People Would Rather Pay For Windows Than Use Linux.

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Linux is free.
Windows is not.
Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
Windows XP.
Linux is free.
Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
Linux is free.
Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
operating system called Vista.
Linux is free,

So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?

After all, Linux is free.
Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
so good afterall.

How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
It's a most common occurence.

So Linux is free, and Windows is not.

Where is Linux hiding?

Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
It's not.

Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
year of Linux"
Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
year of Linux will ever arrive.

<> wrote in message
> Linux is free.
> Windows is not.
> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
> Windows XP.
> Linux is free.
> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
> Linux is free.
> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
> operating system called Vista.
> Linux is free,
> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
> After all, Linux is free.
> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
> so good afterall.
> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
> Windows?
> It's a most common occurence.
> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
> Where is Linux hiding?
> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
> place.
> It's not.
> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
> year of Linux"
> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
> year of Linux will ever arrive.
> Why?

Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from it. If
no one is making money no one is selling it. If no one is selling it there
is no mainstream distribution channel. Someone could easily create a
distribution (Ubuntu is one) that could compete with Windows. To become
popular and gain significant market share they would have to spend a lot of
money marketing it. Where would they get a return from that investment? If
there was a great demand for it OEMs would be free to distribute it and not
pay the creator of the distro. The reason for slow linux adoption is not
because it is technically inferior to Windows. It is financial and societal.
The capitalist system doesn't work when trying to market something that is

Kerry Brown
Microsoft MVP - Shell/User
On Sep 8, 10:21 am, "Kerry Brown" <ke...@kdbNOSPAMsys-tems.c*a*m>
> <> wrote in message
> > Linux is free.
> > Windows is not.
> > Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
> > Windows XP.
> > Linux is free.
> > Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
> > Linux is free.
> > Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
> > operating system called Vista.
> > Linux is free,

> > So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
> > Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?

> > After all, Linux is free.
> > Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
> > so good afterall.

> > How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
> > tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
> > Windows?
> > It's a most common occurence.

> > So Linux is free, and Windows is not.

> > Where is Linux hiding?

> > Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
> > arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
> > place.
> > It's not.

> > Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
> > year of Linux"
> > Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
> > and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
> > year of Linux will ever arrive.

> > Why?

> Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from it. If
> no one is making money no one is selling it. If no one is selling it there
> is no mainstream distribution channel. Someone could easily create a
> distribution (Ubuntu is one) that could compete with Windows. To become
> popular and gain significant market share they would have to spend a lot of
> money marketing it. Where would they get a return from that investment? If
> there was a great demand for it OEMs would be free to distribute it and not
> pay the creator of the distro. The reason for slow linux adoption is not
> because it is technically inferior to Windows. It is financial and societal.
> The capitalist system doesn't work when trying to market something that is
> free.
> --
> Kerry Brown
> Microsoft MVP - Shell/User

Linux is already technically superior to Windows however Windows has
the base market share and quantity of users because of Microsoft's
lock in.
It's not easy for Windows, or any other OS using person to just jump
ship and switch. There is a lot of money and time invested in the OS
that they are currently running and the alternative has to provide a
clear and worthwhile advantage.
At the moment Linux does not provide such an advantage which is the
primary reason why even though being free it has been almost totally
ignored by Windows users, especially desktop users.

A good example of where Linux is a worthwhile alternative is in the
movie industry which is moving to Linux by storm.
Simple, they are moving off their highly proprietary and EXPENSIVE SGI
hardware platforms onto Intel/AMD based generic platforms.
Linux pundits like to use the movie studio example to show how Linux
is gaining ground against Windows but the truth is that these studios
were never using Windows much in the first place with the exception of
the front office.

So now you have average Joe with his entire life on his Windows
machine and Linux has to provide him with a reason to switch.
So what is it?
He already has tons of software and doesn't mind paying for additional
software if he needs it.
His Windows machine syncs to his PDA, his Phone, his mp3 player and
all his hardware and allows automatic updating of calenders, phone
lists, mp3 files and so forth. He likes iTunes and uses day trading
programs. He is also required to take corporate training, much of
which is CBT based.

Can Linux do all of that and do it easily and full featured?

And THAT is why Linux is going no place on the desktop.

