Re: Linux hits 6.1% on March!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Moshe Goldfarb
  • Start date Start date
Hadron wrote:
> "dennis@home" <> writes:
>> "Linonut" <linonut@bollsouth.nut> wrote in message
>> news:uU4Jj.26103$
>>> * Josef Moellers peremptorily fired off this memo:
>>>> Microsoft has a track record of trying everything to keep competitors
>>>> out. As long as there is *real* competition, this is OK: just chose
>>>> another vendor. However, with the market domination Microsoft has, even
>>>> official bodies worry about this and start antitrust investigations.
>>>> I just wish Microsoft would use their power with more conscience, or, as
>>>> someone in a move once said: "With great power comes great
>>>> responsibility".

>> There are an awful lot of people better off because of M$. Just
>> imagine how much extra tax you would have to pay if you had to support
>> the people that make cash from M$.
>> You might think OSS is free, but not if it kills a large part of the
>> IT industry.
>> I suppose you hate Cisco too as they monopolize networking and create
>> new standards for themselves whenever they feel it will be an
>> advantage.
>>> They use their power mainly to make money.

>> They are legally obliged to do that.
>> They would be in court if they didn't.
>> You are just upset that they are better at it than you.

> Ask Liarnut for details on the last OSS product he contributed to. At
> the same time ask him to publish the SW he "writes" for the military so
> we can all "share".
> He's a two faced hypocrite.

If I or my business write software for our personal use I don't have to
share it. If I want to disseminate it then yes I have to share the
changes in the source. Why does the military have to share theirs?
On 2008-04-04, Josef Moellers <> wrote:
> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>> After 10 years, .7 percent is pathetic.

> After 10 years without a multi-billion advertising campaign and massive
> bullying, one in 143 is all but pathetic.

Keep in mind that "desktop" is only one of the markets where Linux is
a player. The other two markets are servers and gadgets (including
those EEE PCs and PMPs). There, Linux is much more successful.

I think that rather than froth at the mouth with "advocacy", we'd do
better to promote Linux by writing better software to make Linux run

dennis@home wrote:
> "Josef Moellers" <> wrote in message
> news:ft4lqj$nt7$

>> No, we are upset because they prevent us from joining the game,
>> because they use their power to bully the rest of the worls, because
>> they use unfair methods.

> Which game? Do you want to write and *sell* and operating system or an
> office suit?
> If you do why do you use FOSS?

No, I'd like to communicate with people using MS office suite (DOC, XLS
DOCX). I'd like to view videos (WMV) and listen to sound (WMA) produced
by people using Microsoft products. I'd like to access information from
websites created by people using Microsoft products (ActiveX controls).
I'd like my FOSS-based client to attach to Windows shares and use
Windows-based printers (SMB). I'd like to attach a Windows-created
filesystem on my brother's USB disk and access the contents (NTFS).

*That* game I mean.
These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Siemens Computers!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T. Pratchett)
Company Details:
Linonut wrote:
> * Josef Moellers peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> Linonut wrote:
>>> * dennis@home peremptorily fired off this memo:
>>>> However it should be the web site owners choice.
>>>> I wonder if lino (lino is an old fashioned oil based floor covering BTW) nut
>>>> understands why he wrote a load of cr@p yet?
>>> I ask, again, what crap? The OP said nothing about restricting choice
>>> in any shape, form, or fashion, yet dennis-the-menace claimed he did,
>>> and I corrected him.

>> To be fair: I did claim that whoever provided some information I'm
>> interested in should be limited in his/her choice to *not* use
>> formats/protocols that *I* cannot use.

> So what? Everyone can use open formats.

So why do people use patent-encumbered formats or non-documented formats?

>> So: Personally, yes, I would like others to be restricted in their
>> choice to use file formats and protocols that are publicly available.
>> BTW I think this would benefit *all*, not just me (well, maybe some
>> would not benefit -).

> Restricting to open formats is no restriction.

Any restriction is a restriction. People will argue that their web site
would be less attractive if they can't use ActiveX. They'll argue that
their documents will look poor if they don't have several hunderd line
styles to their disposition (I recall that someone from MS claimed that
OOXML is superior to ODF because, among other things, they can support
several hundred types of lines).

