Re: Linux hits 6.1% on March!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Moshe Goldfarb
  • Start date Start date
"Bob Campbell" <bob@bob.bob> wrote in message
> In article <elwHUXElIHA.4744@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>,
> "AJD" <> wrote:
>> Uzytkownik "Alias" <> napisal w wiadomosci
>> news:fstklo$a96$
>> > Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>> >> On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>> >>

>> [...]
>> >
>> > Um, Linux cannot be sold so it therefore has ZERO market share.
>> >
>> > Alias

>> There are some distributions of Linux that are SOLDED!
>> If i'm right wasn't that a Mandriva?
>> But offcourse no metter if i'm right or not, even if most distributions
>> are
>> Free and OpenSource.

> 0.61% (and dropping) is pretty close to ZERO market share!

Just think. Pretty close to ZERO and the product is FREE! Nobody wants it.

Yea baby!
Re: Ubuntu ain't worth a CR@P !!!

You have to have a product like Linux and Ubuntu around. I always tell my
users that if they are not happy with Vista we can install the alternative
and I ALWAYS quickly get a response...oh no that's ok!. If I didn't have
it, I'd have nothing to threaten them with.

Regards, BobF.
"Apply_Directly_To_Forehead" <> wrote in message
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fstmqs$ilp$
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>>>>>> APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>> Actually, is DECREASED to 0.61%, down from 0.65% in February:
>>>>>> The future looks bright :-)
>>>>>> Meanwhile, Vista reached 14.05% in a steady linear growth:
>>>>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>>>>> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>>>>> Market Share.
>>>>> So if you want to be on the losing team, go with Linux.
>>>>> At least you can say Linux is consistent.
>>>>> After 10+ years it still is hovering around 0.6 percent of desktop
>>>>> market
>>>>> share.
>>>> Um, Linux cannot be sold so it therefore has ZERO market share.
>>>> Alias
>>> Translation: not enough users so it's market share cannot be determined.
>>> Frank

>> Ahem, a market is where things are bought and sold. Linux does neither
>> and therefore is not part of a market and it cannot possible have a
>> market share? Too complicated for you, troll?
>> Alias

> You are right. Linux/Ubuntu can't have a market share because it's just a
> blip on the worlds desktops. Nothing to write home about. Will not even
> make a dent to MS bottom line. They could care less. You keep blowing
> the Ubuntu horn if it makes you feel better.
> Ubuntu is just a piece of crap OS that nobody in their right mind would
> need or want. Geeks play with Ubuntu because they can't get humans to
> date them.
> Ubuntu is for losers like Alias and ray and a few other idiots like NoStop
> and Kevpan the bedpan. Oh yea, Kevpan815 wants to be just like Alias!
> Another bonus for Ubuntu and Alias !! HA HA HA
Moshe Goldfarb wrote:

> On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 18:15:02 GMT, ysdywmf wrote:
>> "OK" <> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 11:14:43 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>>>>> APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>> Actually, is DECREASED to 0.61%, down from 0.65% in February:
>>>>> The future looks bright :-)
>>>>> Meanwhile, Vista reached 14.05% in a steady linear growth:
>>>>Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>>>>The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>>>>Market Share.
>>>>So if you want to be on the losing team, go with Linux.
>>>>At least you can say Linux is consistent.
>>>>After 10+ years it still is hovering around 0.6 percent of desktop
>>>>market share.
>>> Yeah, even the Linux Counter is regressing:
>>> (141K users, how silly is that?)

>> It's taking over the world

> Yea.
> At the rate of one molecule per year.

Then why do Wintards like you feel so threatened, Mr. Soap Suds?