Money CAN be made with Linux by selling services, which is the same
way money is made with Windows. However you need to have people
willing to use Linux first and then start selling them services
It's chicken and egg all over again.
I see Linux as a superior system but one that is going to ultimately
fail due to lack of interest.
It's a novelty now but seeing as it has gone virtually no place in 10
years (desktop) I can't see a bright future for Linux.
On Sat, 08 Sep 2007 07:05:47 -0700, wrote:

>Linux is free.
>Windows is not.
>Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>Windows XP.
>Linux is free.
>Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>Linux is free.
>Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>operating system called Vista.
>Linux is free,
>So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?

there is NO SUPPORT for a FREE program
there are very few programs written for Linux.
Windows OWNS 90% of the computer market.
No one's ever heard of Linux.
The AVERAGE computer user, knows how to use a keyboard, pictures and a mouse.
Linux needs technical knowledge just to set it up.
M$ Support = 24/7 but costly. And severely limited in technical expertise.
more pix @
<> wrote in message


> Money CAN be made with Linux by selling services, which is the same
> way money is made with Windows. However you need to have people
> willing to use Linux first and then start selling them services
> contracts.
> It's chicken and egg all over again.
> I see Linux as a superior system but one that is going to ultimately
> fail due to lack of interest.
> It's a novelty now but seeing as it has gone virtually no place in 10
> years (desktop) I can't see a bright future for Linux.
> Devon

For linux to become popular it has to be installed on OEM machines. This is
what initially drives the market. When a new Microsoft OS comes out the
previous is eventually made irrelevant because new computers have the new
OS. Most people don't care what OS they run. They walk into a store and buy
whatever the salesman gets the best commission on. Once they get home or
back to work they try to figure out how to use it. If new computers came
with linux they would figure out and use linux. This model isn't based on
selling a service but selling a product. OEM's aren't going to switch to
linux anytime soon for several reasons. The main one is money. They have a
lot of money invested in the Windows ecosystem. It would be very expensive
for them to switch to a different OS even if the OS was free. That brings up
the second problem. If the OS is free where is the incentive to develop it
into a product that can be sold? Yes, some money can be made selling
services to medium and big business. No, a lot of money can't be made
selling desktop services to the general public. Currently the general public
through OEM computer sales drives the desktop market.

I stand by my original assertion that there is no technical reason why linux
can't compete with Windows. The reason it isn't competing is because of the
way linux is licensed. In a capitalist society a free product can't compete
with a product that has an easy revenue stream. Everyone in the channel gets
a little piece of the pie so you have a very large channel with the company
at the top (Microsoft) controlling the channel. With linux there is no
channel. There is no one at the top controlling how the channel works. For
some one to get to this position would be impossible with the linux license.

I'm not saying this model is a good thing. In my opinion it is the way
things work. Perhaps the linux community should look to Apple as a model.
Someone needs to create a proprietary distro and spend 100's of millions
marketing it :-)

Kerry Brown
Microsoft MVP - Shell/User wrote:
> Linux is free.
> Windows is not.
> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
> Windows XP.
> Linux is free.
> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
> Linux is free.
> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
> operating system called Vista.
> Linux is free,
> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
> After all, Linux is free.
> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
> so good afterall.
> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
> Windows?
> It's a most common occurence.
> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
> Where is Linux hiding?
> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
> place.
> It's not.
> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
> year of Linux"
> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
> year of Linux will ever arrive.
> Why?

When XP came out, there was no mention of Linux on XP.general. Now even
die hard MS fanboys are starting threads about Linux on this Vista
newsgroup. Why?

To email me, remove shoes
Kerry Brown wrote:
> <> wrote in message
>> Linux is free.
>> Windows is not.
>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>> Windows XP.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>> operating system called Vista.
>> Linux is free,
>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
>> After all, Linux is free.
>> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
>> so good afterall.
>> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
>> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
>> Windows?
>> It's a most common occurence.
>> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
>> Where is Linux hiding?
>> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
>> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
>> place.
>> It's not.
>> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
>> year of Linux"
>> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
>> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
>> year of Linux will ever arrive.
>> Why?

> Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from it.
> If no one is making money no one is selling it. If no one is selling it
> there is no mainstream distribution channel. Someone could easily create
> a distribution (Ubuntu is one) that could compete with Windows. To
> become popular and gain significant market share they would have to
> spend a lot of money marketing it. Where would they get a return from
> that investment? If there was a great demand for it OEMs would be free
> to distribute it and not pay the creator of the distro. The reason for
> slow linux adoption is not because it is technically inferior to
> Windows. It is financial and societal. The capitalist system doesn't
> work when trying to market something that is free.