Restricting people from not showing nazi symbols is a crime in Germany.
Restricting people from denying the holocaust is a crime in germany.
They are all restrictions for the better. But they are still
restrictions and some people just emigrate to countries where these
restrictions do not apply and happily continue.

These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Siemens Computers!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T. Pratchett)
Company Details:
Josef Moellers <> writes:

> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Josef Moellers" <> wrote in
>> message news:ft4lqj$nt7$

>>> No, we are upset because they prevent us from joining the game,
>>> because they use their power to bully the rest of the worls,
>>> because they use unfair methods.

>> Which game? Do you want to write and *sell* and operating system or
>> an office suit?
>> If you do why do you use FOSS?

> No, I'd like to communicate with people using MS office suite (DOC,
> XLS DOCX). I'd like to view videos (WMV) and listen to sound (WMA)
> produced by people using Microsoft products. I'd like to access
> information from websites created by people using Microsoft products
> (ActiveX controls).

Good. Buy Windows then.

"Ignore the forging nym-shifting troll who pretends to be chrisv! I'm the *REAL* chrisv!"
chrisv, COLA.
On 2008-04-04, Hadron <> wrote:
> Josef Moellers <> writes:
>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> "Josef Moellers" <> wrote in
>>> message news:ft4lqj$nt7$

>>>> No, we are upset because they prevent us from joining the game,
>>>> because they use their power to bully the rest of the worls,
>>>> because they use unfair methods.
>>> Which game? Do you want to write and *sell* and operating system or
>>> an office suit?
>>> If you do why do you use FOSS?

>> No, I'd like to communicate with people using MS office suite (DOC,
>> XLS DOCX). I'd like to view videos (WMV) and listen to sound (WMA)
>> produced by people using Microsoft products. I'd like to access
>> information from websites created by people using Microsoft products
>> (ActiveX controls).

> Good. Buy Windows then.

Maybe I am a little behind the times, but I can use WMA, DOC and XLS
from Linux just fine. WMA is not very popular, for a good reason, but
the few WMA files I saw could be played with mplayer.

"caver1" <> wrote in message

> Remember the Hunts? They tried to corner the silver market. Gov't stopped
> them.

No, they stopped themselves when they could no longer afford to keep buying
silver at the horribly inflated prices they caused by trying to corner the
market. The government knew nothing about it. They actually only held
about 1/3 of the world's silver.

> Now Ms has cornered the computer market

Nonsense. The computer market is the most stunning example of freedom and
capitalism the world has ever seen. What other market sees capabilities
INCREASE and prices DECREASE every year?

You have no idea what you are talking about here.
Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:ft094k$8tn$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Considering that it can't be counted, what the FUD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meisters report as "market share" is not relevant to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the immense growth that Ubuntu is experiencing. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't install them for people who want to get rid of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista fast enough. I'm doing two or three a day now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have yet to have anyone ask me to remove Ubuntu and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install *any* version of Windows.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So it is hard to install then.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I installed 25 XP machines in 4 hours from DVD when I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed them for a demo.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I suggest you find a better way to do it. -)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Most of installing, be it XP or Ubuntu is waiting for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something to finish. I can start three machines quite
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quickly and then just visit each one when something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs to be clicked and they'll all be done in around
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an hour and a half if Ubuntu, 4 hours (or more if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something fuçks up) if XP -)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under 45 mins for Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Including Office, Firefox, Java, Flash, Anti Virus, etc.,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc., etc.? I don't think so ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oops, you lose (again).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Install it from a flash drive, 15-20 mins., and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes 10 mins is possible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You lose...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Add 5 mins for all of that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Installing Office alone takes longer than that not to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mention the drivers for the audio, chip set and video card.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Who do you think you're fooling?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You lose, but you always lose and you're use to being a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loser.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Loser...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You lie and you know it. The fact that it doesn't bother
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you is pathological.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>> More of your lies?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Give it up mr liar...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>> There you go again, insulting the messenger when you're
>>>>>>>>>>> wrong. Tsk, tsk. Be a man and admit that installing Ubuntu is
>>>>>>>>>>> quicker and easier than Vista or any Windows OS. Or will you
>>>>>>>>>>> now start threatening me with physical violence?
>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>> Why are you so afraid of me and the truth?
>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>> I'm not afraid of you or the truth. Oops.
>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>> You're a known and admitted liar, liar...LOL!
>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>> Your skewered opinion of me doesn't change the fact that Ubuntu
>>>>>>> is easier and quicker to install than Vista, as are all the
>>>>>>> programs and devices.
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> You're really just making a moot point seeing as how your can't do
>>>>>> in urbutto what you can do in Vista.
>>>>> What most home users do with a computer can be done with Ubuntu,
>>>>> the same holds true for most businesses. I always advise keeping a
>>>>> copy of XP for gaming with the Windows Toy Operating Systems or if
>>>>> they have to use AutoCad or some other program most people don't use.
>>>> This is where your urbutto bullsh*t story completely falls apart.
>>>> Why would anyone want one useless linux os and another fully usable
>>>> Windows OS?
>>>>>> So you lose anyway...LOL!
>>>>>> Loser!
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>> I haven't lost a thing.
>>>> Well, maybe you don't have anything to lose.
>>>> I use both XP and Ubuntu and get the best of two
>>>>> worlds.
>>>> linux is a waste of time, period!
>>>> You have your head so far up MS' FUD that you have to spend all
>>>>> of your time in this newsgroup spewing insults, lies, profanity and
>>>>> bluster so, chum, you're the obvious loser.
>>>> Still can't deal with the truth huh?
>>>> Frank
>>> You can't because the truth and Frank's World are two completely
>>> different things.
>>> What Ubuntu can do that Windows does, Ubuntu does it quicker and better.

