OT: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

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Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

the two, for the people must understand the spirit of the letter, and the
learned must submit their spirit to the letter.

252. For we must not misunderstand ourselves we are as much automatic as
intellectual and hence it comes that the instrument by which conviction is
attained is not demonstrated alone. How few things are demonstrated! Proofs
only convince the mind. Custom is the source of our strongest and most
believed proofs. It bends the automaton, which persuades the mind without
its thinking about the matter. Who has demonstrated that there will be a
to-morrow and that we shall die? And what is more believed? It is, then,
custom which persuades us of it it is custom that makes so many men
Christians custom that makes them Turks, heathens, artisans, soldiers, etc.
(Faith in baptism is more received among Christians than among Turks.)
Finally, we must have recourse to it when once the mind has seen where the
truth is, in order to quench our thirst, and steep ourselves in that belief,
which escapes us at every hour for always to ha
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

seemed as though her life was going, and that she saw it was
easy with God to take away her life by discoveries of Himself. Soon
after this she went to a private religious meeting, and her mind was
full of a sense and view of the glory of God all the time. When the
exercise was ended, some asked her concerning what she had experienced,
and she began to give an account, but as she was relating it, it revived
such a sense of the same things, that her strength failed, and they were
obliged to take her and lay her upon the bed. Afterwards she was greatly
affected, and rejoiced with these words, Worthy is the Lamb that was
slain! She had several days together a sweet sense of the excellency and
loveliness of Christ in His meekness, which disposed her continually to
be repeating over these words, which were sweet to her, meek and lowly
in heart, meek and lowly in heart. She once expressed herself to one of
her sisters to this purpose, that she had continued whole days and whole
nights, in a constant ravishing view of the glory of God and Christ,
having enjoyed as much as her life could bear. Once, as her brother was
speaking of the dying love of Christ, she told him, she had such a sense
of it, that the mere mentioning of it was ready to overcome her.

Once, when she came to me, she said,-that at such and such a time, she
thought she saw as much of God, and had as much joy and pleasure, as was
possible in this life and that yet, afterwards, God discovered Himself
far more abundantly. She saw the same things as before, yet more
clearly, and in a far more excellent and delightful manner and was
filled with a more exceeding sweetness. She likewise
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

and render all useless! We shall prevent you, my father truth is
one and constant.

It is impossible, from the duty of God to men, that a man, hiding his evil
teaching, and only showing the good, saying that he conforms to God and the
Church, should do miracles so as to instil insensibly a false and subtle
doctrine. This cannot happen.

And still less that God, who knows the heart should perform miracles in
favour of such a one.

844. The three marks of religion: perpetuity, a good life, miracles. They
destroy perpetuity by their doctrine of probability a good life by their
morals, miracles by destroying either their truth or the conclusions to be
drawn from them.

If we believe them, the Church will have nothing to do with perpetuity,
holiness, and miracles. The heretics deny them, or deny the conclusions to
be drawn from them they do the same. But one would need to have no
sincerity in order to deny them, or again to lose one's senses in order to
deny the conclusions to be drawn from them.

Nobody has ever suffered martyrdom for the miracles which he says he has
seen for the folly of men goes perhaps to the length of martyrdom, for
those which the Turks believe by tradition, but not for those which they
have seen.

845. The heretics have always attacked these three marks, which they have

846. First objection: "An angel from heaven. We
without for the most part being able to demonstrate
them in order as in mathematics, because the principles are not known to us
in the same way, and because it would be an endless matter to undertake it.
We must see the matter at once, at one glance, and not by a process of
reasoning, at least to a certain degree. And thus it is rare that
mathematicians are intuitive and that men of intuition are mathematicians,
because mathematicians wish to treat matters of intuition mathematically and
make themselves ridiculous, wishing to begin with definitions and then with
axioms, which is not the way to proceed in this kind of reasoning. Not that
the mind does not do so, but it does it tacitly, naturally, and without
technical rules for the expression of it is beyond all men, and only a few
can feel it.

Intuitive minds, on the contrary, being thus accustomed to judge at a single
glance, are so astonished when they are presented with propositions of which
they understand nothing, and the way to which is through definitions and
axioms so sterile, and which they are not accustomed to see thus in detail,
that they are repelled and disheartened.