Nail on head, simple as that.
Kerry Brown wrote:
> <> wrote in message
>> Linux is free.
>> Windows is not.
>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>> Windows XP.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>> operating system called Vista.
>> Linux is free,
>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
>> After all, Linux is free.
>> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
>> so good afterall.
>> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
>> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
>> Windows?
>> It's a most common occurence.
>> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
>> Where is Linux hiding?
>> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
>> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
>> place.
>> It's not.
>> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
>> year of Linux"
>> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
>> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
>> year of Linux will ever arrive.
>> Why?

> Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from it.

Gosh, I guess this "MVP" hasn't heard of making money from tech support.

To email me, remove shoes
"Alias" <> wrote in message
> wrote:
>> Linux is free.
>> Windows is not.
>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>> Windows XP.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>> operating system called Vista.
>> Linux is free,
>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
>> After all, Linux is free.
>> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
>> so good afterall.
>> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
>> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
>> Windows?
>> It's a most common occurence.
>> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
>> Where is Linux hiding?
>> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
>> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
>> place.
>> It's not.
>> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
>> year of Linux"
>> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
>> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
>> year of Linux will ever arrive.
>> Why?

> When XP came out, there was no mention of Linux on XP.general. Now even
> die hard MS fanboys are starting threads about Linux on this Vista
> newsgroup. Why?

Because they like to annoy you!
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes
Alias wrote:
> wrote:
>> Linux is free.
>> Windows is not.
>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>> Windows XP.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>> operating system called Vista.
>> Linux is free,
>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
>> After all, Linux is free.
>> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
>> so good afterall.
>> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
>> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
>> Windows?
>> It's a most common occurence.
>> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
>> Where is Linux hiding?
>> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
>> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
>> place.
>> It's not.
>> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
>> year of Linux"
>> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
>> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
>> year of Linux will ever arrive.
>> Why?

> When XP came out, there was no mention of Linux on XP.general. Now even
> die hard MS fanboys are starting threads about Linux on this Vista
> newsgroup. Why?

They are?
I don't think so!
Charlie Tame wrote:
> Kerry Brown wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Windows is not.
>>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>>> Windows XP.
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>>> operating system called Vista.
>>> Linux is free,
>>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
>>> After all, Linux is free.
>>> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
>>> so good afterall.
>>> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
>>> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
>>> Windows?
>>> It's a most common occurence.
>>> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
>>> Where is Linux hiding?
>>> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
>>> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
>>> place.
>>> It's not.
>>> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
>>> year of Linux"
>>> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
>>> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
>>> year of Linux will ever arrive.
>>> Why?

>> Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from
>> it. If no one is making money no one is selling it. If no one is
>> selling it there is no mainstream distribution channel. Someone could
>> easily create a distribution (Ubuntu is one) that could compete with
>> Windows. To become popular and gain significant market share they
>> would have to spend a lot of money marketing it. Where would they get
>> a return from that investment? If there was a great demand for it OEMs
>> would be free to distribute it and not pay the creator of the distro.
>> The reason for slow linux adoption is not because it is technically
>> inferior to Windows. It is financial and societal. The capitalist
>> system doesn't work when trying to market something that is free.

> Nail on head, simple as that.

Didn't Linux go capitalist with Novell and Suse?
Kerry Brown wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> <snipped>
>> Money CAN be made with Linux by selling services, which is the same
>> way money is made with Windows. However you need to have people
>> willing to use Linux first and then start selling them services
>> contracts.
>> It's chicken and egg all over again.
>> I see Linux as a superior system but one that is going to ultimately
>> fail due to lack of interest.
>> It's a novelty now but seeing as it has gone virtually no place in 10
>> years (desktop) I can't see a bright future for Linux.
>> Devon

