Yet Another Dud Linux Distribution.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Moshe Goldfarb
  • Start date Start date
Snit wrote:
> "caver1" <> stated in post
> 47fa901e$0$17360$ on 4/7/08 2:20 PM:
>> Snit wrote:
>>> "caver1" <> stated in post
>>> 47fa88c0$0$17328$ on 4/7/08 1:49 PM:
>>> ...
>>>>> I'm not sure he understands what the message is here. I think Rick might
>>>>> have got it earlier than caver1.
>>>> Tell me where one of the duds that I don't even use hurts me.
>>> Other than the fact that you find it hard to stay on topic or follow a
>>> thought it is not really possible to know where you have been "hurt".
>>>> You
>>>> complain about someone making another Tetris game. So what? What does
>>>> that have to do with an OS. Yes there are a lot of Tetris games. But
>>>> there is also in other OS's.
>>>> As far as calling names I believe you started that long before I.
>>> You called me names. I certainly did not start that between you and I - nor
>>> have I returned the "favor".

>> you really answered that one. You'd make a fine politician.

> I noted that you have been calling me names and I have not sunk to your
> level. That is truth. Deal with it and let it go - I prefer to talk about
> Linux.
>>>> How many more car makes do we need? So then the Tesla shouldn't be made,
>>>> or maybe the Delorian? If they are not viable they will die out. But why
>>>> stop anyone from trying? Or should we get your approval before we do
>>>> anything. Maybe there should be a committee to decide who gets to have
>>>> kids. After all there sure are a lot of bad ones out there, ugly ones too.
>>>> And in your vein of keeping an argument befuddled, what does dogshit
>>>> have to do with this thread?
>>> See how you keep jumping to the idea of people being forced. Why?

>> Where did anyone say force in the above?

> You talked about stopping people and about the need to get approval, etc.
> Why?
>>>> Lets say you are right Hadron. Who gets to decide whats in the program? You?
>>>> Seems to me there are a lot more here that disagree with you than not.
>>> You left the topic behind long ago. Why?

>> IN your esteemed mind just what is the topic that you jumped into?

> You simply are not willing to talk about the weaknesses of desktop Linux.
> Oh well.

There is no problem about talking about weaknesses. But the way the
thread turn was against Linux in general which is no good. Notice Hadron
backed out and you try to change the subject when it doesn't go your way.
"caver1" <> stated in post
47fac251$0$17354$ on 4/7/08 5:54 PM:

>> You simply are not willing to talk about the weaknesses of desktop Linux.
>> Oh well.

> There is no problem about talking about weaknesses. But the way the
> thread turn was against Linux in general which is no good. Notice Hadron
> backed out and you try to change the subject when it doesn't go your way.

I know my comments have been about some of the weaknesses of desktop Linux,
namely that its UI is inconsistent and that if you go with the distro that
handles this problem best (Ububtu) you end up losing out on things other
distros do better - such as the better graphical design of PCLOS.

You jumped to the conclusion that I am a Windows user (it is not my primary
OS - I use it at home only in virtualization) and assumed I hated Linux.
You even showed a bad side of yourself in name calling. I find that a

To be fair I can understand, to some extent, your erroneous assumptions:
there are those who come to the OS-based groups and try to stir up
discontent. While I do not shy away from controversial issues and do not
pretend any OS is as flawless as many of the "advocates" claim, I prefer
when discussions lead to mutual learning and respect. I note some of your
less stellar moments, above, but you also handled *my* mistake of referring
to the clipboard replacement incorrectly (a rather silly mistake given your
reference to it was right above mine!) You did not sink to trolling me over
that as many others in Usenet would.

God made me an atheist - who are you to question his authority?
Snit <> writes:

> "caver1" <> stated in post
> 47fac251$0$17354$ on 4/7/08 5:54 PM:
>>> You simply are not willing to talk about the weaknesses of desktop Linux.
>>> Oh well.

