Re: Linux Just Sucks.. No Wonder So Few Are Using It.

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On Oct 6, 5:05 pm, Peter Kai Jensen <>
> Hash: SHA1
> wrote:
> [Snip - troll]
> And you just have *oh* so much credibility when posting anonymously
> through through an open proxy:
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFHB/igd1ZThqotgfgRAlU2AJ9E579iGGsGn4PZkfEnr7ySeNrZigCffr+f
> OyTXVq4UDgFXiNbd4hQ8LqU=
> =JyXR
> --
> PeKaJe
> Less is more or less more
> -- Y_Plentyn on #LinuxGER

Notice the total inability to discuss the topic and the need to keep
the thread stifled in COLA instead of trying to debate it elsewhere
where people with no axe to grind might comment on their negative
Linux experiences.

Typical COLA zealot.
A frightened fool.
<> wrote in message
> On Oct 6, 5:05 pm, Peter Kai Jensen <>
> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> wrote:
>> [Snip - troll]
>> And you just have *oh* so much credibility when posting anonymously
>> through through an open proxy:
>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
>> iD8DBQFHB/igd1ZThqotgfgRAlU2AJ9E579iGGsGn4PZkfEnr7ySeNrZigCffr+f
>> OyTXVq4UDgFXiNbd4hQ8LqU=
>> =JyXR
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>> --
>> PeKaJe
>> Less is more or less more
>> -- Y_Plentyn on #LinuxGER

> Notice the total inability to discuss the topic and the need to keep
> the thread stifled in COLA instead of trying to debate it elsewhere
> where people with no axe to grind might comment on their negative
> Linux experiences.

Umm I have NO "negative" Linux just errr works......
On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 22:13:39 +0100, Gordon wrote:

> <> wrote in message
>> On Oct 6, 5:05 pm, Peter Kai Jensen <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> wrote:
>>> [Snip - troll]
>>> And you just have *oh* so much credibility when posting anonymously
>>> through through an open proxy:
>>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
>>> iD8DBQFHB/igd1ZThqotgfgRAlU2AJ9E579iGGsGn4PZkfEnr7ySeNrZigCffr+f
>>> OyTXVq4UDgFXiNbd4hQ8LqU=
>>> =JyXR
>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>> --
>>> PeKaJe
>>> Less is more or less more
>>> -- Y_Plentyn on #LinuxGER

>> Notice the total inability to discuss the topic and the need to keep
>> the thread stifled in COLA instead of trying to debate it elsewhere
>> where people with no axe to grind might comment on their negative Linux
>> experiences.

> Umm I have NO "negative" Linux just errr works......

If it works so great, why are so few people using it?


John King
"Just Say No To DRM"
"John King" <> wrote in message
> If it works so great, why are so few people using it?

Because, up until a year or so ago, due to Microsoft's predatory marketing
practices, the consumer had NO CHOICE - they were unable to buy a machine
from any of the large vendors with Linux pre-installed. And as we all know -
people use what they are given.
Gordon wrote:
> "John King" <> wrote in message
> news:fe8u30$ec7$
>>If it works so great, why are so few people using it?

> Because, up until a year or so ago, due to Microsoft's predatory marketing
> practices, the consumer had NO CHOICE - they were unable to buy a machine
> from any of the large vendors with Linux pre-installed. And as we all know -
> people use what they are given.

We've heard that lame excuse for the last decade or so.
Linux is POS toy os practically no one wants.
Frank wrote:
> Gordon wrote:
>> "John King" <> wrote in message
>> news:fe8u30$ec7$
>>> If it works so great, why are so few people using it?

>> Because, up until a year or so ago, due to Microsoft's predatory
>> marketing practices, the consumer had NO CHOICE - they were unable to
>> buy a machine from any of the large vendors with Linux pre-installed.
>> And as we all know - people use what they are given.

> We've heard that lame excuse for the last decade or so.

Times have changed. Now even Dell and the boys are offering Linux.

