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Everything posted by ICTCity

  1. MAYBE I've understood. You want to publish a website, let's say www.outlawz.nl and you want that people around the world can be able to type that address in their browser and find your website. Is this correct?
  2. Sorry, what do you mean by "I am not from that dns"? First of all let's try to determine your problem / request, then let's try to resolve it.
  3. I never said that your ram's faulty. I just *think* that an upgrade is harder than a clean install, so, maybe if something changes, your upgrade will not work properly. I just suggest you to remove the new ram, try the upgrade and AFTER, "update" your ram again.
  4. It looks like that program hangs. In task scheduler you can find an option which stop that process if it's already running. Actually I'm not in front of my PC so I can't tell you the exact position of that option.
  5. As I said, you had to determine which users can perform that operation )
  6. You can post external link :) I think there's an executable which performs this operation, check this site for a tutorial on PROCMON which can help you! I don't know which "user" is involved in this process, so use procmon.
  7. You must identify the user used by IP.Board when it performs operations. I have no experience with IP.Board, but I assume there's a user associated with it. If you post the result of: icacls C:\inetpub\wwwroot\uploads\* I could try to determine your problem. Anyway, only the action of upload an image to the profile doesn't work?
  8. you're not a noob ) Actually, READ-ONLY it's not preventing users from uploading stuffs on their profile. I never used IP.BOARD, but I'm quite sure there's something wrong with users's permissions. Is there a log where you can check errors / informations? You could post the output of: (from command prompt) icacls YourFolder Cheers
  9. Hi there, Are you experiencing any trouble caused by this "checkmark"? I'm asking you that, because of the meaning of that checkbox it's quite meaningless. Actually MS says that: "The Read-only attribute causes Windows Explorer to verify whether the folder is a special system folder. If you removed the Read-only attribute, the folder would appear as a typical folder, and all customizations (such as customizations in My Pictures or My Music) would be lost." and also: "The Read-only attribute on a folder is ignored by the file system.... You can still delete, rename, and change a read-only folder in other ways. You can remove or put a check mark in the check box to modify the attributes of the contents of the folder (files but not subfolders), but you cannot change the Read-only attributes of system folders. " Tell me if you need more help :)
  10. That's ok, on another computer USERS POLICIES ARE APPLIED, if you set up a GPO at the computer level, this will affect all the pc in that OU. Anyway, it's an easy process. Go to C:\windows\system32\ and copy cmd.exe in the same directory, rename the magnify.exe (or utilman.exe) with something like OLD_utilman.exe) and rename THE COPY OF CMD.EXE with utilman.exe or magnify.exe . You can't do anything wrong, you don't have to delete ANYTHING, simply copy one file, and rename. Cheers
  11. Hello, Although for me the best thing to do is a clean install, I just heard a similar problem time ago which has been fixed with this hotfix: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/836721/en-us If this doesn't help, I suggest you to remount the old ram (at least, remove the new one) and try the upgrade. From what I can remember, error 0x05 is a memory corruption, BUT I AM NOT SURE!
  12. Sorry, but I can't understand... You say: "I do not have a working DC right now" If you installed the AD, your DC is up and running! Regarding your client, be sure to set up the correct DNS server (use nslookup to test resolution). Once you're sure your client has DNS correctly configured, open a command prompt and enter "nslookup", then type: set query=all your.domain.name And post results. Cheers
  13. Hi there, You have a DC which is working correctly? Right? I mean, you installed an Active Directory server and now you want to add another AD server, right? The error message usually means there's not an AD / domain active... so first of all tell me if my last sentece is right.
  14. Ok, I still have something to try... Open: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS add this entry: fd47:dced:df9d:5a5f::1 (which should be your IPv6 address) big-rig Once you're finished, try to open DOMAIN AND TRUSTS and AD SITES AND SERVICES. If you still have trouble, run dcdiag /fix Let me know.
  15. Ok, let's try this way. I hope you have ease of access activated at logon screen, if not, enable them. Follow this article (it's for vista, but it works on win 7 too). http://www.computerperformance.co.uk/vista/vista_backdoor_logon.htm BE SURE TO BACKUP BOTH FILE CMD.EXE AND MAGNIFIER.EXE (or utilman.exe), because after this trick you have to restore them :) Once you "exploited" your system and you have a command prompt, just type this: takeown /A C:\ let me know.
  16. Hi and welcome. First of all, I suggest you to disable the router's dhcp, just to avoid conflicts. Actually, it's not easy implement PXE in a mixed environment, but it's possible. You just need to configure your DHCP correctly, take a look here (DHCP PART): http://pxes.sourceforge.net/howtos/ms_only_environment/ If you have time, read also this article: ftp://download.intel.com/design/archives/wfm/downloads/pxespec.pdf Page 13 shows you the boot process of PXE (you can understand why you have to modify your dhcp). Page 35 shows you which requests you have to redirect. Let me know if you need more help!
  17. Start your PC in safe mode, login as admin and try to change the owner. Use the local admin account. If this doesn't work I have another idea but I need to test it first. PS: can you see the actual owner? Anyway 2 people on a folder mean that's shared
  18. Well done and thanks for sharing the solution. +1
  19. Can you add an alias (cname) in DNS which redirects from big-rig2 to big-rig? Not a A record, just the alias. Then flush and try again.
  20. Hi there, You will not have any trouble running adprep, your domain level functionality must be 2k3 or greather. If you plan to demote Win 2k3, you could check this topic: http://freepchelp.forum/topic/1343-new-2008r2-server-to-2003-domain/ You can find some interesting tips which can prevent mistakes.
  21. Welcome ! Enjoy your stay.
  22. you're welcome )
  23. Take a look here: https://support.gearhost.com/KB/a302/add-records-to-dns-in-windows-2008.aspx And read this: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CC4QFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload.microsoft.com%2Fdownload%2Fb%2F1%2F0%2Fb106fc39-936c-4857-a6ea-3fb9d1f37063%2Fwindows%2520server%25202008%2520step-by-step%2520guide%2520for%2520dns%2520in%2520small%2520networks.doc&ei=MzK3TfnVEIqYOo2F_KoP&usg=AFQjCNHVa3CPxUSGkiJF9Q8SSf4d20j3dA Sorry but... do you know HOW to set up a webserver? I'm asking that because there're some configurations which are required to assure a minimum level of protection against attacks...
  24. unfortunalty this is a common issue: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/winserverTS/thread/51529547-ce07-4323-aca4-1ff71a88bbac MS provides a link to the citrix's website: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX384590 I have Srv2k8 installed on XenServer (citrix), and luckly I don't have to redirect COM port. I just suggest you to check the event viewer for errors, because the error "1200" means anything to me.
  25. ok, now open DNS (administrative tools) and add an alias: n1.domain.net pointing to IP_ADDRESS of the first DC do the same thing for the second DC. Now you can reach yours DC by typing n1.domain.net.
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