>> Liar!
>>> There are many reasons to run Ubuntu for most things and, for many
>>> people, all the things they want to do with a computer.

>> Liar!
>> This is what
>>> really gets you, doesn't it, that Ubuntu will meet the needs of 90%
>>> of all computer users and, as Ubuntu evolves and Windows gets patched
>>> for years, 100%.

>> Liar!
>> MS knows it. HP knows it. IBM Dell knows it. Google knows
>>> it. CHINA knows it. Frank can only scream out insults, lies,
>>> profanity and bluster. Time to realize it ain't the 90s anymore, old
>>> man.

>> You're just a fukkin lying linux troll. You're really stupid and we
>> all know it.
>> Get lost as*hole!
>> Frank
>>> Alias


> Screaming out "Liar!" won't change the truisms I posted.
> Alias

The only "truism" you've ever posted is that you're an escaped mexican
mental patient and a fugitive from American justice hiding out in spain.
Other than that, everything you've ever posted is a complete an utter
lie...and we all know it.
Live with it you vile POS for a human being.
["Followup-To:" header set to comp.os.linux.advocacy.]
On 2008-04-04, Ignoramus20845 <ignoramus20845@NOSPAM.20845.invalid> wrote:
> On 2008-04-04, Hadron <> wrote:
>> Josef Moellers <> writes:
>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>> "Josef Moellers" <> wrote in
>>>> message news:ft4lqj$nt7$
>>>>> No, we are upset because they prevent us from joining the game,
>>>>> because they use their power to bully the rest of the worls,
>>>>> because they use unfair methods.
>>>> Which game? Do you want to write and *sell* and operating system or
>>>> an office suit?
>>>> If you do why do you use FOSS?
>>> No, I'd like to communicate with people using MS office suite (DOC,
>>> XLS DOCX). I'd like to view videos (WMV) and listen to sound (WMA)
>>> produced by people using Microsoft products. I'd like to access
>>> information from websites created by people using Microsoft products
>>> (ActiveX controls).

>> Good. Buy Windows then.

> Maybe I am a little behind the times, but I can use WMA, DOC and XLS
> from Linux just fine. WMA is not very popular, for a good reason, but
> the few WMA files I saw could be played with mplayer.
> i

What's the reason?

Tom Shelton
Bob Campbell wrote:

> "caver1" <> wrote in message
> news:47f6212e$0$22855$
>> Remember the Hunts? They tried to corner the silver market. Gov't stopped
>> them.