>> There is no problem about talking about weaknesses. But the way the
>> thread turn was against Linux in general which is no good. Notice Hadron
>> backed out and you try to change the subject when it doesn't go your
>> way.

Backed out? I gave up when it became apparent you didn't have a clue
what we were discussing - namely the inherent weaknesses in the OSS
model in causing fragmentation across the various Linux desktops and so
on. No one is held to account so there is no quality control.

> I know my comments have been about some of the weaknesses of desktop Linux,
> namely that its UI is inconsistent and that if you go with the distro that
> handles this problem best (Ububtu) you end up losing out on things other
> distros do better - such as the better graphical design of PCLOS.
> You jumped to the conclusion that I am a Windows user (it is not my primary
> OS - I use it at home only in virtualization) and assumed I hated Linux.
> You even showed a bad side of yourself in name calling. I find that a
> shame.
> To be fair I can understand, to some extent, your erroneous assumptions:
> there are those who come to the OS-based groups and try to stir up
> discontent. While I do not shy away from controversial issues and do not
> pretend any OS is as flawless as many of the "advocates" claim, I prefer
> when discussions lead to mutual learning and respect. I note some of your
> less stellar moments, above, but you also handled *my* mistake of referring
> to the clipboard replacement incorrectly (a rather silly mistake given your
> reference to it was right above mine!) You did not sink to trolling me over
> that as many others in Usenet would.

Bwahahahahahahahah - Anyone else think that this announcement from the MS
marketing machine was anything other than a last ditch attempt to try and
foster *some* interest in XP ?
comp.os.linux.advocacy - where they put the lunacy in advocacy
caver1 wrote:

> It is true that some distros do better than other distros at some things
> and others not at all. But you can't stop them from trying. The weeds
> will be rooted out.

Snit's a troll and/or a crank. You'll soon get tired of his constant drip
and killfile him.

"There's a story there...somewhere"
Snit wrote:
> "caver1" <> stated in post
> 47fac251$0$17354$ on 4/7/08 5:54 PM:
>>> You simply are not willing to talk about the weaknesses of desktop Linux.
>>> Oh well.

>> There is no problem about talking about weaknesses. But the way the
>> thread turn was against Linux in general which is no good. Notice Hadron
>> backed out and you try to change the subject when it doesn't go your way.

> I know my comments have been about some of the weaknesses of desktop Linux,
> namely that its UI is inconsistent and that if you go with the distro that
> handles this problem best (Ububtu) you end up losing out on things other
> distros do better - such as the better graphical design of PCLOS.
> You jumped to the conclusion that I am a Windows user (it is not my primary
> OS - I use it at home only in virtualization) and assumed I hated Linux.
> You even showed a bad side of yourself in name calling. I find that a
> shame.
> To be fair I can understand, to some extent, your erroneous assumptions:
> there are those who come to the OS-based groups and try to stir up
> discontent. While I do not shy away from controversial issues and do not
> pretend any OS is as flawless as many of the "advocates" claim, I prefer
> when discussions lead to mutual learning and respect. I note some of your
> less stellar moments, above, but you also handled *my* mistake of referring
> to the clipboard replacement incorrectly (a rather silly mistake given your
> reference to it was right above mine!) You did not sink to trolling me over
> that as many others in Usenet would.

The problem I have is similar to yours but the other side of the coin.
I don't like those that are always finding fault. There is a place for
both but either to excess is not good.
You notice that the thread was taking one direction that Hadron likes
when you stepped in.
It is true that some distros do better than other distros at some things
and others not at all. But you can't stop them from trying. The weeds
will be rooted out.
"caver1" <> stated in post
47fad645$0$17355$ on 4/7/08 7:19 PM:

> Snit wrote:
>> "caver1" <> stated in post
>> 47fac251$0$17354$ on 4/7/08 5:54 PM:
>>>> You simply are not willing to talk about the weaknesses of desktop Linux.
>>>> Oh well.
>>> There is no problem about talking about weaknesses. But the way the
>>> thread turn was against Linux in general which is no good. Notice Hadron
>>> backed out and you try to change the subject when it doesn't go your way.

