First Time With Ssl And Certificates

Thanks. Ive looked at a few redirection options.

I have 2 questions. I am not getting an error 403.4 when using HTTP, guessing this is because i have no error page configured for it?

Also, i tried to paste the tags and info into the XML however it had no previous RULE tags so i was unsure where to put this?

I screwed the XML putting it at the bottom after configuration close tag. Had to go back and revert changes before i could use IIS management console with that site!

Depends on how you configure IIS, if the HTTP is available you don't have error. If you force SSL on HTTP you will have :)

No problem, place the rule in the "middle".
it's "working" when you try to access the site via http you have a 404 (not found) and when you access the https it redirects to a 404 eheheh

Check where you putted the rule )
lol im trying step 2 now, got past the Lock Violation, had to remove a line in applicationHost.config,

but its still not redirecting to https, im working between the 2 to see which i can get working.

Heres my redirect page.


function redirectHttpToHttps()
var httpURL= window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname +
var httpsURL= "" + httpURL
window.location = httpsURL
i dont think my ssl cert has installed properly.

Added the HTTP binding at port 80
Enabled Require SSL

when i visit the page is blank,

however there is no error page configured for 403.4

when i configure one to redirect to the HTM page to redirect to HTTPS doesnt work
this doesnt appear to work either

Internal server errorhas occured

The redirection page


function redirectHttpToHttps()
var httpURL= window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname +
var httpsURL= "https://" + httpURL
window.location = httpsURL
lol yea....well all is stable again....

but, there almost seems there should be a more stable way to direct http to https. This seems really weird to me?

Im almost temped to get a redirection script, create a new site with the HTTP binding, add the script to a index.html to direct to which is a site whcih already exits!!!

So ive managed to get as far as a SSL redirect loop haha.

I took the rediection page redirectToHttps.htm and renamed to index.html and set index.html to default document.

obviously it just keeps loading the index.html....

Then tried changing the redirect page index.html code to this


function redirectHttpToHttps()
var httpURL= window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname +
var httpsURL= "" + httpURL
window.location = httpsURL

Also, a random through....what about using php require once?? and call the document only once.

Dont think this would work though