:
View this thread:
"Alias" <> wrote in message news:fj1be3$739$
> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Robyn wrote:
>>>> "Alias" wrote:
>>>>> From:
>>>>> "Linux was in use on 0.6% of PCs worldwide, according to Net
>>>>> Applications. Despite its small share, Linux's slice of the market has
>>>>> nearly doubled since the beginning of the year."
>>>>> Alias
>>>> Wow, a mere, 0.6%! Same article, same link, but vista is this: Vista's
>>>> share has grown from 0.2% to 9.2% since the beginning of the year.
>>> A lot of people eat fast food. That doesn't make fast food a good thing
>>> to eat.

>> Got anymore meaningless analogies?

> It's not my fault that you can't understand analogies.
>>>> Need I same more, and I sure won't with you!!!
>>> The fact that Vista is force fed to consumers is all that means.

>> Really?

> Yes, really.
>> Maybe you need to grow up and accept the fact that most computer users
>> prefer Windows...

> Most computer users don't even know about Linux -- yet and hence my NOBLE
> mission.

Rubbish, even my local store is doing "internet ready linux PCs" for £99.
They don't appear to sell like hotcakes and they only build them to order.
I must check what the spec is and see if the will run home server?

>> not linux when given the choice.
>> Frank

> Thanks to MS' strong arm tactics with the OEMs and hardware manufacturer's
> most users are not give or informed that there is a choice.

More rubbish.
OEMs don't do linux as it doesn't sell.
Maybe it will be different for Dell this time?
Its all about profit, if linux was wanted it would be an option on all the
machines. As it is people pay more for a PC with windows and the OEM and
shop make a bit more profit.
Typical insults when FACTS are against you.
It is noted you said NOTHING to dispute what was said.
Your insults are reflective on your character and say nothing of

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> He *is* full of sh¡t.
> Alias
"are not give or informed that there is a choice"
That is an interesting comment.
It is not because of Microsoft.
Choices abound for consumers.
Since Linux computers are available from at least one major OEM and
many local shops, the failure must be elsewhere.
Only time will tell if Dell with Linux will succeed this time or it
will fail as it did years ago.

Who is responsible to inform the customers?
Why is it someone's responsibility?
Generally it is the customers who must research what is available base
on their needs.
All the necessary information is freely available and easy to find.
From there seek a seller of the product that meets their needs.
Just like other products.

"my NOBLE mission"
Step back and look at what you are doing.
You spend much of your time bashing people and products and far less
on the merits of Linux.

You spend time evangelizing Linux in Windows groups and bashing others
when instead you could be spreading the positive message where it will
be better received.
Your "NOBLE mission" of bashing others instead of touting the benefits
shows your character and bias very clearly.

One of the few groups that attempts to sell their message by
continuously bashing others are politicians.
And most here know how politicians are respected.
Your behavior is similar to many politicians as you regularly

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Robyn wrote:
>>>> "Alias" wrote:
>>>>> From:
>>>>> "Linux was in use on 0.6% of PCs worldwide, according to Net
>>>>> Applications. Despite its small share, Linux's slice of the
>>>>> market has nearly doubled since the beginning of the year."
>>>>> Alias
>>>> Wow, a mere, 0.6%! Same article, same link, but vista is this:
>>>> Vista's share has grown from 0.2% to 9.2% since the beginning of
>>>> the year.
>>> A lot of people eat fast food. That doesn't make fast food a good
>>> thing to eat.

>> Got anymore meaningless analogies?

> It's not my fault that you can't understand analogies.
>>>> Need I same more, and I sure won't with you!!!
>>> The fact that Vista is force fed to consumers is all that means.

>> Really?

> Yes, really.
>> Maybe you need to grow up and accept the fact that most computer
>> users prefer Windows...

> Most computer users don't even know about Linux -- yet and hence my
> NOBLE mission.
>> not linux when given the choice.
>> Frank

> Thanks to MS' strong arm tactics with the OEMs and hardware
> manufacturer's most users are not give or informed that there is a
> choice.
> Alias
Alias wrote:
> Robyn wrote:
>> And you in a vista discussion group trying to force feed Linux to
>> vista users!!

> Not at all. I don't pretend to attempt the impossible. I don't, like MS,
> control the hardware and large OEMs. All I can do is make suggestions.
> You are free to take them or leave them. You are also free to ignore my
> posts.
> Get lost, and go use you linux software some where else! I'm tired
>> of the crap I see from you, and you 0.6% followers.

> You should ask yourself why Linux makes you and the other fanboys and
> girls so angry.
> Ok there is nothing wrong with linux, it is a solid OS that is also

free. so u really cant hate linux. ubuntu is a great OS.
>> So are others who love vista in these groups, and just require some
>> help for some issues, that can be solved without put downs, from the
>> likes of someone like you, and others as I seen.

> Get over it Linux is the future and Windows is the past.
> but as for linux being the future that is not even close to being

true. if anything Macintosh is going to be the future (as much as i hate
to say it) i personally dont like macs but they are growing very fast so
they could very easily be the next big thing. and if u have ever used
the latest version of macs OS then u will find that a lot of things in
vista and linux are VERY similar to the mac OS. and that being said
before u say mac copied windows or linux, mac came out with its OS first.
> Alias