Ubuntu Not Ready for the Desktop?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alias
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Alias wrote:
> Frank wrote:
>> Adam Albright wrote:
>>> On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:33:03 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> Dell is desperate!
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>> Not nearly as desperate as you are, willing to lie and insult
>>>>> people to make a point.
>>>>> Alias
>>>> Dell being desperate is not an insult it's fact.
>>>> Stop your incessant lying!
>>>> Frank
>>> If it is a fact then you shouldn't have any trouble documenting why.
>>> Put your PROOF Dell is desperate right here Frankie =====>

>> Google it yourself you moron!
>> Frank

> Translation: Frank can't back up his assertion as usual.
> Alias

Translation: alias can't google and can't (conveniently) remember that
links to market data have recently been posted.
Grow up you idiot!
On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:15 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:

>Alias wrote:

>> I have an HP printer and scanner control panel included with Ubuntu. Do
>> you think that HP and nVidia are trying to cut costs by providing
>> drivers for Ubuntu? Or, better yet, do you even think before you post?
>> Alias

>Stop lying an insulting people who know more than you do, ok?
>That's seems to be all you're capable of lately as the statistical data
>shows linux losing ground every month to Vista. Live with it. Liunx is
>going nowhere! Your trolling is having the opposite effect and is
>driving people away. You're a horrible marketer and ubuntu should fire
>your sorry ares immediately! You're doing more harm than good.

Meanwhile our resident nut case Frankie thinks his non stop ranting
and screaming helps Microsoft sell more copies of Vista.

Bill Yanaire wrote:
> Yes, Vista will be the past in 4-6 years. Ubuntu will be the past each and
> every 6 months because they keep putting out major fixes because they can't
> get it right.

All OSes go through evolution, even Windows. Some are slower than others -)

> "Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
> news:ueKYUDH0HHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>> HeyBub wrote:
>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>> Tell that to Dell:
>>>>>>>> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,135136-c,linux/article.html
>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>> It's a money-maker. Linux on a Dell costs $225 more.
>>>>>>> http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/07/07/10/2354207.shtml
>>>>>> Regardless, the fact that Dell, HP, nVidia and others are throwing
>>>>>> their hat into the Ubuntu ring is a sign of the times.
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>> They're in deep dudu and it's a desperate market move that so far, has
>>>>> done nothing to help their sales.
>>>>> Get use to it. Linux is losing market share every month to Vista.
>>>>> I know that fact irritates the hell out of you but with you're arrogant
>>>>> attitude you deserve it.
>>>>> That's the life of a linux troll (you).
>>>>> Loser!
>>>>> Frank
>>>> What a liar you are, Frankie Boy. Linux is gaining market and you can't
>>>> prove otherwise.
>>>> Alias
>>> We've already proved and posted that fact numerous times.

>> No you didn't.
>>> Remember?

>> How can I remember something that never happened?
>>> Oh, you can't handle the truth can you?
>>> I forgot.
>>> You're got a real problem with the truth.
>>> Frank

>> The truth is that Vista is the past and Ubuntu is the future. Live with
>> it.
>> Alias

On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:36:57 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:

>Adam Albright wrote:
>> On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 07:36:28 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:
>>>Alias wrote:
>>>>Ian Betts wrote:
>>>>>Tell what to Dell. Dell are struggling for sales in Europe and need
>>>>>all they can get in the Third World and beyond. Linux is cheaper and
>>>>>Ubuntu goes down well with the natives. Its not secret. Don't get me
>>>>>wrong I like Ubuntu and use it and like Dell and its computers but for
>>>>>you to use it as your promotion is laughable.
>>>>The fact that Dell is selling Ubuntu computers and nVidia is now
>>>>including Linux drivers with the graphics cards doesn't tell you something?
>>>Dell is desperate!

>> Another of you astute observations, right Frank?
>> Michael Dell CEO of Dell, whom I have met a couple times may be a lot
>> of things, desperate isn't one of them. Dell by and large is a well
>> run corporation that made Michael a billionaire many times over.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Dell

>And the point of your stupidly bragging post is...?
>You can't admit that Dell is losing market share and that trying to
>increase share involves widening your product line?
>Those of us in marketing know that's always a sign of desperation
>brought about by losing market share.

