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Everything posted by ICTCity

  1. What's Your antivirus? Nod32?
  2. I don't speak Greek... But I was curious :) I've installed xenserver many times but I never heard about "random crash". Be sure to plan the storage, trust me, this is the most important part. Regarding books, don't waste your time with specific topic. I read that book and... Yeah it rules but actually in real world is useless. Buy mastering windows server, you can learn more :)
  3. I heard years ago from a person which wasn't a Microsoft's employee, that if the owner does not have full permission, then when another user opens the file, permissions are modified. But once the file is closed everything rolls back. I'm not sure about this...
  4. But do you receive "Queued mail for delivery" message? Then you type quit and nothing happens?
  5. Well... yes WinSrv has a built-in firewall but this is a LOCAL firewall, not a network firewall. IF and only IF on your network there's ONLY that server, you could use the built in fw. Anyway, I highly suggest you to have a router, firewall and then your server. If you don't want or can't, just put only your web server there and then I can tell you how to configure the built-in firewall. Under ADMINISTRATION TOOLS (from command prompt) you can see Windows Firewall with Advanced Security. Basicall you have 3 profiles: private, public and domain. From there you can set things up. A network firewall is more customizable. Well... if you want to put everything virtual (with hyper-v) you could consider ISA server, take a look (just to know what is it): Now I have to sleep... here's midnight and I'm sooo tired and when I'm tired, I can't give a good support :)
  6. No, because your server is listening on IP ( on port 25, not!
  7. Hi, in order to publish a website, I suggest you to read this: http://www.no-ip.com...osting_iis.html The first part is for no-ip account, so just step over. Regarding the network config, depends on your network schema. If you have a firewall, put the Website into a DMZ. For FTP: http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/IIS-FTP-Publishing-Service-Part1.html
  8. Wait... I don't think you can send an e-mail OUTSIDE with .local unless .local is not a public name eheheh. You must test by using user@onlinetest.local as sender and user2@onlinetest.local as receiver.
  9. Remember that the sender must be a user knew by your mail server, so if the domain is company.com, your sender must be MyUser@company.com
  10. Are you talking about this? http://www.yuki-onna.co.uk/email/smtp.html
  11. Yes. When I have installed DCs, they were only DC or maximum with a print server, but not more and they were small environment. A domain controller must open many connections and a web server does the same thing but also uses resources. Think about this...
  12. From Microsoft's website: Regarding COMPCLN.exe, it's not really the same thing as VSP1CLN, COMPCLN clear the specified folder BUT can also remove the compatibility with Windows XP (Program, of course). Both commands can be ran if you don't need to roll back on a previous SP and if you are almost sure that you don't need backward compatibility with XP. You can delete files manually... or better, copy somewhere and see if you have troubles. Usually you must pay attention on WORKSTATIONS, not on servers... but anyway, I think it's better a copy instead of nothing to recover from :) ps: ho visto che sei italiano, se hai / avrai bisogno in futuro e non sai come scriverlo in inglese, puoi scrivere in italiano che poi lo traduco io :). Ad ogni modo x adesso si capisce quello che scrivi, quindi tranquillo :) bye
  13. Windows SHOULD do this, but it's not really precise. Anyway basically it works. I suggest you to create VLANs.
  14. The only thing you can do is to open a topic on the official forum of SQL from Microsoft: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/category/sqlserver
  15. bad news for you: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowsserver2008r2general/thread/aa455ec0-cde8-453f-acf0-6438f6899dcd/
  16. First: be sure you have a enabled the AUDIT on your policies: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd277403.aspx Try again if you still not have any entry on Event Viewer post again. I have an idea but I'm not sure... so first let me know about this.
  17. From what I know, is not possibile to connect via RDP and hide the name... ok... you may be victim of a MITM RDP but if so, your session will be disconnected. Write down the "strange" IPs and PM me. Also, when you notice this, open a command prompt and type: netstat -an |find /i ":3389" so you can see all the RDP connection opened. Remember that RDP is not a lightweight protocol!
  18. Mhhh not sure... but... on HP switches, when you make a configuration, you MUST SAVE IT in another page. If you don't do this, when you unplug / restart the switch, everything turns back to the old settings... If this doesn't help, open a topic on D-link support site.
  19. Mhhh I think this is a good list. Just one point more: a domain controller should be a domain controller. Not a DC and web server! Better for security AND performances!
  20. Hi, When you say: " I want that all the users on the network should get equal speed nobody gets more", does it mean that if you have 1 MB line, and 10 users, each user must use only 100 KB/s also when there's more available? This cannot be done via Windows Server. Regarding dhcp, basically if the DHCP find a mac address already in its list, it simply tries to RENEW it, so it's already done by DHCP mechanism. But you cannot force the assignment... well... you could create scopes, but actually is not a great idea create a scope for each computer -.- Regarding load balancing, you can take a look at NLB (network load balancing) but it works with clusters.
  21. I'm not english mother language too, what's your mother language?
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