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Everything posted by ICTCity

  1. What does "it wouldnt load" means? It doesn't start from DVD-Drive? If so, does it ask to press a button or simply doesn't try to check the DVD-rom? The error message simply says that it can't find A:\ because of it isn't accessible. Let me know
  2. hi there, Two questions: 1) Can you reach the default website? If you didn't change anything, from INSIDE you can type and the server should respond with default IIS page. If yes, what happens if you put only the IP (this time from outside and with outside IP)? 2) Don't you have a firewall?
  3. Hi and welcome! Enjoy your stay.
  4. Hi there, It looks like a GPU issue. Not a driver problem, but the hardware itself. Try to change it. If you don't have another one, use PCMark or SiSoft Sandra to test all your components. This screen looks like when the GPU's ram is too hot or faulty. Let me know.
  5. Wait, I'm not sure about what you're trying to do... To join a domain (My Computer > right click > properties), you must be on the right network. What I mean is that you cannot join you INTERNAL domain from outside, and you CANNOT join EXTERNAL domain as inside. In other words, when you're at home, you cannot type the domain name sir.nelf.im and hope that you pc will join that domain. Let me know, maybe I'm wrong.
  6. What's your domain name? It looks like there's something wrong with it. Can you add other servers or workstations?
  7. a bond is created for this reason, if one fails, the other still works. With Dell the name may be different, but essentially it will be the same thing. You will have to connect 2 cables and, as said before, in case of a failure of one Nic the other will work. Uninstall the Nic and reinstall, if this doesn't help, contact the support but I don't think this is a hardware problem...
  8. If you can use the other Nic, you can uninstall the other. Not? Bonding is "merge" 2 physical Nic which will appear as one single. before adding the dns/ad role the problem was the same?
  9. Are you running a physical or virtual server? Can you uninstall your Nic and reinstall? When you have noticed this problem? Have you done something like bonding before adding DNS role?
  10. Hi there, Can you tell me if there are any entry on event viewer? How you can temporary fix this problem until reboot?(if you can do this)
  11. I'm quite sure your problem is your DNS server... According to Microsoft, DNS should live alone. Exchange opens many connection, DNS does the same. I don't know if this is related to the movement of the server, basically it is plugged on the same switch... Check your switch for any "flow control" or other protection system, and please consider to move your DNS on a standalone server or at least not the same of exchange. Check the sysinternals website to find network utility which can help you to determine if your server has no more ports available. Let me know.
  12. From my poor knowledge of web programming, your code is ok... the only thing I can suggest you is to ask on a dedicated programmers forum, this is not a "server" problem. It is just a suggestion, I can't help you anymore with this, sorry.
  13. hi and welcome, All you want to do is to turn your server into a router. All clients will point to it as a default gw. Because of your write, I think you need to understand routing: http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/how-configure-windows-2008-server-ip-routing.html Let me know
  14. No problem, if you need to discuss about other scenarios, let me know!
  15. I hope you will not have problems anymore :)
  16. What's the notebook's OS? if it's Vista with SP1, can you please remove the SP1? Only this client has this kind of problem?
  17. Mhhh no, you don't have to install Framework 4, the problem was only with 1. So take a look at your code. First of all make a try, use Firefox or Chrome and notice if you have the same problem. Then, in your code, make sure you have these lines: (provided by a programmer to me): 'Before the redirect code, place this: Response.BufferOutput = true Still the programmer says: if you are redirecting a page, remember that once your HTML code has been sent to client, you CANNOT redirect a page, unless you want to use JavaScript. Let me know.
  18. Actually this problem may not really be related to the domain migration. I think that clients experiencing this problem are VISTA / 7 with SP1. The only thing I think you can do is this: (on your domain): Open GP: Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> DNS Client Check DNS suffix, if it's set, remove the entry ("Not Configured"). Apply policy and retry. To be sure that on the machine the GPO has been applied, run this (from the WS): RSOP.msc And under: computer configuration/administrative templates/network/dns client You should see DNS suffix as NOT CONFIGURED. Let me know.
  19. You are confused because this topic is not easy. Let's make some examples: =================SCENARIO A================= 1 POOL (like a cluster...) In this Pool you have Server A and Server B. On Server A you are running 3 VMs: VMa: DNS VMb: Exchange & MySQL VMc: IIS On Server B you will run 3 VMs too: VMa: DNS (secondary) VMb: Exchange (CDR) & MySQL (replica) VMc: IIS (secondary / replica) THIS IS NOT a Load Balancing scenario, with this you can have some kind of redundancy with just of some manual work in case of disaster. =================SCENARIO A================= =================SCENARIO B================= 1 POOL (like a cluster...) In this Pool you have Server A and Server B. On Server A you are running 3 VMs: VMa: DNS VMb: Exchange & MySQL VMc: IIS Before the installation has been made on a LOCAL STORAGE (the server itself), in this case we can use a SHARED STORAGE (iSCSI or FC). All the VMs have their C:\ drive and any other disk on the shared storage (attached via iSCSI or FC). Server B is doing anything, it is just a member of the same POOL, waiting for a disaster. If the disater occurs (I mean, the SERVER A fails), all the VMs are restarted on the other server (SERVER B). This is better than before, because if you install VMs on the local storage, they CANNOT BE moved across POOL. Is this the best solution? NO. In fact, if you have a trouble on the shared storage, everything is down! This means you have to replicate your storage too (for example using HP P4000 SAN, or more expensive NetApp products starting from 2040 series). In other words, you have to buy 2 phisical storage (SAN). =================SCENARIO B================= =================SCENARIO C================= Use Windows Cluster, this is not a bad idea, BUT PAY ATTENTION. Windows Cluster may be painful if you cannot find the right hardware. Let's say you have a working cluster for 3 years, after this time, you RAID controller is gone on one server. No problem, there's the other server up & running, but you notice that this RAID controller is no more produced. What can you do? You have to find a compatible one! You could use Hyper - V too, but from what I've heard, it isn't really at the level of Xen or VmWare. =================SCENARIO C================= Of course you can combine Scenario A & B, VMs running on shared storage, SERVER A running 3 "officials" VMs, SERVER B running replica VMs (on the shared or local storage). But you have to be sure your server B has almost the double of the power of server A, because in case of disaster, your "officials" VMs from SERVER A are moved to SERVER B which is running replica VMs. I hope you don't find this boring... I just want to make sure you are understanding some possibilities you have! Cheers
  20. hi there, Try to run this: regsvr32.exe rtutils.dll if this doesn't help, copy that DLL from another trusted system to your server. Anyway, when this error appears?
  21. Actually restricting DHCP only to some users is not so easy. You could use RESERVATION, which assign "static" IP via DHCP (the same IP to the same WS). You cannot block people from discovering DHCP server (it's a broadcast request), unless you don't find a SW which can do this (I think it's quite impossible...). What does " but a pop up box keeps coming up once a user closes his / her browser." mean?
  22. I think this is the longest post in this forum :D
  23. When you open SLQ manager studio, select WINDOWS AUTHENTICATION and try. If this doesn't work, try with SQL AUTH (username SA).
  24. I didn't know that DHCP must be authorized in order to work properly... Thanks for your share :)
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