Re: So I really did try linux today (longish)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Moshe Goldfarb
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Moshe Goldfarb

On Sat, 10 May 2008 11:00:21 -0400, Ezekiel wrote:

> Lots of you advocates probably seen my posts or at least know that I post
> here. You probably disagree/hate my posts but that's cool too. My laptop
> powered down last night (ran out of battery) so I had to do a fresh
> reboot this AM. During reboot GRUB came up and I figure WTF.... I'll
> boot Ubuntu and play a bit with linux.
> I'm sure that 95% of you have your "guard up" already and have made up
> your minds already about what you think I'm going to post. And you're
> ready to call me names or something in return. Don't worry... I won't
> dissapoint you. I'll try not to make judgements and simply tell it like
> it is.
> But first I want to tell you that these are the "bugs" that I saw and
> that's the things that *I* and anyone using a computer will notice.
> Between linux and all the associated pieces of software running/working
> there are literally *THOUSANDS* of things that absolutely have to work
> 100% correctly in order to boot the kernel, bring up the desktop, launch
> some gDesklets widgets, etc. There are huge amounts of code and things
> that must, and do work right. But those things "just work" and users
> (and me) won't notice because we're "smooth sailing" and doing stuff.
> What we do notice are any "bumps in the road" that interfere with what
> we're trying to do. Things that "just work" aren't really noticed but
> bugs and things that don't work are what will be noticed. It's just the
> way it is so keep that context in mind before replying with a "*plonk*
> the idiot troll" post.
> Check my email, and update my install of Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon"
> Login, desktop starts up, I go to the terminal and type "sudo apt-get
> update" followed by "sudo apt-get upgrade" and was told:
> <quote> Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading
> state information... Done The following packages will be upgraded:
> cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client cupsys-common emacs21 emacs21-bin-common
> emacs21-common gstreamer0.10-esd gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
> libcupsimage2 libcupsys2 libhsqldb-java libspeex1
> python-uno
> ttf-opensymbol 29 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not
> upgraded. Need to get 92.8MB of archives. </quote>
> I update this machine regularly (I bet ya didn't know that about me) and
> this was a pretty big update compared to the usual. Hmmmm I thought....
> this would make a good COLA post. I could title it "Another day, another
> 100-Megs of linux udpates."
> I was going to post from Windows (instead I'm posting from linux) so I
> wanted to copy the output of 'apt-get upgrade' into a file so that I
> could post from there. No problem, I have a Samba server also running
> linux (I bet you didn't know that either) so I would put the file there,
> eventually reboot to Windows, get the file and post it to COLA.
> From the Ubuntu menu "Places -> Network" then I see Windows Network,
> blah-blah-blah... and I navigate to a writeable share on the server.
> Right-click the mouse, "Create Document -> empty file", rename the file
> to "linuxupdate" (since I was going to post about the 100-Meg linux
> udpate).
> I double click to open it and gedit 2.20.3 starts up with an error
> message like "Can't open smb://server/public/linuxupdate" I know there's
> still a good number of apps that have a hard time with files that reside
> on "smb://" shares and they only like files that are somewhere on the
> local filesystem. I figure gedit was one of these apps so I drag and
> drop the "linuxupdate" file to my desktop. I figure I'll edit the
> desktop copy and then copy it back to the "smb://" share when I'm done.
> I copy the empty textfile to my desktop, double-click to edit it and I
> get a message:
> Do you want to run "linuxupdate", or display its contents? "linuxupdate"
> is an executable text file.
> This is certainly a strange and confusing message. Bug??? Yes in the
> sense that this should be handled better and in a way that's clear to
> ordinary users.
> So I go back to the network browser app (Title bar = "public on foobar -
> File Browser") to close it. But it won't close. It repaints correctly, I
> can minimize/maximize/restore the app but I can't close it and the
> selected file won't change. It's basically hung except that it repaints
> correctly.
> No problem... I'll go to my console and do a "ps -u zeke" and then "kill
> <pid>" the process. (there's no easy to get at "Task Manager" to shoot
> the app that I know of). Unlike "normal users" I'm comfortable with a
> console so I go in and:
> zeke@ubulap:~$ ps -u zeke PID TTY TIME CMD 5201 ?
> 00:00:00 gnome-keyring-d 5204 ? 00:00:00 x-session-manag 5239 ?
> 00:00:00 ssh-agent 5241 ? 00:00:00 gconfd-2 5245 ?
> 00:00:00 dbus-daemon 5247 ? 00:00:00 gnome-settings- 5253 ?
> 00:00:00 compiz 5255 ? 00:00:02 gnome-panel 5257 ?
> 00:00:03 nautilus 5259 ? 00:00:00 gnome-volume-ma 5263 ?
> 00:00:00 bonobo-activati 5271 ? 00:00:00 gnome-vfs-daemo 5325 ?
> 00:00:00 gnome-screensav 5354 ? 00:00:00 gtk-window-deco
> 5355 ? 00:00:02 compiz.real 5364 ? 00:00:00 vino-session
> 5365 ? 00:00:00 bluetooth-apple 5367 ? 00:00:00
> update-notifier 5374 ? 00:00:00 evolution-alarm 5378 ?
> 00:00:00 trackerd 5380 ? 00:00:00 nm-applet 5381 ?
> 00:00:00 python 5385 ? 00:00:00 gnome-power-man 5398 ?
> 00:00:00 mapping-daemon 5403 ? 00:00:00 trashapplet 5412 ?
> 00:00:29 python 5423 ? 00:00:00 evolution-excha 5439 ?
> 00:00:00 evolution-data- 5464 ? 00:00:02 fast-user-switc 5466 ?
> 00:00:00 deskbar-applet 5468 ? 00:00:00 mixer_applet2 5497 ?
> 00:00:00 gnome-terminal 5502 ? 00:00:00 gnome-pty-helpe
> 5503 pts/0 00:00:00 bash 5647 ? 00:00:00 notification-da 5652
> ? 00:00:01 gedit 5880 pts/0 00:00:00 ps zeke@ubulap:~$
> Holly crap. What a list of apps. I just want to kill the hung 'network
> explorer'. Perhaps there's the equivalent of the Windows "Task Manager"
> somewhere but Ctrl+Alt+Delete doesn't bring it up and right-clicking on
> the taskbar, desktop, etc doesn't show a "Task Manager" either so I
> guess it's the old console and 'ps.'
> But holly-crap, I can barely find that it's 'Nautilus' in this list that
> I need to kill (pid 5257). Is a "non technical" user like a wife,
> hair-dresser, accountant going to be able to figure this out. I could
> (but I'm not a typical user) so I killed Nautilus (pid 5257) and moved
> on.
> I started a new instance of Nautilus and navigated back to the "public"
> share on the server. Tried double-clicking on the "linuxupdate" empty
> text file and this time it opened fine. Weird. So I write some stuff in
> the document and exit gedit. A message briefly appeared (yellow bar near
> the top of the document) but it closed so fast I couldn't read it. I
> right-click on the document in Nautilus and select "Properties" and got
> this:
> Name linuxupdate Type: plain text document Size 0 bytes (0 bytes)
> LocationL smb://server/public
> Crap!!! It didn't save my document. I made all those edits and it
> screwed up writing it back to the server. Not the end of the world but
> still... CRAP. Okay, so I'll open up the doc again and retype what I
> wrote. I open the doc and voilla' everything really is there. It didn't
> lose my edits even though the file size is reported as zero.
> I make a "nop" edit, resave the document and go back to Nautilus.
> Right-Click, Properties. Still zero bytes long but that's okay... I
> didn't lose my edits.
> Well, my 'apt-get upgrade' is done. Time for another cup of Joe.

