Re: Linux Just Sucks.. No Wonder So Few Are Using It.

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On Sun, 07 Oct 2007 13:05:00 -0500, chrisv wrote:

> Rick wrote:
>>> If it works so great, why are so few people using it?

>> Why are you that stupid.. or dishonest?

> Gosh, you don't suppose it's a troll who has repeated the same idiocy
> countless times, and had it explained to him countless times?

mmmmm... could be ...


> Because, up until a year or so ago, due to Microsoft's predatory marketing
> practices, the consumer had NO CHOICE - they were unable to buy a machine
> from any of the large vendors with Linux pre-installed. And as we all
> know - people use what they are given.

The Market isn't political.

If people wanted Linux they'd be offered it in a heartbeat.

It is not offered because there is NO INTEREST.

Dell is trying again. It will end like the last time.
Someone muttering at a Monday morning sales meeting, "what the hell did we
do that for" ?

and ... look!

there is that 'we ALL KNOW' phrase again. heh
Funny how that always pops up in the place of proofs.

I use what I choose.
Catchy isn't it?

.... and one more thing, about those predatory posting practices?