>> I know my comments have been about some of the weaknesses of desktop Linux,
>> namely that its UI is inconsistent and that if you go with the distro that
>> handles this problem best (Ububtu) you end up losing out on things other
>> distros do better - such as the better graphical design of PCLOS.
>> You jumped to the conclusion that I am a Windows user (it is not my primary
>> OS - I use it at home only in virtualization) and assumed I hated Linux.
>> You even showed a bad side of yourself in name calling. I find that a
>> shame.
>> To be fair I can understand, to some extent, your erroneous assumptions:
>> there are those who come to the OS-based groups and try to stir up
>> discontent. While I do not shy away from controversial issues and do not
>> pretend any OS is as flawless as many of the "advocates" claim, I prefer
>> when discussions lead to mutual learning and respect. I note some of your
>> less stellar moments, above, but you also handled *my* mistake of referring
>> to the clipboard replacement incorrectly (a rather silly mistake given your
>> reference to it was right above mine!) You did not sink to trolling me over
>> that as many others in Usenet would.

> The problem I have is similar to yours but the other side of the coin.
> I don't like those that are always finding fault. There is a place for
> both but either to excess is not good.

Sure. Be aware that I hand out Linux CDs fairly regularly to high school
and college students (I am a teacher) - and almost always Ubuntu. I very
much appreciate Linux for what it is - a free OS that allows people to do a
great deal.

> You notice that the thread was taking one direction that Hadron likes
> when you stepped in.
> It is true that some distros do better than other distros at some things
> and others not at all. But you can't stop them from trying. The weeds
> will be rooted out.

Things have gotten *much* better over the last few years and will likely
continue to. My "pet peeve" with Linux is the lack of UI consistency - a
weakness that does effect productivity, learning time, risks users data,
etc. There are, of course, other areas in need of focus but we all have our
own areas of interest.

If A = B and B = C, then A = C, except where void or prohibited by law.
Roy Santoro, Psycho Proverb Zone (
"Moog" <> wrote in message

> Linux is ultimately customisable. Don't like the look and feel? Change
> it. Don't like particular window manager? Change it. Don't like
> Standard Ubuntu? Change it. There are slight forks such as OpenGeu
> that should satisfy the eye candy addicts.

As is every operating system. Why don't you say something people don't know.
On 2008-04-10, ysdywmf <> wrote:
> "Moog" <> wrote in message
>> Linux is ultimately customisable. Don't like the look and feel? Change
>> it. Don't like particular window manager? Change it. Don't like
>> Standard Ubuntu? Change it. There are slight forks such as OpenGeu
>> that should satisfy the eye candy addicts.

> As is every operating system. Why don't you say something people don't know.

Not really.

The early attempts at replacement window managers for Windows made
this painfully obvious. Some systems are designed from the ground up
to be modular and others aren't.

Don't even get me started about virtual desktop managers for Windows.
Those vary from "almost but not quite there" to just downright horrid. The
Microsoft one falls in that latter category.


iTunes is not progressive. It's a throwback. |||
/ | \

Posted Via Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
>Quack trolled:
>> It's like talking to a brick wall. It's not all about what we may or may
>> not do. It's about whether it's a good idea or not for the general good
>> of Linux and its advancement.

Indeed, it is like talking to a brick wall, Quack. It's already been
explained to you why it is NOT a good idea. The "cons" outweigh the
"pros", and by a *considerable* margin.


"This choice thing is a joke."

-- "true Linux advocate" Hadron Quark.
Re: Yet Another Dud Windows Release -- Vista ME

chrisv wrote:

>>Quack trolled:
>>> It's like talking to a brick wall. It's not all about what we may or may
>>> not do. It's about whether it's a good idea or not for the general good
>>> of Linux and its advancement.

> Indeed, it is like talking to a brick wall, Quack.  It's already been
> explained to you why it is NOT a good idea.  The "cons" outweigh the
> "pros", and by a considerable margin.
> Idiot.

