UPDATE : RIAA Washington Post CD copy story was a LIE.....

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Re: RIAA Washington Post CD copy story was a LIE.....

A thought has escaped me. I wanted to write it down. I write instead that it
has escaped me.

371. When I was small, I hugged my book and because it sometimes happened
to me to... in believing I hugged it, I doubted....

372. In writing down my thought, it sometimes escapes me but this makes me
remember my weakness, that I constantly forget. This is as instructive to me
as my forgotten thought for I strive only to know my nothingness.

373. Scepticism.--I shall here write my thoughts without order, and not
perhaps in unintentional confusion that is true order, which will always
indicate my object by its very disorder. I should do too much honour to my
subject, if I treated it with order, since I want to show that it is
incapable of it.

374. What astonishes me most is to see that all the world is not astonished
at its own weakness. Men act seriously, and each follows his own mode of
life, not because it is in fact good to follow since it is the custom, but
as if each man knew certainly where reason and justice are. They find
themselves continually deceived, and, by a comical humility, think it is
their own fault and not that of the art which they claim always to possess.
But it is well there are so many such people in the world, who are not
sceptics for the glory of scepticism, in order to show that man is quite
capable of the most extravagant opinions, since he is capable of believing
that he is not in a state of natural and inevitable weakness, but, on the
contrary, of natural wisdom.

Nothing fortifies scepticism more than that there are some who are not
sceptics if all
Re: *SPAM* : RIAA Washington Post CD copy story was a LIE.....

not the country of truth. She wanders unknown amongst men. God
has covered her with a veil, which leaves her unrecognised by those who do
not hear her voice. Room is opened for blasphemy, even against the truths
that are at least very likely. If the truths of the Gospel are published,
the contrary is published too, and the questions are obscured, so that the
people cannot distinguish. And they ask, "What have you to make you believed
rather than others? What sign do you give? You have only words, and so have
we. If you had miracles, good and well." That doctrine ought to be supported
by miracles is a truth, which they misuse in order to revile doctrine. And
if miracles happen, it is said that miracles are not enough without
doctrine and this is another truth, which they misuse in order to revile

Jesus Christ cured the man born blind and performed a number of miracles on
the Sabbath day. In this way He blinded the Pharisees, who said that
miracles must be judged by doctrine.

"We have Moses: but, as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is." It
is wonderful that you know not whence He is, and yet He does such miracles.

Jesus Christ spoke neither against God, nor against Moses.

Antichrist and the false prophets, foretold by both Testaments, will speak
openly against God and against Jesus Christ. Who is not hidden