What can I say?
Welcome to the wonderful world of Linux.
A world where the simple task becomes a 3 day ordeal.

Your experience just confirms the main reason why people are not switching
to Linux and why Linux still sits a 0.6 percent of the desktop market.

Linux is just too buggy for average Joe.

Moshe Goldfarb

Collector of soaps from around the globe. Please visit
The Hall of Linux Idiots:
Overall, I have to agree.
Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
If someone just wants a machine to use for email, web browsing and such,
they will probably have someone set it up for them.
If they have a friend or relative who is somewhat computer literate do it,
it doesn't much matter what OS is used unless they want to start making
changes themselves.
For those who just turn on their machine an hour a day to check email and
maybe read news online, it's like a radio, they don't care if it has tubes
or transistors, wires or printed circuits, they just want it to do the job
with as little effort as possible. The OS is the least of their worries.
Those of us who spend most waking hours in front of a keyboard many times
forget how the average user feels about the whole thing.
While I think that Windows or OS-X is easier for a newbie to learn, that
doesn't mean that a properly setup Linux machine doesn't have it's place.
I have 30+ P2-P3 systems on my LAN that were saved from retirement by
switching them to Linux.
It does email, terminal emulation for the AS-800, web browsing, spreadsheets
and such just fine.
I haven't had anyone ask me to set them up with a machine like that to take
home, but that doesn't make it any less useful.
I don't go around telling people to dump Windows in favor of Linux, but if
they want to try it, I certainly won't discourage them either.
Every OS has it's place.

"Moshe Goldfarb" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 10 May 2008 11:00:21 -0400, Ezekiel wrote:
>> Lots of you advocates probably seen my posts or at least know that I post
>> here. You probably disagree/hate my posts but that's cool too. My laptop
>> powered down last night (ran out of battery) so I had to do a fresh
>> reboot this AM. During reboot GRUB came up and I figure WTF.... I'll
>> boot Ubuntu and play a bit with linux.
>> I'm sure that 95% of you have your "guard up" already and have made up
>> your minds already about what you think I'm going to post. And you're
>> ready to call me names or something in return. Don't worry... I won't
>> dissapoint you. I'll try not to make judgements and simply tell it like
>> it is.

> Your experience just confirms the main reason why people are not switching
> to Linux and why Linux still sits a 0.6 percent of the desktop market.
> Linux is just too buggy for average Joe.
> --
> Moshe Goldfarb
Not Me wrote:

> Overall, I have to agree.
> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.

It replaced Windows just fine for me.

"There's a story there...somewhere"
The point about "US" Vs "Average Joe" is perfectly valid, and I say that
with no disrespect.

I have rescued a few old machines, on some the OEM XP was fixable and
therefore licensed so I left it, on others it was not and there is no
way the company is going to buy another copy, so what the hell, install
Ubuntu or Debian and see how the potential users get along. Some folks
just wanted a browser / emailer for convenience, to save them going to
another office.

