Joke Of The Day

A married couple went to the County Fair every year. Every year the husband would say, “I would really love to take a ride in the plane, hon.” and the wife would reply. “No, it cost fifty dollars, and fifty dollars is fifty dollars.”

Every year, it would be the same “No, fifty dollars is fifty dollars.”

This year at the fair, the pilot heard them talking and said, “I’ll make a deal with you, I'll give you both a ride, only if you promise not to say a single word the whole time you are in the air. If you say any word at all, you’ll have to pay fifty dollars.”

They both agreed to the deal and off they went. The pilot did all kinds of stunt flying, up and down, sideways, and never a word from his passengers.

When he landed, the pilot said, “I’m really surprised, I thought I could get you to say something.”
The husband replied, “Well, I was going to say something when my wife fell out, but fifty dollars is fifty dollars.”