> Linux is POS toy os practically no one wants.
> Frank

MS spread the FUD, you believed it and that settled it.

To email me, remove shoes
Alias wrote:
> Frank wrote:
>> Gordon wrote:
>>> "John King" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fe8u30$ec7$
>>>> If it works so great, why are so few people using it?
>>> Because, up until a year or so ago, due to Microsoft's predatory
>>> marketing practices, the consumer had NO CHOICE - they were unable to
>>> buy a machine from any of the large vendors with Linux pre-installed.
>>> And as we all know - people use what they are given.

>> We've heard that lame excuse for the last decade or so.

> Times have changed. Now even Dell and the boys are offering Linux.

Dell has been losing market share and offering linux was a desperate
move to try and tap into other markets.
It didn't work.
Give up being a marketing genius as you only make yourself look like the
fool you really are.
>> Linux is POS toy os practically no one wants.
>> Frank

> MS spread the FUD, you believed it and that settled it.

I'm not the jacka*s loser trying desperately to convince people to run
ubuntu in an MS Vista ng.
You are.
"people use what they are given."
Yes, but they also use what they choose to purchase.

There have always been options and the sorry excuse "predatory
marketing" has been overused to explain what it can't because it is

"the consumer had NO CHOICE"
And perhaps it is this FALSE belief that has contributed to the
stagnant growth of Linux.
A few years ago Dell offered Linux but it quietly faded away
presumably because of little or no interest.
There have always been choices and probably always will be.

Instead of making excuses and bashing Microsoft, Linux would be better
served by the users promoting their benefits instead of the
competitions liabilities.
When the competitions liabilities are the focus it seems clear that
there is little if no benefit of the other.

Politics is one of the few areas where bashing the competition is
Otherwise most advertising is focused on the positives of the product.
Of course politicians in general are well loved because of their

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Gordon" <> wrote in message
> Because, up until a year or so ago, due to Microsoft's predatory
> marketing practices, the consumer had NO CHOICE - they were unable
> to buy a machine from any of the large vendors with Linux
> pre-installed. And as we all know - people use what they are given.
On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 14:10:21 -0700, bones4jones wrote:

> On Oct 6, 5:05 pm, Peter Kai Jensen <>
> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> wrote:
>> [Snip - troll]
>> And you just have *oh* so much credibility when posting anonymously
>> through through an open proxy:
>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
>> iD8DBQFHB/igd1ZThqotgfgRAlU2AJ9E579iGGsGn4PZkfEnr7ySeNrZigCffr+f
>> OyTXVq4UDgFXiNbd4hQ8LqU=
>> =JyXR
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>> --
>> PeKaJe
>> Less is more or less more
>> -- Y_Plentyn on #LinuxGER

> Notice the total inability to discuss the topic and the need to keep the
> thread stifled in COLA instead of trying to debate it elsewhere where
> people with no axe to grind might comment on their negative Linux
> experiences.
> Typical COLA zealot.
> A frightened fool.

When you post in such a way that you look like a total jackass, why
would you expect anyone to waste their time trying to educate you?
On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 21:18:24 +0000, John King wrote:

> On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 22:13:39 +0100, Gordon wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>>> On Oct 6, 5:05 pm, Peter Kai Jensen <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> wrote:
>>>> [Snip - troll]
>>>> And you just have *oh* so much credibility when posting anonymously
>>>> through through an open proxy:
>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
>>>> iD8DBQFHB/igd1ZThqotgfgRAlU2AJ9E579iGGsGn4PZkfEnr7ySeNrZigCffr+f
>>>> OyTXVq4UDgFXiNbd4hQ8LqU=
>>>> =JyXR
>>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>>> --
>>>> PeKaJe
>>>> Less is more or less more
>>>> -- Y_Plentyn on #LinuxGER
>>> Notice the total inability to discuss the topic and the need to keep
>>> the thread stifled in COLA instead of trying to debate it elsewhere
>>> where people with no axe to grind might comment on their negative
>>> Linux experiences.