You don't know sh*t about Marketing. Who in the hell do you think you
are fooling?

Reality check: Frankie claims he runs a "marketing" company yet admits
he runs it from his kitchen table at home and further admits he
doesn't have any web site to promote his "business".

Your should talk. Have you seen those Red Blue and Green dots yet?

"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
> Meanwhile our resident nut case Frankie thinks his non stop ranting
> and screaming helps Microsoft sell more copies of Vista.
Adam Albright wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:15 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:
>> Alias wrote:

>>> I have an HP printer and scanner control panel included with Ubuntu. Do
>>> you think that HP and nVidia are trying to cut costs by providing
>>> drivers for Ubuntu? Or, better yet, do you even think before you post?
>>> Alias

>> Stop lying an insulting people who know more than you do, ok?
>> That's seems to be all you're capable of lately as the statistical data
>> shows linux losing ground every month to Vista. Live with it. Liunx is
>> going nowhere! Your trolling is having the opposite effect and is
>> driving people away. You're a horrible marketer and ubuntu should fire
>> your sorry ares immediately! You're doing more harm than good.
>> Frank

> Meanwhile our resident nut case Frankie thinks his non stop ranting
> and screaming helps Microsoft sell more copies of Vista.

I think most reasonable people know that users and OSes are not the same
thing. Some ill informed individuals like Frank think I AM Ubuntu, not
just a common mortal, prone to making mistakes that happens to be happy
with it after suffering with Windows since 92.

I wouldn't judge Vista by Frank's inanities. He's human and can only be
the way he is.

What really gets to the Vista fanboys is they *know* they will get
_nowhere_ extolling Vista in a Linux forum and the also *know* that
Vista is irritating users BIG TIME and the time is ripe for Linux. This
explains the vile and puerile posts by those Vista Wintards that have
their buttons pushed with the mere mention of Linux. For crying out
loud, sometimes I think Frank is going to have a stroke and I worry
about him!

WOW! that's almost one copy in every city in Spain. Keep up the good work

"Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
> Again, Linux is gaining market share. That is true. By the year 2065,
> they will have an extra 3,500 users!
HA- You ARE Ubuntu not a common mortal but a whining, preaching, noise
making, annoying mortal at that! Yes, it is better for you to be in the
"prone" position because that's how you get paid by the Ubuntu community,
Just FYI :-)

You've been suffering with Windows since 92, probably takes you that long to
read the manual. We've been suffering with you for eternity it seems !

You - Just another Lin-tard spewing your gospel to anyone who will listen,
but your audience is just like Ubuntu- Less than 2% !

No go out in the streets looking for Euros from the tourists, because you
need to show income with your "Two businesses" (Yea, right!)

"Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
> Adam Albright wrote:
>> On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:15 -0700, Frank <fb@nospaner.cnm> wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:

>>>> I have an HP printer and scanner control panel included with Ubuntu. Do
>>>> you think that HP and nVidia are trying to cut costs by providing
>>>> drivers for Ubuntu? Or, better yet, do you even think before you post?
>>>> Alias
>>> Stop lying an insulting people who know more than you do, ok?
>>> That's seems to be all you're capable of lately as the statistical data
>>> shows linux losing ground every month to Vista. Live with it. Liunx is
>>> going nowhere! Your trolling is having the opposite effect and is
>>> driving people away. You're a horrible marketer and ubuntu should fire
>>> your sorry ares immediately! You're doing more harm than good.
>>> Frank

>> Meanwhile our resident nut case Frankie thinks his non stop ranting
>> and screaming helps Microsoft sell more copies of Vista.

