Use of Linux Almost Doubles in 07

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alias
  • Start date Start date
"Alias" <> wrote in message news:fj7g85$igr$

> So, you're an "independent" Christian who practices Christianity according
> to Frank? I'd distance myself from organized Christianity too, if I were
> you, which, thankfully, I am not.

You are a Christian if you believe Jesus was the son of God.
Nothing else is required.
It does not require any belief in the bible or any other Christian ways.
There are Christian faiths that expect more, you can be a member of that
faith *too*.

You appear to put blind faith in Linux ATM, so you can't really say that
having blind faith in God is any worse.
"Alias" <> wrote in message news:fj7gb2$igr$
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fj4vdh$egb$
>>> dennis@home wrote:

>> 8<
>>>> That is rubbish if you are talking about vista.
>>>> It is very similar to ubuntu except it has more feedback on how
>>>> progress is going.
>>>> If you can get your machine to boot from DVD you can install vista by
>>>> answering maybe 15 questions.
>>>> You should try it some time.
>>> I have and it's more difficult and takes longer than Ubuntu when you
>>> factor in all the programs you want to install.

>> Ok I'll take the bait.
>> How long to install ubuntu and Civ 4 and flight Sim X.
>> Also I use paperport pro and an HP 5590 scanner.
>> It would be nice if my Samsung colour laser would also work.
>> Then there is Olympus studio for controlling my camera.
>> It takes ages on windows.. probably 4 hours.. how long on Ubuntu?

> I don't have any idea. I don't use any of that crap.
> Alias

So what would you suggest as open source alternatives?
I would like to investigate a Paperport alternative as my version is a bit
old (V8) and I would like something that integrates with Vistas search
better or had a better in built search.
dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fj7fvr$j5k$
>> dennis@home wrote:

> 8<
>>>> The market share has nothing to do with it.
>>> No of course not.
>>> The hackers are always going for the least probability of success by
>>> only attacking <1% of machines and users.
>>> Why would anyone send out 100 million emails trying to get users to
>>> install some malware when you could send a mere 1 million to linux
>>> users?

>> BS FUD.

> Go on then explain to me where all the hackers, spammers and other
> idiots are going to go just because windows disappears?

Get a real job?

> Are you going to deny them access to Linux somehow? Maybe you could have
> activation in it? sorry they just removed that from their source.
> When you find a credible answer let me know.

Securing Linux is easy and you know it. Stop playing dumb.

MICHAEL wrote:
> Yet, so many keep feeding the supposed "troll". Why?
> No self-control? Obsessive compulsive disorder?
> Acute ignoramus disease?
> Who's the bigger fool? The fool or the fool who follows the fool?
> -Michael

Ah, that is the question!

