Time for A System Update

I had already ordered the R9 290x but I installed it in a customers system who ordered a very high end system. I had no issues during testing though as I mentioned before about the HIS model it's much better cooled than the rest from what I could see with a massive very high quality heatsink. I think that had a lot to do with it since the issues seems to stem from VRAM cooling. Regarding your card I will take that into consideration as I was about to order +3 R7 265 models, though I head they are unaffected since they are an HD 7850 rehash. I have heard of many issues with the newer AMD cards save the R7 260-265 and R9 270X as those are all rehashed. Did you by chance have another system to test that card in?
I could try it in another system sure but so far after 1 day the issues seem to have gone away since I uninstalled everything with Revo and reinstalled with the original driver. It may have been the newer one. I seem to remember when I did the install seeing that the Catalyst driver said it could not work with Windows 7 or my system (memory is foggy)...then I remember seeing a beta for the Catayst and doing it. When I went to uninstall I saw no evidence of any difference in Programs and Features so if my memory was right then the new install did replace the one with issues. It seems to me the driver I used though was the same as original and I did not see failure of catalyst to install this time. That was a very hectic period for me as everything was failing when I built this system so I don't know if my memory here is correct or not but as I said so far in 1 day I have yet to see that display failure yet it is way too soon to judge. The day I had the 10 failures in a row the pc had heavy use and was on all day.