>> Umm I have NO "negative" Linux just errr works......

> If it works so great, why are so few people using it?

Why are you that stupid.. or dishonest?

On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 18:58:25 -0700, Frank <fb@osspan.clm> wrote:

>Alias wrote:

>> Times have changed. Now even Dell and the boys are offering Linux.

>Dell has been losing market share and offering linux was a desperate
>move to try and tap into other markets.

>It didn't work.
>Give up being a marketing genius as you only make yourself look like the
>fool you really are.

Sure right, so claims the marketing "genius" Frank that's too stupid
to know when to use your or you're.

Desperate Move?

Check out FACTS Frank. You know, the opposite of the lies you keep

Look at the chart at the bottom of the page Twinkleberry.

Then look at this:
Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
> "Gordon" wrote...
>> Because, up until a year or so ago, due to Microsoft's
>> predatory marketing practices, the consumer had NO CHOICE -
>> they were unable to buy a machine from any of the large
>> vendors with Linux pre-installed. And as we all know -
>> people use what they are given.

> "people use what they are given." Yes, but they also use what
> they choose to purchase.
> There have always been options and the sorry excuse "predatory
> marketing" has been overused to explain what it can't because
> it is false.

Predatory marketing has already been substantiated by court
cases, documents available on the Internet.

Reference USDOJ Memorandum Opinion, Page 197:

During this litigation, promises have been made on behalf of
Microsoft that the company will change its predatory practices
which have been part of its competitive strategy in order to
comply with the remedial decree. The Court will hold Microsoft’s
directors, particularly those who testified before this Court,
responsible for implementing each provision of this remedial
decree. Let it not be said of Microsoft that “a prince never
lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise,”84 for this Court
will exercise its full panoply of powers to ensure that the
letter and spirit of this remedial decree are carried out.

November 1, 2002
United States District Judge

> "the consumer had NO CHOICE" And perhaps it is this FALSE
> belief that has contributed to the stagnant growth of Linux. A
> few years ago Dell offered Linux but it quietly faded away
> presumably because of little or no interest. There have always
> been choices and probably always will be.

Lack of consumer choice is being proliferated by a multitude of
corporate actions by Microsoft:

A Resounding, Pro-Consumer Ruling Demands A Strong Remedy
To Prevent Future Harm

In a full bench review, the U.S. Appeals Court for the
District of Columbia Court unanimously affirmed the initial
ruling that Microsoft illegally maintained its monopoly in
operating systems. The Appeals Court upheld all lower court
Findings of Fact that Microsoft’s abuse of monopoly power harms
consumers by increasing costs, restricting choice, impairing
quality and retarding innovation.

In fact, as articulated by the courts, the central issue in
the case and the remedy phase is not whether we have innovation
in the software industry, but whether innovation is driven by a
vigorous competitive process, or managed by a single, dominant
firm that can choose, at any moment and with a vast, ever-
expanding supply of anti-competitive tactics, to protect and
promote its interest at the expense of consumers. The ruling has
been widely applauded by liberal and conservative commentators,
not only because of the importance of the software industry, but
also because of the reaffirmation of the role of antitrust in the
new economy.

The New Challenge: “Windows XP/.NET”

These findings are especially critical because Microsoft is
in the process of rolling out the most aggressive bundle of
products in its history – an operating system (Windows XP) with a
host of embedded applications (browser, messenger, media player)
that is intertwined with a wide array of Internet services
(Hailstorm and the .NET initiative). The bundle covers all of the
functionalities that are converging on the Internet including:

• Communications: E-Mail (Hotmail), Messaging (Microsoft
• Commerce: Identity Verification (Passport—names and
addresses), Utilities (e.g. Calendars, Contact Lists),
Transactions (e.g. documents, payment records)
• Multimedia Applications: Music and Video (Media Player
8), Digital Photography (My Pictures)
• Internet Services: MSN

Today these Internet activities are vigorously competitive,
just as the browser was before Microsoft launched its
monopolistic assault, but Microsoft requires computer
manufacturers to buy all of “Windows XP/.NET”, and laces the
bundle with technological and business practices that have
already been ruled illegal by the courts, such as the following:

• commingled code,
• proprietary languages,
• exclusive functionalities promoted by restrictive licenses,
• refusal to support competing applications,
• embedded links, and
• deceptive messages.