> "Robyn" <> wrote in message
>> Are you still here within our fine group! And still mouthing it! Get
>> lost,
>> don't you see you are not welcomed here anymore. We need to start a
>> petition
>> to get loosers like this out of here!! He offers no advice, just bs!
>> --
>> Robyn
>> "Alias" wrote:
>>> Frank wrote:
>>> > Alias wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Frank wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Alias wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> Frank wrote:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> Alias wrote:
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> You forgot the part of the equation where hell freezes over
>>> >>>>>>>>>> first.. :-)
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> hehehe...that's funny...besides the fact that he is an atheist
>>> >>>>>>>>> and proly doesn't believe in a hell...LOL!
>>> >>>>>>>>> Frank
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> I do believe in both hell and heaven. What I don't believe is
>>> >>>>>>>> that you have to wait until after you die to experience
>>> either one.
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> Alias
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> hehehehe...then you don't believe in the biblical versions of
>>> >>>>>>> heaven and hell to which we are referring, right?
>>> >>>>>>> Try to stop lying ok?
>>> >>>>>>> Frank
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> No, I don't and don't use the word "we", speak for yourself if
>>> >>>>>> you're man enough to stand alone.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> I'm pretty confident that using "we" was correct in the context
>>> >>>>> that it was used. I'll ignore the other part of your stupid,
>>> >>>>> ignorant comment.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> If there were a "spiritual kingdom" would you
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>> really want to go there?
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Of course!
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> You would have no body so you couldn't see,
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>> touch, smell, hear or feel.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> That's why it's called "heaven".
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Einstein proved that nothing can be created
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>> or destroyed, only the form can change and that, of course, makes
>>> >>>>>> more sense than there is some god up in the sky with a list of
>>> >>>>>> who's naughty and who's nice.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Really? You just barely smart enough to outsmart yourself aren't
>>> >>>>> you. Too bad, but that's your problem.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> When you die, your soul cannot be destroyed and simply
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>> takes up new form in a new body.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Oh really? I don't think so and certainly hope not. I don't
>>> believe
>>> >>>>> in pre-destination or reincarnation...but that's your
>>> problem...not
>>> >>>>> mine.
>>> >>>>> As a fringe person you've obviously done a lot of rationalizing
>>> >>>>> over the years.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> And to which version of the Bible are you referring?
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Do you even know
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>> how many times the Bible was changed for political purposes over
>>> >>>>>> the years?
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Sorry pal, but the main message hasn't changed.
>>> >>>>> Frank
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> You prove only one thing: one cannot reason with someone who
>>> >>>> believes in the unreasonable.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> That is a perfect description of you! Amazing!
>>> >>>
>>> >>> There is no god.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> wish!
>>> >>>
>>> >>> There is no place where you go after
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> you die.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Wanna bet your miserable life on it?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Christianity has served only to murder millions of people and
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> control the masses. The same is true for Islam and Judaism.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> That is the failure of all mankind.
>>> >>> How's that good "karma" coming along?
>>> >>> Frank
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Like I said, trying to reason with you is impossible.
>>> >
>>> > I'd hardly call anything you do "reasonable".
>>> Like I said ..
>>> >
>>> > Now, go shoot some
>>> >> people in the name of your god like so many have before you.
>>> >
>>> > It that the best you can do? Pathetic! I have never ever shot
>>> anyone in
>>> > the name of God nor do I approve of that type of human behavior. To
>>> lump
>>> > all believers in that group with the wacko fringes (just like you) is
>>> > wrong and not true statistically speaking.
>>> > You need to get a real life.
>>> > Frank
>>> You being a Christian supports what the official Christian churches have
>>> done. Do you play with children like the Christian priests do, Frank?
>>> Alias
dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fj7g85$igr$
>> So, you're an "independent" Christian who practices Christianity
>> according to Frank? I'd distance myself from organized Christianity
>> too, if I were you, which, thankfully, I am not.

> You are a Christian if you believe Jesus was the son of God.
> Nothing else is required.
> It does not require any belief in the bible or any other Christian ways.
> There are Christian faiths that expect more, you can be a member of that
> faith *too*.
> You appear to put blind faith in Linux ATM, so you can't really say that
> having blind faith in God is any worse.

Who appointed you Pope to decree what being a Christian is or isn't?
Ubuntu's great but not perfect and I don't "believe" in it, blindly or

dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fj7gb2$igr$
>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fj4vdh$egb$
>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> 8<
>>>>> That is rubbish if you are talking about vista.
>>>>> It is very similar to ubuntu except it has more feedback on how
>>>>> progress is going.
>>>>> If you can get your machine to boot from DVD you can install vista
>>>>> by answering maybe 15 questions.
>>>>> You should try it some time.
>>>> I have and it's more difficult and takes longer than Ubuntu when you
>>>> factor in all the programs you want to install.
>>> Ok I'll take the bait.
>>> How long to install ubuntu and Civ 4 and flight Sim X.
>>> Also I use paperport pro and an HP 5590 scanner.
>>> It would be nice if my Samsung colour laser would also work.
>>> Then there is Olympus studio for controlling my camera.
>>> It takes ages on windows.. probably 4 hours.. how long on Ubuntu?

>> I don't have any idea. I don't use any of that crap.
>> Alias

> So what would you suggest as open source alternatives?
> I would like to investigate a Paperport alternative as my version is a
> bit old (V8) and I would like something that integrates with Vistas
> search better or had a better in built search.

Hopefully you will get an answer to your post on the Ubuntu group. I
haven't the foggiest idea because I don't use Paperport.