> No, they stopped themselves when they could no longer afford to keep
> buying silver at the horribly inflated prices they caused by trying to
> corner the
> market. The government knew nothing about it. They actually only held
> about 1/3 of the world's silver.
>> Now Ms has cornered the computer market

> Nonsense. The computer market is the most stunning example of freedom
> and
> capitalism the world has ever seen. What other market sees capabilities
> INCREASE and prices DECREASE every year?

The problem with the "computer market" is that although hardware prices have
constantly decreased each year, the Microsoft tax HAS NOT. Goes to show
that Microsoft, being the monopoly it is, doesn't have to play by the rules
of market capitalism. Thanks to the growth of Linux, those days are fast
coming to an end.

> You have no idea what you are talking about here.

See above. It's you that just doesn't get it.


The world can't afford the rich.

How to get help at Microsoft Support ...

Francis (Frank) adds a new "gadget" to his Vista box ...
Download it here:
Frank wrote:

> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:ft094k$8tn$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Considering that it can't be counted, what the FUD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meisters report as "market share" is not relevant to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the immense growth that Ubuntu is experiencing. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't install them for people who want to get rid of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista fast enough. I'm doing two or three a day now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have yet to have anyone ask me to remove Ubuntu and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install *any* version of Windows.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So it is hard to install then.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I installed 25 XP machines in 4 hours from DVD when I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed them for a demo.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I suggest you find a better way to do it. -)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Most of installing, be it XP or Ubuntu is waiting for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something to finish. I can start three machines quite
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quickly and then just visit each one when something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs to be clicked and they'll all be done in around
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an hour and a half if Ubuntu, 4 hours (or more if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something fuçks up) if XP -)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under 45 mins for Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Including Office, Firefox, Java, Flash, Anti Virus, etc.,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc., etc.? I don't think so ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oops, you lose (again).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Install it from a flash drive, 15-20 mins., and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes 10 mins is possible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You lose...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Add 5 mins for all of that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Installing Office alone takes longer than that not to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mention the drivers for the audio, chip set and video card.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Who do you think you're fooling?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You lose, but you always lose and you're use to being a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loser.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Loser...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You lie and you know it. The fact that it doesn't bother
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you is pathological.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>> More of your lies?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give it up mr liar...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>> There you go again, insulting the messenger when you're
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong. Tsk, tsk. Be a man and admit that installing Ubuntu is
>>>>>>>>>>>> quicker and easier than Vista or any Windows OS. Or will you
>>>>>>>>>>>> now start threatening me with physical violence?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>> Why are you so afraid of me and the truth?
>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not afraid of you or the truth. Oops.
>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>> You're a known and admitted liar, liar...LOL!
>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>> Your skewered opinion of me doesn't change the fact that Ubuntu
>>>>>>>> is easier and quicker to install than Vista, as are all the
>>>>>>>> programs and devices.
>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>> You're really just making a moot point seeing as how your can't do
>>>>>>> in urbutto what you can do in Vista.
>>>>>> What most home users do with a computer can be done with Ubuntu,
>>>>>> the same holds true for most businesses. I always advise keeping a
>>>>>> copy of XP for gaming with the Windows Toy Operating Systems or if
>>>>>> they have to use AutoCad or some other program most people don't use.
>>>>> This is where your urbutto bullsh*t story completely falls apart.
>>>>> Why would anyone want one useless linux os and another fully usable
>>>>> Windows OS?
>>>>>>> So you lose anyway...LOL!
>>>>>>> Loser!
>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>> I haven't lost a thing.
>>>>> Well, maybe you don't have anything to lose.
>>>>> I use both XP and Ubuntu and get the best of two
>>>>>> worlds.
>>>>> linux is a waste of time, period!
>>>>> You have your head so far up MS' FUD that you have to spend all
>>>>>> of your time in this newsgroup spewing insults, lies, profanity and
>>>>>> bluster so, chum, you're the obvious loser.
>>>>> Still can't deal with the truth huh?
>>>>> Frank
>>>> You can't because the truth and Frank's World are two completely
>>>> different things.
>>>> What Ubuntu can do that Windows does, Ubuntu does it quicker and
>>>> better.
>>> Liar!
>>>> There are many reasons to run Ubuntu for most things and, for many
>>>> people, all the things they want to do with a computer.
>>> Liar!
>>> This is what
>>>> really gets you, doesn't it, that Ubuntu will meet the needs of 90%
>>>> of all computer users and, as Ubuntu evolves and Windows gets patched
>>>> for years, 100%.
>>> Liar!
>>> MS knows it. HP knows it. IBM Dell knows it. Google knows
>>>> it. CHINA knows it. Frank can only scream out insults, lies,
>>>> profanity and bluster. Time to realize it ain't the 90s anymore, old
>>>> man.
>>> You're just a fukkin lying linux troll. You're really stupid and we
>>> all know it.
>>> Get lost as*hole!
>>> Frank
>>>> Alias

