UBUNTU Egad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill
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Canuck57 wrote:

> On Sat, 26 Apr 2008 13:18:08 -0400, Bill wrote:
>>What I don't understand is why ubuntites spend so much time here if they
>>don't care for vista, instead of helping those poor flapping souls solve
>>their ubuntu problems. As justbob below kindly pointed out some 70+%
>>users are having major problems and judging from the posts on the forum
>>a new problem surfaces every minute. And that's just one forum.

> That answer for myself is easy, to dispel the anti-Linux FUD and BS.

IOW's you're just a fukkin liar, right? You're just another lying linux
I think we all already figured that one out.
You're not that bright.
"Justbob30" <NoThank@you.com> wrote in

> I have snipped most of your post, I am just wondering how/why UBANTU
> is being judged differently than Vista... a couple of points you make
> are
> "> So...........you decided that it sucks by reading a forum where
> people go
>> to get help ?

> Like this one for VISTA?

Yes. It's OK to judge a Linux distro by a support forum, but not Vista ?

>> My guess is it would *most likely* install and work fine, you'd mess
>> around with it for an hour or 2, but since it is different from
>> Vista, and not wanting to get used to something else, you'd just drop
>> it there.

> So you are saying it is just too much effort to learn a new OS?

For some it is, yes.

>> Or are you like some of the others, condemn without ever even giving
>> it an honest shot ?

> Actually, I did, I did not care for it, could not find my music,
> photos, internet connection or a great many other things...even at
> that, I never said it Sucks, I said I DID NOT CARE FOR IT.

It wasn't your post I was replying to.

> I have not suggested you drop UBANTU for VISTA, that is YOUR decision,
> just as VISTA is MY decision but, I am suggesting that since you have
> a perfect UBANTU install, your time may be better spent on the VERY
> ACTIVE UBANTU group helping people that, like you, prefer UBANTU.

I didn't say I prefer it. I do use it sometimes. But you know what, I can't
really help anyone with it as I know very little compared to my Windows
"Bill" wrote:

> "brummyfan" <brummyfan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:D7B9C0BB-B7E2-413B-9C3C-C297957D3C93@microsoft.com...
> >
> >
> > "Bill" wrote:
> >
> >> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=333&order=desc&page=2
> >>
> >> Had to take a look at the so called great UBUNTU hype. And that's just
> >> page
> >> 1
> >>
> >> Sure glad I have Vista and working well
> >>
> >> Should I go over there and tell them to use Vista or XP like whats his
> >> name
> >> is doing here? LOL
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>

> > I have just installed Hardy and its brilliant. I suppose you could spend
> > your valuable time solving the problems of poor souls those who are
> > struggling with this precious crap system called vista. As for me, I am
> > extremely happy with this fantastic OS of Ubuntu.

> What I don't understand is why ubuntites spend so much time here if they don't
> care for vista, instead of helping those poor flapping souls solve their
> ubuntu problems. As justbob below kindly pointed out some 70+% users are
> having major problems and judging from the posts on the forum a new problem
> surfaces every minute. And that's just one forum.
> So please go over to that forum and put your 20% knowledge to good use and
> help solve those problems. I am sure they would be very appreciative
> Over and out!
> Bill

I have every right to be in these NGs as I have paid the licence fee for
this pretty little vista which was dumped on me by the computer manufacturer
and I am very unsatisfied with it's basic function such as net surfing.
I have seldom seen any solutions provided by the vista supporters club
members except a few handful of MVPs genuinely trying to solve the problems
of the long suffering vista users.
Whenever someone raises any query on this pretty little thing,all the
members of this elite club jump on them and tell these people to go to
Ubuntu. They defend this vista without accepting it's short comings and
insult the user.
You could learn a thing or two if you regularly visit the Ubuntu forums,
things like how helpful they are.
I know it is a sharp learning curve but you could try.
"Canuck57" <dave8762@nospam-please.com> wrote in message
> On Sat, 26 Apr 2008 13:18:08 -0400, Bill wrote:
>> What I don't understand is why ubuntites spend so much time here if they
>> don't care for vista, instead of helping those poor flapping souls solve
>> their ubuntu problems. As justbob below kindly pointed out some 70+%
>> users are having major problems and judging from the posts on the forum
>> a new problem surfaces every minute. And that's just one forum.

> That answer for myself is easy, to dispel the anti-Linux FUD and BS. As
> well to express my feeling ripped off with Vista. While Vista looks
> pretty, it's performance is like a handicapped snail.

And you think people want to hear your babblings why? Again, as stated it is
NOT anyone's fault but your own that you cannot even set an OS up and make
it work correctly. I and others make it work perfectly well, with great
speed, and I don't even have a top of the line system. Don't blame others
for YOUR incompetence.

> Most of the Vista/MS fan-boys here can't help with anything, but line up
> at bashing Ubuntu (and others) for posturing. Nothing wrong with Ubuntu
> at all. Bet MS even steals the X-Windows+Tab button feature. Nice touch
> and fast.

And you and the other smacktards help HOW? Every time you start babbling all
you do is reinforce the proof of how incompetent you truly are. Here's a
suggestion. When you actually get a little competence, and get set a decent
system up, come back and talk to the grown ups.

Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting.
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