Ping Alias: HP Releases its First Linux-powered Laptop

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ron Roberts
  • Start date Start date
Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ron Roberts wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...hehehe...did you bother to even read that article
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you raving moron lunatic...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did. Your point (as if)?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So you didn't understand, huh?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let's all act really surprised...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't think you had one, other than using the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opportunity to hurl your usual garbage.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Still don't get it huh?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figures, you're rather stupid...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Might help if you could reveal what you mean by "it". Of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> course, you have no point other than to hurl more garbage.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>> Why? You're just a POS lying linux troll.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Get lost loser!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>>>> Translation: Frank had no point to make except to use the
>>>>>>>>>>> opportunity to spew out more of his garbage.
>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>> That went right over your head and you didn't even have to
>>>>>>>>>> duck...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>> Loser!
>>>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>>>> Your post:
>>>>>>>>> "hehehe...did you bother to even read that article you raving
>>>>>>>>> moron lunatic...LOL!
>>>>>>>>> Frank"
>>>>>>>>> Not one point, only insults.
>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>> Your very presence in this ng is an insult to everyone here.
>>>>>>>> You're one arrogant, belligerent lying linux troll.
>>>>>>>> Get lost. Go over to where you're wanted at that opens sores
>>>>>>>> sh*thole where you loser clowns congregate.
>>>>>>>> You don't have Vista and you couldn't even afford it if you did
>>>>>>>> wanted it.
>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>> More lies, insults, profanity and bluster. Ho hum. You just can't
>>>>>>> stand it that HP is now offering Linux along with Dell and
>>>>>>> others, can you, troll?
>>>>>> hehehe...I guess you too didn't bother to read the article you
>>>>>> stupid POS...LOL!
>>>>>> What loser you are...hahaha!
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>> Yeah, I read it. To what, exactly, are you referring (as if)?
>>>>> Alias
>>>> ....hehehe...then it's obvious, that you didn't understand what you
>>>> read (as usual!).
>>>> Let's all act really surprised....LOL!
>>>> Frank
>>> If you think your stupid cat and mouse game is clever, you need new
>>> writers.
>>> You either have a point or not. I say you don't. You can ONLY
>>> disprove me by making your point which you won't because you don't
>>> have one!
>>> Alias

>> Fact is, you're just a worthless, vile, POS for a human being.
>> Oh, and you are stupid!
>> Frank

> That is an ill informed opinion, not a point about the article (which
> you don't have), speaking of stupid.
> Alias

You're just a worthless, vile, sheep-fukkin POS for a human being.
Oh, and you are really stupid...LOL!
"Ron Roberts" <> wrote in message

> --
> What people are REALLY saying about Vista:
> 50 Ways to leave your Vista....
> You just format the drive , Clive
> Get a New Mac , Jack
> Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
> Just get yourself free
> Boot from a *nix, Jix
> You don't need to discuss much
> Install XP, Lee
> And get yourself free

Nice jingle.

HP is not new to Linux desktops, they have in other parts of the world been
into Linux for years....from 2004....