Vista Vs. Ubuntu ; The Reviews

  • Thread starter Thread starter harvey
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all you have to do to remove the conflict is change one letter in your

the F with a W, and then it will reflect reality perfectly


"Frank" <> wrote in message
> Ringmaster wrote:
>> On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 15:30:14 -0700, Frank <> wrote:
>>>Ringmaster wrote:
>>>>On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 13:06:13 -0700, Frank <> wrote:
>>>>>Ringmaster wrote:
>>>>>>Typical fanboy comment.
>>>>>Typical, insulting response from our resident drunken lying pig.
>>>>The TRUTH really bugs you doesn't it Frank.
>>>You fat drunken lying pig! No one in here has ever seen anything that
>>>even remotely resembles the truth emanating from your stupid, pompous big
>>>ignorant mouth!

>> Really? I proved you're a pathological liar beyond any doubt.

> Only in your demented weak mind and your delusional dreams.
> You've not name one lie I've ever told nor proved it.
> Loser!
> Then of
>> course I PROVED how screwed-up Vista is.

> No, you've only proved just how stupidly incompetent you are, nothing to
> do with Vista.
> Both really bug you
>> obviously.

> We are all laughing at you, a drunken lying pig of an excuse for a human
> being!...LOL!
On Aug 8, 8:25 pm, "(PeteCresswell)" <x...@y.Invalid> wrote:
> Per Gary S. Terhune:
> >But what? Neither one is free, and I wouldn't want to wake up next to either
> >one. Somebody please explain the analogy to me. Which one is supposed to be
> >Vista and which one is Ubuntu?

> I'm not sure either.
> But I suspect analogy is descended from Guy Kawasaki's (famous?)
> comparison of Macintosh to Windows as being like a real woman
> compared to a transvestite.
> I've dabbled in Ubuntu, but for day-in-and-day-out computing in
> my workplace I'll take my XP Pro boxes any day of the year.
> OTOH, if the money for an OS license were a consideration and all
> I wanted to do was basic home stuff like composing .rtf
> documents, web browsing, email, and simple spreadsheets I think
> Ubuntu would be the no-brainer. Dunno if it does photo
> management, but I'd think it probably does....
> --
> PeteCresswell


- Yes, Ubuntu does photo management.

f-Spot photo manager recognized my camera, let me upload pictures into
the picture directory and offered 3 utilities , including GIMP
(Photoshop )

to modify them as I wished.

I was again, pleasantly surprised- and it is So fast.. !

on my 2003 Pentium IV with a Gig of ram, new hard drive
and 256 Meg ATIGraphics card

harvey wrote:
> On Aug 8, 5:38 pm, "Phillips" <> wrote:
>> Now, the question is why do so many (in the millions world wide?) prefer to
>> run pirated XP/Vista (almost free or free) versus legally free Ubuntu?
>> Please don't bother answering along the line 'XP/Vista users are stupid' etc
>> :)
>> Michael

> {
> - Possibly because they don't KNOW that Ubuntu is out there on the
> net, that it's a solid " little " OS which can do a large number of
> things very well..
> Write documents, do spread sheets, surf the web, burn CD's Play
> videos,
> run Google Earth, do Photoshop" type things with GIMP.
> -read in pictures from Digital Cameras use multiple browsers ( Opera
> and FireFox )
> - run both with multiple tabs, play music from radio stations,
> do Distributed processing in back ground..
> all for Free..
> But
> when offered a bootleg copy of XP or Vista..
> Because they only know Microsoft..
> - they won't know any better than to buy it !
> ~H~
> }

You forgot about multiple screens to get rid of screen clutter. And you
did not mention security. And you did not mention up time. And you did
not mention that when a program crashes the likelihood of a reboot is
high. And you did not mention then when you upgrade you OS you may have
to upgrade other software.

And get ready for a reply from Da Jerk.
>> "Hobbes" <> wrote in messagenews:g7i57n$e21$
>>> "harvey" <> wrote in message
>>>> Ubuntu:
>>>> Vista:
>>>> One costs dearly
>>>> whilst the other is FREE !!!
>>>> Thoughts? Comments?
>>> For overall ease of use, performance, hardware capability ... Vista.
>>> For free ... ubuntu ... it's free for a reason.
>>> Malware usually is free : )
>>> --
>>> Hobbes, Tiger Extraordinaire

measher-shit-head is sheep-fukker2

measher-shit-head wrote:

Hey sheep-fukker2, did you know that they have your DNA?
Soon, the authorities will be at your door in austin, tx!...LOL!
Re: measher-shit-head is sheep-fukker2

The whole bunch of you are pretty disgusting.
harvey wrote:
> Ubuntu:
> Vista:
> One costs dearly
> whilst the other is FREE !!!
> Thoughts? Comments?

I think either is fine for email and browsing the internet.

For a good portion of Windows users, they have obtained
some proficiency beyond email and browsing over several
years of exposure. It would take at least two years to
get to the same level of literacy if a kinda savvy
Windows user switched to Linux. Adults just don't have
the time or motivation to devote to a learning curve
which embraces something fundamental like understanding
permissions which is essential for proficiency in Linux.

It doesn't matter if you are a nerd and interested in
computers, either OS is fine, but to get to the same
low level of mastery of Linux as Windows, requires too
much time and effort for the average+ Windows user.
I find that your question doesn't grasp what motivates
middle class American computer literacy which has money.
I don't think you've finished college business classes.
Obtaining market share has very little to do with what
those reviews will consider points which merit comparison.
Having a Windows XP theme for Ubuntu just isn't enough.

A Firefox user.
"Bruno" <> wrote in message
> "harvey" wrote:
>> Ubuntu:
>> Vista:
>> One costs dearly
>> whilst the other is FREE !!!
>> Thoughts? Comments?

> For running programs: Vista (but I prefer XP)
> For playing with the OS and drivers: Ubuntu

Cost is sfa

For every Vista problem I find something in Ubuntu that is just as bad ( UAC
v constant passwords )

Also just put in a new ATI 4870 video card and have wasted 3 hours trying to
get it working in Ubuntu whereas no problems in Vista

Good thing about Ubuntu is that you dont have to download codecs to play
different video types etc