
Hi Peterr. What Bill means you have 4 slots. Two will be one colour and two another colour.
Normally say slot one and three will be matching colour, say Black. Same colour slots take same size ram.
Can you follow this example?

Another goof. I should have consulted the manual in the first place. I now have the 1 GB's in white and the 2 GB's in dark as the book says.
It is w,d w,d or 1,2 1,2 as the diagram in the manual shows.
I am really sorry to have consumed your time with inaccuracies lack of forethought or work on my end. I do try to do it myself if I can. It is pretty perky now.

Bill, Your note seems not to be what I have done and I followed the manual, unless I arm misreading you. The pairs are not together but as I outlined according to Dell. I looked at DSTM's diagarm which is what I have.

Please get back to me regarding that difference of opinion.
Thank so all for your kind help,
Hi Peterr. Windows recognizes your graphics card drivers so that's OK.

Your problem is your Power supply. The rail readings are so low it a wonder the computer boots up.
Your 3.3v is reading 2.832v
Your 5v is reading 2.843v
Your 12v is reading 11.232.

This I believe is the cause of all your issues. When a Power supply gets below 11.700v on the 12v rail
every hardware component on your computer is trying to function with too little wattage, hence crazy things start happening like flickering your having.Not only that, all your rail readings are down badly.
Next problem is Dell power supplies are a smaller size than normal power supplies so that causes a problem locating one.
Your PC came with a 460 watt power supply. Maybe staff can locate one on EBAY for you.
Then you need to take the computer to a computer shop to have it fitted.
Compare my rail readings in the example I posted compared to yours and it's obvious your Power supply is Cactus.

What do other Techies think?
I think you're spot on. I looked at the speccy reading and had the same reaction, although I wasn't aware that Dell was still using proprietary components.
Some normal power supplies come in a reduced size which should be able to custom fit.
Cindy would have more of an idea as she has worked on Dell Computers for some years.

Thanks Bill.:)
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Your PC came with a 460 watt power supply. Maybe staff can locate one on EBAY for you.
Found these...... but obviously me being from the UK, they were found on the UK Ebay site although they are listed as being available from the USA.
Maybe a search on the USA Ebay site will show them without the UK postage.
I am not good with tech etc. What would you advise me to do? Is a new PSU advisable for a 4 1/2 year old PC? I have no idea where to get one or what they cost and all.
Can I run it until it does not power up?
I am thinking if Dell is so mavericky, suppose I get one that does not fit?
Hi Peterr.
The specs on your computer are quite good for a home computer. I would buy a Power supply myself as they are not expensive. Prob around $40 plus fitting.

I would not under any circumstance keep using this computer till the Power supply is replaced. Definately NOT without going into detail. Would be crazy to keep using till it no longer boots up.

Next step is to get every number off your power supply so you do get the right one. There will be identifying numbers on it. Post all the numbers and we can guide you into buying the correct Power Supply.
This is a small $$$ amount to spend on your computer.

We can only advise but the ball is now in your court.
Repeating I would not use this computer till the power supply is replaced.
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Micro center carries the PSU I am looking for. I know you won't agree with my choice but a tech who was waiting installed a 500 watt for free. I had a 450 so I figured a 5 year old PC can do with a PSU with 50 more watts than it originally had. The fan is a bit noisier but it is the nature of the unit.
I want to thank you all for all your help. it appears I will live with the flickering. I have the RAM installed but am not sure the OS sees it. The driver for the NVidea card is up to date. Considering the age and shape of both me and the PC, I think we are doing the best we can.
Thanks very much
Hi Peterr.
Your operating system does recognize the ram you have installed.
Some power supply fans can be noisy.
How long ago did you have the 5oo watt Power Supply installed?
I did it with a friend yesterday. It was not that hard but the 20 pin connector was tough. If the 600 watts were in I would have gotten it but the original was 450 so i am 50 ahead of stock.
I changed it b/c o the advice here about the numbers. I did update the NVidea card and it is running OK.
Incidentally and a bit off thread, what key do you use to leave a mode in BIOS to get to another tab? I use the esc one but it only works 50% of the time.
peterr said:
Incidentally and a bit off thread, what key do you use to leave a mode in BIOS to get to another tab? I use the esc one but it only works 50% of the time.
Not sure what you're asking here. To get into the BIOS you'd use the F2 key.
I really should have started a new thread. Hope we are not violating.Once in the BIOS you navigate with arrows. Say you are in 'advanced' and you are done and wish to switch to the 'security' tab up top. I usually use the esc key to get out of one mode so I can go to the other. However, it only works 50% of the time. Usually it reboots because I keep getting, "do you wish to set and reboot?"
no matter what key I press.
Tony, I think what Peterr means he has the BIOS open and navigating he hits the escape key to get out of a sub-mode and the escape key doesn't always work.
That is correct, Peterr. It all depends at exactly what point you are in, what sub mode, and what option box you have open at that moment.
My advice is you don't need to go into the Bios as your OS is installed, and you are not Over Clocking, best to press the Exit F10 Key and choose the option to leave everything set as Bios Defaults.
Not necessary to go into the Bios unless Trouble shooting. Easy to mess for the inexperienced.

EDIT. I missed your last post,Peterr. I was posting.

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