But dull minds are never either intuitive or mathematical.

Mathematicians who are only mathematicians have exact minds, provided all
things are explained to them by means of definitions and axioms otherwise
they are inaccurate and insufferable, for they are on
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

opposition to it is so little dangerous that it
serves, on the contrary, to establish its truths. For the Christian faith
goes mainly to establish these two facts: the corruption of nature, and
redemption by Jesus Christ. Now I contend that, if these men do not serve to
prove the truth of the redemption by the holiness of their behaviour, they
at least serve admirably to show the corruption of nature by sentiments so

Nothing is so important to man as his own state, nothing is so formidable to
him as eternity and thus it is not natural that there should be men
indifferent to the loss of their existence, and to the perils of everlasting
suffering. They are quite different with regard to all other things. They
are afraid of mere trifles they foresee them they feel them. And this same
man who spends so many days and nights in rage and despair for the loss of
office, or for some imaginary insult to his honour, is the very one who
knows without anxiety and without emotion that he will lose all by death. It
is a monstrous thing to see in the same heart and at the same time this
sensibility to trifles and this strange insensibility to the greatest
objects. It is an incomprehensible enchantment, and a supernatural slumber,
which indicates as its cause an all-powerful force.

There must be a strange confusion in the nature of man, that he should boast
of being in that state in which it seems incredible that a single individual
should be. However, experience has shown me so great a number of such
persons that the fact would be surprising, if we did not know that the
greater part of those who trouble themselves about the matter are
disingenuous and not, in fact, what they say. They are people
Re: UPDATE : RIAA Washington Post CD copy story was a LIE.....

send them the Messiah to make them
masters of all the world, and foretold the time of His coming.

The world having grown old in these carnal errors, Jesus Christ came at the
time foretold, but not with the expected glory and thus men did not think
it was He. After His death, Saint Paul came to teach men that all these
things had happened in allegory that the kingdom of God did not consist in
the flesh, but in the spirit that the enemies of men were not the
Babylonians, but the passions that God delighted not in temples made with
hands, but in a pure and contrite heart that the circumcision of the body
was unprofitable, but that of the heart was needed that Moses had not given
them the bread from heaven, etc.

But God, not having desired to reveal these things to this people who were
unworthy of them and having, nevertheless, desired to foretell them, in
order that they might be believed, foretold the time clearly, and expressed
the things sometimes clearly, but very often in figures, in order that those
who loved symbols might consider them and those who loved what was
symbolised might see it therein.

All that tends not to charity is figurative.

The sole aim of the Scripture is charity.

All which tends not to the sole end
these two points, so is it
alike merciful of God to have made us know them. The Christian religion does
this it is in this that it consists.

Let us herein examine the order of the world and see if all things do not
tend to establish these two chief points of this religion: Jesus Christ is
end of all, and the centre to which all tends. Whoever knows Him knows the
reason of everything.

Those who fall into error err only through failure to see one of these two
things. We can, then, have an excellent knowledge of God without that of our
own wretchedness and of our own wretchedness without that of God. But we
cannot know Jesus Christ without knowing at the same time both God and our
own wretchedness.

Therefore I shall not undertake here to prove by natural reasons either the
existence of God, or the Trinity, or the immortality of the soul, or
anything of that nature not only because I should not feel myself
sufficiently able to find in nature arguments to convince hardened atheists,
but also because such knowledge without Jesus Christ is useless and barren.
Though a man should be convinced that numerical proportions are immaterial
truths, eternal and dependent on a first truth, in which they subsist and
which is called God, I should not think him far advanced towards his own

The God of Christians is not a God who is simply the author of mathematical
truths, or of the order of the elements that is the view of heathens and
Epicureans. He is not merely a God who exercises His providence over the
life and fortunes of men, to bestow on those who worship Him a long and
happy life. That was the portion of the Jews. But the God of Abraham, the
God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God of Christians, is a God of love and
of comfort, a God who fills the soul and heart of those whom He possesses, a
God who makes them con
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

and that is
bold and difficult. There is never this contradiction in the feelings
towards a cripple.

