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Everything posted by ICTCity

  1. Hi, of course you need that your fw is turned on in order to apply your rules. Talk with programmers in order to understand which port must be opened on your firewall. Remember that Windows Firewall can block ports, programs, IPs, so be sure to block / unblock everything you need / don't need. Also check this article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff648664.aspx#c18618429_010 Especially chapters 3,4,7,9,10,11 Trust me, this is a great article!
  2. if Ts server role is installed you can login with more than 2 users... But you should have a Ts license... Anyway it works also without
  3. if it's not the primary, simply remove it from Domain, then change IP, then re-join. It's a longer way but it's safer.
  4. Hi, your 40 pcs what do they do? and your server?
  5. Hi, I can't find anything about your mobo, maybe because it's a "no-brand" model. Anyway, I really don't suggest you to implement a SOFTWARE raid, it has painful performances. If you can, buy a RAID controller (100-200 $) and set it up. I'm not sure about this, but gateway server doesn't specify the hardware, this usually means that components have bad quality. Check this article for basic / dynamic disks: http://www.petri.co.il/difference_between_basic_and_dynamic_disks_in_windows_xp_2000_2003.htm Anyway, a basic disk is STATIC, it cannot support stripping and it needs a restart to apply config. Dynamic is the exact opposite.
  6. Mhhhh if you turn off your server for few days and then it works again... it could be a problem with HDs and not controller... but that's really strange... 2 HDs together... Check this: http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/support/downloads/seatools
  7. It looks like a problem with authority. Maybe your ISP doesn't like OpenDNS (because OpenDNS and other services set cache to 0) and this will cause a problem with your DNS. I don't understand why your DNS is creating A records
  8. No, your license is ok.
  9. That's ok, you cannot surf but the problem is not your DNS, instead is your router / firewall which is preventing your connection. Are you using NAT / PAT?
  10. Just to be sure... What happens if you type this in your browser?
  11. Welcome! Enjoy your stay!
  12. Hi, I think you cannot see if there's any red-led on your drive because they're inside your server. I'm not sure, but I THINK the problem is the controller itself because if you see, one time is the MEMBER 1 and PATH 1 which has an error, then is MEMBER 2 and PATH 1 and 2. So, It's really strange that 2 harddrives fail at the same time... If you can, run a test on each disk with the proper tool. Tools are available on their website and usually they run as a boot cd.
  13. Hi, I think you're right, but what I can't understand is why ping is working... Are you sure that there's no firewall blocking your connection? if you traceroute from that server to a website, does it work? try this: tracert -d www.google.com Let me know.
  14. Hi, Finally I can post my video tutorial, it explains how to migrate a DC and a FS from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008 R2. I hope you can find this video helpful and if you have comments / suggestions, answer to this topic!
  15. As said before, I need at least the motherboard's model in order to find something. Anyway, once you are in the setup of RAID, it's more than easy, you simply select 2 disks and then select RAID 1. Let me know the model and I will search a tutorial.
  16. ahhhhhh ok :) no problem :) Anyway, you are in test environment so... TEST! You must try everything you want because in a productional environment you cannot do that! Enjoy :)
  17. Hi, So, RAID 0 is the fastest choice, but it's really dangerous. If you have a trouble with one HD you loose EVERYTHING! Raid 10 or RAID 1+0 or RAID 0+1 are a combination of RAID 0 and RAID 1. These combinations cannot be made with only 2 HD, you need at least 4 hd (RAID 1+0) or 3 hd (RAID 0+1). Question 1: Yes, you can BUT you need at least another HD, honestly I prefer RAID 5... Question 2: Yes, there's but everything depends on your hardware. RAID is set up via a direct controller (raid controller) or integrated to the motherboard (usually pooooor performance). There are also software raid, but trust me, don't use software raid... usually you can set up things after the POST screen (F6 or F10 or F something). For you last question: usually it's configured BEFORE, then you install windows and Windows will see only ONE hd (because of in a RAID 1 there's a mirror), if you use software raid, you can install it AFTER.
  18. So you want that I explain a bit less, right? :)
  19. Yeah, everything right... but why they're NOT INSTALLED? This is what I can't understand...
  20. Hi, It's quite easy, trust me! Folder redirection: let's say that you don't want yours users save their docs on their desktop, what you can do? You can ask them, but they will never stop to save docs on their desktop... so... after a month or two, they come and say: "Ehiiii my computer is so sloooow when I turn on my pc!" Then you see that the desktop folder has a size of XX Gb. To prevent this, you can easily redirect the desktop or any other folder. Just create a new redirection rule which points to DESKTOP and redirect somewhere. What I usually do is to redirect the documents and images folders to the personal disk (mapped disk for that user). Profile maps: well... where the profile will be stored. If not specified, it will be stored locally on computer. Home folder: basically is the same as the property of active directory user, you can specify the "default" disk mapped for that user. I never use home folder, I use scripts which are (for me) more flexible. To create a simple profile folder, do the following steps: 1) Create on your 2nd disk a folder called PROFILES (or whatever you want) 2) Select ALL THE USERS you want to add a profile path (SHIFT + CLICK) 3) Then on PROFILE MAPS or PROFILE PATH (depending on where are you setting this), write this: D:\Profiles\%username% Be sure to write %username% this will set the correct name for all users, otherwise you must do this manually! Now, when a user login, in D:\Profiles\ you can see a folder with the username and inside there's the profile. Almost the same thing for personal folder/disk: Create D:\PersonalFolders\ Add the property in AD for all users: D:\PersonalFolders\%username% Now you have two choices, you can manually create the personal folder (for the profile is created automatically, for the personal folder no...), or you can do this with a script, but as long as you are learing, I will not tell you how to do this... there are many examples on internet! If you need help... I'm here :) bye
  21. Hi and welcome! I'm 21 ) Enjoy your stay!
  22. Hi, there's DropBox or if you want a professional (but quite expensive) solution, check Acronis, there's the cloud backup. Until 2GB is free, then you must pay.
  23. Hi, This is a problem related to VMware... anyway... take a look at these 2 topics: http://xtravirt.com/disabling-virtual-machine-guest-host-time-synchronization-multiple-hypervisors http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1189 You CANNOT disable SyncToCmos manually, there's no option for that.
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