First Time With Ssl And Certificates

well, that bining is currently working on another website, a seperate website not my "megahosting" website.

So, i want that binding "" to display the contents of forum, which is a directory within my megahosting website (which has binding and http). You get it? I will make a diagram if you dont.

PS. can you test the loading time of my site. Is it performing well?

The link I gave you before should explain exactly what you must do :)

regarding speed... well normal... not impressive but in some way I'm on the other part of the world ahahaha
one more quick question...

Im still a bit confused as to which is my private key and the actual certificate.

The certificate is the .cer or .crt file

Whcih is the private key file?

My mail server specifically asks for my private key files and certificate file in order to allow connections via SSL


My mail server is closing port 995 when i assign the cert. to it. The service stops listening when i tick use ssl with the cert. selected!

ive come accross another question/issue

In IIS, its only letting me assign one cert to a site.

Im setting up RDWEB with a self-signed cert so i can add application sharing in windows 7, but whenever i add the self-signed cert to the rdweb site, it changes the megahosting site certificate to the self-signed one. And visa versa.

Im gettin an error saying there is already a binding for HTTPS..


View attachment 192

PS: This is with different host names configured for each binding!
I'm not sure (I will check on Monday), but I think you cannot do this on the same IP. Actually one IP is listening on 443, so the same IP cannot listen on 443 but for a different website (unless you use virtual host).

A cert is assigned to a hostname so if you change the assignment, it's CHANGED not duplicated or copied or whatever.

I'm quite sure about this...