81. It is natural for the mind to believe and for the will to love so that,
for want of true objects, they must attach themselves to false.

82. Imagination.--It is that deceitful part in man, that mistress of error
and falsity, the more deceptive that she is not always so for she would be
an infallible rule of truth, if she were an infallible rule of falsehood.
But being most generally false, she gives no sign of her nature, impressing
the same character on the true and the false.

I do not speak of fools, I speak of the wisest men and it is among them
that the imagination has the great gift of persuasion. Reason protests in
vain it cannot set a true value on things.

This arrogant power, the enemy of reason, who likes to rule and dominate it,
has established in man a second nature to show how all-powerful she is. She
makes men happy and sad, healthy and sick, rich and poor she compels reason
to believe, doubt, and deny she blunts the senses, or quickens them she
has her fools and sages and nothing vexes us more than to see that she
fills her devotees with a satisfaction far more full and entire than does
reason. Those who have a lively imagination are a great deal more pleased
with themselves than the wise can reasonably be. They look down upon men
with haughtiness they argue with boldness and confidence, others with fe
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

in one, who, having been taken captive in
his childhood, was trained up m Canada in the popish religion. Some
years since he returned to this his native place, and was in a measure
brought off from popery but seemed very awkward and dull in receiving
any clear notion of the Protestant scheme till he was converted and
then he was remarkably altered in this respect.

There is a vast difference, as observed, in the degree, and also in the
particular manner, of persons' experiences, both at and after
conversion some have grace working more sensibly in one way, others in
another. Some speak more fully of a conviction of the justice of God in
their condemnation others, more of their consenting to the way of
salvation by Christ and some, more of the actings of love to God and
Christ. Some speak more of acts of affiance, in a sweet and assured
conviction of the truth and faithfulness of God in His promises others,
more of their choosing and resting in God as their whole and everlasting
portion and of their ardent and longing desire after God, to have
communion with Him and others, more of their abhorrence to themselves
for their past sins, and earnest longings to live to God's glory for the
time to come. But it seems evidently to be the same work, the same
habitual change wrought in the heart it all tends the same way, and to
the same end and it is plainly the same spirit that breathes and acts
in various persons. There is an endless variety in the particular manner
and circumstances in which persons are wrought on and an opportunity of
seeing so much will show that God is further from confining Himself to a
particular method in His work on souls than some imagine. I believe it
has occasioned some good people amongst us, who were before too ready to
make their own exp
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

the true spoken of, as appears by the Deluge, circumcision, the cross of
Saint Andrew, etc.

818. Having considered how it comes that there are so many false miracles,
false revelations, sorceries, etc., it has seemed to me that the true cause
is that there are some true for it would not be possible that there should
be so many false miracles, if there were none true, nor so many false
revelations, if there were none true, nor so many false religions, if there
were not one true. For if there had never been all this, it is almost
impossible that men should have imagined it, and still more impossible that
so many others should have believed it. But as there have been very great
things true, and as they have been believed by great men, this impression
has been the cause that nearly everybody is rendered capable of believing
also the false. And thus, instead of concluding that there are no true
miracles, since there are so many false, it must be said, on the contrary,
that there are true miracles, since there are so many false and that there
are false ones only because there are true and that in the same way there
are false religions because there is one true.--Objection to this: savages
have a religion. But this is because they have heard the true spoken of, as
appears by the cross of Saint Andrew, the Deluge, circumcision, etc. This
arises from the fact that the human mind, finding itself inclined to that
side by the truth, becomes thereby susceptible of all the falsehoods of

819. Jeremiah 23:32. The miracles of the false prophets.
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

But from a
contrary mistake men sometimes think they can justly do everything which is
not without an example. That is why the wisest of legislators said that it
was necessary to deceive men for their own good and another, a good
politician, Cum veritatem qua liberetur ignoret, expedit quod fallatur.43 We
must not see the fact of usurpation law was once introduced without reason,
and has become reasonable. We must make it regarded as authoritative,
eternal, and conceal its origin, if we do not wish that it should soon come
to an end.

295. Mine, thine.--"This dog is mine," said those poor children "that is my
place in the sun." Here is the beginning and the image of the usurpation of
all the earth.

