People Would Rather Pay For Windows Than Use Linux.

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skipping over all the silliness and changes of subject ...

answer this

could Linux exist without Windows? )

almost from day one .. you didn't hear Linux talked about without Windows
being somehow dragged into it.

Rich wrote:
> On Sep 8, 5:00 pm, owl <o...@rooftop.invalid> wrote:
>> What's really sad, though, is that I laid out about $300 for Vista
>> Business (for testing purposes) several months ago, and I think I've
>> felt a desire to boot into it maybe five times since then. It's just
>> a dull experience. I have no desire to install any software on it,
>> since I'm sure it would end up being a hassle, just like my HP Printer
>> experience. I really don't know what I'll ever do with it. Wasted
>> money. I could have bought another computer with that $300.- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

> If you hate Windows so much and if Linux is so great, why on earth did
> you spend $300 on Microsoft Vista?

It's just another toy to play with in VMware. Actually I have more
fun with the Windows 3.1 VM.

> I think this is another fairy tale brought to the group via the local
> Linux kooks.

Why would you consider something that is so commonly done -- running a
Windows guest OS under a Linux host OS -- to be a "fairy tale"?

> The real truth is Linux sucks and you need Windows in order to do your
> job.

The real truth is that I'm prone to bouts of nostalgia, and VMware
has helped me give new life to boxes full of ancient Windows software.
Eventually I'm going to have Word for Windows 2.0 up and running. w00t!

> As for multiple desktops, ever see that utility that comes with every
> Nvidia card?
> Probobly not because the CD won't work with Linux, well it has nView
> which gives you multiple desktops.

My laptop has Intel Graphics.

> And if that's not good enough for you there are other free utilities
> that do the same.
> So why not return Vista and use your beloved Linux?

Why? Even a misfit toy deserves an occasional hug.
Saucy wrote:

> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
> news:6TFEi.141738$rX4.129031@pd7urf2no...
>> > Also, Linux, if a problem arises is fixable.

> Yeah, diskpart then install Windows.
> Saucy

You're right! Windoze is usally "fixed" by reinstalling.


Remove Vista Activation Completely ...

Do you use Linux? Everytime you "google", you're using Linux.

Coming Soon! Ubuntu 7.10 ... New Features:
In comp.os.linux.advocacy Rich <> wrote:
> skipping over all the silliness and changes of subject ...
> answer this
> could Linux exist without Windows? )
> almost from day one .. you didn't hear Linux talked about without Windows
> being somehow dragged into it.

The same could be said of viruses. Wait.. MS-DOS will do for that.
No need for Windoze. Nevermind. :(
Saucy wrote:
> .

Translation: Saucy just had his or her argument totally destroyed so she
or he runs away and hides behind the skirt of a plonk.

At the rate Saucy is going, all she or he will be able to do is post to
his or herself.

To email me, remove shoes
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Rich wrote:
> skipping over all the silliness and changes of subject ...
> answer this
> could Linux exist without Windows? )

It always has.

> almost from day one .. you didn't hear Linux talked about without
> Windows being somehow dragged into it.
> Rich

You mean, like "thank goodness I don't have to put up with Windows anymore"?

To email me, remove shoes
Friends don't let friends

Friends don't let Friends use Linux/Ubuntu

Just FYI.

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fbuhtp$jub$
>>>> Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from it.
>>> Gosh, I guess this "MVP" hasn't heard of making money from tech support.

>> That is why Linux doesn't "sell", people don't want to get a free bit of
>> software and then pay for support especially when support is free from
>> the next door neighbor like it is for windows. Almost everyone knows
>> someone who will help with windows but hardly anyone knows someone who is
>> knowledgeable about Linux and even less for Ubuntu.

> Sure, pull the other one, it has bells on it. I have a friend who makes a
> living with tech support for both Windows and Ubuntu. Just because your
> "friends" take advantage of you and have you fix their Windows boxes for
> free, doesn't mean everyone is a patsy.
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes
That sure showed him! He will be running to Mommy now !

"Saucy" <> wrote in message
> .
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Why aren't you telling everyone about the great features of Ubuntu? You are
not doing your job!

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Saucy wrote:
>> .

> Translation: Saucy just had his or her argument totally destroyed so she
> or he runs away and hides behind the skirt of a plonk.
> At the rate Saucy is going, all she or he will be able to do is post to
> his or herself.
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes
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dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fbv0uq$r4j$
>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fbuhtp$jub$
>>>>> Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from
>>>>> it.
>>>> Gosh, I guess this "MVP" hasn't heard of making money from tech
>>>> support.
>>> That is why Linux doesn't "sell", people don't want to get a free bit
>>> of software and then pay for support especially when support is free
>>> from the next door neighbor like it is for windows. Almost everyone
>>> knows someone who will help with windows but hardly anyone knows
>>> someone who is knowledgeable about Linux and even less for Ubuntu.