Guess what, no problems, none at all. Just explain the Icons (Mail and
Browser) and away they go.

There are never any "Activation" issues, which we have had with Windows
and nobody is breaking any EULA.

It goes without saying that I "Could" try to steal copies of Windows or
use MSDN copies for production work but I signed the agreement with MS
and that would be in breach of it.

Where I see a bit of a conflict is that when you visit (say) the local
hospital you will see everybody using Windows. Since many organizations
can now use Terminal Servers they really do not need Windows on the
clients. Especially they do not need to buy new hardware capable of
running Vista. They also do not need to have to retrain, which is almost
as necessary with Vista as it is with Linux if the user is going to do
more than just data entry.

So the choice I see for MS is whether they want to keep XP (So the MS
name remains highly visible), or push corporations into considering
alternatives on the basis of cost.

I am no knocking Vista at all, but better hardware is necessary for most
and frankly I dislike throwing away something that is still usable
just because the "New" version "Looks Better".

You didn't "Learn" Windows in a day, you will not "Learn" Linux in a
day, but you sure can use it within a day just as you could with Windows.

Not Me wrote:
> Overall, I have to agree.
> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
> If someone just wants a machine to use for email, web browsing and such,
> they will probably have someone set it up for them.
> If they have a friend or relative who is somewhat computer literate do
> it, it doesn't much matter what OS is used unless they want to start
> making changes themselves.
> For those who just turn on their machine an hour a day to check email
> and maybe read news online, it's like a radio, they don't care if it has
> tubes or transistors, wires or printed circuits, they just want it to
> do the job with as little effort as possible. The OS is the least of
> their worries.
> Those of us who spend most waking hours in front of a keyboard many
> times forget how the average user feels about the whole thing.
> While I think that Windows or OS-X is easier for a newbie to learn, that
> doesn't mean that a properly setup Linux machine doesn't have it's place.
> I have 30+ P2-P3 systems on my LAN that were saved from retirement by
> switching them to Linux.
> It does email, terminal emulation for the AS-800, web browsing,
> spreadsheets and such just fine.
> I haven't had anyone ask me to set them up with a machine like that to
> take home, but that doesn't make it any less useful.
> I don't go around telling people to dump Windows in favor of Linux, but
> if they want to try it, I certainly won't discourage them either.
> Every OS has it's place.
> "Moshe Goldfarb" <> wrote in message
> news:2kbzlf7o7mae$
>> On Sat, 10 May 2008 11:00:21 -0400, Ezekiel wrote:
>>> Lots of you advocates probably seen my posts or at least know that I
>>> post
>>> here. You probably disagree/hate my posts but that's cool too. My laptop
>>> powered down last night (ran out of battery) so I had to do a fresh
>>> reboot this AM. During reboot GRUB came up and I figure WTF.... I'll
>>> boot Ubuntu and play a bit with linux.
>>> I'm sure that 95% of you have your "guard up" already and have made up
>>> your minds already about what you think I'm going to post. And you're
>>> ready to call me names or something in return. Don't worry... I won't
>>> dissapoint you. I'll try not to make judgements and simply tell it like
>>> it is.

> <snip>
>> Your experience just confirms the main reason why people are not
>> switching
>> to Linux and why Linux still sits a 0.6 percent of the desktop market.
>> Linux is just too buggy for average Joe.
>> --
>> Moshe Goldfarb

Not Me wrote:
> Overall, I have to agree.
> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.

It replaced Windows for me without too many problems and I know dozens
of home users who would say the same. Perhaps you haven't checked out
the latest Ubuntu as it's very user friendly.

On May 11, 4:05 am, Charlie Tame <> wrote:
> The point about "US" Vs "Average Joe" is perfectly valid, and I say that
> with no disrespect.

All very logical, well and good, but remember that in C.O.L.A. the
purpose by and large is flaming, not reasonable discourse.

RonB <> writes:

> Not Me wrote:
>> Overall, I have to agree.
>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.

> It replaced Windows just fine for me.

Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites and
Hadron wrote:
> RonB <> writes:
>> Not Me wrote:
>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.

>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.

> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites and
> email.

How about these things?:

Burn CDs.
Rip CDs.
Listen to music.
Watch vidoes/DVDs.
Scan and print.
HTML editing.
Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
Make videos.
Download photos from a camera and organize them.
Use a dictionary
Learn how to touch type.
Edit images.
Send and receive a fax.
Take screenshots.
Create .PDF files.
Create and use a data base.
Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
Windows Live Messenger.

and much more!

What you can't do with Ubuntu:

Worry about:
WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
Root kits,

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Hadron wrote:
>> RonB <> writes:
>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.

>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites and
>> email.

> How about these things?:
> Burn CDs.
> Rip CDs.
> Listen to music.
> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
> Scan and print.
> Spreadsheets.
> Presentations
> Newsgroups.
> HTML editing.
> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
> Make videos.
> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
> Translations.
> Use a dictionary
> Learn how to touch type.
> Edit images.
> Send and receive a fax.
> Take screenshots.
> Create .PDF files.
> Create and use a data base.
> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including Windows
> Live Messenger.
> IRC.
> Bluetooth.
> and much more!
> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
> Worry about:
> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
> DRM,
> Viruses,
> Root kits,
> Spyware,
> and
> Malware.
> Alias

Play the big name games? Run much of the software seen in the large computer

Mike Hall - MVP
How to construct a good post..
How to use the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
Mike's Window - My Blog..
Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:g06vn4$eur$
>> Hadron wrote:
>>> RonB <> writes:
>>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.
>>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites and
>>> email.