296. When the question for consideration is whether we ought to make war and
kill so many men--condemn so many Spaniards to death--only one man is judge,
and he is an interested party. There should be a third, who is

297. Veri juris.[44] --We have it no more if we had it, we should take
conformity to the customs of a country as the rule of justice. It is here
that, not finding justice, we have found force, etc.

298. Justice, might.--It is right that what is just should be obeyed it is
necessary that what is strongest should be obeyed. Justice without might is
helpless might without justice is tyr
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

makes me shudder. The Catholic religion does not bind us to confess our
sins indiscriminately to everybody it allows them to remain hidden from all
other men save one, to whom she bids us reveal the innermost recesses of our
heart and show ourselves as we are. There is only this one man in the world
whom she orders us to undeceive, and she binds him to an inviolable secrecy,
which makes this knowledge to him as if it were not. Can we imagine anything
more charitable and pleasant? And yet the corruption of man is such that he
finds even this law harsh and it is one of the main reasons which has
caused a great part of Europe to rebel against the Church.

How unjust and unreasonable is the heart of man, which feels it disagreeable
to be obliged to do in regard to one man what in some measure it were right
to do to all men! For is it right that we should deceive men?

There are different degrees in this aversion to truth but all may perhaps
be said to have it in some degree, because it is inseparable from self-love.
It is this false delicacy which makes those who are under the necessity of
reproving others choose so many windings and middle courses to avoid
offence. They must lessen our faults, appear to excuse them, intersperse
praises and evidence of love and esteem. Despite all this, the medicine does
not cease to be bitter to self-love. It takes as little as it can, always
with disgust, and often with a secret spite against those who administer it.

Hence it happens that, if any have some interest in being loved by us, t
is scattered and often, before the bestowment of any new
remarkable comfort, especially after longcontinued deadness and ill
frames, there are renewed humblings, in a great sense of their own
exceeding vileness and unworthiness, as before their first comforts were

Many in the country have entertained a mean thought of this great work,
from what they have heard of impressions made on persons' imaginations.
But there have been exceeding great misrepresentations, and innumerable
false reports, concerning that matter. It is not, that I know of, the
profession or opinion of any one person in the town, that any weight is
to be laid on any thing seen with the bodily eyes. I know the contrary
to be a received and established principle amongst us. I cannot say that
there have been no instances of persons who have been ready to give too
much heed to vain and useless imaginations but they have been easily
corrected, and I conclude it will not be wondered at, that a
congregation should need a guide in such cases, to assist them in
distinguishing wheat from chaff. But such impressions on the
imaginations as have been more usual seem to me to be plainly no other
than what is to be expected in human nature in such circumstances, and
sacrifices, for mine house
is a house of prayer."

That the true Jews considered their merit to be from God only, and not from
Abraham. Isaiah 63:16: "Doubtless thou art our Father, though Abraham be
ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not. Thou art our Father and our

Moses himself told them that God would not accept persons. Deut. 10:17:
"God," said he, "regardeth neither persons nor sacrifices."

The Sabbath was only a sign, Exod. 31:13 and in memory of the escape from
Egypt, Deut. 5:19. Therefore it is no longer necessary, since Egypt must be

Circumcision was only a sign, Gen. 17:11. And thence it came to pass that,
being in the desert, they were not circumcised, because they could not be
confounded with other peoples and after Jesus Christ came, it was no longer

That the circumcision of the heart is commanded. Deut. 10:16 Jeremiah 4:4:
"Be ye circumcised in heart take away the superfluities of your heart, and
harden yourselves not. For your God is a mighty God, strong and terrible,
who accepteth not persons."

That God said He would one day do it. Deut. 30:6: "God will circumcise thine
heart, and the heart of thy seed, that thou mayest love Him with all thine

That the uncircumcised in heart shall be judged. Jeremiah 9:26: For God will
judge the uncircumcised peoples, and all the people of Israel, because he is
"uncircumcised in heart."

That the external is of no avail apart
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

all the riches of the earth without her consent!

