Unusual Computer Build

Well look around your room Dougie you might have a treasure trove there :)

You got that right, Will. A lifetime of collecting.

Had the day off today and done a couple of hours tonight.
Painted the frame and new floor and back.
Should be dry by the morning and will take some photos.
Not a lot of room to fit all normal sized Computer parts in.
Space is 32cm wide, 28cm deep and 10cm high.
By far the toughest I have attempted so far.:)
What will be the ultimate use of this computer? I think the larger challenges will be maintaining aesthetics when cutting the necessary holes for the DVD drive and cooling.
What will be the ultimate use of this computer? I think the larger challenges will be maintaining aesthetics when cutting the necessary holes for the DVD drive and cooling.

The Ultimate use is to use as a normal computer.
No, the larger challenges is to make everything fit in an area half the size of a mini tower, make it still look like a radio and maintain cooling under any load. Then to cut holes exactly without mistakes and drill holes in the base Template exactly to mount all hardware, as you only get one go at getting it right. Using normal size hardware is the challenge in such a confined space.
Everyone has their hobby. Mine is building computers.
If they can fit everything into a mini tower, I'm sure you'll find a way of fitting everything into that shelf Radio.
Keeps the old grey cells active.

As I just posted this is half the size of a mini computer, Pete.
Yes a lot of fun for me to see if it's possible.
It does keep the old grey cells very active.What I have left.:big_grin:
Something to do, and I like building Computers.
Retired, you need something that occupies the mind.:)
No, the larger challenges is to make everything fit in an area half the size of a mini tower, make it still look like a radio and maintain cooling under any load.
If they can fit everything into a mini tower, I'm sure you'll find a way of fitting everything into that shelf Radio.

I agree. With careful homework and shopping, I don't see space being a problem. After all, notebooks are much smaller and AiO computers jam everything into the back of monitors. You may need a low profile CPU cooler but they are easy to find. This Zalman is just over 1" tall. And you may be stuck with integrated graphics, if a low profile graphics card won't fit. Many ITX motherboards use external power supplies so that is not a problem. If going with µATX board, you can use a TFX low profile PSU like this SeaSonic which is pretty small at only 6.9" x 3.3" x 2.8".

SSDs take up little room and can be mounted with Velcro. So that leaves the DVD drive and there are plenty of slim models that are just 12.7mm (less than 1/2 inch) tall.
Everyone has their hobby. Mine is building computers.
Then we have something in common. And since my first love in consumer electronics was (and still is) audiophile electronics (I still have my Acoustic Research AR-3a Speaker Systems), we may have 2 things in common. That said, my computer builds are more conservative as I use standard ATX mid-tower cases. I get tired of scrapping my knuckles in confined spaces!

And I refuse to go with hand-helds. I have a smart phone but I use it for... what are they called? Oh, yeah, phone calls. ;) Bottom line here, I will give up my full sized keyboard, mouse and two 24" monitors when I die, and not a minute sooner.
Hi Bill. I said on the onset I want to use normal size hardware which indeed makes everything so tight.
Wanted to see if it was possible.That's the fun.

Here is a stage update with photos so far for those following.To make floor and rear panel took ages.


Yeah, normal sized hardware does makes it a challenge - especially for cooling. It does seem however, that your project is moving so fast, you will be done by the end of the week. I hope you have another project waiting in the wings! ;)
I stayed up most of the night, and assembled everything, including the front panel bits and pieces.

It booted first up.:wow:

Loaded OS, Drivers and all updates.

I have photos and will post them after resizing them later today, or tomorrow.

Cooling is within limits so that's good.:)
Thanks Cindy,
I even made it more conjested buy fitting leds which I like. (blue ones)
Have just finished fitting them.Drilled 13 holes for the Leds and had to glue in place..
The extra job which took a while.
Will posts photos shortly.
Made this post with the wireless computer.:)
Here are some photos. The blue LEDS look lovely but camera wouldn't take the colour properly.
Nice when all works properly. Took it down to the computer shop yesterday. The guys wanted to see it.
Even their customers were looking at it.:)

Top view


Rear view




Switched on. End monitor shows Free PC Help Forum. Cover not on.Reflection on wall shows correct LED Colour.