Vista ME must be a real DUD when even Gartner Group trashes it:

"Another problem seems to be Windows' rapidly-expanding code base, which
makes it incredibly difficult to quickly come up with significant changes
for a new version. The proof for this was Vista, as Microsoft switched back
to the more stable code of Windows Server 2003 for Vista’s foundation,
after seeing no relevant progress in five years of development efforts.

"This is a large part of the reason [why] Windows Vista delivered primarily
incremental improvements," analysts said. "Most users do not understand the
benefits of Windows Vista or do not see Vista as being better enough than
Windows XP to make incurring the cost and pain of migration worthwhile."


"There's a story there...somewhere"
On Mon, 07 Apr 2008 18:46:54 -0700, Snit wrote:

> I know my comments have been about some of the weaknesses of desktop
> Linux, namely that its UI is inconsistent and that if you go with the
> distro that handles this problem best (Ububtu) you end up losing out on
> things other distros do better - such as the better graphical design of

I think I'll "suffer" these UI weaknesses and let the Windows people keep
their weaknesses like Spyware, viruses and Microsoft's incompetence.
Re: Yet Another Dud Linux^h^h^h^h^hTroll Post.

Frank Stallone wrote:
> Snit wrote:
>> I know my comments have been about some of the weaknesses of
>> desktop Linux, namely that its UI is inconsistent and that
>> if you go with the distro that handles this problem best
>> (Ububtu) you end up losing out on things other distros do
>> better - such as the better graphical design of PCLOS.

> I think I'll "suffer" these UI weaknesses and let the Windows
> people keep their weaknesses like Spyware, viruses and
> Microsoft's incompetence.

UI weaknesses? Balderdash, the UI is perfectly usable. There is
nothing to inhibit usage.

The only UI weakness is the NNTP protocol, which inhibits making
troll writing elegant. Gobshite is no more pretty formatted than

Snit's lack of worthy posting content makes him an ideal first
candidate for the kill file. This is especially true, since his
post has little to do with Windows XP and Vista.

"Frank Stallone" <> stated in post on 4/12/08 4:34 AM:

> On Mon, 07 Apr 2008 18:46:54 -0700, Snit wrote:
>> I know my comments have been about some of the weaknesses of desktop
>> Linux, namely that its UI is inconsistent and that if you go with the
>> distro that handles this problem best (Ububtu) you end up losing out on
>> things other distros do better - such as the better graphical design of

> I think I'll "suffer" these UI weaknesses and let the Windows people keep
> their weaknesses like Spyware, viruses and Microsoft's incompetence.

Fair enough - use what you like. I prefer an OS that suffers from neither
problem... and would like to see Linux on the desktop gain both strengths as
well (it already has one!)

"The music is not inside the piano." - Alan Kay
Frank Stallone wrote:

> I think I'll "suffer" these UI weaknesses and let the Windows people keep
> their weaknesses like Spyware, viruses and Microsoft's incompetence.


"There's a story there...somewhere"
Snit wrote:

> Fair enough - use what you like.  I prefer an OS that suffers from neither
> problem... and would like to see Linux on the desktop gain both strengths
> as well (it already has one!)

Then write your own or shut the hell up.

"There's a story there...somewhere"
Re: Yet Another Dud Windows Release -- Vista ME

On Sat, 12 Apr 2008 16:03:45 -0600, High Plains Thumper wrote:

> RonB wrote:
>> High Plains Thumper wrote:
>>> [Hadron quote] Once more for the hard of brain power : I use
>>> testing. Not unstable. And I use it for a reason - Debian
>>> Stable is simply too buggy and backward and I cant be arsed
>>> to manage pinning or selectively monitoring backports.
>>> [/Hadron quote]

>> Hadron doesn't want Linux to work -- so he finds ways to make
>> it *not* work for him. You've got to give him a little credit,
>> something like that is not that easy to do.

> It is, if someone is paying you to do it, IMHO. It's all a part
> of his, *ahem*, their agenda.