>> Sure, pull the other one, it has bells on it. I have a friend who
>> makes a living with tech support for both Windows and Ubuntu. Just
>> because your "friends" take advantage of you and have you fix their
>> Windows boxes for free, doesn't mean everyone is a patsy.

> You charge your friends for a bit of help?
> Do you have any left?

A bit of help, no. Hours of cleaning crap off a Windows box, hell yes,
with a strong, "boot into Ubuntu, fool!" after I give them the bill.
Some heed the advice and I don't see them for computer problems other
than "how do I do this in Ubuntu?", others don't and come back again and
again. All thank me and give me a big smile when their computer is fixed.

Letting/encouraging "friends" take of advantage of you is not true
friendship. Would you ask a friend who is a brain surgeon to operate on
your brain for free? Would you ask a friend who is a lawyer, plumber or
candle stick maker to work for you for free?

To email me, remove shoes
On Sat, 8 Sep 2007 22:47:11 +0100, "dennis@home"
<> wrote:

>"Alias" <> wrote in message
>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fbuhtp$jub$
>>>>> Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from it.
>>>> Gosh, I guess this "MVP" hasn't heard of making money from tech support.
>>> That is why Linux doesn't "sell", people don't want to get a free bit of
>>> software and then pay for support especially when support is free from
>>> the next door neighbor like it is for windows. Almost everyone knows
>>> someone who will help with windows but hardly anyone knows someone who is
>>> knowledgeable about Linux and even less for Ubuntu.

>> Sure, pull the other one, it has bells on it. I have a friend who makes a
>> living with tech support for both Windows and Ubuntu. Just because your
>> "friends" take advantage of you and have you fix their Windows boxes for
>> free, doesn't mean everyone is a patsy.

>You charge your friends for a bit of help?
>Do you have any left?

You can stop auditioning. I'm sure the fanboy club will welcome you
will open arms. They can always use one more chump to tow the party
On Sat, 8 Sep 2007 17:49:00 -0400, "Saucy"
<> wrote:


Talk about idiots. This moron plonks as often as other people take a
bathroom break. True to form he needs to ANNOUCE that he plonked, yet
he's too damn stupid to leave any indication WHO he plonked.

Nothing special, Saucy is one of many members of the moronic fanboy
club. None of them have the sense to come in out of the rain.
Last edited by a moderator: wrote:

> Linux is free.
> Windows is not.
> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
> Windows XP.
> Linux is free.

> Why?

1) You may be mistaken with the "windows costs money" line of reasoning. See
right here:

2) The wife just bought a laptop. It came with Windows on it. It just works.
Why would she go to the trouble of erasing a perfectly functioning OS just
to install another one? The apps that she likes (like OpenOffice or
Firefox) can be downloaded for Windows just as well as for Linux. What
motivation would she have to "switch"?

Just thinking out loud here...

-- S

My real email address does not contain any "Z"s.
Sven Geier wrote:
> wrote:
>> Linux is free.
>> Windows is not.
>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>> Windows XP.
>> Linux is free.

> [...]
>> Why?

> 1) You may be mistaken with the "windows costs money" line of reasoning. See
> right here:
> 2) The wife just bought a laptop. It came with Windows on it. It just works.
> Why would she go to the trouble of erasing a perfectly functioning OS just
> to install another one? The apps that she likes (like OpenOffice or
> Firefox) can be downloaded for Windows just as well as for Linux. What
> motivation would she have to "switch"?
> Just thinking out loud here...
> -- S

You really think that you did not pay for it??
Its just that when you dont want windows, that they try to
force you to pay for it anyway.
We just had a consumer review of VISTA in Holland.
Microsoft was quite pissed off because of it.
Just try to install any upgrade (from openoffice,FF,TB etc)
after you have have used the computer for a while.
Customers in Holland were not pleased to say the least,
and the consumer organisattion advised to swith to XP,LINUX or APPLE.......
"Kerry Brown" <kerry@kdbNOSPAMsys-tems.c*a*m> wrote in message

>>>>>> Money CAN be made with Linux by selling services, which is the same
>>>>>> way money is made with Windows. However you need to have people
>>>>>> willing to use Linux first and then start selling them services
>>>>>> contracts.