"Alias" <> wrote in message news:fj9dnm$8qr$
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fj7fvr$j5k$
>>> dennis@home wrote:

>> 8<
>>>>> The market share has nothing to do with it.
>>>> No of course not.
>>>> The hackers are always going for the least probability of success by
>>>> only attacking <1% of machines and users.
>>>> Why would anyone send out 100 million emails trying to get users to
>>>> install some malware when you could send a mere 1 million to linux
>>>> users?
>>> BS FUD.

>> Go on then explain to me where all the hackers, spammers and other idiots
>> are going to go just because windows disappears?

> Get a real job?
>> Are you going to deny them access to Linux somehow? Maybe you could have
>> activation in it? sorry they just removed that from their source.
>> When you find a credible answer let me know.

> Securing Linux is easy and you know it. Stop playing dumb.

Securing Linux is as hard as securing windows or a Mac or any other
People like you not understanding this is one of the main problems.
Sure I can make Linux or windows secure even for you but not while you think
you know about security and have admin access.
Why do you think corporations remove admin access for most of their users on
Unix and windows?
Its to stop people like you that think they know what they are doing from
doing things they should not.
While you have control over the computer it is not safe whatever OS it runs.
The same is true for most users windows or Linux.
I know you won't understand this, which is why the problems will persist
until the internet 2 edge access control model is installed and working. Its
not possible to control the machines that access the internet so the
alternative is to control the access/traffic through the network and limit
the damage. The work to do this is underway and will arrive soon.
Alias wrote:

> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fj7g85$igr$
>>> So, you're an "independent" Christian who practices Christianity
>>> according to Frank? I'd distance myself from organized Christianity
>>> too, if I were you, which, thankfully, I am not.

>> You are a Christian if you believe Jesus was the son of God.
>> Nothing else is required.
>> It does not require any belief in the bible or any other Christian ways.
>> There are Christian faiths that expect more, you can be a member of
>> that faith *too*.
>> You appear to put blind faith in Linux ATM, so you can't really say
>> that having blind faith in God is any worse.

> Who appointed you Pope to decree what being a Christian is or isn't?

Certainly not you, you atheist lying pig!

> Ubuntu's great but not perfect and I don't "believe" in it, blindly or
> otherwise.

Liar! It's your "cause" and what you "believe" in.
dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fj9dnm$8qr$
>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fj7fvr$j5k$
>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> 8<
>>>>>> The market share has nothing to do with it.
>>>>> No of course not.
>>>>> The hackers are always going for the least probability of success
>>>>> by only attacking <1% of machines and users.
>>>>> Why would anyone send out 100 million emails trying to get users to
>>>>> install some malware when you could send a mere 1 million to linux
>>>>> users?
>>>> BS FUD.
>>> Go on then explain to me where all the hackers, spammers and other
>>> idiots are going to go just because windows disappears?

>> Get a real job?
>>> Are you going to deny them access to Linux somehow? Maybe you could
>>> have activation in it? sorry they just removed that from their source.
>>> When you find a credible answer let me know.

>> Securing Linux is easy and you know it. Stop playing dumb.

> Securing Linux is as hard as securing windows or a Mac or any other
> computer.
> People like you not understanding this is one of the main problems.
> Sure I can make Linux or windows secure even for you but not while you
> think you know about security and have admin access.
> Why do you think corporations remove admin access for most of their
> users on Unix and windows?
> Its to stop people like you that think they know what they are doing
> from doing things they should not.
> While you have control over the computer it is not safe whatever OS it
> runs.
> The same is true for most users windows or Linux.
> I know you won't understand this, which is why the problems will persist
> until the internet 2 edge access control model is installed and working.
> Its not possible to control the machines that access the internet so the
> alternative is to control the access/traffic through the network and
> limit the damage. The work to do this is underway and will arrive soon.

Do you think you could be more vague, supercilious and arrogant for us,

BTW, you're full of sh¡t.

Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fj7g85$igr$
>>>> So, you're an "independent" Christian who practices Christianity
>>>> according to Frank? I'd distance myself from organized Christianity
>>>> too, if I were you, which, thankfully, I am not.
>>> You are a Christian if you believe Jesus was the son of God.
>>> Nothing else is required.
>>> It does not require any belief in the bible or any other Christian ways.
>>> There are Christian faiths that expect more, you can be a member of
>>> that faith *too*.
>>> You appear to put blind faith in Linux ATM, so you can't really say
>>> that having blind faith in God is any worse.

