Walmart Offers Ubuntu-Google Desk Top for 200 Wimpy US Dollars

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Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

What's worse than top posting....
Posting inside the message.......HaHa.....take THAT !

"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 3 Nov 2007 14:02:21 -0600, "Jupiter Jones [MVP]"
> <> wrote:
>>There is NOTHING wrong with top posting in many newsgroups.

> No, not if you don't mind being seen as a fool, arrogant and
> self-important. Hey, I've read enough of your crap to know that
> describes !!!!See, it really sucks when you post inside a previous
> post!!!your posting style perfectly and likely your character as
> well. People are what they are and what you choose to share about
> yourself in your writing says a lot.
> You add nothing to the discussion, regardless of thread. You need to
> do your holier-than-thou routine, then when accused of being stuck-up
> and pontificating !!!!Makes it real hard to find message!!!!you pout like
> a little baby. While you always claim
> to have no desire to control who says what or where they post you're
> jolly on the spot being condescending every chance you get.
>>If you CHOOSE to post in a newsgroup where top posting is acceptable,
>>it is you that needs to accept it or make appropriate changes.
>>If you are unwilling, that is also YOUR choice and no one else's.

> If you knew anything about Usenet which this newsgroup is a part of,
> you would understand that top posting is ALWAYS frowned on by
> experienced posters. That leaves one of two conclusions. Either you're
> not anywhere near as "experienced" as you love to pretend or you
> simply don't give a sh*t and !!!Hehehe...!!!get some rush out of making
> sure whatever
> crap you want to say always is at the top so nobody misses it. So at
> best you're a ignorant fool or at worse an ignorant fool that don't
> mind if he's seen that way because he (you) get off on it.
> What's the matter, did I strike too close to home Jupiter? I had you
> figured out !!!People should post whereever they want!!!months ago and
> have had decades of spotting prima donna
> types like you. Actually it is easy. You're all alike and stick out
> like a sore thumb. Now that you know, will you change? No fu*cking way
> because you LIKE being what you are: A pompous, over-bearing
> condescending blowhard.

In case you couldn't find my post, its within the !!!....!!!
Re: This Just In WAS Walmart offers Linux

HeyBub wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>>Only 138 euros, less than one Generic OEM copy of Windows XP Pro:
>>How many Big Stores were offering Linux when XP made the scene?

> For just $99 more, you can get a computer with a 17" monitor and Vista Home
> Premium! Plus the ability to write DVDs.

....and you can put it all on your Walmart charge card and have no
payments due until '08!
Now that's a big WOW! :-)
Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

Frank wrote:

> Frank deals the truth and it obviously scares the sh*t out of you and a
> few others.
> Live with it as*hole!
> Frank

*That's* funny.


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Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
> "It's retarded"
> It is accepted in many newsgroups and you know it.

Only by top posters like you who don't know how to properly post on Usenet.

MS configured OE and now Windows Mail to top post. MS configured, you
believed it and that settles it. Praise Microsoft!



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Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

HeyBub wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>> In line..

>> Due to your Wintard top posting, my newsreader won't let me quote you
>> to be able to respond and I'm not going to take the time to copy and
>> paste your response.

> Must not be using a Microsoft news reader.

I used OE for years and took a look at Windows Mail, same trip. I much
prefer T-Bird.

> Pity, really.

Liberating, actually, being as I have no plans on using OE or WM for
news groups. This very computer has OE and I have never used it for
anything. You must admit, OE and WM aren't exactly on their high
priority to-do list.


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Re: This Just In WAS Walmart offers Linux

HeyBub wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Only 138 euros, less than one Generic OEM copy of Windows XP Pro:
>> How many Big Stores were offering Linux when XP made the scene?

> For just $99 more, you can get a computer with a 17" monitor and Vista Home
> Premium! Plus the ability to write DVDs.

What a deal. Perfect for Gutsy, after wiping the Vista Virus off the
hard drive. 512 MB of RAM isn't quite enough for Vista Virus Bloatware
so you'd have to add the cost for 1.5 GB of RAM for Vista to not have to
hobble along as much.


