Ubuntu Not Ready for the Desktop?

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Spanky deMonkey wrote:
> The Billionaires out there have one thing in common. They DO NOT use

Mark Shuttleworth does and he's a billionaire. Michael Dell does and
he's a billionaire. Oops. And, I bet you dollars to donuts that both
Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates have at least one Ubuntu box.

> If they want something done, they use a solution that works.

Ubuntu works just fine for most solutions. Passing WGA and WPA isn't one
of them though. Only Windows can give you the Product Activation and
Genuine Advantage experience. Another Windows only experience is the BSOD.

> I would like to be a billionaire some day just like you would. But one
> thing for sure, is you will NEVER get there using Ubuntu!

There is nothing I can't do with Ubuntu for business that I used to do
with Windows. The only thing I can't do with Ubuntu is play video games
that were made for Windows.

> "Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
> news:ep4aYFS0HHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> Again, Linux is gaining market share. That is true. By the year 2065,
>>> they will have an extra 3,500 users!

>> The amount of Billionaires is pretty small too. Does that mean they are no
>> good, disdainful and worthy of your lies, insults and taunts or would you,
>> too, like to be a billionaire?
>> Alias
>>> "Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
>>> news:%23NQMLxG0HHA.3972@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>> HeyBub wrote:
>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>> Tell that to Dell:
>>>>>>>> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,135136-c,linux/article.html
>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>> It's a money-maker. Linux on a Dell costs $225 more.
>>>>>>> http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/07/07/10/2354207.shtml
>>>>>> Regardless, the fact that Dell, HP, nVidia and others are throwing
>>>>>> their hat into the Ubuntu ring is a sign of the times.
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>> They're in deep dudu and it's a desperate market move that so far, has
>>>>> done nothing to help their sales.
>>>>> Get use to it. Linux is losing market share every month to Vista.
>>>>> I know that fact irritates the hell out of you but with you're arrogant
>>>>> attitude you deserve it.
>>>>> That's the life of a linux troll (you).
>>>>> Loser!
>>>>> Frank
>>>> What a liar you are, Frankie Boy. Linux is gaining market and you can't
>>>> prove otherwise.
>>>> Alias

I won't quit my day job. Pays pretty damn good and I suck at being a

"Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
> Spanky deMonkey wrote:
>> I was at the store the other day buying dog food. There is bright pink
>> letters on the bag: Ubuntu brand Dog Food.
>> I quickly bought the food and gave it to the dog. He Barfed.
>> Threw the bag away

> If you're looking to be a comic, don't give up your day job.
> Alias
>> "Alias" <aka@masked&anonymous.li> wrote in message
>> news:eXx8uES0HHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>> The truth is that Vista is the past and Ubuntu is the future. Live
>>>>>>> with it.
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>> You got that one right! Let's see...1992...for linux..and still trying
>>>> to get it right?
>>>> Is that correct?
>>>> Frank
>>> No, it isn't.
>>> Alias


Spanky deMonkey wrote:
> I won't quit my day job. Pays pretty damn good and I suck at being a
> comedian

For once we're in agreement :-)

To email me, remove what's invalid
Is it really different than the HP Basic I learned while using the HP2000
back in 1969? LOL
BTW: Anyone have any mylar tape so I can save my programs?

Or can I quit using line numbers and for/next arguments?

Maybe I should find my 18" compiler disk & run a few do loops on Fortran...
A Professional Amateur...If anyone knew it all, none of would be here!
Change Alpha to Numeric to reply
"Stephan Rose" <nospam@spammer.com> wrote in message
> On Sat, 28 Jul 2007 10:43:00 -0700, Bob wrote:
>> I guess Alias is lost in his own world and never heard of Visual Basic
>> one
>> of the most popular programming languages.

> PLEASE!!! Do me ONE big favor!!!
> Do *not* call the atrocity by the name of "Visual Basic" a programming
> language!!! It's a disaster at best...designed essentially for the
> hobbyist "programmer" crowd. I mean Visual Basic .Net has a friggin "My"
> namespace for crying out loud!!
> --
> Stephan
> 2003 Yamaha R6