A US president declared war on poverty. Poverty won.
Another US president declared a war on drugs. Drugs won.
This US president declared a war on terror. Terror won.
What? wrote:

> NoStop wrote:
>> KDE wrote:
>>> Ok.. can't count purchases, but what about real world usage.
>>> Webstats off my web page for March 08
>>> Operating System Pageviews %
>>> 1.Windows 19,265 90.42%
>>> 2.Apple Macintosh 1,868 8.77%
>>> 3.Linux 990 .46%
>>> 4.Other 700 .33%
>>> 5.Mobile Wap 30 .01%
>>> Total 21,305 100.00%

>> That means nothing! Who comes to your web page and for what reason? I'm
>> sure that if one went and looked at the stats from the Ubuntu forums,
>> Linux would be around 99%. Because those using Linux would tend to access
>> that web site. If your web site is all about Windoze, then what do you
>> think the stats would look like?
>> Let's go to say a more neutral place, like w3schools and look at their
>> stats ...
>> Interesting, aren't they? They certainly don't come close to anything you
>> report for your small piece of the web.
>> Cheers.
>>> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>>>>>>>> APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>> Actually, is DECREASED to 0.61%, down from 0.65% in February:
>>>>>>>> The future looks bright :-)
>>>>>>>> Meanwhile, Vista reached 14.05% in a steady linear growth:

>>>>>>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>>>>>>> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>>>>>>> Market Share.
>>>>>>> So if you want to be on the losing team, go with Linux.
>>>>>>> At least you can say Linux is consistent.
>>>>>>> After 10+ years it still is hovering around 0.6 percent of desktop
>>>>>>> market share.
>>>>>> Um, Linux cannot be sold so it therefore has ZERO market share.
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>> Translation: not enough users so it's market share cannot be
>>>>> determined. Frank
>>>> Again Francis, you've missed the point entirely. Market share cannot be
>>>> determined because it's FREE and can be installed on as many computers
>>>> as one wants. There is no way to count how many machines Linux is
>>>> installed on. I have 6 machines here running Linux. Since they don't
>>>> need to be "activated", how can they possibly be counted? Please tell
>>>> me how you think they can be counted.

> You have that same a$$ sorry excuse like most Linux lunatics, and you
> have nothing to back up your point too.

Another Wintard that can't read and comprehend. Sigh.



A US president declared war on poverty. Poverty won.
Another US president declared a war on drugs. Drugs won.
This US president declared a war on terror. Terror won.
KDE wrote:

> hey, I just offered them as a random sample. My website is a booster club
> site full of pictures and videos for the local High School. It has
> nothing
> to do with Computers, Operating Systems or Browsers. The site is written
> in
> plain HTML and all the video is flash, No WMP or Quicktime requirements.
> Were based in Salt Lake, Utah, USA (not Redmond, WA) in fact were 20
> miles from Novell's headquarters so we should be more Linux biased than
> anything else.

For the "local High School". Now isn't that a good sampling! So you're based
in Salt Lake, Utah. Is that the place where extended families have a whole
other meaning? Kinda inbred dimwits, so to speak?


> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
>> KDE wrote:
>>> Ok.. can't count purchases, but what about real world usage.
>>> Webstats off my web page for March 08
>>> Operating System Pageviews %
>>> 1.Windows 19,265 90.42%
>>> 2.Apple Macintosh 1,868 8.77%
>>> 3.Linux 990 .46%
>>> 4.Other 700 .33%
>>> 5.Mobile Wap 30 .01%
>>> Total 21,305 100.00%

>> That means nothing! Who comes to your web page and for what reason? I'm
>> sure
>> that if one went and looked at the stats from the Ubuntu forums, Linux
>> would be around 99%. Because those using Linux would tend to access that
>> web site. If your web site is all about Windoze, then what do you think
>> the
>> stats would look like?
>> Let's go to say a more neutral place, like w3schools and look at their
>> stats ...
>> Interesting, aren't they? They certainly don't come close to anything you
>> report for your small piece of the web.
>> Cheers.
>>> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>>>>>>>> APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>> Actually, is DECREASED to 0.61%, down from 0.65% in February:
>>>>>>>> The future looks bright :-)
>>>>>>>> Meanwhile, Vista reached 14.05% in a steady linear growth:

>>>>>>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>>>>>>> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>>>>>>> Market Share.
>>>>>>> So if you want to be on the losing team, go with Linux.
>>>>>>> At least you can say Linux is consistent.
>>>>>>> After 10+ years it still is hovering around 0.6 percent of desktop
>>>>>>> market share.
>>>>>> Um, Linux cannot be sold so it therefore has ZERO market share.
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>> Translation: not enough users so it's market share cannot be
>>>>> determined.
>>>>> Frank
>>>> Again Francis, you've missed the point entirely. Market share cannot be
>>>> determined because it's FREE and can be installed on as many computers
>>>> as
>>>> one wants. There is no way to count how many machines Linux is
>>>> installed on. I have 6 machines here running Linux. Since they don't
>>>> need to be "activated", how can they possibly be counted? Please tell
>>>> me how you think they can be counted.
>>>> Cheers.
>>>> --
>>>> A US president declared war on poverty. Poverty won.
>>>> Another US president declared a war on drugs. Drugs won.
>>>> This US president declared a war on terror. Terror won.
>>>> Next?