>> How about these things?:
>> Burn CDs.
>> Rip CDs.
>> Listen to music.
>> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
>> Scan and print.
>> Spreadsheets.
>> Presentations
>> Newsgroups.
>> HTML editing.
>> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
>> Make videos.
>> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
>> Translations.
>> Use a dictionary
>> Learn how to touch type.
>> Edit images.
>> Send and receive a fax.
>> Take screenshots.
>> Create .PDF files.
>> Create and use a data base.
>> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
>> Windows Live Messenger.
>> IRC.
>> Bluetooth.
>> and much more!
>> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
>> Worry about:
>> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
>> DRM,
>> Viruses,
>> Root kits,
>> Spyware,
>> and
>> Malware.
>> Alias

> Play the big name games?

No, unfortunately the game makers don't see fit to write for Linux. This
is a reason for keeping an XP box around.

> Run much of the software seen in the large
> computer stores?

You mean the software like PhotoShop, AutoCad and MS Office that are
only made for Windows? Of course not but there are comparable programs
you can install from the Ubuntu repository that are FREE, with no need
to go to a computer store.

For your average home user, however, they have no need for these
programs other than games.

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:g06vn4$eur$
>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>> RonB <> writes:
>>>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.
>>>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites and
>>>> email.
>>> How about these things?:
>>> Burn CDs.
>>> Rip CDs.
>>> Listen to music.
>>> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
>>> Scan and print.
>>> Spreadsheets.
>>> Presentations
>>> Newsgroups.
>>> HTML editing.
>>> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
>>> Make videos.
>>> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
>>> Translations.
>>> Use a dictionary
>>> Learn how to touch type.
>>> Edit images.
>>> Send and receive a fax.
>>> Take screenshots.
>>> Create .PDF files.
>>> Create and use a data base.
>>> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
>>> Windows Live Messenger.
>>> IRC.
>>> Bluetooth.
>>> and much more!
>>> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
>>> Worry about:
>>> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
>>> DRM,
>>> Viruses,
>>> Root kits,
>>> Spyware,
>>> and
>>> Malware.
>>> Alias

>> Play the big name games?

> No, unfortunately the game makers don't see fit to write for Linux. This
> is a reason for keeping an XP box around.
>> Run much of the software seen in the large computer stores?

> You mean the software like PhotoShop, AutoCad and MS Office that are only
> made for Windows? Of course not but there are comparable programs you can
> install from the Ubuntu repository that are FREE, with no need to go to a
> computer store.
> For your average home user, however, they have no need for these programs
> other than games.
> Alias

No. not those.. House and Garden design stuff.. programs that can produce
greetings cards, educational stuff for small kids.. the kind of stuff which
makes a computer fun for all of the family.

The average family isn't going to buy two computers. one that can do it all
and another with an arcane OS good for only surfing and e-mail.

Most buy a computer already installed with an OS which can do it all. The OS
is called Windows, and it works for most people.

You are not 'most people'. You are a troll who insists on spamming a Windows
newsgroup because you don't personally like Vista to the MS high command.

You are not liberating anybody. You are attempting to push people to an OS
purely out of spite.

If Ubuntu was as good as you claim, you would be using it and nothing else,
and would be helping Ubuntu users in their forums.

If one looks back enough, guess what? You were saying the same stuff about
XP, again because you personally do not like Microsoft.

Aways backs, a few people in the XP newsgroups told me that they were
really pleased that Vista had been released. They were pleased that you had
turned your attention away from XP, and that they could finally help others
without intervention from you.

What a claim to fame you have!!

Mike Hall - MVP
How to construct a good post..
How to use the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
Mike's Window - My Blog..
Top posting, sheesh.

On Sun, 11 May 2008 02:17:58 -0600, Not Me wrote:

> Overall, I have to agree.
> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users. If someone
> just wants a machine to use for email, web browsing and such, they will
> probably have someone set it up for them.

If someone wants a Windows machine to do for email, web browsing and
such, they will probably have someone else set it up for them.

> If they have a friend or
> relative who is somewhat computer literate do it, it doesn't much matter
> what OS is used unless they want to start making changes themselves.

True, Windows can be confusing to customize.

> For those who just turn on their machine an hour a day to check email
> and maybe read news online, it's like a radio, they don't care if it has
> tubes or transistors, wires or printed circuits, they just want it to
> do the job with as little effort as possible. The OS is the least of
> their worries. Those of us who spend most waking hours in front of a
> keyboard many times forget how the average user feels about the whole
> thing. While I think that Windows or OS-X is easier for a newbie to
> learn, that doesn't mean that a properly setup Linux machine doesn't
> have it's place.

How is a pre-installed Linux machine harder to learn than Windows or OS X?

> I have 30+ P2-P3 systems on my LAN that were saved from
> retirement by switching them to Linux.
> It does email, terminal emulation for the AS-800, web browsing,
> spreadsheets and such just fine.
> I haven't had anyone ask me to set them up with a machine like that to
> take home, but that doesn't make it any less useful. I don't go around
> telling people to dump Windows in favor of Linux, but if they want to
> try it, I certainly won't discourage them either. Every OS has it's
> place.