> For linux to become popular it has to be installed on OEM machines. This
> is what initially drives the market. When a new Microsoft OS comes out
> the previous is eventually made irrelevant because new computers have
> the new OS. Most people don't care what OS they run. They walk into a
> store and buy whatever the salesman gets the best commission on. Once
> they get home or back to work they try to figure out how to use it. If
> new computers came with linux they would figure out and use linux. This
> model isn't based on selling a service but selling a product. OEM's
> aren't going to switch to linux anytime soon for several reasons. The
> main one is money. They have a lot of money invested in the Windows
> ecosystem. It would be very expensive for them to switch to a different
> OS even if the OS was free. That brings up the second problem. If the OS
> is free where is the incentive to develop it into a product that can be
> sold? Yes, some money can be made selling services to medium and big
> business. No, a lot of money can't be made selling desktop services to
> the general public. Currently the general public through OEM computer
> sales drives the desktop market.
> I stand by my original assertion that there is no technical reason why
> linux can't compete with Windows. The reason it isn't competing is
> because of the way linux is licensed. In a capitalist society a free
> product can't compete with a product that has an easy revenue stream.
> Everyone in the channel gets a little piece of the pie so you have a
> very large channel with the company at the top (Microsoft) controlling
> the channel. With linux there is no channel. There is no one at the top
> controlling how the channel works. For some one to get to this position
> would be impossible with the linux license.
> I'm not saying this model is a good thing. In my opinion it is the way
> things work. Perhaps the linux community should look to Apple as a
> model. Someone needs to create a proprietary distro and spend 100's of
> millions marketing it :-)

Again very true, however one thing that may make a difference (I guess
several smaller things).

If people pay a lot of money out expecting the best and get something
like Vista ultimate, but then run into loads of problems with it public
opinion may be swayed. PO goes a long way in what the more knowledgable
user will ask for from OEMs. IOW a lot of friends ask me about buying a
new machine - what I say may influence them and their friends.

PO is also influenced when paying customers are branded as thieves by an
OS that assumes you stole it unless it can contact it's "Master", some
server in Redmond. I entirely accept that MS has a legitimate piracy
problem and has every right to act as they see fit in response, the same
way that even as a Microsoft MVP and customer (and computer enthusiast)
I have a right to complain about what I see as a major flaw with this

My company would not consider an OS upgrade in less than a year anyway,
expecting some glitches, and at this time they are in any case tied into
proprietary software that only runs on windows, However if the backlash
against Vista prompts those software authors to supply a version that
can use a non MS SQL and a server package that replaces W2003 the
company will switch to the lowest cost solution. The users will also
have to switch, that means the familiarity with the other solution will
grow, and people are not too stupid to learn, they just tend to take the
easy familiar path is all.

By rearranging so many things in Vista that people hace grown familiar
with in XP Microsoft HAS imposed a similar learning curve on all those

The apple OS is much like Linux, Sun's Solaris is much like Linux, so
although they will not directly be about to support free Linux there is
a user base out there, which from a learning curve point of view is not

Microsoft's biggest threat from Linux is in fact Microsoft, and the
various methods they have for demonstrating their own weaknesses to the
maximum number of users at any time - it is generally easier to knock
down the most exposed target. I think they are in danger mostly from
their own policies, WGA representing a shot in one foot, Activation / GA
being a shot to the other foot and the more recent debacle with an
activation server failure (Their own software fell over?) just missed
the head. wrote:
> On Sat, 08 Sep 2007 07:05:47 -0700, wrote:
>> Linux is free.
>> Windows is not.
>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>> Windows XP.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>> operating system called Vista.
>> Linux is free,
>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?

> there is NO SUPPORT for a FREE program


> there are very few programs written for Linux.


> Windows OWNS 90% of the computer market.

Who is "Windows?"

> No one's ever heard of Linux.


> The AVERAGE computer user, knows how to use a keyboard, pictures and a mouse.

And Linux is perfect for that and free.

> Linux needs technical knowledge just to set it up.

Less than Vista you obviously never tried.

> M$ Support = 24/7 but costly. And severely limited in technical expertise.

Also wrong, this group costs nothing and whilst some MVPs are nothing
more than shills and fanboys they are the noisy minority, just as in any
other group. Many MVPs advice and websites are far better than MS
official ones. Learn what to ignore and you won't be anywhere near so
misinformed, however it seem you chose to make a career out of being
misinformed so maybe you better get back to work?
Spanky deMonkey wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fbugqv$f5v$
>> wrote:
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Windows is not.
>>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>>> Windows XP.
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>>> operating system called Vista.
>>> Linux is free,
>>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
>>> After all, Linux is free.
>>> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
>>> so good afterall.
>>> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
>>> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
>>> Windows?
>>> It's a most common occurence.
>>> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
>>> Where is Linux hiding?
>>> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
>>> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
>>> place.
>>> It's not.
>>> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
>>> year of Linux"
>>> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
>>> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
>>> year of Linux will ever arrive.
>>> Why?