>> --
>> A US president declared war on poverty. Poverty won.
>> Another US president declared a war on drugs. Drugs won.
>> This US president declared a war on terror. Terror won.
>> Next?


A US president declared war on poverty. Poverty won.
Another US president declared a war on drugs. Drugs won.
This US president declared a war on terror. Terror won.
dennis@home wrote:

> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
>> KDE wrote:
>>> Ok.. can't count purchases, but what about real world usage.
>>> Webstats off my web page for March 08
>>> Operating System Pageviews %
>>> 1.Windows 19,265 90.42%
>>> 2.Apple Macintosh 1,868 8.77%
>>> 3.Linux 990 .46%
>>> 4.Other 700 .33%
>>> 5.Mobile Wap 30 .01%
>>> Total 21,305 100.00%

>> That means nothing! Who comes to your web page and for what reason? I'm
>> sure
>> that if one went and looked at the stats from the Ubuntu forums, Linux
>> would be around 99%. Because those using Linux would tend to access that
>> web site. If your web site is all about Windoze, then what do you think
>> the
>> stats would look like?
>> Let's go to say a more neutral place, like w3schools and look at their
>> stats ...

> Biased as hell.. how many windows users have even heard of w3schools?
> Not many I bet. Far more linux users are likely to have.

You saying that Windoze users aren't interested in building web sites?
That's silly.

> Where are the figures for some really neutral but popular site like the
> bbc or google or nasa?
> They are likely to be more accurate.

Well, provide them. I'll wait.

>> Interesting, aren't they? They certainly don't come close to anything you
>> report for your small piece of the web.

> Not at all interesting, except that such a biased site also has linux use
> on a pathetic low.
>> Cheers.

> Cheers.



A US president declared war on poverty. Poverty won.
Another US president declared a war on drugs. Drugs won.
This US president declared a war on terror. Terror won.
NoStop wrote:
> What? wrote:
>> NoStop wrote:
>>> KDE wrote:
>>>> Ok.. can't count purchases, but what about real world usage.
>>>> Webstats off my web page for March 08
>>>> Operating System Pageviews %
>>>> 1.Windows 19,265 90.42%
>>>> 2.Apple Macintosh 1,868 8.77%
>>>> 3.Linux 990 .46%
>>>> 4.Other 700 .33%
>>>> 5.Mobile Wap 30 .01%
>>>> Total 21,305 100.00%
>>> That means nothing! Who comes to your web page and for what reason? I'm
>>> sure that if one went and looked at the stats from the Ubuntu forums,
>>> Linux would be around 99%. Because those using Linux would tend to access
>>> that web site. If your web site is all about Windoze, then what do you
>>> think the stats would look like?
>>> Let's go to say a more neutral place, like w3schools and look at their
>>> stats ...
>>> Interesting, aren't they? They certainly don't come close to anything you
>>> report for your small piece of the web.
>>> Cheers.
>>>> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>>>>>>>>> APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>>> Actually, is DECREASED to 0.61%, down from 0.65% in February:
>>>>>>>>> The future looks bright :-)
>>>>>>>>> Meanwhile, Vista reached 14.05% in a steady linear growth:

>>>>>>>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>>>>>>>> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>>>>>>>> Market Share.
>>>>>>>> So if you want to be on the losing team, go with Linux.
>>>>>>>> At least you can say Linux is consistent.
>>>>>>>> After 10+ years it still is hovering around 0.6 percent of desktop
>>>>>>>> market share.
>>>>>>> Um, Linux cannot be sold so it therefore has ZERO market share.
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> Translation: not enough users so it's market share cannot be
>>>>>> determined. Frank
>>>>> Again Francis, you've missed the point entirely. Market share cannot be
>>>>> determined because it's FREE and can be installed on as many computers
>>>>> as one wants. There is no way to count how many machines Linux is
>>>>> installed on. I have 6 machines here running Linux. Since they don't
>>>>> need to be "activated", how can they possibly be counted? Please tell
>>>>> me how you think they can be counted.