With the launch of “Windows XP/.NET” Microsoft is adding new
tactics to its anticompetitive campaign. For the first time,
Microsoft is requiring software developers to “pre-certify” their
software with Microsoft. It is also requiring that consumers
activate their operating system, and provide extensive
information to Microsoft. The operating system monitors the
computer on which it is installed—too many changes to the
computer configuration will make the software think it is being
used on a second PC. It will lock up and consumers will have to
contact Microsoft to reactivate it.

Microsoft’s anti-competitive leveraging also gets personal,
through an identity authentication service called Passport.
Microsoft has declared that “all Windows users will get a
Passport.” This identity authentication service will build a
massive proprietary database of personal information and
transactional details, by leveraging its illegally preserved
monopolies in operating systems, the browser, and office

> Instead of making excuses and bashing Microsoft, Linux would
> be better served by the users promoting their benefits instead
> of the competitions liabilities. When the competitions
> liabilities are the focus it seems clear that there is little
> if no benefit of the other.
> Politics is one of the few areas where bashing the competition
> is rampant. Otherwise most advertising is focused on the
> positives of the product. Of course politicians in general are
> well loved because of their bashing!

Fair and open competition in the market place will be best
encouraged at the government level, as demonstrated by this most
recent action by the European Union:

Statement of the Software & Information Industry Association
(SIIA) On Today's Judgement by the European Court of First Instance

/Washington, DC (Septement 17, 2007)/ - Following today's
judgment by the Court of First Instance (CFI) in Luxembourg,
confirming in large part the conclusions of the European
Commission in March 2004 that Microsoft violated competition
laws, Ken Wasch, President of the Software and Information
Industry Association (SIIA), issued the following statement:

"Today's judgment by the European appeals court is a victory for
innovators and consumers everywhere. With this action, the only
option left for Microsoft is to immediately cooperate and fulfill
the requirements of the March 2004 Decision."

More than three years ago, the Commission found through an open
and transparent process that Microsoft had abused its dominant
position. Almost three years ago, the European Court of First
Instance rejected Microsoft's request to have the Decision
suspended pending resolution of its appeal.

"After one of the most thorough investigations in the history of
competition law, spanning over 7 years, the Commission has taken
a steady and decisive course. We applaud the leadership and
persistence of the European Commission, Commissioner Kroes,
former Commissioner Monti and their officials," Wasch continued.

This regarded opening the CFS/SMB network protocols that
Microsoft has made increasingly difficult for competitors to
utilize, which Microsoft failed to appropriately document. It
also regards the unbundling of Windows Media Player. Next, IMHO
will be the complete unbundling of Windows Operating systems with
hardware vendors.

Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
> "people use what they are given."
> Yes, but they also use what they choose to purchase.
> There have always been options and the sorry excuse "predatory
> marketing" has been overused to explain what it can't because it is
> false.
> "the consumer had NO CHOICE"
> And perhaps it is this FALSE belief that has contributed to the
> stagnant growth of Linux.

Well I think people just don't know what Linux is. They stay on the
safe path. Change is difficult.
However Linux is generally free so I assume the Computer companies
think that they will miss
out on some profits. I mean I assume they do make money off Windows as
the default OS
on their computers they sell.
Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Gordon wrote:
>>>> "John King" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:fe8u30$ec7$
>>>>> If it works so great, why are so few people using it?
>>>> Because, up until a year or so ago, due to Microsoft's predatory
>>>> marketing practices, the consumer had NO CHOICE - they were unable
>>>> to buy a machine from any of the large vendors with Linux
>>>> pre-installed. And as we all know - people use what they are given.
>>> We've heard that lame excuse for the last decade or so.