> I think most reasonable people know that users and OSes are not the same
> thing. Some ill informed individuals like Frank think I AM Ubuntu, not
> just a common mortal, prone to making mistakes that happens to be happy
> with it after suffering with Windows since 92.
> I wouldn't judge Vista by Frank's inanities. He's human and can only be
> the way he is.
> What really gets to the Vista fanboys is they *know* they will get
> _nowhere_ extolling Vista in a Linux forum and the also *know* that Vista
> is irritating users BIG TIME and the time is ripe for Linux. This explains
> the vile and puerile posts by those Vista Wintards that have their buttons
> pushed with the mere mention of Linux. For crying out loud, sometimes I
> think Frank is going to have a stroke and I worry about him!
> Alias
Adam Albright wrote:

-------------drunken lies deleted------------

Hey fool...hahahaha...lol!
Alias wrote:

>>> The truth is that Vista is the past and Ubuntu is the future. Live
>>> with it.
>>> Alias


You got that one right! Let's see...1992...for linux..and still trying
to get it right?
Is that correct?
Unix was around in the early 80's and look at them now :-)
Linux was around in the early 90's and look at them now "-)

Better take a quick look or you will miss it

Enuf Said.

"Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
> Telstar wrote:
>> "Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
>> news:%23R0NBMD0HHA.4928@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> Tell that to Dell:
>>> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,135136-c,linux/article.html
>>> Alias

>> The sales projections were 2%. Very impressive. Most impressive.

> In 1981, IBM was the only game in town with Tandy and Apple way behind. MS
> was nowhere to be found and look at them now.
> Alias
Spanky deMonkey wrote:
> Unix was around in the early 80's and look at them now :-)

Still around.

> Linux was around in the early 90's and look at them now "-)

Getting better and better.

> Better take a quick look or you will miss it
> Enuf Said.

Time will tell.

> "Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
> news:%23smf3bD0HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Telstar wrote:
>>> "Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
>>> news:%23R0NBMD0HHA.4928@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>> Tell that to Dell:
>>>> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,135136-c,linux/article.html
>>>> Alias
>>> The sales projections were 2%. Very impressive. Most impressive.

>> In 1981, IBM was the only game in town with Tandy and Apple way behind. MS
>> was nowhere to be found and look at them now.
>> Alias

Be careful with that Genuine Ubuntu statement. Pretty soon you will need to
activate it under the "Ubuntu Loser Advantage" program.

"Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
> here@home.again wrote:
>> "Alias" asked...
>>> The fact that Dell is selling Ubuntu computers and nVidia is now
>>> including Linux drivers with the graphics cards doesn't tell you
>>> something?

>> I tells me

> You tell yourself?
>> that price wars and other sales figures have Dell desperately trying to
>> cut costs any way they can. -)

> And nVidia? HP? Dell isn't the only pc maker including a Genuine Ubuntu OS
> with their computers. The computer chains here have been doing it for
> years.
> I have an HP printer and scanner control panel included with Ubuntu. Do
> you think that HP and nVidia are trying to cut costs by providing drivers
> for Ubuntu? Or, better yet, do you even think before you post?
> Alias
Alias wrote:

>>> In 1981, IBM was the only game in town with Tandy and Apple way
>>> behind. MS was nowhere to be found and look at them now.
>>> Alias

Microsoft was not "nowhere to be found" in 1981. They were already
well established by then. They had the dominate BASIC interpreters on
TRS-80s, Apples and others. Microsoft BASIC was *the* BASIC to have on
computers at the time. They had many other languages also - BASIC
compilers, COBOL compilers, FORTRAN, Assemblers, etc. Why do you think
IBM went to MS in the first (actually 2nd) place? Digital Research
(CP/M) was not interested, so there was no one else to turn to.

For you to claim that MS was "nowhere to be found" simply proves that
you are indeed what you appear to be - a clueless kid who was not around
at that time.

Re: Ubuntu Not Ready for the Desktop! It's not a question, it'sa statement of fact.

Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
> This article was commissioned by Mr Ubuntu, so it is hardly surprising
> that Dell did not want to commit to real figures. I thought that Ms Dell
> handled it very well.
> Feisty Fawn should be renamed Frumpy Friesian.. the download takes a
> longer time than getting Vista x86 and 64 combined, and the default
> install desktop is terrible, sporting two flavors of slurry brown..
> Kubuntu looks better, as does PClinuxOS..

Well stated. Ubuntu does indeed look literally like crap. PCLinuxOS
is much better looking. I'm posting from it right now, running in
VMWare under Vista of course!

