Would you want THESE GUYS touching your PC?

  • Thread starter Thread starter jim
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"Timothy Daniels" wrote in message
> "philo" wrote:
> > I checked it and found that it was simply the header on the mobo...
> > I just wired the fan to a power supply termination
> > and the machine worked fine.

> Their corporate attorneys may have advised a policy that
> limits liability exposure by not doing any "wiring". "Wiring" could
> be classed as "engineering", and that would open them up to all
> kinds of lawsuits in the event of fire or electrocution.
> *TimDaniels*

The "wiring" I did consisted of putting a different plug on the fan.
But their analysis simply said "bad fan".
They never even tested the machine.
"robinb" wrote in message
> 65% of my clients come from Geek Squad
> for example:
> One of my clients brought in his pc because it was running very slow
> He was running xp sp2, 30 gig hd, 256 mb ram
> and was running, turbo tax, quicken, office type programs
> and on top of this was running mega big games
> They told him the computer needed a clean up
> So he paid $79.99 to clean it up and $50 to put Norton AV on it
> He took it home and found it was running slower than it was before and
> programs were crashing all over.
> He brought it back and they told him it was his cd burner causing this
> problem.
> funny how now they feel it is his cd burner causing the problem-
> So another $75 later, they installed a new cd burner
> Well seems that did not work either
> He found me by another client that I have that happens to be his friend.
> The first thing I looked at was the memory (which Geek Squad should have
> looked at first)
> How do you run all these mega programs and expect the computer to go
> faster on 256mbs of ram?
> I put in a gig for him and guess what? no more crashing and no more slow
> downs.
> I also removed Norton because i feel it hogs everything and put on AVG
> free which also made a mega difference.
> I can give you other horror stories. These guys are only out for the
> money and it seems they do not hire qualified techs. Anyone with a brain
> would have been able to figure out it was his memory to begin with.
> Wonder why they never tried that first,,,
> robin

This makes the 'tech guys' at PC World in the UK look intelligent!