Windows 95/98/ME WM-Player streaming audio.

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Re: Here's MORE Feedback...

You can get the same thing in Internet Options, General tab, Temporary
Internet Files section, Settings button, View Files.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Star" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Wow, I tried to figure this out some time back, I knew how on other OS's,
> kinda felt pissed that I couldn't see the Content IE5 via explore and
> using Windows Explorer!!
> Thank you so much, forgot about this issue until PCR reminded me!!
> OMG, how simple, is this the only way via Clean Mgr., never would have
> discovered on my own ! ?
> Star
> "FromTheRafters" <> wrote in message
> news:%23nFzTdJEJHA.1460@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>> Can you tell me how to viwe the Content IE5 inside my TIF??
>>> I know how on W-98-SE, use Windows Explorer to browse, but this doesn't
>>> work on XP for me??

>> start - run - cleanmgr
>> select Temporary Internet Files.
>> then click the "View Files' button.
>> Read the location if disired - or just browse.

Re: Here's MORE Feedback...

"Star" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Wow, I tried to figure this out some time back, I knew how on other OS's,
> kinda felt pissed that I couldn't see the Content IE5 via explore and
> using Windows Explorer!!

You should be able to now that you know the actual
location of this data within the file system. Just reading
what is in the address bar tells you the actual location.

This method supplied by Gary S. Terhune is also the
way to change that location if desired. When I had
Win98 I put those files on my D drive - so just my
knowing where they are on my system may not have
helped you. I opted to show you a way to find out
where they were located on your own system.

> Thank you so much, forgot about this issue until PCR reminded me!!

It confused me too for some time - I went from Win95/
Win98/Linux Mandrake to XP Pro and Vista and found
that I couldn't find many of the things I wanted (I knew
where they were located in Win9x) until I discovered
many were accessible by navigating through the help files.
Once I accessed them, I could usually get the actual name
and location from the "properties" dialog. That is why I
accessed it through the cleanmgr utility (help files) and then
the address bar once accessed.

Nothing of value beyond this point - just getting "chatty".

> OMG, how simple, is this the only way via Clean Mgr., never would have
> discovered on my own ! ?

I've been "computering" since 1970 - the Dartmouth Time
Sharing System. I discovered many many things through
the help system it offered. Old habits die hard, especially
when they are fruitful.

This was teletype access computering, and typing a wrong
command syntax would result in a dialog ending with for
instance "...illegal use of the command old type explain old"
Only the first three letters were actually used in commands
so I decided to type EXP EXP since EXP was a command.

Paydirt! Every command that had an explanation on file was
listed - so great lengths of teletype paper would be expended
so that I would have a hardcopy of each command and its
proper usage.

> "FromTheRafters" <> wrote in message
> news:%23nFzTdJEJHA.1460@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>> Can you tell me how to viwe the Content IE5 inside my TIF??
>>> I know how on W-98-SE, use Windows Explorer to browse, but this doesn't
>>> work on XP for me??

>> start - run - cleanmgr
>> select Temporary Internet Files.
>> then click the "View Files' button.
>> Read the location if disired - or just browse.

Bottom line - help files are ... well ... helpful.
Re: Here's MORE Feedback...

Star wrote:
| **Hi PCR Pro,
|> That site does appear to be a bit nutty. It took several tries to get
|> the .wav to work too. Delete them from TIFs & try again. When
|> finally it works, you should have a TIF that looks like...
|> G:\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\D3RF5DGE>dir *.wav
|> Directory of G:\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\D3RF5DGE
|> ANGELS~1 WAV 540,498 09-04-08 9:36p AngelsInWaiting[1].wav
| **G:\Directory- you moved your TIF fldr (Temporary Internet Files)
| folder to the G:\Directory??
| Don't you have Windows 98-SE installed on your C:\Directory??
| I seem to remember your puter only had one drive and it WAS NOT
| partitioned??

Yep, finally I created a bunch of partitions & moved stuff to them from
C:, including TIFs, the OE Store, My Documents, My Downloads, & the
Windows cab files. This Compaq 7470 came with just one hard drive, but
even that had a D:partition with a full system QuickRestore backup on
it. Now, I've got 2 hard drives & 7 partitions. I've moved my full
system backup to the 2nd hard drive because the HD crash I suffered in
'01 took out both C: & D:!

| Like Windows 98-SE, XP has Content IE5 fldr INSIDE the TIF.
| I'm unable to view the inside the Content IE5 fldr, don't know how on
| XP.
| I do know on 98-SE it can be viewed using Windows Explorer, that IS
| NOT true for W-XP.
| In XP the default path to the TIF IS....
| C:\Documents and Settings\Star\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
| Also, when I play the Angels In Waiting or any media on the Internet,
| the media files don't go into Content IE5 but just inside the TIF
| (all video & audio, flash, etc...) I can grap from the TIF and do not
| grab from Content IE5.
|> That will be run for 3:36 without an error.
|> Copy it to your music folder-- & forget about the site!
| **If I just copy it, no good, I'm not gettin the entire song, the
| song is missing the ending!!

Was it the same size as mine...?...
ANGELS~1 WAV 540,498 09-04-08 9:36p AngelsInWaiting[1].wav

That site puts several of them into TIFs scattered in the randomly named
folders inside Content.IE5. Try the largest one: just click it in the
TIF listing. If it fails to play all the way through, delete all of them
in TIFs, & try the site again, maybe, until finally it has worked. Then,
get it out of TIFs & into your music store (My Documents\My Music).
Then, use "WMP, Tools menu, Search for Media Files" to scan My Music
Folder. After that, it will be in the All Music dropdown choice on WMP's
right pane. That one will never give the error!

I see they have told you how to access TIFs in XP. Using the Internet
Options, Settings, View Files, method in Win98-- I can't see .wav or
..mp3 files! I seem to have to view them using Explorer. If you need to
do that too, someone around here may be able to say how using filters or
something in the XP Find box.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,