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Re: This Just In WAS Walmart offers Linux

Frank wrote:
> HeyBub wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Only 138 euros, less than one Generic OEM copy of Windows XP Pro:
>>> How many Big Stores were offering Linux when XP made the scene?

>> For just $99 more, you can get a computer with a 17" monitor and Vista
>> Home Premium! Plus the ability to write DVDs.

> ...and you can put it all on your Walmart charge card and have no
> payments due until '08!
> Now that's a big WOW! :-)
> Frank

Yeah, 512 MB RAM with Vista Virus Premium will be lightening fast.

Walmart trusts you enough to give you a card?


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Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

Tie Various wrote:
> thank you again....

<You should make sure you wipe and wash Alias's rectum, and you brush
your teeth before you pucker-up and kiss it. You do know that
cleanliness is next to godlinesses don't you?>

> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:%23WqYvHCHIHA.4684@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> Spanky deMonkey wrote:
>>> Walmart offers
>>> Sumersault - Butterfly Garden 4-Piece Crib Set for a wimpy $39.00
>>> Who cares if Walmart offers Ubuntu - This is a Vista forum. DUH !

>> Vista is one of the main reasons people are heading over to Linux. Ergo,
>> on topic in this ng.
>> Here's a more complete article, complete with screen shots:
>> Enjoy :-)
>> Alias
>> To email me, remove shoes
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:%23XIVL$BHIHA.284@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>> Only 138 euros, less than one Generic OEM copy of Windows XP Pro:
>>>> How many Big Stores were offering Linux when XP made the scene?
>>>> --
>>>> Alias
>>>> To email me, remove shoes

>> --

Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

Typical assumptions when the facts disagree with what you want to

The FACT is top posting in many newsgroups including these is
acceptable as is bottom posting.

Some newsgroups/forums have stated policies.
Some have a custom.
These newsgroups as well as others have neither as demonstrated by top
and bottom being common.

Of course if you can point to something authoritative where Microsoft
has a stated policy for these newsgroups, I would acknowledge it.
Until then it is only you attempting to force your will on others and
I as well as many others choose to ignore your pointless belief.

Interesting that it is usually the critics that are so adamant theirs
is the only way when other ways are acceptable.
Perhaps it is a reflection on their general intolerance of others who
choose to do things different than the way they like.

It is up to YOU to deal with it.
YOU need to accept it or change.
The choice is entirely up to you.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Only by top posters like you who don't know how to properly post on
> Usenet.
> MS configured OE and now Windows Mail to top post. MS configured,
> you believed it and that settles it. Praise Microsoft!
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes
Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Frank deals the truth and it obviously scares the sh*t out of you and
>> a few others.
>> Live with it as*hole!
>> Frank

> *That's* funny.

Sure is!
Especially the fact that it scares the sh*t out of you and a few of your!
Re: This Just In WAS Walmart offers Linux

Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> HeyBub wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Only 138 euros, less than one Generic OEM copy of Windows XP Pro:
>>>> How many Big Stores were offering Linux when XP made the scene?
>>> For just $99 more, you can get a computer with a 17" monitor and
>>> Vista Home Premium! Plus the ability to write DVDs.

>> ...and you can put it all on your Walmart charge card and have no
>> payments due until '08!
>> Now that's a big WOW! :-)
>> Frank

> Yeah, 512 MB RAM with Vista Virus Premium will be lightening fast.
> Walmart trusts you enough to give you a card?

Who said I have a Walmart card?
Still can't read, huh...figures.
Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

On Sat, 3 Nov 2007 19:53:44 -0600, "Jupiter Jones [MVP]"
<> wrote:

>Typical assumptions when the facts disagree with what you want to

>Of course if you can point to something authoritative where Microsoft
>has a stated policy for these newsgroups, I would acknowledge it.
>Until then it is only you attempting to force your will on others and
>I as well as many others choose to ignore your pointless belief.