>> Who appointed you Pope to decree what being a Christian is or isn't?

> Certainly not you, you atheist lying pig!

Nor you, you foul mouthed pig.

>> Ubuntu's great but not perfect and I don't "believe" in it, blindly or
>> otherwise.

> Liar! It's your "cause" and what you "believe" in.
> Frank


Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:fj7g85$igr$
>>>>> So, you're an "independent" Christian who practices Christianity
>>>>> according to Frank? I'd distance myself from organized Christianity
>>>>> too, if I were you, which, thankfully, I am not.
>>>> You are a Christian if you believe Jesus was the son of God.
>>>> Nothing else is required.
>>>> It does not require any belief in the bible or any other Christian
>>>> ways.
>>>> There are Christian faiths that expect more, you can be a member of
>>>> that faith *too*.
>>>> You appear to put blind faith in Linux ATM, so you can't really say
>>>> that having blind faith in God is any worse.
>>> Who appointed you Pope to decree what being a Christian is or isn't?

>> Certainly not you, you atheist lying pig!

> Nor you, you foul mouthed pig.
>>> Ubuntu's great but not perfect and I don't "believe" in it, blindly
>>> or otherwise.

>> Liar! It's your "cause" and what you "believe" in.
>> Frank

> Liar.
> Alias

It isn't? Then you've been lying about that all this time?
Alias wrote:

> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fj9dnm$8qr$
>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:fj7fvr$j5k$
>>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>> 8<
>>>>>>> The market share has nothing to do with it.
>>>>>> No of course not.
>>>>>> The hackers are always going for the least probability of success
>>>>>> by only attacking <1% of machines and users.
>>>>>> Why would anyone send out 100 million emails trying to get users
>>>>>> to install some malware when you could send a mere 1 million to
>>>>>> linux users?
>>>>> BS FUD.
>>>> Go on then explain to me where all the hackers, spammers and other
>>>> idiots are going to go just because windows disappears?
>>> Get a real job?
>>>> Are you going to deny them access to Linux somehow? Maybe you could
>>>> have activation in it? sorry they just removed that from their source.
>>>> When you find a credible answer let me know.
>>> Securing Linux is easy and you know it. Stop playing dumb.

>> Securing Linux is as hard as securing windows or a Mac or any other
>> computer.
>> People like you not understanding this is one of the main problems.
>> Sure I can make Linux or windows secure even for you but not while you
>> think you know about security and have admin access.
>> Why do you think corporations remove admin access for most of their
>> users on Unix and windows?
>> Its to stop people like you that think they know what they are doing
>> from doing things they should not.
>> While you have control over the computer it is not safe whatever OS it
>> runs.
>> The same is true for most users windows or Linux.
>> I know you won't understand this, which is why the problems will
>> persist until the internet 2 edge access control model is installed
>> and working. Its not possible to control the machines that access the
>> internet so the alternative is to control the access/traffic through
>> the network and limit the damage. The work to do this is underway and
>> will arrive soon.

> Do you think you could be more vague, supercilious and arrogant for us,
> Dennis?
> BTW, you're full of sh¡t.
> Alias

Translation: I've been caught lying (again? damn) and don't have
anything intelligent to say.

"Alias" <> wrote in message news:fja5cf$akb$
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fj9dnm$8qr$
>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:fj7fvr$j5k$
>>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>> 8<
>>>>>>> The market share has nothing to do with it.
>>>>>> No of course not.
>>>>>> The hackers are always going for the least probability of success by
>>>>>> only attacking <1% of machines and users.
>>>>>> Why would anyone send out 100 million emails trying to get users to
>>>>>> install some malware when you could send a mere 1 million to linux
>>>>>> users?
>>>>> BS FUD.
>>>> Go on then explain to me where all the hackers, spammers and other
>>>> idiots are going to go just because windows disappears?
>>> Get a real job?
>>>> Are you going to deny them access to Linux somehow? Maybe you could
>>>> have activation in it? sorry they just removed that from their source.
>>>> When you find a credible answer let me know.
>>> Securing Linux is easy and you know it. Stop playing dumb.