>> Screaming out "Liar!" won't change the truisms I posted.
>> Alias

> The only "truism" you've ever posted is that you're an escaped mexican
> mental patient and a fugitive from American justice hiding out in spain.
> Other than that, everything you've ever posted is a complete an utter
> lie...and we all know it.
> Live with it you vile POS for a human being.
> Frank

More Vista advocacy snippets. Thanks Francis! Your contributions are

Cheers and LOVE!


"Linux is a very complete and sophisticated operating system. And there is a
lot of work being done to improve it in and of itself, particularly to make
it easier to use and easier for people to set up on their personal

--Paul Maritz, senior vice-president of platforms and applications,

Latest Patch for MS Word ...

How to get help at Microsoft Support ...
Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:ft094k$8tn$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Considering that it can't be counted, what the FUD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meisters report as "market share" is not relevant to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the immense growth that Ubuntu is experiencing. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't install them for people who want to get rid of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista fast enough. I'm doing two or three a day now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have yet to have anyone ask me to remove Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and install *any* version of Windows.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So it is hard to install then.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I installed 25 XP machines in 4 hours from DVD when I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed them for a demo.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I suggest you find a better way to do it. -)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Most of installing, be it XP or Ubuntu is waiting for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something to finish. I can start three machines quite
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quickly and then just visit each one when something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs to be clicked and they'll all be done in around
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an hour and a half if Ubuntu, 4 hours (or more if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something fuçks up) if XP -)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under 45 mins for Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Including Office, Firefox, Java, Flash, Anti Virus,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc., etc., etc.? I don't think so ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oops, you lose (again).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Install it from a flash drive, 15-20 mins., and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes 10 mins is possible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You lose...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Add 5 mins for all of that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Installing Office alone takes longer than that not to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mention the drivers for the audio, chip set and video
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> card. Who do you think you're fooling?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You lose, but you always lose and you're use to being a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loser.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Loser...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You lie and you know it. The fact that it doesn't bother
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you is pathological.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>> More of your lies?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give it up mr liar...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>> There you go again, insulting the messenger when you're
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong. Tsk, tsk. Be a man and admit that installing Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>> is quicker and easier than Vista or any Windows OS. Or will
>>>>>>>>>>>> you now start threatening me with physical violence?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>> Why are you so afraid of me and the truth?
>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not afraid of you or the truth. Oops.
>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>> You're a known and admitted liar, liar...LOL!
>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>> Your skewered opinion of me doesn't change the fact that Ubuntu
>>>>>>>> is easier and quicker to install than Vista, as are all the
>>>>>>>> programs and devices.
>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>> You're really just making a moot point seeing as how your can't
>>>>>>> do in urbutto what you can do in Vista.
>>>>>> What most home users do with a computer can be done with Ubuntu,
>>>>>> the same holds true for most businesses. I always advise keeping a
>>>>>> copy of XP for gaming with the Windows Toy Operating Systems or if
>>>>>> they have to use AutoCad or some other program most people don't use.
>>>>> This is where your urbutto bullsh*t story completely falls apart.
>>>>> Why would anyone want one useless linux os and another fully usable
>>>>> Windows OS?
>>>>>>> So you lose anyway...LOL!
>>>>>>> Loser!
>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>> I haven't lost a thing.
>>>>> Well, maybe you don't have anything to lose.
>>>>> I use both XP and Ubuntu and get the best of two
>>>>>> worlds.
>>>>> linux is a waste of time, period!
>>>>> You have your head so far up MS' FUD that you have to spend all
>>>>>> of your time in this newsgroup spewing insults, lies, profanity
>>>>>> and bluster so, chum, you're the obvious loser.
>>>>> Still can't deal with the truth huh?
>>>>> Frank
>>>> You can't because the truth and Frank's World are two completely
>>>> different things.
>>>> What Ubuntu can do that Windows does, Ubuntu does it quicker and
>>>> better.
>>> Liar!
>>>> There are many reasons to run Ubuntu for most things and, for many
>>>> people, all the things they want to do with a computer.
>>> Liar!
>>> This is what
>>>> really gets you, doesn't it, that Ubuntu will meet the needs of 90%
>>>> of all computer users and, as Ubuntu evolves and Windows gets
>>>> patched for years, 100%.
>>> Liar!
>>> MS knows it. HP knows it. IBM Dell knows it. Google knows
>>>> it. CHINA knows it. Frank can only scream out insults, lies,
>>>> profanity and bluster. Time to realize it ain't the 90s anymore, old
>>>> man.
>>> You're just a fukkin lying linux troll. You're really stupid and we
>>> all know it.
>>> Get lost as*hole!
>>> Frank
>>>> Alias

