Another plus for Ubuntu over Windows

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alias
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Alias wrote:
> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With Windows running any Office program besides 07,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one cannot -- without downloading an update -- read
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .docx files. With the new Ubuntu and Open Office, you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can and no downloads or updates required.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey sh*t-for-=brains...guess orifice can't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> properly open slightly complex word documents be they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> either in .doc, .rtf, or .docx file format.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We've got a rather complex 47 page business brochure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the we use as a test mule. Years ago, we created it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for client in .doc format using Microsoft Office 97
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and graphics created using Corel Draw 7. It contains a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variety of fonts, graphics, charts, tables and macros.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It has both portrait and landscape pages.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It does not have any animations or fly-ins.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We have tested it in all versions of open orifice and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it always makes a mess of the document. We also test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it in all versions of WordPerfect...again no go.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It has always opened perfectly in Microsoft Office 97,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2000, XP, 2003 and now in 2007.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you're in business, you'd know that the world runs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Send me the document and I'll tell you if I can open it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or not.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, I won't send you the document. It is an existing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clients document and we are under NDA with them. I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> told you it won't open correctly in anything except
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft Word and I really don't care if you believe it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or not. You're a known and admitted liar, a thief a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> troll, a spammer and a bigoted atheist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you're really interested in knowing the limits of oo,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and I don't think you really are, you'll find examples
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of people complaining that oo won't properly open Office
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> files all over the web. Try google.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You have only written one whole document with Office 07?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOL! Figures.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You're extremely stupid aren't you? I never said anything
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at all like that sheep-fukker. I said it's a test mule
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that we use. Of course I didn't expect an as*hole loser
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like to understand.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figures.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even post a screen shot to prove it. Open Office has
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> improved since you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last tested it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They improved it today? I don't thinks so.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "thinks"?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias, expecting Frank the Wank to hurl another
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unfounded insult because he doesn't have the *balls*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to send me the document by email.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry sh*t-for-brains, but I won't violate our NDA with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our client to simple prove you are wrong. Try google.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You'll find millions of examples that you can test. Oh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be sure and post the screen shots of your being wrong
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok, sheep-fukker...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So write up another document and send it to me. Be sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it has all the bells and whistles that you think won't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work when I open it and can be seen with a screen shot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you do it or are you just making it up as you go
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along again?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry sheep-fukker, but I don't work for you nor do I need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to prove that you're a liar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can do all of that yourself...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>> HAHAHAHAHA! I knew you wouldn't do it. No balls, only
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bluster. HAHAHAHAHA!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do what? Prove that you're a nothing but a lying linux troll?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Like I said, you do that all by your little balless self
>>>>>>>>>>>> ever day little man...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you forget where you put your house keys too? Walk out to
>>>>>>>>>>> get the paper with only an open robe on? Pick up the remote
>>>>>>>>>>> when the phone rings? MS Office vs Open Source Office
>>>>>>>>>>> programs, remember? Losing it, Frank? Am I too much for your
>>>>>>>>>>> little mind?
>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>> What's wrong sheep-fukker, now you can't even pay attention?
>>>>>>>>>> Hell, we all know that you're one broke little POS of a man
>>>>>>>>>> (maybe a man, but more like a balless loser) but hey...paying
>>>>>>>>>> attention cost nothing!
>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>> So you won't send me a document to prove your point, eh?
>>>>>>>> Oh, so now you can rad huh? I've already proved my point
>>>>>>>> sheep-fukker. It's you who can't prove your point...if you
>>>>>>>> actually had one.
>>>>>>>> And you hope
>>>>>>>>> your blustering insults will distract from that fact.
>>>>>>>> The fact that oo can't properly open our test mule doc? Hey
>>>>>>>> bozo, still stupid huh? oo can' get use to that fact.
>>>>>>>> How lame can you
>>>>>>>>> get, Frank?
>>>>>>>> Not near as lame as you are sheep-fukker.
>>>>>>>> You're stupid so just live with it as*hole.
>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>> Translation: Frank's been totally refuted and is left with back
>>>>>>> pedaling and no proof. Send me a document or STFU. So far, all
>>>>>>> the tests I've done prove that there are programs available for
>>>>>>> Ubuntu that will open ALL MS Office documents.
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> I will hand deliver the doc to you this Fall
>>>>> No, you won't.
>>>>>> when I'm in Europe so you must give me your real name, address and
>>>>>> phone number or else just STFU.
>>>>>> Well...?
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>> Sorry, Frank, but I'm not as stupid as you look.
>>>>> Alias
>>>> So you don't have to BALLS to face me huh little man?
>>>> Frank
>>> No interest or inclination. The only thing that would come of that is
>>> you going to jail and me laughing my ass off.
>>> Alias

>> Just as I thought! You don't have the BALLS do you? You're just a
>> coward hiding behind a keyboard.