>> Securing Linux is as hard as securing windows or a Mac or any other
>> computer.
>> People like you not understanding this is one of the main problems.
>> Sure I can make Linux or windows secure even for you but not while you
>> think you know about security and have admin access.
>> Why do you think corporations remove admin access for most of their users
>> on Unix and windows?
>> Its to stop people like you that think they know what they are doing from
>> doing things they should not.
>> While you have control over the computer it is not safe whatever OS it
>> runs.
>> The same is true for most users windows or Linux.
>> I know you won't understand this, which is why the problems will persist
>> until the internet 2 edge access control model is installed and working.
>> Its not possible to control the machines that access the internet so the
>> alternative is to control the access/traffic through the network and
>> limit the damage. The work to do this is underway and will arrive soon.

> Do you think you could be more vague, supercilious and arrogant for us,
> Dennis?
> BTW, you're full of sh¡t.

Everything you post here shows you know nothing about security.
You keep telling users ubuntu is secure when it is not.
The best you can manage is that it secure compared to windows.. the same OS
you maintain is so insecure you should switch.. to another insecure OS.. and
offer no useful advice on how to secure Ubuntu.
People like you that think they are secure when they are not are the biggest
problem, not viruses.
If you can't understand something that simple then there is no hope for you.
You will be at home joe/jane and Peter as they also have the same unfounded
You can call me arrogant if you want but the evidence suggests that you need
someone to explain things in single syllable words and then you still find
an excuse to ignore it.
Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fj9dnm$8qr$
>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:fj7fvr$j5k$
>>>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>>> 8<
>>>>>>>> The market share has nothing to do with it.
>>>>>>> No of course not.
>>>>>>> The hackers are always going for the least probability of success
>>>>>>> by only attacking <1% of machines and users.
>>>>>>> Why would anyone send out 100 million emails trying to get users
>>>>>>> to install some malware when you could send a mere 1 million to
>>>>>>> linux users?
>>>>>> BS FUD.
>>>>> Go on then explain to me where all the hackers, spammers and other
>>>>> idiots are going to go just because windows disappears?
>>>> Get a real job?
>>>>> Are you going to deny them access to Linux somehow? Maybe you could
>>>>> have activation in it? sorry they just removed that from their source.
>>>>> When you find a credible answer let me know.
>>>> Securing Linux is easy and you know it. Stop playing dumb.
>>> Securing Linux is as hard as securing windows or a Mac or any other
>>> computer.
>>> People like you not understanding this is one of the main problems.
>>> Sure I can make Linux or windows secure even for you but not while
>>> you think you know about security and have admin access.
>>> Why do you think corporations remove admin access for most of their
>>> users on Unix and windows?
>>> Its to stop people like you that think they know what they are doing
>>> from doing things they should not.
>>> While you have control over the computer it is not safe whatever OS
>>> it runs.
>>> The same is true for most users windows or Linux.
>>> I know you won't understand this, which is why the problems will
>>> persist until the internet 2 edge access control model is installed
>>> and working. Its not possible to control the machines that access the
>>> internet so the alternative is to control the access/traffic through
>>> the network and limit the damage. The work to do this is underway and
>>> will arrive soon.

>> Do you think you could be more vague, supercilious and arrogant for
>> us, Dennis?
>> BTW, you're full of sh¡t.
>> Alias

> Translation: I've been caught lying (again? damn) and don't have
> anything intelligent to say.
> Figures.
> Frank

I guess you really are that dense. With a router that has a hard
firewall and only installing apps from the repo, Ubuntu is as solid as a
rock and Dennis knows it. The fact that you don't is not surprising
because all you know is how to lie, insult and bluster.

dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fja5cf$akb$
>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fj9dnm$8qr$
>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:fj7fvr$j5k$
>>>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>>> 8<
>>>>>>>> The market share has nothing to do with it.
>>>>>>> No of course not.
>>>>>>> The hackers are always going for the least probability of success
>>>>>>> by only attacking <1% of machines and users.
>>>>>>> Why would anyone send out 100 million emails trying to get users
>>>>>>> to install some malware when you could send a mere 1 million to
>>>>>>> linux users?
>>>>>> BS FUD.
>>>>> Go on then explain to me where all the hackers, spammers and other
>>>>> idiots are going to go just because windows disappears?
>>>> Get a real job?
>>>>> Are you going to deny them access to Linux somehow? Maybe you could
>>>>> have activation in it? sorry they just removed that from their source.
>>>>> When you find a credible answer let me know.
>>>> Securing Linux is easy and you know it. Stop playing dumb.
>>> Securing Linux is as hard as securing windows or a Mac or any other
>>> computer.
>>> People like you not understanding this is one of the main problems.
>>> Sure I can make Linux or windows secure even for you but not while
>>> you think you know about security and have admin access.
>>> Why do you think corporations remove admin access for most of their
>>> users on Unix and windows?
>>> Its to stop people like you that think they know what they are doing
>>> from doing things they should not.
>>> While you have control over the computer it is not safe whatever OS
>>> it runs.
>>> The same is true for most users windows or Linux.
>>> I know you won't understand this, which is why the problems will
>>> persist until the internet 2 edge access control model is installed
>>> and working. Its not possible to control the machines that access the
>>> internet so the alternative is to control the access/traffic through
>>> the network and limit the damage. The work to do this is underway and
>>> will arrive soon.

>> Do you think you could be more vague, supercilious and arrogant for
>> us, Dennis?
>> BTW, you're full of sh¡t.

> Everything you post here shows you know nothing about security.
> You keep telling users ubuntu is secure when it is not.
> The best you can manage is that it secure compared to windows.. the same
> OS you maintain is so insecure you should switch.. to another insecure
> OS.. and offer no useful advice on how to secure Ubuntu.
> People like you that think they are secure when they are not are the
> biggest problem, not viruses.
> If you can't understand something that simple then there is no hope for
> you.
> You will be at home joe/jane and Peter as they also have the same
> unfounded beliefs.
> You can call me arrogant if you want but the evidence suggests that you
> need someone to explain things in single syllable words and then you
> still find an excuse to ignore it.

I know so little about security that I haven't ever had a virus or
malware attack any of my machines and get away with it since 96. If you
use a router with a hard firewall and only install apps from the repo,
Ubuntu is a solid as a rock vs. Windows which is like a sieve.

I just cleaned up a Windows XP box. The AV was out of date and the
resident scanner nuked. No firewall, hard or soft, the XP firewall was
turned off. No anti malware programs. The owner didn't know what a
firewall is, much less how to update *anything*. Windows Updates auto
updates was turned off. Now, to explain to this noob how to keep XP
secure is complicated for her. To explain to only install apps from the
repo is very easy for her. Which OS is more secure for noobs? Hint: you
don't need to be genius to figure that one out.

Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:fj7g85$igr$
>>>>>> So, you're an "independent" Christian who practices Christianity
>>>>>> according to Frank? I'd distance myself from organized
>>>>>> Christianity too, if I were you, which, thankfully, I am not.
>>>>> You are a Christian if you believe Jesus was the son of God.
>>>>> Nothing else is required.
>>>>> It does not require any belief in the bible or any other Christian
>>>>> ways.
>>>>> There are Christian faiths that expect more, you can be a member of
>>>>> that faith *too*.
>>>>> You appear to put blind faith in Linux ATM, so you can't really say
>>>>> that having blind faith in God is any worse.
>>>> Who appointed you Pope to decree what being a Christian is or isn't?
>>> Certainly not you, you atheist lying pig!

>> Nor you, you foul mouthed pig.
>>>> Ubuntu's great but not perfect and I don't "believe" in it, blindly
>>>> or otherwise.
>>> Liar! It's your "cause" and what you "believe" in.
>>> Frank

>> Liar.
>> Alias

> It isn't? Then you've been lying about that all this time?
> Figures.
> Frank


Alias wrote:


> ...Ubuntu is a solid as a rock vs. Windows which is like a sieve.

Now you've really shown just how stupidly ignorant you are.
But we all knew that already.
Mike is right! And, Frank too!