>> You have that same a$$ sorry excuse like most Linux lunatics, and you
>> have nothing to back up your point too.

> Another Wintard that can't read and comprehend. Sigh.

I just consider you a dumba$$ home user, concerning any O/S(s), period.
I don't care what it is. You are what you are, a dumba$$ home user.
This is what <Moshe Goldfarb> shared with us today ...

I think that sort of closed minded thinking is what causes most the
world's problems today.

If you actually look at the statistics....Linux is growing in not only
popularity but also competetivness to Windows. Slowly albeit but
growing none-the-less.

It is quite obvious that MS is totally aware of that as a threat and
is attempting to stay ahead.

The downside is that their marketing strategy is old school and is not
on that leading edge of staying pervasive as Mr. Gates had proclaimed
a few years ago.

That will be their demise (or not) if they don't change their
strategies both in terms of technological needs, as well as being a
position of competitiveness. I'ts like a chess game.

The need to appease the users, has become clouded by their need for
profit. That will kill MS in the long run.

They need to get back to basics and concentrate on providing a solid
OS that gives us all the features and performances we need based on
the normal use needs instead of trying to maintain the "Corporate
Lead" .

I could go on and on...but the bottom line is that MS needs to get
back to liking their customers and listening to THEM....instead of
trying to be the world wide market leaders in top sales.


>On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>> APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!
>> Actually, is DECREASED to 0.61%, down from 0.65% in February:
>> The future looks bright :-)
>> Meanwhile, Vista reached 14.05% in a steady linear growth:

>Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>Market Share.
>So if you want to be on the losing team, go with Linux.
>At least you can say Linux is consistent.
>After 10+ years it still is hovering around 0.6 percent of desktop market


Re: Ubuntu ain't worth a CR@P !!!

"BobF." <> wrote in message
> You have to have a product like Linux and Ubuntu around. I always tell my
> users that if they are not happy with Vista we can install the alternative
> and I ALWAYS quickly get a response...oh no that's ok!. If I didn't have
> it, I'd have nothing to threaten them with.
> --
> Regards, BobF.
> "Apply_Directly_To_Forehead" <> wrote in message
> news:%23OKpdyElIHA.1368@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fstmqs$ilp$
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>>>>>>> APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>> Actually, is DECREASED to 0.61%, down from 0.65% in February:
>>>>>>> The future looks bright :-)
>>>>>>> Meanwhile, Vista reached 14.05% in a steady linear growth:
>>>>>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>>>>>> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>>>>>> Market Share.
>>>>>> So if you want to be on the losing team, go with Linux.
>>>>>> At least you can say Linux is consistent.
>>>>>> After 10+ years it still is hovering around 0.6 percent of desktop
>>>>>> market
>>>>>> share.
>>>>> Um, Linux cannot be sold so it therefore has ZERO market share.
>>>>> Alias
>>>> Translation: not enough users so it's market share cannot be
>>>> determined.
>>>> Frank
>>> Ahem, a market is where things are bought and sold. Linux does neither
>>> and therefore is not part of a market and it cannot possible have a
>>> market share? Too complicated for you, troll?
>>> Alias

>> You are right. Linux/Ubuntu can't have a market share because it's just
>> a blip on the worlds desktops. Nothing to write home about. Will not
>> even make a dent to MS bottom line. They could care less. You keep
>> blowing the Ubuntu horn if it makes you feel better.
>> Ubuntu is just a piece of crap OS that nobody in their right mind would
>> need or want. Geeks play with Ubuntu because they can't get humans to
>> date them.
>> Ubuntu is for losers like Alias and ray and a few other idiots like
>> NoStop and Kevpan the bedpan. Oh yea, Kevpan815 wants to be just like
>> Alias! Another bonus for Ubuntu and Alias !! HA HA HA