Alias has his head in the Ubuntu clouds and can think of nothing else.

"Mike" <no@where.man> wrote in message
> Alias wrote:
>>>> In 1981, IBM was the only game in town with Tandy and Apple way behind.
>>>> MS was nowhere to be found and look at them now.
>>>> Alias

> Microsoft was not "nowhere to be found" in 1981. They were already well
> established by then. They had the dominate BASIC interpreters on
> TRS-80s, Apples and others. Microsoft BASIC was *the* BASIC to have on
> computers at the time. They had many other languages also - BASIC
> compilers, COBOL compilers, FORTRAN, Assemblers, etc. Why do you think
> IBM went to MS in the first (actually 2nd) place? Digital Research
> (CP/M) was not interested, so there was no one else to turn to.
> For you to claim that MS was "nowhere to be found" simply proves that you
> are indeed what you appear to be - a clueless kid who was not around at
> that time.
> Mike
Mike wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>>>> In 1981, IBM was the only game in town with Tandy and Apple way
>>>> behind. MS was nowhere to be found and look at them now.
>>>> Alias

> Microsoft was not "nowhere to be found" in 1981. They were already
> well established by then. They had the dominate BASIC interpreters on
> TRS-80s, Apples and others. Microsoft BASIC was *the* BASIC to have on
> computers at the time. They had many other languages also - BASIC
> compilers, COBOL compilers, FORTRAN, Assemblers, etc. Why do you think
> IBM went to MS in the first (actually 2nd) place? Digital Research
> (CP/M) was not interested, so there was no one else to turn to.
> For you to claim that MS was "nowhere to be found" simply proves that
> you are indeed what you appear to be - a clueless kid who was not around
> at that time.
> Mike

They were non existent in the desktop OS market was my point.

Spanky deMonkey wrote:
> Alias has his head in the Ubuntu clouds and can think of nothing else.

Actually, I was just perusing the screen shots of PCLinuxOS and I plan
to download and try it out.

> "Mike" <no@where.man> wrote in message
> news:13al2dkdod6pm38@news.supernews.com...
>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> In 1981, IBM was the only game in town with Tandy and Apple way behind.
>>>>> MS was nowhere to be found and look at them now.
>>>>> Alias

>> Microsoft was not "nowhere to be found" in 1981. They were already well
>> established by then. They had the dominate BASIC interpreters on
>> TRS-80s, Apples and others. Microsoft BASIC was *the* BASIC to have on
>> computers at the time. They had many other languages also - BASIC
>> compilers, COBOL compilers, FORTRAN, Assemblers, etc. Why do you think
>> IBM went to MS in the first (actually 2nd) place? Digital Research
>> (CP/M) was not interested, so there was no one else to turn to.
>> For you to claim that MS was "nowhere to be found" simply proves that you
>> are indeed what you appear to be - a clueless kid who was not around at
>> that time.
>> Mike

Re: Ubuntu Not Ready for the Desktop! It's not a question, it'sa statement of fact.

Mike wrote:
> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> This article was commissioned by Mr Ubuntu, so it is hardly surprising
>> that Dell did not want to commit to real figures. I thought that Ms
>> Dell handled it very well.
>> Feisty Fawn should be renamed Frumpy Friesian.. the download takes a
>> longer time than getting Vista x86 and 64 combined, and the default
>> install desktop is terrible, sporting two flavors of slurry brown..
>> Kubuntu looks better, as does PClinuxOS..

> Well stated. Ubuntu does indeed look literally like crap. PCLinuxOS
> is much better looking. I'm posting from it right now, running in
> VMWare under Vista of course!
> Mike

I just visited their site. I think I will try it out.

Alias wrote:

> Spanky deMonkey wrote:
>> Alias has his head in the Ubuntu clouds and can think of nothing else.

> Actually, I was just perusing the screen shots of PCLinuxOS and I plan
> to download and try it out.
> Alias

Too late.
We've already done that.
Better than urbuttoo but still no cigar.
Wait another 10-15 yrs.
Hold your breath in the meantime.