You seem to be discouraging them now.

> "Moshe Goldfarb" <> wrote in message
> news:2kbzlf7o7mae$
>> On Sat, 10 May 2008 11:00:21 -0400, Ezekiel wrote:
>>> Lots of you advocates probably seen my posts or at least know that I
>>> post here. You probably disagree/hate my posts but that's cool too. My
>>> laptop powered down last night (ran out of battery) so I had to do a
>>> fresh reboot this AM. During reboot GRUB came up and I figure WTF....
>>> I'll boot Ubuntu and play a bit with linux.
>>> I'm sure that 95% of you have your "guard up" already and have made up
>>> your minds already about what you think I'm going to post. And you're
>>> ready to call me names or something in return. Don't worry... I won't
>>> dissapoint you. I'll try not to make judgements and simply tell it
>>> like it is.

> <snip>
>> Your experience just confirms the main reason why people are not
>> switching to Linux and why Linux still sits a 0.6 percent of the
>> desktop market. Linux is just too buggy for average Joe. --
>> Moshe Goldfarb

Alias wrote:

> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:g06vn4$eur$
>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>> RonB <> writes:
>>>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.
>>>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites and
>>>> email.
>>> How about these things?:
>>> Burn CDs.
>>> Rip CDs.
>>> Listen to music.
>>> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
>>> Scan and print.
>>> Spreadsheets.
>>> Presentations
>>> Newsgroups.
>>> HTML editing.
>>> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
>>> Make videos.
>>> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
>>> Translations.
>>> Use a dictionary
>>> Learn how to touch type.
>>> Edit images.
>>> Send and receive a fax.
>>> Take screenshots.
>>> Create .PDF files.
>>> Create and use a data base.
>>> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
>>> Windows Live Messenger.
>>> IRC.
>>> Bluetooth.
>>> and much more!
>>> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
>>> Worry about:
>>> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
>>> DRM,
>>> Viruses,
>>> Root kits,
>>> Spyware,
>>> and
>>> Malware.
>>> Alias

>> Play the big name games?

> No, unfortunately the game makers don't see fit to write for Linux. This
> is a reason for keeping an XP box around.
>> Run much of the software seen in the large computer stores?

> You mean the software like PhotoShop, AutoCad and MS Office that are
> only made for Windows? Of course not but there are comparable programs
> you can install from the Ubuntu repository that are FREE, with no need
> to go to a computer store.
> For your average home user, however, they have no need for these
> programs other than games.
> Alias

You're beyond stupid!
Like making a fool out of yourself on a daily basis don't you!
Get a life moron!
Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:g072ef$p8i$
>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:g06vn4$eur$
>>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>>> RonB <> writes:
>>>>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>>>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.
>>>>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites and
>>>>> email.
>>>> How about these things?:
>>>> Burn CDs.
>>>> Rip CDs.
>>>> Listen to music.
>>>> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
>>>> Scan and print.
>>>> Spreadsheets.
>>>> Presentations
>>>> Newsgroups.
>>>> HTML editing.
>>>> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
>>>> Make videos.
>>>> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
>>>> Translations.
>>>> Use a dictionary
>>>> Learn how to touch type.
>>>> Edit images.
>>>> Send and receive a fax.
>>>> Take screenshots.
>>>> Create .PDF files.
>>>> Create and use a data base.
>>>> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
>>>> Windows Live Messenger.
>>>> IRC.
>>>> Bluetooth.
>>>> and much more!
>>>> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
>>>> Worry about:
>>>> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
>>>> DRM,
>>>> Viruses,
>>>> Root kits,
>>>> Spyware,
>>>> and
>>>> Malware.
>>>> Alias
>>> Play the big name games?

>> No, unfortunately the game makers don't see fit to write for Linux.
>> This is a reason for keeping an XP box around.
>>> Run much of the software seen in the large computer stores?

>> You mean the software like PhotoShop, AutoCad and MS Office that are
>> only made for Windows? Of course not but there are comparable programs
>> you can install from the Ubuntu repository that are FREE, with no need
>> to go to a computer store.
>> For your average home user, however, they have no need for these
>> programs other than games.
>> Alias

> No. not those.. House and Garden design stuff.. programs that can
> produce greetings cards, educational stuff for small kids.. the kind of
> stuff which makes a computer fun for all of the family.

All included in Ubuntu.

> The average family isn't going to buy two computers. one that can do it
> all and another with an arcane OS good for only surfing and e-mail.

Nowadays, most families have more than one computer and, if not, they
can dual boot with XP.

Snip lying and unfounded BS insults.