>> When XP came out, there was no mention of Linux on XP.general. Now even
>> die hard MS fanboys are starting threads about Linux on this Vista
>> newsgroup. Why?

> Because they like to annoy you!

Doesn't annoy me at all. It is interesting that Linux is talked about
here almost as much as Hasta la Vista, Baby!

To email me, remove shoes
Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Windows is not.
>>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>>> Windows XP.
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>>> operating system called Vista.
>>> Linux is free,
>>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
>>> After all, Linux is free.
>>> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
>>> so good afterall.
>>> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
>>> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
>>> Windows?
>>> It's a most common occurence.
>>> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
>>> Where is Linux hiding?
>>> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
>>> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
>>> place.
>>> It's not.
>>> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
>>> year of Linux"
>>> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
>>> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
>>> year of Linux will ever arrive.
>>> Why?

>> When XP came out, there was no mention of Linux on XP.general. Now
>> even die hard MS fanboys are starting threads about Linux on this
>> Vista newsgroup. Why?

> They are?
> I don't think so!
> Frank

Unbelievable, the old man is in a constant state of denial. Who started
this thread about Linux?

To email me, remove shoes
"John Bailo, Texeme.Construct" <> wrote in

> On Sep 8, 8:30 am, Handover Phist <>
> wrote:
>> Many reasons. Until recently it was more difficult to use, even if it
>> was more secure and efficient. Price pointing was never a factor and

> I was amazed just now when running a CNN video feature from Yahoo
> Firefox started up the popup windown with mplayer plugin cleanly and
> fluidly.
> I remember that not working too well for me a year ago.

But yet if you read Linux groups from a year ago you will find that many
people will claim that it works fine for them. That is unfortunately
another poor trait of Linux groups in general. Linux always seems to work
fine for the Linux users yet these same people seem to have horrible
problems with Windows.
Linux advocates have been claiming for years that Linux fonts are fine yet
it has just been recently, like the last 2 years or so where the Linux
fonts have started to look good. Printing is another area where Linux users
claim it just works. Sure it does, if you happen to own a Postscript or
possibly HP printer which traditionally have worked reasonably well with
Linux. Up until recently, printer support for Linux has been terrible.
Even Eric Raymond had problems making CUPS work.

Yet there was the Linux community making all these wild -works for me-
claims just like they generally do.

Web browser plugins are another horror story, as you have found out.
Depending upon the distribution, some work rather well these days but that
was not always the case and once again the Linux advocates were claiming it
works fine for them so it must be user error.

People pay for Windows rather than use free Linux because their time is
valuable and they don't feel like being treated to lies when they ask a
question in a Linux group.
Kerry Brown wrote:
> <> wrote in message
>> Linux is free.
>> Windows is not.
>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>> Windows XP.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>> operating system called Vista.
>> Linux is free,
>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
>> After all, Linux is free.
>> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
>> so good afterall.
>> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
>> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
>> Windows?
>> It's a most common occurence.
>> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
>> Where is Linux hiding?
>> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
>> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
>> place.
>> It's not.
>> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
>> year of Linux"
>> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
>> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
>> year of Linux will ever arrive.
>> Why?

> Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from it.
> If no one is making money no one is selling it. If no one is selling it
> there is no mainstream distribution channel. Someone could easily create
> a distribution (Ubuntu is one) that could compete with Windows. To
> become popular and gain significant market share they would have to
> spend a lot of money marketing it. Where would they get a return from
> that investment? If there was a great demand for it OEMs would be free
> to distribute it and not pay the creator of the distro. The reason for
> slow linux adoption is not because it is technically inferior to
> Windows. It is financial and societal. The capitalist system doesn't
> work when trying to market something that is free.

Ah. Common sense. :)

norm wrote:
> Kerry Brown wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Windows is not.
>>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>>> Windows XP.
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>>> operating system called Vista.
>>> Linux is free,
>>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?
>>> After all, Linux is free.
>>> Free is a good thing except when what you are getting for free isn't
>>> so good afterall.
>>> How many people know or know of people who have downloaded Linux,
>>> tried Linux and then just as quickly dumped Linux and went back to
>>> Windows?
>>> It's a most common occurence.
>>> So Linux is free, and Windows is not.
>>> Where is Linux hiding?
>>> Considering there are over 600 different Linux distributions and more
>>> arriving by the day, you would think Linux would be all over the
>>> place.
>>> It's not.
>>> Every year it's the same crap from the Linux advocates "This is the
>>> year of Linux"
>>> Yea, well I've been hearing that crap for the past 10 years or more
>>> and it has never been, nor does the future seem to indicate that the
>>> year of Linux will ever arrive.
>>> Why?

>> Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from
>> it. If no one is making money no one is selling it. If no one is
>> selling it there is no mainstream distribution channel. Someone could
>> easily create a distribution (Ubuntu is one) that could compete with
>> Windows. To become popular and gain significant market share they
>> would have to spend a lot of money marketing it. Where would they get
>> a return from that investment? If there was a great demand for it OEMs
>> would be free to distribute it and not pay the creator of the distro.
>> The reason for slow linux adoption is not because it is technically
>> inferior to Windows. It is financial and societal. The capitalist
>> system doesn't work when trying to market something that is free.

> Ah. Common sense. :)

Makes a refreshing change here doesn't it Norm :) wrote:
> On Sat, 08 Sep 2007 07:05:47 -0700, wrote:
>> Linux is free.
>> Windows is not.
>> Linux has been free for a long time while Microsoft stagnated with
>> Windows XP.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft released a bomb called Windows ME.
>> Linux is free.
>> Microsoft has released a controversial to some (IOW not too good)
>> operating system called Vista.
>> Linux is free,
>> So why the hell is Linux's desktop useage hovering around 1 percent?
>> Why does Microsoft still have 95 to 98 percent of the market?

> there is NO SUPPORT for a FREE program

You have not looked very hard for such support. But, since you probably
don't use linux, why would you look for support? It is much easier to
make assumptions. If you download a free app for windows, might it have
support, even if it is just a faq or something similar?
> there are very few programs written for Linux.

My copy of kubuntu has access to thousands of programs through synaptic
in just the repositories. There are thousands more that can be found by
searching for what you might need.
> Windows OWNS 90% of the computer market.

> No one's ever heard of Linux.

Even you have heard of linux. So it doesn't take an einstein to be aware
of it.
> The AVERAGE computer user, knows how to use a keyboard, pictures and a mouse.

I would hope so.
> Linux needs technical knowledge just to set it up.

Yup. Insert a disk, and follow prompts for basic setup, which will
generally satisfy most of the needs of your so called "average" user.
> M$ Support = 24/7 but costly. And severely limited in technical expertise.


On Sat, 08 Sep 2007 11:09:21 -0500, Charlie Tame <>

>Kerry Brown wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>>> Linux is free.
>>> Windows is not.

>> Because it is free no one has come up with a way to make money from it.
>> If no one is making money no one is selling it. If no one is selling it
>> there is no mainstream distribution channel.

Classic MVP misdirection. While you can obtain SOME versions of Linux
free online, it is also SOLD under many brand names and available both
on the web from countless sources as well as in the retail channel at
most computer/electronics retailers, like Best Buy, Circuit City,
Fry's, CompuUSA, even in the chain book stores like Borders where some
flavors are sold free standing as software others as a disc included
with many Linux related books. Surely somebody is "making money" if it
is this widely distributed.

Very funny that Microsoft supporters need to LIE to defend Microsoft.

This is NOT an endorsement of any flavor of Linux or any OS for that
matter. Simply injecting some MUCH NEEDED truth into this thread.

I have tried so far 7 versions of Linux. While not suitable for my
specialized needs, it is a good choice for many. Ditto for Windows
being a good choice for others. There is no one OS fits all. Period.

As far as Windows or Linux being "better" as far as superior in some
technological way that too is misleading since it depends WHAT you're
going to do with the OS. For gaming and high end video work Linux at
the present time isn't ready for prime time. However since a great
many people don't waste their time with excessive game playing or do
serious video editing and instead spend much of their time doing
simple word processing, reading email, surfing the web Linux for many
is equal to if not better than Windows if for no other reason some
versions are much cleaner than bloated Vista. So they can be more
stable, faster than Vista. Not everybody needs or wants some bloated
OS that eats up 18 GB that's comprised of 50 million lines of bug
infested code. Do the math. If Vista is 99% bug free look how many
lines of code are still potentially buggy.