> Nope, no interest or inclination. What about that don't you understand,
> pedophile?

So you're a sheep-fukkin pedophile huh!
Figures. You're really one sick vile POS excuse for a human being.
>> Don't worry little balless coward of will pay...your day
>> will come...LOL!
>> Frank

> I hear pedophiles like you have a hard time in prison.

So you're speaking as an experienced pedophile and inmate huh?

Perhaps you
> should get some therapy and document it.

I'm not the sheep-fukkiin balless pedophile...that would be're
a real mental mess.
The authorities will someday get you...if someone else doesn't beat them
to it, you little vile POS sh*t!
Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <fv50ck$j1c$>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <OfTP#7UqIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With Windows running any Office program besides 07, one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without downloading an update -- read .docx files. With
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the new Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Open Office, you can and no downloads or updates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> required.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Possibly. But who would want to?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I guess there are some who harken to the "Because it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there!" mantra and collect stuffed toads so they can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trade them with their friends. They also wonder why
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Belgium is so far away.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And what he doesn't remember is that docx format was an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update to open-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> office that was also a free download.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've never updated Open Office. .Docx works right out of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the box. Course, you don't have the latest Ubuntu so you're
>>>>>>>>>>>>> talking out of your ass again.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Your statement was wrong again, since you didn't limit your
>>>>>>>>>>>> experience to 8.04 or which version of Open-Office, and
>>>>>>>>>>>> since your OS permits updates to apps as well as the OS, I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>> sure that you have applied updates, as 8.04 IS an update to
>>>>>>>>>>>> the OS.
>>>>>>>>>>> Previous version of Ubuntu with Open Office could not open
>>>>>>>>>>> the new idiotic MS Office files. Since I installed 8.04, not
>>>>>>>>>>> one single update so far and, out of the box, Open Office
>>>>>>>>>>> opens .docx files.
>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>> Nobody gives a sh*t about you sheep-fukker...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>> Let us know when you're capable enough to create an MS Office
>>>>>>>>> .docx document so we can put all this to rest. HAAHAHAHAHA!
>>>>>>>>> Game, set, match, boy.
>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>> I've already done that balless sheep-fukker...hahahahaha...and
>>>>>>>> you and open sores and open orifice [Alias' note: Frank the Wank
>>>>>>>> is using and open source newsreader, ah the irony]
>>>>>>> and urbuttoo lost...LOL!
>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>> No, you haven't sent me one single doc to test. Not one. So, you
>>>>>>> have NOT done that.
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> Ok sheep-fukker. Here's is what I will do just for you. I will
>>>>>> hand carry the doc to you when I'm in Europe this Fall, ok?
>>>>>> So you'll see it and me and I can watch you try and open it on
>>>>>> your computer, ok...LOL!
>>>>>> Now, if you really want to see this doc that oo will not properly
>>>>>> open, just let me have your real name, address and telephone
>>>>>> number ok?
>>>>>> Well...?
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>> Ever hear of email? Why would I want to let the likes of a lowlife
>>>>> like you into my home or let you know what my address, phone number
>>>>> and name is?
>>>> Just as I thought! You don't have the BALLS to accept the truth.
>>>>> Bottom line is that you can't provide a document that I can't open
>>>>> when running Ubuntu and all you've done since is back pedal.
>>>> Hey you BALLESS sheep-fukkin lying linux POS troll! I will hand
>>>> deliver the doc that oo will not properly open only if you're man
>>>> enough to give me your real name, address and phone number.
>>>> Well, are you man enough or are you the coward you appear to be?
>>>> Frank
>>>>> Alias
>>> Translation: Frank is incapable of creating an MS Office document.
>>> Alias

>> The real Translation: alias the sheep-fukker is a balless POS coward
>> of human being who is hiding behind a keyboard...LOL!
>> Frank

> Get some help. Pedophiles like you have a hard time in prison.

So you're a pedophile who has been in prison for molesting what...boys,
girls, sheep?
Or maybe molesting sheep is legal in spain?
Is that why you live there you sick son of a bit*h?