Interesting that you HAVE to "THREATEN" them in the first place isn't it?
They hate Vista that much! Linux has been thought of as only for the
technologically capable by "general users" as long as I can remember. Of
course they CAN be threatened by you using Linux as the big, bad, terrible
alternative. LOL Heck, I didn't try it out for many years because of what I
had /heard/. Finally I decided to make my OWN assessment and tried it out. I
like it and use it, have no problems with it. I installed Vista Ultimate, I
like it, I use it, have no problems with it. I use them both for different
reasons. Works for ME and MY needs. Linux isn't the big bad wolf it used to
be any more. If your "users" were to actually try a demo machine, and do a
little hands-on, I'll bet your threat wouldn't carry near as much weight.

Moshe Goldfarb wrote:

> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
> Market Share.

Not likely. Refer to and read all the articles
(also those they quote in the right column) about the way OOXML gets

Even if Linux is in the less-than-1%-area: each and every Linux-user
uses it because of its merits, not because it came bundeled with the
computer they bought or someone forces them to use it. Some people
(including me) even use it *against* pressure from higher places to use
another OS.

*That's* the difference.
These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Siemens Computers!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T. Pratchett)
Company Details:
On Wed, 02 Apr 2008 09:10:53 +0200, Josef Moellers wrote:

> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>> Market Share.

> Not likely. Refer to and read all the articles
> (also those they quote in the right column) about the way OOXML gets
> approved.

That's a Roy Schestowitz administered site so I will not go there for fear
of getting a virus or trojan or something.

As for OOXML vs ODF, all I see is a lot of conjecture, accusations and so
I see very little in the way of factual evidence.

Possibly it may turn out to be totally rigged I don't know and personally I
really don't care either way.

> Even if Linux is in the less-than-1%-area: each and every Linux-user
> uses it because of its merits, not because it came bundeled with the
> computer they bought or someone forces them to use it. Some people
> (including me) even use it *against* pressure from higher places to use
> another OS.
> *That's* the difference.

Noble, however most people just want to get work done not go on some
religious pilgrimage.

My advice to anyone is to use the OS that supports the applications you
need to run.
IOW choose your applications first and then your OS.

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:
On Wed, 02 Apr 2008 03:29:18 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:

> On Wed, 02 Apr 2008 09:10:53 +0200, Josef Moellers wrote:
>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look. The ODF vs OOXML
>>> debates.
>>> Market Share.

>> Not likely. Refer to and read all the articles
>> (also those they quote in the right column) about the way OOXML gets
>> approved.

> That's a Roy Schestowitz administered site so I will not go there for
> fear of getting a virus or trojan or something.(snip)

Oh well... more Roy obsessing.

"NoStop" <> wrote in message
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
>>> KDE wrote:
>>>> Ok.. can't count purchases, but what about real world usage.
>>>> Webstats off my web page for March 08
>>>> Operating System Pageviews %
>>>> 1.Windows 19,265 90.42%
>>>> 2.Apple Macintosh 1,868 8.77%
>>>> 3.Linux 990 .46%
>>>> 4.Other 700 .33%
>>>> 5.Mobile Wap 30 .01%
>>>> Total 21,305 100.00%
>>> That means nothing! Who comes to your web page and for what reason? I'm
>>> sure
>>> that if one went and looked at the stats from the Ubuntu forums, Linux
>>> would be around 99%. Because those using Linux would tend to access that
>>> web site. If your web site is all about Windoze, then what do you think
>>> the
>>> stats would look like?
>>> Let's go to say a more neutral place, like w3schools and look at their
>>> stats ...

>> Biased as hell.. how many windows users have even heard of w3schools?
>> Not many I bet. Far more linux users are likely to have.

> You saying that Windoze users aren't interested in building web sites?
> That's silly.

Most windows users would have a clue and you know that so don't pretend.

>> Where are the figures for some really neutral but popular site like the
>> bbc or google or nasa?
>> They are likely to be more accurate.

> Well, provide them. I'll wait.

You will have to wait, I don't care enough to look.

>>> Interesting, aren't they? They certainly don't come close to anything
>>> you
>>> report for your small piece of the web.