>> Screaming out "Liar!" won't change the truisms I posted.
>> Alias

> The only "truism" you've ever posted is that you're an escaped mexican
> mental patient and a fugitive from American justice hiding out in spain.

I never posted that. You have LIED and posted that but we all know what
your pathology is.

> Other than that, everything you've ever posted is a complete an utter
> lie...and we all know it.

No, you don't and can't refute a single one.

> Live with it you vile POS for a human being.
> Frank

Um, Frank, making up lies and insults about someone is not credible.

Bob Campbell wrote:
> "caver1" <> wrote in message
> news:47f6212e$0$22855$
>> Remember the Hunts? They tried to corner the silver market. Gov't
>> stopped them.

> No, they stopped themselves when they could no longer afford to keep
> buying silver at the horribly inflated prices they caused by trying to
> corner the market. The government knew nothing about it. They
> actually only held about 1/3 of the world's silver.
>> Now Ms has cornered the computer market

> Nonsense. The computer market is the most stunning example of freedom
> and capitalism the world has ever seen. What other market sees
> capabilities INCREASE and prices DECREASE every year?

Um, I can buy XP for cheaper than Vista from the same store. Oops. As
the price of oil continues to rise, you will see hardware price
increases as hardware has to be brought to market and that transport is
becoming more and more expensive due to Bush's stupid and illegal war.

> You have no idea what you are talking about here.

No, you don't know what you're talking about. MS has a de facto monopoly
and should be prosecuted along with those hardware manufacturers and OEM
that collude with them.

Bob Campbell wrote:
> "caver1" <> wrote in message
> news:47f6212e$0$22855$
>> Remember the Hunts? They tried to corner the silver market. Gov't
>> stopped them.

> No, they stopped themselves when they could no longer afford to keep
> buying silver at the horribly inflated prices they caused by trying to
> corner the market. The government knew nothing about it. They
> actually only held about 1/3 of the world's silver.
>> Now Ms has cornered the computer market

> Nonsense. The computer market is the most stunning example of freedom
> and capitalism the world has ever seen. What other market sees
> capabilities INCREASE and prices DECREASE every year?
> You have no idea what you are talking about here.

Hunts did not stop themselves. The gov't stepped in and told them if
they didn't stop that they would stop them for what they were trying to
do was illegal.
You are not following the thread. There are those here that believe that
there is nothing wrong with MS controlling things. And if you think they
haven't you're the one acting like an Ostrich.
caver1 <> writes:

> Bob Campbell wrote:
>> "caver1" <> wrote in message
>> news:47f6212e$0$22855$
>>> Remember the Hunts? They tried to corner the silver market. Gov't
>>> stopped them.

>> No, they stopped themselves when they could no longer afford to keep
>> buying silver at the horribly inflated prices they caused by trying
>> to corner the market. The government knew nothing about it.
>> They actually only held about 1/3 of the world's silver.
>>> Now Ms has cornered the computer market

>> Nonsense. The computer market is the most stunning example of
>> freedom and capitalism the world has ever seen. What other market
>> sees capabilities INCREASE and prices DECREASE every year?
>> You have no idea what you are talking about here.