I have a dual booted Vista and Ubuntu computer. And, I have come to one
conclusion--Ubuntu Linux is not ready for primetime. Frankly, very few
Linux distros are ready for the average computer user. Windows Vista (or
other Windows versions) is still the way to go for most American consumers.

"Mike Hall - MVP" <> wrote in message
> So name the programs which you see as alternatives and I will download and
> install them onto my Ubuntu installation, and compare them with what I
> have running in Vista..
> I assume you know the names?
> --
> Mike Hall - MVP
Alias3364387 Wrote:
> dennis@home wrote:
> >
> >
> > "Alias" <> wrote in message
> > news:fja5cf$akb$
> >> dennis@home wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> >>> news:fj9dnm$8qr$
> >>>> dennis@home wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> >>>>> news:fj7fvr$j5k$
> >>>>>> dennis@home wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 8<
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>>> The market share has nothing to do with it.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> No of course not.
> >>>>>>> The hackers are always going for the least probability of

> success
> >>>>>>> by only attacking <1% of machines and users.
> >>>>>>> Why would anyone send out 100 million emails trying to get

> users
> >>>>>>> to install some malware when you could send a mere 1 million

> to
> >>>>>>> linux users?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> BS FUD.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Go on then explain to me where all the hackers, spammers and

> other
> >>>>> idiots are going to go just because windows disappears?
> >>>>
> >>>> Get a real job?
> >>>>
> >>>>> Are you going to deny them access to Linux somehow? Maybe you

> could
> >>>>> have activation in it? sorry they just removed that from their

> source.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> When you find a credible answer let me know.
> >>>>
> >>>> Securing Linux is easy and you know it. Stop playing dumb.
> >>>
> >>> Securing Linux is as hard as securing windows or a Mac or any

> other
> >>> computer.
> >>> People like you not understanding this is one of the main

> problems.
> >>> Sure I can make Linux or windows secure even for you but not while
> >>> you think you know about security and have admin access.
> >>> Why do you think corporations remove admin access for most of

> their
> >>> users on Unix and windows?
> >>> Its to stop people like you that think they know what they are

> doing
> >>> from doing things they should not.
> >>> While you have control over the computer it is not safe whatever

> OS
> >>> it runs.
> >>> The same is true for most users windows or Linux.
> >>> I know you won't understand this, which is why the problems will
> >>> persist until the internet 2 edge access control model is

> installed
> >>> and working. Its not possible to control the machines that access

> the
> >>> internet so the alternative is to control the access/traffic

> through
> >>> the network and limit the damage. The work to do this is underway

> and
> >>> will arrive soon.
> >>
> >> Do you think you could be more vague, supercilious and arrogant for
> >> us, Dennis?
> >>
> >> BTW, you're full of sh¡t.

> >
> > Everything you post here shows you know nothing about security.
> > You keep telling users ubuntu is secure when it is not.
> > The best you can manage is that it secure compared to windows.. the

> same
> > OS you maintain is so insecure you should switch.. to another

> insecure
> > OS.. and offer no useful advice on how to secure Ubuntu.
> > People like you that think they are secure when they are not are the
> > biggest problem, not viruses.
> > If you can't understand something that simple then there is no hope

> for
> > you.
> > You will be at home joe/jane and Peter as they also have the same
> > unfounded beliefs.
> > You can call me arrogant if you want but the evidence suggests that

> you
> > need someone to explain things in single syllable words and then you
> > still find an excuse to ignore it.
> >
> >
> >

> I know so little about security that I haven't ever had a virus or
> malware attack any of my machines and get away with it since 96. If
> you
> use a router with a hard firewall and only install apps from the repo,
> Ubuntu is a solid as a rock vs. Windows which is like a sieve.
> I just cleaned up a Windows XP box. The AV was out of date and the
> resident scanner nuked. No firewall, hard or soft, the XP firewall was
> turned off. No anti malware programs. The owner didn't know what a
> firewall is, much less how to update *anything*. Windows Updates auto
> updates was turned off. Now, to explain to this noob how to keep XP
> secure is complicated for her. To explain to only install apps from
> the
> repo is very easy for her. Which OS is more secure for noobs? Hint:
> you
> don't need to be genius to figure that one out.
> Alias

Again you are off-topic. The topic here is Vista. Learn to read aliass.

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