>> Not at all interesting, except that such a biased site also has linux use
>> on a pathetic low.
>>> Cheers.

>> Cheers.

> Cheers.

Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Apr 2008 09:10:53 +0200, Josef Moellers wrote:
>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>>> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>>> Market Share.

>> Not likely. Refer to and read all the articles
>> (also those they quote in the right column) about the way OOXML gets
>> approved.

> That's a Roy Schestowitz administered site so I will not go there for fear
> of getting a virus or trojan or something.

Or worse: get some insight.
BTW: I use Linux and I don't get viri or trojans.

> As for OOXML vs ODF, all I see is a lot of conjecture, accusations and so
> forth.
> I see very little in the way of factual evidence.

What more evidence do you need than eye-witness reports of people who
have attended local standard bodies' meetings?

> Possibly it may turn out to be totally rigged I don't know and personally I
> really don't care either way.

Indeed, who cares whether the whole process is rigged if the outcome is
that which one desires and if one can, afterwards, claim that "market
share has led to the overwhelming success of OOXML", that OOXML was
elected a standard because it's a standard that everyone can use?

>> Even if Linux is in the less-than-1%-area: each and every Linux-user
>> uses it because of its merits, not because it came bundeled with the
>> computer they bought or someone forces them to use it. Some people
>> (including me) even use it *against* pressure from higher places to use
>> another OS.
>> *That's* the difference.

> Noble, however most people just want to get work done not go on some
> religious pilgrimage.
> My advice to anyone is to use the OS that supports the applications you
> need to run.
> IOW choose your applications first and then your OS.

I 100% agree to you. Let everyone chose the OS that they want to use.
Let no-one interfere e.g. by making documents accessible only to those
using office systems of one manufacturer. Let no-one interfere e.g. by
making web sites accessible only to those using browsers of one
manufacturer. Let no-one interfere e.g. by making hardware accessible
only to those using OSes of one manufacturer.

These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Siemens Computers!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T. Pratchett)
Company Details:
Josef Moellers wrote:

>Let everyone chose the OS that they want to use.
>Let no-one interfere e.g. by making documents accessible only to those
>using office systems of one manufacturer. Let no-one interfere e.g. by
>making web sites accessible only to those using browsers of one
>manufacturer. Let no-one interfere e.g. by making hardware accessible
>only to those using OSes of one manufacturer.

This is really all that some of us are after.
"Josef Moellers" <> wrote in message

> I 100% agree to you. Let everyone chose the OS that they want to use. Let
> no-one interfere e.g. by making documents accessible only to those using
> office systems of one manufacturer. Let no-one interfere e.g. by making
> web sites accessible only to those using browsers of one manufacturer. Let
> no-one interfere e.g. by making hardware accessible only to those using
> OSes of one manufacturer.

Why do you want to remove choice from the people above?
What do you have against free choice?
Where does it say that if I want to build a site I should have to cater for
Why do you want choice but deny it to others?
dennis@home wrote:
> "Josef Moellers" <> wrote in message
> news:fsvprq$ns1$
>> I 100% agree to you. Let everyone chose the OS that they want to use.
>> Let no-one interfere e.g. by making documents accessible only to those
>> using office systems of one manufacturer. Let no-one interfere e.g. by
>> making web sites accessible only to those using browsers of one
>> manufacturer. Let no-one interfere e.g. by making hardware accessible
>> only to those using OSes of one manufacturer.

> Why do you want to remove choice from the people above?
> What do you have against free choice?
> Where does it say that if I want to build a site I should have to cater
> for everyone?
> Why do you want choice but deny it to others?

You do have a point there, but, personally speaking, if I have to choose
(pun intended) between *me* having access to information and *others*
choosing a feature (or maybe just using whatever they got when they
bought their PC), I'd rather settle for me having access.

Then there is the question whether people really choose to use DOC or
ActiveX controls or if this was pre-configured and they don't chnage this?
Maybe some of us think that someone who has so much power to force
technology onto people should have the moral obligation to make the
specification for such technology available, so that *all* people can
have access to the information available.
Why can't Microsoft use existing standards (ODF) but had to force yet
another standard (OOXML) which will continue to make documents
unaccessible to those *not* using their programs? Most likely, OOXML
will become the default file format when storing office documents and
most likeley people will just click "Save" rather than first select a
different format.