62 pages of a thread relating to Ubuntu freezing doesn't exactly back up
the claim that screwing up Linux isn't easy to do.

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:
Re: Yet Another Dud Windows^h^h^h^h^h^h^hTroll Post

Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
> High Plains Thumper wrote:
>> RonB wrote:
>>> High Plains Thumper wrote:
>>>> [Hadron quote] Once more for the hard of brain power : I
>>>> use testing. Not unstable. And I use it for a reason -
>>>> Debian Stable is simply too buggy and backward and I
>>>> cant be arsed to manage pinning or selectively
>>>> monitoring backports. [/Hadron quote]
>>> Hadron doesn't want Linux to work -- so he finds ways to
>>> make it *not* work for him. You've got to give him a
>>> little credit, something like that is not that easy to do.

>> It is, if someone is paying you to do it, IMHO. It's all a
>> part of his, *ahem*, their agenda.

> 62 pages of a thread relating to Ubuntu freezing doesn't
> exactly back up the claim that screwing up Linux isn't easy to
> do.

This has nothing to do with Windows XP, nor Windows Vista, but
since you cross posted them to these newsgroups indicates your
agenda to troll.

Here is it well explained what your agenda is, from someone who
normally would not respond to your trolling:

> Anonymous said...
> New poster to comp.os.linux.advocacy tells profound truth
> about Moshe AKA Flatfish:
> Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy, alt.os.linux.ubuntu
> Subject: Re: [News] Red Hat Developer's Update on PulseAudio,
> Fedora Live CDs Interview
> Message-ID:
> Xns9A7D9779E7902thisnthatadelphianet@
> Date: 11 Apr 2008 18:53:55 GMT

>> Dan, you're probably a nice guy, but we get a ton of "works
>> for me" crap in COLA and most times it's just people telling
>> lies.

> Well sorry to dissapoint you, but I'm not in COLA. I'm reading
> these posts in the Ubuntu group. The only reason they are
> going to COLA is because whomever started the thread had it
> crossposted there...and to Vista groups, which I removed
> because this has nothing to do with Vista.
> I'm NOT a Linux pusher, I still use Windows most of the time
> since I'd just installed Linux a few weeks ago, maybe a month+
> ago, and still checking out apps and learning Linux. There are
> things I like and things I don't like.
> Believe what you want to believe. It's painfully obvious that
> you are completely anti-Linux, just like some are completely
> anti-MS, and have such strong preconceived beliefs that it
> doesn't really matter what anyone says about any particular
> Linux item, everyone's a liar, and nothing works
> out-of-the-box.

You can't even tell the truth about Linux, I would expect even
less for other operating systems.

Re: Yet Another Dud Windows Release -- Vista ME

On Sat, 12 Apr 2008 17:34:46 -0600, High Plains Thumper wrote:

> It is all a part of their evangelistic jihad:

We already know that...
So what is it that makes you Linux zealots so afraid of Microsoft?

Even by your own words Microsoft is going bankrupt, has no products that
people are interested int and so forth.

So why the fear?

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:
Re: Yet Another Dud Windows Release -- Vista ME

Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
> High Plains Thumper wrote:
>> It is all a part of their evangelistic jihad:

> We already know that... So what is it that makes you Linux
> zealots so afraid of Microsoft?
> Even by your own words Microsoft is going bankrupt, has no
> products that people are interested int and so forth.
> So why the fear?

I had posted that which you heavily snipped removing any worthy
context. Then you post this reply, cross posting to, and
alt.os.linux.ubuntu, which I never had intended as an audience,
adding your little twisted spins.

You're human engineering of insinuating emotional feelings that
are non existent are not appreciated. It goes to show that you
are nothing more than a fraudulent habitual liar, incapable of
expressing the truth, preferring instead to pollute other
newsgroups by your off-topic cross posts.

Most have you kill filed and rightly so. You provide no useful
input of any kind into the newsgroups you troll. Most would
appreciate it if you simply FOAD.
