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Everything posted by AWS

  1. I picked up 3. With the 2 I got the other day I have plenty of fast storage for the next build.
  2. If you build it let us know how it runs. I am looking to build a new gaming box and I am looking at AMD again.
  3. I have 3 or 4 of these that I bought previously. I'm not using any of them at the moment. When I did they worked great.
  4. You can do this 2 ways. Create another website for the domain without www and use http redirect to redirect to the www site. Second way is to use the URL Rewrite module for the site and set a canonical host name with it.
  5. I have the same problem you're having with IE with Firefox. As Cindy said IE does take some time, over a minute in some cases, but it has never failed me when filling forms.
  6. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820167192&utm_medium=Email&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL112114&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL112114-_-EMC-112114-Index-_-InternalSSDs-_-20167192-L0I This is the cheapest I've seem for a SSD this size. I picked up 2 of them. I have a few Intel 530's from 128 to 256 and they are by far the fastest I have.
  7. Upgraded the site to the newest version of xenforo.It was a minor upgrade so nothing should be broken with the style. If you find any problems let me know.
  8. Looks like nothing is safe. Glad I don't have accounts on these sites. I had a Live account, but, don't use it.
  9. I use control + r. I have used then all but that one is most convenient for me.
  10. I made a quick program to extract icons a few years go because I wanted an icon from Windows XP. My wasn't as advanced as this one, but, did the job for me. I should still have the source code for it. Maybe I'll compile it and make it available.
  11. I've always been interested in the history of personal computers. Apple was the first with a GUI and had it not been for Gates and Balmer developing Windows we might all be using Macs now. If I am remembering correctly Apple had just introduced a new line of cheaper personal computers when Bill Gates unveiled Windows. Steve Jobs was pissed because he had a vision of a Mac in every home. Not to mention Gates and Balmer helped to create the Apple GUI while they worked at Apple.
  12. I knew about the command, but never knew you could things like this with it.
  13. I think there is now an arcade addon for xenforo. If there is I'm going to install it.
  14. Turn on debugging and watch the console. It should give you an idea of what is happening.
  15. I'm going to grab me those. I like the black one.
  16. Have you tried to boot with a Linux disk and use the partition tools to check the drive. I have had this happen and the missing partition was a ReiserFS partition. I don't know how it was created and it was only visible in Linux. I removed it and left it was unallocated space. Then I was able to create a new partition in Windows.
  17. I was going to post this. I was at the Tiger Direct store and picked up 3 of these.
  18. Something weakened your signal. You could log in to the router and change the band it uses. There might be other router using the same band and frequency which causes congestion and weak signal.
  19. I haven't bought anything in a while so what the heck.
  20. Check and make sure your wireless router antennas are connect securely. If they are then maybe just age has taken it's toll.
  21. I never knew that update check existed. Seems I don't even have it installed. A check of control panel confirms it. Guess I never needed it.
  22. To make the site easier for people to join and participate in the discussions I have enabled Facebook, Twitter and Google integration. If you are a visitor it's easier than ever to join the community. Simply select Twitter, Facebook or Google log in option and you'll be a member in seconds. If you are a current member you can associate your account with these services by selecting the external accounts link in your user control panel. We strive to make Free PC Help Forum the best tech site and this is another step in that direction.
  23. I have added new style for your use. It is a clean light style with red highlights. It will be the site default style once I finish some minor tweaking. To use the new style choose Free PC Help Forum 1.5 Red from the style drop down on the bottom left or simply click this link: http://freepchelp.forum/misc/style?style_id=36 To make it your default style select it in your control panel under options. Let me know if you find any quirks in the style so I can fix them.
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