Windows Media Player Clash

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alasdair
  • Start date Start date
Right On, Microsoft promised Windows Vista was a module program, they could
issue updates easier using a module than the way they had been doing it so to
say what language are you worrying with in WMP or has Microsoft dumbfounded
the industry by running a tight lipped bluff. Yes so what a problem with a
system component, is it working to run the sounds you hear when you click,
bootup and shutdown thats systematic and why would a module need exist to
upgrade, Vista is a store of dead end product, so sue Microsoft and everyone
online with a system can then say LANGUAGE BARRIERS ARE BUILT IN TO
DEFAULT LANGUAGE. So we now know what is causing the problem but we can't fix
it, where is Microsoft going to get its next ball of wax from when someone
complains that Vista Needs another Operating System Choice To Boot Into.
These hard drives are so large I guess partitioning some of it for some Linux
might spoil the free web within IE possibility []. Phishing Protection for
Windows, MSN and Microsoft Windows Live Customers that says Windows Media
Player is the target so let it fail and turn to some other method is AOK for
us and Microsoft Copyrights and Registered Trademarks. If it is AOK for
Microsoft this happens its AOK for a court of justice to realize what
Microsoft has never accomplished, looking back we see DOS and where DOS has
been nailed to a cross. What else besides WMP 11 needs a 12th version? The
unspoken vulnerability = Incorrect MIME Header Can Cause IE to Execute E-mail
Attachment! During a unauthorized shutdown of the system by power failure
alone can cause WMP to crash into a deep slumber where it never awakens to
complete its ultimate fate of being your guide through the mess Microsoft
never put to words to hear for free.

Look for a module sometime in the future in multi language format to get you
to 'Windows Media Player Forums'!

Don't forget to set the CMD association it should be cmd.exe in System32
folder. And when you set BAT association to cmd.exe you see a black icon in a
white page with a turned down corner cause the black is the MSDOS Command
Prompt! A batch file then will function as it was made to function in Vista!
When you ever talk to Dell speak 'OS' cause they think Vista should be called
'OS'. Notice you cannot got the the Command Prompt from any folder in Vista
with a mouse click on the left pane folder cause Microsoft disposed of that
feature. To make you own which you can move around to any drive inclusive of
USB drives make a association like I just stated then write a batch file with
this one thingy in it - cmd.exe. it will take you to the folder you place it
into and from there you can move up a folder and do a dir on a folder into a
text file which writes where your at the datat in the folder you wanted from
the DIR command. If you do not associate the BAT with cmd.exe you will have a
old interpreter and that is not what you want, remember C> or C:>
was the first depending of SET Command line.

Microsoft can't fix what they have no control over, theres no OCX
application associated with ActiveX owned by Microsoft which addresses the
issue in Windows Media Player. That is the problem.

> I was speaking of "Turn on/off Windows Features". Why is WMP 11
> considered a "system component"? Sounds like BS, to me.

You give up to easily just like everyone at Microsoft. I say it is a phishing
problem generated through the DRM privileges to play a particular file, some
people are squandering the money issue to get people off their back using a
vernability which Micorosft can't approach cause of the OCX association
having no default program cause its also ActiveX, no module that can fix
Vista WMP and so it dies before the 12th cause thirteen is unlucky or
something likened to that.

"zachd [MSFT]" wrote:

> "MICHAEL" <> wrote in message
> news:%23FLa$kAGIHA.700@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> If you want Server, get Server.
> If you want N, get N.
> In both cases you're talking about the baseline system image. In both cases
> if you put WMP on the system in either fashion, it's updating that baseline
> system image. By your token, what is Media Center? Why doesn't it have a
> reinstall? Blah blah blah blah zzzzz I find SKU design a really boring
> topic. I am admittedly a software developer, not a designer/manager. =)
> > That's just BS. Again- Why is a media player considered a "system
> > component"?

> I apologize: I work alongside the compliance/legal team and I cannot have
> this discussion with you. I undertook a conversation about the
> reinstallation of Vista subcomponents in good faith, and it has twisted into
> a discussion I am extremely unwilling and unable to engage in.
> I'm done here. Peace. =)
> --
> Speaking for myself only.
> See for some helpful WMP info.
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.