>>>>> For linux to become popular it has to be installed on OEM machines.
>>>>> This
>>>>> is what initially drives the market. When a new Microsoft OS comes out
>>>>> the previous is eventually made irrelevant because new computers have
>>>>> the
>>>>> new OS. Most people don't care what OS they run. They walk into a
>>>>> store
>>>>> and buy whatever the salesman gets the best commission on. Once they
>>>>> get
>>>>> home or back to work they try to figure out how to use it. If new
>>>>> computers came with linux they would figure out and use linux. This
>>>>> model
>>>>> isn't based on selling a service but selling a product. OEM's aren't
>>>>> going to switch to linux anytime soon for several reasons. The main
>>>>> one
>>>>> is money. They have a lot of money invested in the Windows ecosystem.
>>>>> It
>>>>> would be very expensive for them to switch to a different OS even if
>>>>> the
>>>>> OS was free. That brings up the second problem. If the OS is free
>>>>> where
>>>>> is the incentive to develop it into a product that can be sold? Yes,
>>>>> some
>>>>> money can be made selling services to medium and big business. No, a
>>>>> lot
>>>>> of money can't be made selling desktop services to the general public.
>>>>> Currently the general public through OEM computer sales drives the
>>>>> desktop market.

> I agree it will change. I think we disagree on when or what will change
> it. I also disagree that anyone has a monopoly on "knowledge of how to
> provide knowledge via a computer". This knowledge is
> actually very common and supersedes Microsoft. Microsoft has a monopoly on
> selling Windows not on how to create an OS. They may use monopolistic
> marketing techniques to get Windows on as many computers as they can. This
> is part of doing business in a capitalist society. I am not expressing an
> opinion whether I agree with this or think it is right. I am saying what I
> think the current reality is. The future may have a linux based OS as the
> main desktop for most computers but I don't think it will come to pass. I
> think we are stuck with Windows until someone comes along with a new OS
> that has something in it we all want/need/desire and currently don't have
> or even know what it is we want/need/desire. All of the current OS' for
> micro computers are too close to really say one is better. All we can
> say is they are different and I prefer Windows/linux/OS X/Solaris/BSD,
> whatever. It will take something new or someone with a lot of money for
> marketing to knock Microsoft off the top of the heap.

With rather severe editing of the above, to focus in a few specific points.

I believe that the problem is going to be a difficult one. In this market,
there must be one major company 'owning' an OS sufficently that they can
invest major funds in marketing.
1. We know that MS offers significant price and other concessions to any
manufacturer who stays 'windows only'. So to gain a few short term sales in
the linux market, every pc they sell becomes more expensive. As long as the
computer makers compete so much on price, we are stuck. What we need os an
'oligopoly' of manufacturers to tell MS to (*&^ themselves. None have the
courage or the means to do it by themeselves.
2. If a superior OS did happen, and was owned and properly promoted, MS
would kill the company, directly like they did for Geoworks and DRDos, steal
the code, like they did for 'superstore/superspace', or simply buy the

The reason that linux can survive is that nobody owns it. There is no one
party for MS to attack. Therefore the one thing that saves it, also prevents
it from becomming a dominant force on the OS business.

I think it is time for all of us to work for a change in the laws that MS
hides behind. Like maybe you can't copyright software that is not
guaranteed. Or, you can't copyright something that does not work prperly.
You have to put the teeth in the profitability part of it.
Telling/legislating that MS must guarantee/fix their product is a waste of
time - there is no alternative right now, and they won't bother fix it. If
there were competition, such as the auto or laptop computer industries, then
a guarantee works - if they offer a bad product you just go to the other
supplier. If MS faced the prospect of giving away windows until it worked
properly, they would smarten up very quickly.

Even if the US legislators and DOJ were not owned by MS, changes in approach
would be a hard sell because of all the foreign exchange and income tax MS
generates. (yes, the government profits from illegal activities). However,
those of us in other countries can make a difference - and we are dealing
with a company that is a drain on our foreign exchange, creates no
significant employment directly (I mean MS employees in the country), and
pays no or very little income tax to our government.
Perhaps we will have a world where MS owns the US but linux run the
computers in the rest of the world.

If this worked, I can see 2 significant benefits to all of us. MS only gets
paid if their software works, so we get versions of windows that work. And
when MS can't perform, then linux gets a fair chance.

> The same could be said of viruses. Wait.. MS-DOS will do for that.

Could Linux exist without viruses?

heh, weird mind at work there

and now MS-DOS gets dragged into it by the subject changer community

perfect execution of my theory, thank you

> You mean, like "thank goodness I don't have to put up with Windows
> anymore"?

now YOU are telling me what I mean?


I guess that is the only way you can make your OS politics work?