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:g072ef$p8i$
>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:g06vn4$eur$
>>>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>>>> RonB <> writes:
>>>>>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>>>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>>>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>>>>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.
>>>>>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites and
>>>>>> email.
>>>>> How about these things?:
>>>>> Burn CDs.
>>>>> Rip CDs.
>>>>> Listen to music.
>>>>> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
>>>>> Scan and print.
>>>>> Spreadsheets.
>>>>> Presentations
>>>>> Newsgroups.
>>>>> HTML editing.
>>>>> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
>>>>> Make videos.
>>>>> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
>>>>> Translations.
>>>>> Use a dictionary
>>>>> Learn how to touch type.
>>>>> Edit images.
>>>>> Send and receive a fax.
>>>>> Take screenshots.
>>>>> Create .PDF files.
>>>>> Create and use a data base.
>>>>> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
>>>>> Windows Live Messenger.
>>>>> IRC.
>>>>> Bluetooth.
>>>>> and much more!
>>>>> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
>>>>> Worry about:
>>>>> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
>>>>> DRM,
>>>>> Viruses,
>>>>> Root kits,
>>>>> Spyware,
>>>>> and
>>>>> Malware.
>>>>> Alias
>>>> Play the big name games?
>>> No, unfortunately the game makers don't see fit to write for Linux. This
>>> is a reason for keeping an XP box around.
>>>> Run much of the software seen in the large computer stores?
>>> You mean the software like PhotoShop, AutoCad and MS Office that are
>>> only made for Windows? Of course not but there are comparable programs
>>> you can install from the Ubuntu repository that are FREE, with no need
>>> to go to a computer store.
>>> For your average home user, however, they have no need for these
>>> programs other than games.
>>> Alias

>> No. not those.. House and Garden design stuff.. programs that can produce
>> greetings cards, educational stuff for small kids.. the kind of stuff
>> which makes a computer fun for all of the family.

> All included in Ubuntu.
>> The average family isn't going to buy two computers. one that can do it
>> all and another with an arcane OS good for only surfing and e-mail.

> Nowadays, most families have more than one computer and, if not, they can
> dual boot with XP.
> Snip lying and unfounded BS insults.
> Alias

Why would they want to dual boot when XP/Vista are more than capable of
handling e-mail and web surfing.

Re the other points I made, I gotten a huge laugh out out of it.. funniest
thing I had heard in a long time.

Roll on Windows 7..

Mike Hall - MVP
How to construct a good post..
How to use the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
Mike's Window - My Blog..
Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:g07942$pff$
>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:g072ef$p8i$
>>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:g06vn4$eur$
>>>>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>>>>> RonB <> writes:
>>>>>>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>>>>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>>>>>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.
>>>>>>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites and
>>>>>>> email.
>>>>>> How about these things?:
>>>>>> Burn CDs.
>>>>>> Rip CDs.
>>>>>> Listen to music.
>>>>>> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
>>>>>> Scan and print.
>>>>>> Spreadsheets.
>>>>>> Presentations
>>>>>> Newsgroups.
>>>>>> HTML editing.
>>>>>> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
>>>>>> Make videos.
>>>>>> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
>>>>>> Translations.
>>>>>> Use a dictionary
>>>>>> Learn how to touch type.
>>>>>> Edit images.
>>>>>> Send and receive a fax.
>>>>>> Take screenshots.
>>>>>> Create .PDF files.
>>>>>> Create and use a data base.
>>>>>> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
>>>>>> Windows Live Messenger.
>>>>>> IRC.
>>>>>> Bluetooth.
>>>>>> and much more!
>>>>>> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
>>>>>> Worry about:
>>>>>> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
>>>>>> DRM,
>>>>>> Viruses,
>>>>>> Root kits,
>>>>>> Spyware,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> Malware.
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>> Play the big name games?
>>>> No, unfortunately the game makers don't see fit to write for Linux.
>>>> This is a reason for keeping an XP box around.
>>>>> Run much of the software seen in the large computer stores?
>>>> You mean the software like PhotoShop, AutoCad and MS Office that are
>>>> only made for Windows? Of course not but there are comparable
>>>> programs you can install from the Ubuntu repository that are FREE,
>>>> with no need to go to a computer store.
>>>> For your average home user, however, they have no need for these
>>>> programs other than games.
>>>> Alias
>>> No. not those.. House and Garden design stuff.. programs that can
>>> produce greetings cards, educational stuff for small kids.. the kind
>>> of stuff which makes a computer fun for all of the family.

>> All included in Ubuntu.
>>> The average family isn't going to buy two computers. one that can do
>>> it all and another with an arcane OS good for only surfing and e-mail.

>> Nowadays, most families have more than one computer and, if not, they
>> can dual boot with XP.
>> Snip lying and unfounded BS insults.
>> Alias

> Why would they want to dual boot when XP/Vista are more than capable of
> handling e-mail and web surfing.

There goes your bias and ignorance again.

> Re the other points I made, I gotten a huge laugh out out of it..
> funniest thing I had heard in a long time.

Laughing at your own humor is what?

> Roll on Windows 7..

First they've got to get Vista out of the garage.

Alias wrote:

> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:g07942$pff$
>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:g072ef$p8i$
>>>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:g06vn4$eur$
>>>>>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>>>>>> RonB <> writes:
>>>>>>>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>>>>>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>>>>>>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.
>>>>>>>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> email.
>>>>>>> How about these things?:
>>>>>>> Burn CDs.
>>>>>>> Rip CDs.
>>>>>>> Listen to music.
>>>>>>> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
>>>>>>> Scan and print.
>>>>>>> Spreadsheets.
>>>>>>> Presentations
>>>>>>> Newsgroups.
>>>>>>> HTML editing.
>>>>>>> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
>>>>>>> Make videos.
>>>>>>> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
>>>>>>> Translations.
>>>>>>> Use a dictionary
>>>>>>> Learn how to touch type.
>>>>>>> Edit images.
>>>>>>> Send and receive a fax.
>>>>>>> Take screenshots.
>>>>>>> Create .PDF files.
>>>>>>> Create and use a data base.
>>>>>>> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one
>>>>>>> including Windows Live Messenger.
>>>>>>> IRC.
>>>>>>> Bluetooth.
>>>>>>> and much more!
>>>>>>> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
>>>>>>> Worry about:
>>>>>>> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
>>>>>>> DRM,
>>>>>>> Viruses,
>>>>>>> Root kits,
>>>>>>> Spyware,
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> Malware.
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> Play the big name games?
>>>>> No, unfortunately the game makers don't see fit to write for Linux.
>>>>> This is a reason for keeping an XP box around.
>>>>>> Run much of the software seen in the large computer stores?
>>>>> You mean the software like PhotoShop, AutoCad and MS Office that
>>>>> are only made for Windows? Of course not but there are comparable
>>>>> programs you can install from the Ubuntu repository that are FREE,
>>>>> with no need to go to a computer store.
>>>>> For your average home user, however, they have no need for these
>>>>> programs other than games.
>>>>> Alias
>>>> No. not those.. House and Garden design stuff.. programs that can
>>>> produce greetings cards, educational stuff for small kids.. the kind
>>>> of stuff which makes a computer fun for all of the family.
>>> All included in Ubuntu.
>>>> The average family isn't going to buy two computers. one that can do
>>>> it all and another with an arcane OS good for only surfing and e-mail.
>>> Nowadays, most families have more than one computer and, if not, they
>>> can dual boot with XP.
>>> Snip lying and unfounded BS insults.
>>> Alias

>> Why would they want to dual boot when XP/Vista are more than capable
>> of handling e-mail and web surfing.

> There goes your bias and ignorance again.

No, there goes you once again dodging the true!
>> Re the other points I made, I gotten a huge laugh out out of it..
>> funniest thing I had heard in a long time.

> Laughing at your own humor is what?

So either you can't read or else you can't deal with the truth.
>> Roll on Windows 7..

> First they've got to get Vista out of the garage.

Best you stick with urbuttoo...seeing as how it's in permanent beta!
"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:g07942$pff$
>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:g072ef$p8i$
>>>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:g06vn4$eur$
>>>>>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>>>>>> RonB <> writes:
>>>>>>>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>>>>>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>>>>>>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.
>>>>>>>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> email.
>>>>>>> How about these things?:
>>>>>>> Burn CDs.
>>>>>>> Rip CDs.
>>>>>>> Listen to music.
>>>>>>> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
>>>>>>> Scan and print.
>>>>>>> Spreadsheets.
>>>>>>> Presentations
>>>>>>> Newsgroups.
>>>>>>> HTML editing.
>>>>>>> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
>>>>>>> Make videos.
>>>>>>> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
>>>>>>> Translations.
>>>>>>> Use a dictionary
>>>>>>> Learn how to touch type.
>>>>>>> Edit images.
>>>>>>> Send and receive a fax.
>>>>>>> Take screenshots.
>>>>>>> Create .PDF files.
>>>>>>> Create and use a data base.
>>>>>>> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
>>>>>>> Windows Live Messenger.
>>>>>>> IRC.
>>>>>>> Bluetooth.
>>>>>>> and much more!
>>>>>>> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
>>>>>>> Worry about:
>>>>>>> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
>>>>>>> DRM,
>>>>>>> Viruses,
>>>>>>> Root kits,
>>>>>>> Spyware,
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> Malware.
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> Play the big name games?
>>>>> No, unfortunately the game makers don't see fit to write for Linux.
>>>>> This is a reason for keeping an XP box around.
>>>>>> Run much of the software seen in the large computer stores?
>>>>> You mean the software like PhotoShop, AutoCad and MS Office that are
>>>>> only made for Windows? Of course not but there are comparable programs
>>>>> you can install from the Ubuntu repository that are FREE, with no need
>>>>> to go to a computer store.
>>>>> For your average home user, however, they have no need for these
>>>>> programs other than games.
>>>>> Alias
>>>> No. not those.. House and Garden design stuff.. programs that can
>>>> produce greetings cards, educational stuff for small kids.. the kind of
>>>> stuff which makes a computer fun for all of the family.
>>> All included in Ubuntu.
>>>> The average family isn't going to buy two computers. one that can do it
>>>> all and another with an arcane OS good for only surfing and e-mail.
>>> Nowadays, most families have more than one computer and, if not, they
>>> can dual boot with XP.
>>> Snip lying and unfounded BS insults.
>>> Alias

>> Why would they want to dual boot when XP/Vista are more than capable of
>> handling e-mail and web surfing.

> There goes your bias and ignorance again.
>> Re the other points I made, I gotten a huge laugh out out of it..
>> funniest thing I had heard in a long time.

> Laughing at your own humor is what?
>> Roll on Windows 7..

> First they've got to get Vista out of the garage.
> Alias

Gotten nothing to do with bias and ignorance. I am talking about the average
user. You talk of having two machines. Is that what your Spanish victims
have? One machine for regular computing, and one that they pull out fast
when you visit them?