>> Times have changed. Now even Dell and the boys are offering Linux.

> Dell has been losing market share and offering linux was a desperate
> move to try and tap into other markets.
> It didn't work.

Dell isn't the only one. Here in Spain, the major computer chains have
been offering Linux for years.

> Give up being a marketing genius as you only make yourself look like the
> fool you really are.
>>> Linux is POS toy os practically no one wants.
>>> Frank

>> MS spread the FUD, you believed it and that settled it.

> I'm not the jacka*s loser trying desperately to convince people to run
> ubuntu in an MS Vista ng.
> You are.
> Frank

Nor am I. You are the jaçkass who believes MS' FUD.

To email me, remove shoes wrote in news:1191740625.237951.140250@

> Well I think people just don't know what Linux is. They stay on the
> safe path. Change is difficult.
> However Linux is generally free so I assume the Computer companies
> think that they will miss
> out on some profits. I mean I assume they do make money off Windows as
> the default OS
> on their computers they sell.

How can the be missing out on profits....take Dell for example.....

Yes, you can get Ubuntu pre-installed, but the system actually cost like
$20 or $30 more than if it had Vista.

AND, Dell, while they will sell you the pre-installed Unubtu system, they
say outright they offer no support for it.

Sounds like a great deal for Dell if you ask me.....they don't pay for an
OEM version of Windows (save $$), will not provide support (save more
$$), and then charge more for the system (make more $$).
"Alias" <> wrote in message

> Dell isn't the only one. Here in Spain, the major computer chains have
> been offering Linux for years.

I would agree.. you have been able to buy machines with Linux on them for
years in the UK.
Very few do but that isn't because you can't buy them.
dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:feadh9$nst$
>> Dell isn't the only one. Here in Spain, the major computer chains have
>> been offering Linux for years.

> I would agree.. you have been able to buy machines with Linux on them
> for years in the UK.
> Very few do but that isn't because you can't buy them.

I spoke with the owners of APP and PC Box the other day and the demand
for Ubuntu is growing. Those who go for Windows, I might add,
specifically request XP.

Ubuntu is spreading via word of mouth. Word of mouth, at first, seems
really slow but when it snowballs, it spreads really quickly. I think
that Gutsy's new hardware support for printers and winmodems will speed
it up even more.

That said, Ubuntu is being mentioned a lot more in the mainstream media
and a lawyer who came to my office for something else asked me if what I
had on my computer was called "Ubuntu" because he had listened to a
radio program that was talking about it. After I showed him a few
things, we burned a CD and he happily went off to install it on his

To email me, remove shoes
Adam Albright wrote:
> On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 18:58:25 -0700, Frank <fb@osspan.clm> wrote:
>>Alias wrote:

>>>Times have changed. Now even Dell and the boys are offering Linux.

>>Dell has been losing market share and offering linux was a desperate
>>move to try and tap into other markets.

>>It didn't work.
>>Give up being a marketing genius as you only make yourself look like the
>>fool you really are.

> Sure right, so claims the marketing "genius" Frank that's too stupid
> to know when to use your or you're.
> Desperate Move?
> Check out FACTS Frank. You know, the opposite of the lies you keep
> telling.
> need to learn to read dipsh* words..."Dell has been
losing market share and offering linux was a desperate
move to try and tap into other markets".
You've got dumb and stupid down to an exact science don't you.
You fukkin POS idiot!
Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:

> Instead of making excuses and bashing Microsoft, Linux would be better
> served by the users promoting their benefits instead of the
> competitions liabilities.
> When the competitions liabilities are the focus it seems clear that
> there is little if no benefit of the other.
> Politics is one of the few areas where bashing the competition is
> rampant.

Don't forget religion.

Rick wrote:

>> If it works so great, why are so few people using it?

> Why are you that stupid.. or dishonest?

Gosh, you don't suppose it's a troll who has repeated the same idiocy
countless times, and had it explained to him countless times?