How many more times does some nitwit MVP need to be told that
Microsoft neither owns or runs this newsgroup. Damn, you're an idiot
because you keep commenting suggesting they do just like you love to
pretend you're the hall monitor. Get a life, please!

>Interesting that it is usually the critics that are so adamant theirs
>is the only way when other ways are acceptable.

In the English language you write top to bottom. Period. No
exceptions. Only some mind numbing doofus thinks the shit he needs to
babble should be read first which is why bags of hot gas like you are
top posters.

>Perhaps it is a reflection on their general intolerance of others who
>choose to do things different than the way they like.

Has nothing to do with intolerance or what you like you babbling
baboon. It's custom and proper to add your comments following what
somebody else said so somebody new to the thread can follow it in a
logical manner reading what was said first then next and so on. Some
simple minded buffoons are trying to argue, well you don't feel like
it. So does that mean you get to decide you should stop at green
traffic lights and go at red ones? That would be crazy wouldn't it,
yet that the absurd position you're trying to argue. You want to top
post just because you want to.

>It is up to YOU to deal with it.

I am dealing with it exposing you for the fool you are.
Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

>> Is Linux that bad .. that you have to live your Linux life in a Vista
>> newsgroup? :)

> No.

then ... :) why do you live your life here? be honest now ) .. before you
know it you'll have preached yourself in a corner.

> Suggesting Ubuntu is not leading anyone astray when you consider the
> advantages over Vista.

Everything has advantages over everything else if you hammer the logic into
place hard enough (bring several hammers)

What happens when the novelty wears off this religious zeal and and you are
left with yourself and two other OS hippies preaching the "flower power"
message to the last five souls who only live to be against something,
anything .. just as long as it defines them in their minds eye as a 'my own
man' types :)

Some people can say ANYTHING with a straight face. Wasn't it said recently
that global warming caused the San Diego fires? .. heh

Rich, who does love the entertainment in all this, I do admit
Re: This Just In WAS Walmart offers Linux

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> HeyBub wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Only 138 euros, less than one Generic OEM copy of Windows XP Pro:
>>> How many Big Stores were offering Linux when XP made the scene?

>> For just $99 more, you can get a computer with a 17" monitor and Vista
>> Home Premium! Plus the ability to write DVDs.

> What a deal. Perfect for Gutsy, after wiping the Vista Virus off the hard
> drive. 512 MB of RAM isn't quite enough for Vista Virus Bloatware so you'd
> have to add the cost for 1.5 GB of RAM for Vista to not have to hobble
> along as much.

How do you know its perfect?
Have your disks arrived so you can actually try Ubuntu?
I see you are still posting from windows and not Ubuntu of any species.
IME there is little difference between 7.10 and 7.04 (especially with the
updates) so if 7.10 is good enough then 7.04 should also be good enough, the
*applications are the same*.
Why not stop being a "do as I say" boy and be a "do as I do" man and scrub
your windows like you advise everyone else?
Re: This Just In WAS Walmart offers Linux

dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fgj755$k6f$
>> HeyBub wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Only 138 euros, less than one Generic OEM copy of Windows XP Pro:
>>>> How many Big Stores were offering Linux when XP made the scene?
>>> For just $99 more, you can get a computer with a 17" monitor and
>>> Vista Home Premium! Plus the ability to write DVDs.

>> What a deal. Perfect for Gutsy, after wiping the Vista Virus off the
>> hard drive. 512 MB of RAM isn't quite enough for Vista Virus Bloatware
>> so you'd have to add the cost for 1.5 GB of RAM for Vista to not have
>> to hobble along as much.

> How do you know its perfect?
> Have your disks arrived so you can actually try Ubuntu?
> I see you are still posting from windows and not Ubuntu of any species.
> IME there is little difference between 7.10 and 7.04 (especially with
> the updates) so if 7.10 is good enough then 7.04 should also be good
> enough, the *applications are the same*.
> Why not stop being a "do as I say" boy and be a "do as I do" man and
> scrub your windows like you advise everyone else?