What I found funny was the guys back in the XP groups saying that they were
glad you left.. :-) There may be a few here too who will show the same

Mike Hall - MVP
How to construct a good post..
How to use the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
Mike's Window - My Blog..
Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:g07iku$95r$
>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:g07942$pff$
>>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:g072ef$p8i$
>>>>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:g06vn4$eur$
>>>>>>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>>>>>>> RonB <> writes:
>>>>>>>>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>>>>>>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>>>>>>>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.
>>>>>>>>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web
>>>>>>>>> sites and
>>>>>>>>> email.
>>>>>>>> How about these things?:
>>>>>>>> Burn CDs.
>>>>>>>> Rip CDs.
>>>>>>>> Listen to music.
>>>>>>>> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
>>>>>>>> Scan and print.
>>>>>>>> Spreadsheets.
>>>>>>>> Presentations
>>>>>>>> Newsgroups.
>>>>>>>> HTML editing.
>>>>>>>> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
>>>>>>>> Make videos.
>>>>>>>> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
>>>>>>>> Translations.
>>>>>>>> Use a dictionary
>>>>>>>> Learn how to touch type.
>>>>>>>> Edit images.
>>>>>>>> Send and receive a fax.
>>>>>>>> Take screenshots.
>>>>>>>> Create .PDF files.
>>>>>>>> Create and use a data base.
>>>>>>>> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one
>>>>>>>> including Windows Live Messenger.
>>>>>>>> IRC.
>>>>>>>> Bluetooth.
>>>>>>>> and much more!
>>>>>>>> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
>>>>>>>> Worry about:
>>>>>>>> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
>>>>>>>> DRM,
>>>>>>>> Viruses,
>>>>>>>> Root kits,
>>>>>>>> Spyware,
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> Malware.
>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>> Play the big name games?
>>>>>> No, unfortunately the game makers don't see fit to write for
>>>>>> Linux. This is a reason for keeping an XP box around.
>>>>>>> Run much of the software seen in the large computer stores?
>>>>>> You mean the software like PhotoShop, AutoCad and MS Office that
>>>>>> are only made for Windows? Of course not but there are comparable
>>>>>> programs you can install from the Ubuntu repository that are FREE,
>>>>>> with no need to go to a computer store.
>>>>>> For your average home user, however, they have no need for these
>>>>>> programs other than games.
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>> No. not those.. House and Garden design stuff.. programs that can
>>>>> produce greetings cards, educational stuff for small kids.. the
>>>>> kind of stuff which makes a computer fun for all of the family.
>>>> All included in Ubuntu.
>>>>> The average family isn't going to buy two computers. one that can
>>>>> do it all and another with an arcane OS good for only surfing and
>>>>> e-mail.
>>>> Nowadays, most families have more than one computer and, if not,
>>>> they can dual boot with XP.
>>>> Snip lying and unfounded BS insults.
>>>> Alias
>>> Why would they want to dual boot when XP/Vista are more than capable
>>> of handling e-mail and web surfing.

>> There goes your bias and ignorance again.
>>> Re the other points I made, I gotten a huge laugh out out of it..
>>> funniest thing I had heard in a long time.

>> Laughing at your own humor is what?
>>> Roll on Windows 7..

>> First they've got to get Vista out of the garage.
>> Alias

> Gotten nothing to do with bias and ignorance. I am talking about the
> average user. You talk of having two machines. Is that what your Spanish
> victims have? One machine for regular computing, and one that they pull
> out fast when you visit them?
> What I found funny was the guys back in the XP groups saying that they
> were glad you left.. :-) There may be a few here too who will show the
> same sentiment..

<VBG> this was a jewel. The Spanish victims, I am LAUGHING OUT LOUD!
"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:g06vn4$eur$
>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>> RonB <> writes:
>>>>> Not Me wrote:
>>>>>> Overall, I have to agree.
>>>>>> Linux is not ready to replace Windows for most home users.
>>>>> It replaced Windows just fine for me.
>>>> Yes, but your "needs" were discovered to be looking at web sites and
>>>> email.
>>> How about these things?:
>>> Burn CDs.
>>> Rip CDs.
>>> Listen to music.
>>> Watch vidoes/DVDs.
>>> Scan and print.
>>> Spreadsheets.
>>> Presentations
>>> Newsgroups.
>>> HTML editing.
>>> Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
>>> Make videos.
>>> Download photos from a camera and organize them.
>>> Translations.
>>> Use a dictionary
>>> Learn how to touch type.
>>> Edit images.
>>> Send and receive a fax.
>>> Take screenshots.
>>> Create .PDF files.
>>> Create and use a data base.
>>> Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
>>> Windows Live Messenger.
>>> IRC.
>>> Bluetooth.
>>> and much more!
>>> What you can't do with Ubuntu:
>>> Worry about:
>>> WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
>>> DRM,
>>> Viruses,
>>> Root kits,

you get them for ubuntu, why don't they need to worry about them?

>>> Spyware,
>>> and
>>> Malware.

they get those for ubuntu too.

>>> Alias

>> Play the big name games?

> No, unfortunately the game makers don't see fit to write for Linux. This
> is a reason for keeping an XP box around.
>> Run much of the software seen in the large computer stores?

> You mean the software like PhotoShop, AutoCad and MS Office that are only
> made for Windows? Of course not but there are comparable programs you can
> install from the Ubuntu repository that are FREE, with no need to go to a
> computer store.

Its not a problem, windows runs all the open source applications you talk
about and the windows applications as well as the games.
What's more people here already have windows so they don't need ubuntu to
get all the benefits of open source.

> For your average home user, however, they have no need for these programs
> other than games.

As they have no need for ubuntu as you don't either.

> Alias