The true definition of 'linux"...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank
  • Start date Start date
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 15:12:34 -0800, "Bill Yanaire" <>

>Alias isn't in the military. He says he's an old fart about 60+ years old.
>Probably using a walker in an old folks home with a community computer so he
>can post about Ubuntu.

No problem with your trashing Alias...but watch the age
discrimination. 60 isn't necessarily an old fart.
Bobby McNulty wrote:
> "Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
> news:ufIBF$lcIHA.1960@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Alias wrote:
>>> ray wrote:
>>>> Geez frankie you do have trouble reading simple english sentences,
>>>> don't you?
>>> Understatement of the week.
>>> Alias

>> Confused as usual, huh?
>> Figures!
>> Frank

> Alias is a left wing wacko, sicko, and deserves to be put out of his
> misery. Alias, you can take that XP and Ubuntu and hang it out the
> windows for all the world to see what kind of tool and foo you are.
> Linux is a kernel. Kernel32 is a kernel. Linux is a kernel. C routines
> that are designed to a job. Linus Torvalds wrote the kernel based on old
> assembler code that he wrote on a VIC 20. He and I have that common
> bond. Linux is community driven. Windows was created by Xerox back
> before it was called Windows. It was a simple menu GUI. Mac OS is based
> on the same code. It was sold to both Apple and Microsoft. The two
> companies collaborated to create the "hell" you call Windows and Mac.
> Don't like windows? Try React OS. Don't like that? Try Wine. Don't like
> that? Try ubuntu.
> My parents computers are going through hell right now. Crash after
> crash. What is the system? XP. XP is over., Vista is here. Get used to
> it. Anther 3 years, windows 7 will be out. And the linux trolls will be
> right back. Warning you now. Before I upgrade to Windows Ultimate on my
> new HP.
> Get with it or leave. I really can't take action against you. I don't
> want to. I don't care if you are a member of either the US Embassy or
> military. Basing on the clues you were giving frank, you are military.
> That makes you either officer or enlisted. More than likely a master
> sergeant in the US air force. It so, thanks for a job well done in Iraq.
> Great job. Thank you for protecting us from the evil forces in the
> world. You are the Angels of the real world. If you are embassy, thanks
> too,
> Bobby
> Vista Lover
> Kissmedeeply

You didn't get one thing right.

Bill Yanaire wrote:
> "Bobby McNulty" <> wrote in message
> news:eDvd5KncIHA.148@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> "Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
>> news:ufIBF$lcIHA.1960@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> ray wrote:
>>>>> Geez frankie you do have trouble reading simple english sentences,
>>>>> don't you?
>>>> Understatement of the week.
>>>> Alias
>>> Confused as usual, huh?
>>> Figures!
>>> Frank

>> Alias is a left wing wacko, sicko, and deserves to be put out of his
>> misery. Alias, you can take that XP and Ubuntu and hang it out the windows
>> for all the world to see what kind of tool and foo you are.
>> Linux is a kernel. Kernel32 is a kernel. Linux is a kernel. C routines
>> that are designed to a job. Linus Torvalds wrote the kernel based on old
>> assembler code that he wrote on a VIC 20. He and I have that common bond.
>> Linux is community driven. Windows was created by Xerox back before it was
>> called Windows. It was a simple menu GUI. Mac OS is based on the same
>> code. It was sold to both Apple and Microsoft. The two companies
>> collaborated to create the "hell" you call Windows and Mac. Don't like
>> windows? Try React OS. Don't like that? Try Wine. Don't like that? Try
>> ubuntu.
>> My parents computers are going through hell right now. Crash after crash.
>> What is the system? XP. XP is over., Vista is here. Get used to it. Anther
>> 3 years, windows 7 will be out. And the linux trolls will be right back.
>> Warning you now. Before I upgrade to Windows Ultimate on my new HP.
>> Get with it or leave. I really can't take action against you. I don't want
>> to. I don't care if you are a member of either the US Embassy or military.
>> Basing on the clues you were giving frank, you are military. That makes
>> you either officer or enlisted. More than likely a master sergeant in the
>> US air force. It so, thanks for a job well done in Iraq. Great job. Thank
>> you for protecting us from the evil forces in the world. You are the
>> Angels of the real world. If you are embassy, thanks too,
>> Bobby
>> Vista Lover
>> Kissmedeeply

> Alias isn't in the military. He says he's an old fart about 60+ years old.
> Probably using a walker in an old folks home with a community computer so he
> can post about Ubuntu.

60 is the new 40 and, if you live, maybe you will have the pleasure of
being 60. That is, if you live that long.

It's ironic how youth is wasted on the young.