> Hunts did not stop themselves. The gov't stepped in and told them if
> they didn't stop that they would stop them for what they were trying
> to do was illegal.
> You are not following the thread. There are those here that believe
> that there is nothing wrong with MS controlling things. And if you
> think they haven't you're the one acting like an Ostrich.
> caver1

You could always buy alternatives to MS. What nonsense are you talking
about? Try advocating Linux instead of being a paranoid Loony and making
things up in your quest to discredit MS.

date: 2001/05/31 21:32:44 author: branden state: Exp lines: +1 -1
NoStop, the broke old man wrote:

....hey onthepot, you broke old man...what are you doing here? You don't
have Vista cause you're too broke to afford it...LOL!
Alias, the lying sheep-fukker wrote:

>> The only "truism" you've ever posted is that you're an escaped mexican
>> mental patient and a fugitive from American justice hiding out in spain.

> I never posted that.

You're liar!

You have LIED and posted that but we all know what
> your pathology is.

Try google you liar!
>> Other than that, everything you've ever posted is a complete an utter
>> lie...and we all know it.

> No, you don't and can't refute a single one.

Refute? You refute you're own lies every time you post.
>> Live with it you vile POS for a human being.
>> Frank

> Um, Frank, making up lies and insults about someone is not credible.

Still having trouble with the true mr liar, mr spammer, mr troll, mr
thief, mr bigoted atheist.
Alias wrote:

> Bob Campbell wrote:
>> "caver1" <> wrote in message
>> news:47f6212e$0$22855$
>>> Remember the Hunts? They tried to corner the silver market. Gov't
>>> stopped them.

>> No, they stopped themselves when they could no longer afford to keep
>> buying silver at the horribly inflated prices they caused by trying to
>> corner the market. The government knew nothing about it. They
>> actually only held about 1/3 of the world's silver.
>>> Now Ms has cornered the computer market

>> Nonsense. The computer market is the most stunning example of
>> freedom and capitalism the world has ever seen. What other market
>> sees capabilities INCREASE and prices DECREASE every year?

> Um, I can buy XP for cheaper than Vista from the same store. Oops. As
> the price of oil continues to rise, you will see hardware price
> increases as hardware has to be brought to market and that transport is
> becoming more and more expensive due to Bush's stupid and illegal war.
>> You have no idea what you are talking about here.

> No, you don't know what you're talking about. MS has a de facto monopoly
> and should be prosecuted along with those hardware manufacturers and OEM
> that collude with them.
> Alias

You're even dumber than everyone thought you were or could possibly
You're an idiot!
Frank wrote:
> NoStop, the broke old man wrote:
> ...hey onthepot, you broke old man...what are you doing here? You don't
> have Vista cause you're too broke to afford it...LOL!
> Frank

Well, one thing for sure, the Frankenmonster isn't here to help people
with Vista problems. He is here to stalk, lie, insult and make empty
threat against people. The sad part is that Frank thinks he's doing
something good when all he's doing is giving a bad name to his god,

Frank wrote:
> Alias, the lying sheep-fukker wrote:
>>> The only "truism" you've ever posted is that you're an escaped
>>> mexican mental patient and a fugitive from American justice hiding
>>> out in spain.

>> I never posted that.

> You're liar!

Prove it. You can't because I am not Mexican. I am not wanted by any
authorities and I've never been a mental patient. YOU made up that story
in a lame attempt to discredit my persona because you are *incapable* of
refuting my valid points.

> You have LIED and posted that but we all know what
>> your pathology is.

> Try google you liar!

No need. I know I didn't post that. You made the assertion and because
you can't prove it, you expect me to disprove it. It doesn't work that
way, boobie.

>>> Other than that, everything you've ever posted is a complete an utter
>>> lie...and we all know it.

>> No, you don't and can't refute a single one.

> Refute? You refute you're own lies every time you post.

You wish.

>>> Live with it you vile POS for a human being.
>>> Frank

>> Um, Frank, making up lies and insults about someone is not credible.

> Still having trouble with the true mr liar, mr spammer, mr troll, mr
> thief, mr bigoted atheist.
> Frank

No, Frank, I have no problems with the truth but it's obvious that you
most certainly do.