These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Siemens Computers!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T. Pratchett)
Company Details:
Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>>>>>> APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>> Actually, is DECREASED to 0.61%, down from 0.65% in February:
>>>>>> The future looks bright :-)
>>>>>> Meanwhile, Vista reached 14.05% in a steady linear growth:
>>>>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>>>>> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>>>>> Market Share.
>>>>> So if you want to be on the losing team, go with Linux.
>>>>> At least you can say Linux is consistent.
>>>>> After 10+ years it still is hovering around 0.6 percent of desktop
>>>>> market
>>>>> share.
>>>> Um, Linux cannot be sold so it therefore has ZERO market share.
>>>> Alias
>>> Translation: not enough users so it's market share cannot be determined.
>>> Frank

>> Ahem, a market is where things are bought and sold. Linux does neither
>> and therefore is not part of a market and it cannot possible have a
>> market share? Too complicated for you, troll?
>> Alias

> Nice fantasy you're having...LOL!
> You're really stupid!
> Frank

Yep, too complicated for the Frankenmonster. Everyone act surprised.

MyronH wrote:
> "Alias" wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>>>>>> APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>> Actually, is DECREASED to 0.61%, down from 0.65% in February:
>>>>>> The future looks bright :-)
>>>>>> Meanwhile, Vista reached 14.05% in a steady linear growth:
>>>>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>>>>> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>>>>> Market Share.
>>>>> So if you want to be on the losing team, go with Linux.
>>>>> At least you can say Linux is consistent.
>>>>> After 10+ years it still is hovering around 0.6 percent of desktop
>>>>> market
>>>>> share.
>>>> Um, Linux cannot be sold so it therefore has ZERO market share.
>>>> Alias
>>> Translation: not enough users so it's market share cannot be determined.
>>> Frank

>> Ahem, a market is where things are bought and sold. Linux does neither
>> and therefore is not part of a market and it cannot possible have a
>> market share? Too complicated for you, troll?
>> Alias

> peruse definition #8 for market at
> #9 may also be applicable unless you are stating that nobody would be
> interested if they actually had to pay.

Both leather and health foods are bought and sold. Oops.

Re: Ubuntu ain't worth a CR@P !!!

Apply_Directly_To_Forehead wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fstmqs$ilp$
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:34:38 +0200, OK wrote:
>>>>>> APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>> Actually, is DECREASED to 0.61%, down from 0.65% in February:
>>>>>> The future looks bright :-)
>>>>>> Meanwhile, Vista reached 14.05% in a steady linear growth:
>>>>> Linux seems to be losing no matter where you look.
>>>>> The ODF vs OOXML debates.
>>>>> Market Share.
>>>>> So if you want to be on the losing team, go with Linux.
>>>>> At least you can say Linux is consistent.
>>>>> After 10+ years it still is hovering around 0.6 percent of desktop
>>>>> market
>>>>> share.
>>>> Um, Linux cannot be sold so it therefore has ZERO market share.
>>>> Alias
>>> Translation: not enough users so it's market share cannot be determined.
>>> Frank

>> Ahem, a market is where things are bought and sold. Linux does neither and
>> therefore is not part of a market and it cannot possible have a market
>> share? Too complicated for you, troll?
>> Alias

> You are right. Linux/Ubuntu can't have a market share because it's just a
> blip on the worlds desktops. Nothing to write home about. Will not even
> make a dent to MS bottom line. They could care less. You keep blowing the
> Ubuntu horn if it makes you feel better.
> Ubuntu is just a piece of crap OS that nobody in their right mind would need
> or want. Geeks play with Ubuntu because they can't get humans to date them.
> Ubuntu is for losers like Alias and ray and a few other idiots like NoStop
> and Kevpan the bedpan. Oh yea, Kevpan815 wants to be just like Alias!
> Another bonus for Ubuntu and Alias !! HA HA HA

No, Windows is for losers like you and Ubuntu is for people who want the
freedom to use a computer without having to kiss MS' ass and without
having to worry about viruses and malware.