I've already explained why I am using Windows. Please try to keep up.
Within a week, all my posts will be from Gutsy, whether the CDs come to
my door or not.

That said, I don't plan to scrub XP because I need it for gaming. When
the gaming industry wakes up and smell the coffee and starts making
games for Ubuntu, XP will only be a memory.


To email me, remove shoes
Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
> Typical assumptions when the facts disagree with what you want to believe.
> The FACT is top posting in many newsgroups including these is acceptable
> as is bottom posting.
> Some newsgroups/forums have stated policies.
> Some have a custom.
> These newsgroups as well as others have neither as demonstrated by top
> and bottom being common.
> Of course if you can point to something authoritative where Microsoft
> has a stated policy for these newsgroups, I would acknowledge it.
> Until then it is only you attempting to force your will on others and I
> as well as many others choose to ignore your pointless belief.
> Interesting that it is usually the critics that are so adamant theirs is
> the only way when other ways are acceptable.
> Perhaps it is a reflection on their general intolerance of others who
> choose to do things different than the way they like.
> It is up to YOU to deal with it.
> YOU need to accept it or change.
> The choice is entirely up to you.

I have noticed that certain ones have no
reasonable comment to diprove you they come back
with Don't top(bootom)post, your time stamp is
wrong, there's something wrong with your sig, or
they hit you on a typo.
Re: This Just In WAS Walmart offers Linux

Alias wrote:
> HeyBub wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Only 138 euros, less than one Generic OEM copy of Windows XP Pro:
>>> How many Big Stores were offering Linux when XP made the scene?

>> For just $99 more, you can get a computer with a 17" monitor and
>> Vista Home Premium! Plus the ability to write DVDs.

> What a deal. Perfect for Gutsy, after wiping the Vista Virus off the
> hard drive. 512 MB of RAM isn't quite enough for Vista Virus Bloatware
> so you'd have to add the cost for 1.5 GB of RAM for Vista to not have
> to hobble along as much.

WalMart says the supplied hardware is sufficient. As you know, big - really
big - companies can't afford to misrepresent things.
Re: Walmart offers for a wimpy $39.00

LOL.. yes.. they learn to do that as children, and some habits are harder to
break than others..

Mike Hall - MVP
Posting Productively..

"caver1" <> wrote in message
> Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
>> Typical assumptions when the facts disagree with what you want to
>> believe.
>> The FACT is top posting in many newsgroups including these is acceptable
>> as is bottom posting.
>> Some newsgroups/forums have stated policies.
>> Some have a custom.
>> These newsgroups as well as others have neither as demonstrated by top
>> and bottom being common.
>> Of course if you can point to something authoritative where Microsoft has
>> a stated policy for these newsgroups, I would acknowledge it.
>> Until then it is only you attempting to force your will on others and I
>> as well as many others choose to ignore your pointless belief.
>> Interesting that it is usually the critics that are so adamant theirs is
>> the only way when other ways are acceptable.
>> Perhaps it is a reflection on their general intolerance of others who
>> choose to do things different than the way they like.
>> It is up to YOU to deal with it.
>> YOU need to accept it or change.
>> The choice is entirely up to you.

> I have noticed that certain ones have no reasonable comment to diprove you
> they come back with Don't top(bootom)post, your time stamp is wrong,
> there's something wrong with your sig, or they hit you on a typo.
> caver1
"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Only 138 euros, less than one Generic OEM copy of Windows XP Pro:
> How many Big Stores were offering Linux when XP made the scene?

So what? ASDA (Walmart's UK supermarket company) are selling Vista, but they
never sold XP when it came out.
Brian W wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:%23XIVL$BHIHA.284@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Only 138 euros, less than one Generic OEM copy of Windows XP Pro:
>> How many Big Stores were offering Linux when XP made the scene?

> So what? ASDA (Walmart's UK supermarket company) are selling Vista, but
> they never sold XP when it came out.

So what? The point is that Linux is becoming more popular.


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