Would you not say that this magistrate, whose venerable age commands the
respect of a whole people, is governed by pure and lofty reason, and that he
judges causes according to their true nature without considering those mere
trifles which only affect the imagination of the weak? See him go to sermon,
full of devout zeal, strengthening his reason with the ardour of his love.
He is ready to listen with exemplary respect. Let the preacher appear, and
let nature have given him a hoarse voice or a comical cast of countenance,
or let his barber have given him a bad shave, or let by chance his dress be
more dirtied than usual, then, however great the truths he announces, I
wager our senator loses his gravity.

If the greatest philosopher in the world find himself upon a plank wider
than actually necessary, but hanging over a precipice, his imagination will
prevail, though his reason convince him of his safety. Many cannot bear the
thought without a cold sweat. I will not state all its effects.

Every one knows that the sight of cats or rats, the crushing of a coal,
etc., may unhinge the reason. The tone of voice affects the wisest, and
changes the force of a discourse or a poem.

Love or hate alters the aspect of justice. How much greater confidence has
an advocate, retained with a large fee, in the justice of his cause! How
much better does his bold manner make his case appear to the judges,
deceived as they are by appearances! How ludicrous is reason, bl
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

greatness and others who only admire intellectual
greatness, as though there were not infinitely higher things in wisdom.

All bodies, the firmament, the stars, the earth and its kingdoms, are not
equal to the lowest mind for mind knows all these and itself and these
bodies nothing.

All bodies together, and all minds together, and all their products, are not
equal to the least feeling of charity. This is of an order infinitely more

From all bodies together, we cannot obtain one little thought this is
impossible and of another order. From all bodies and minds, we cannot
produce a feeling of true charity this is impossible and of another and
supernatural order.

794. Why did Jesus Christ not come in a visible manner, instead of obtaining
testimony of Himself from preceding prophecies? Why did He cause Himself to
be foretold in types?

795. If Jesus Christ had only come to sanctify, all Scripture and all things
would tend to that end and it would be quite easy to convince unbelievers.
If Jesus Christ had only come to blind, all His conduct would be confused
and we would have no means of convincing unbelievers. But as He came in
sanctificationem et in scandalum,177 as Isaiah says, we cannot convince
unbelievers, and they cannot convince us. But by this very fact we convince
them since we say that in His whole conduct there is no convincing proof on
one side or the other.

796. Jesus Christ does not say that He is not of Nazareth, in order to leave
the wicked in their blindness nor that He is not Joseph's son
from time to time fulfilled in the sight of men, showed the truth of their
mission, and consequently that of their promises touching the Messiah. Jesus
Christ performed miracles, and the Apostles also, who converted all the
heathen and all the prophecies being thereby fulfilled, the Messiah is for
ever proved.

617. Perpetuity.--Let us consider that since the beginning of the world the
expectation of worship of the Messiah has existed uninterruptedly that
there have been found men who said that God had revealed to them that a
Redeemer was to be born, who should save His people that Abraham came
afterwards, saying that he had had revelation that the Messiah was to spring
from him by a son, whom he should have that Jacob declared that, of his
twelve sons, the Messiah would spring from Judah that Moses and the
prophets then came to declare the time and the manner of His coming that
they said their law was only temporary till that of the Messiah, that it
should endure till then, but that the other should last for ever that thus
either their law, or that of the Messiah, of which it was the promise, would
be always upon the earth that, in fact, it has always endured that at last
Jesus Christ came with all the circumstances foretold. This is wonderful.

618. This is positive fact. While all philosophers separate into different
sects, there is found in one corner of the world the most ancient people in
it, declaring that all the world is in error, that God has revealed to them
the truth, that they will always exist on the earth. In fact, all other seas
come to an end, this one still endures, and has done so for four thousand

They declare that they hold from their ancestors that man has fallen from
communion with God, and is entirely estranged from God, but that He has
promised to redeem them that this doctrine shall always exist on the earth
that their law has a double signification that d
Re: RIAA: It's 'Illegal' to Rip Your Own CDs to Your Own Computer

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, The Ghost In The Machine
on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 00:54:13 GMT
> and that is
> bold and difficult. There is never this contradiction in the feelings
> towards a cripple.

You're a cripple all right, Mister Impersonator.

Is this stuff copyrighted at all, or should it just be
shot on sight? :-P

#191, ewill3@earthlink.net
New Technology? Not There. No Thanks.

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