Need new keyboard

Cindy, my son told me not to worry about the demise of
cursive writing:

"It's going the way of the dinosaur. Over time, fewer and
fewer transactions will be based on what your signature
looks like.

"On almost every credit card transaction, just for fun, I
make a different and inscrutable scribble. Except when
I sign Warren G. Harding or Not My Signature. I've
never been challenged."
That's funny but also a bit scary.
Just shows how little signatures are compared.

It bothers me, because, among other things, a lot of our historical documents are in cursive.
Our next generation will struggle to read anything written in script.
I can't believe they took that out of the curriculum. The younger generation are too tech dependent and I think that is going to turn into a major problem.

Lina, I used to sign my checks John Hancock although it wasn't very legible and never once got questioned. Probably because it was always deposited and the account was at the issuing bank. I've had direct deposit for years now so I never sign a check. I do have to sign off on invoices to pay vendors and if I wasn't taught how to properly sign my name it would be a problem.
Software probably exists to read numerical, capital-
letter, and cursive writing.

I recently wrote a check, and the numbers I wrote
did not match the larger cursive amount. The cursive
amount prevailed! My check book had the correct
amount deducted, so no problem.

Some years ago, I left the Pay to the order of line
blank on a check to my credit card company. It
processed without a problem. Either a very honest
worker handled it or it processed automatically.

I now check, double-check and triple-check everything
before I put a payment in the mail. Lord knows how
I'd screw up online banking!

Fortunately, I rarely have to write more than one check
a month. For me, auto-pay and direct deposit compete
with sliced bread as the best thing ever invented.
Just goes to show how some things are slightly or so much different here in the UK.
We call it a direct debit system, this is where an agreement is made with a company where you make a regular payment to them every week, month, or year. For example the regular charge paid to my internet supplier, that charge is then deducted from my current account each month.
I assume that is what you mean by "Auto Pay" and "Direct Deposit".
As for paying for anything by cheque (Note different spelling for UK) It is actively being discouraged over here, some companies actually refusing to accept payment by a cheque. The result is that I haven't written one for maybe three or four years as there is in most cases the means set up to pay by credit or debit card. Surprisingly there isn't yet anyone refusing cash, though that may mean a trip to a post office, bank, or even some normal shops who have "Paypoint" or "Payzone" facilities. That is a service where any company who has an account set up with that service you can then pay your bills for that company, for example the gas or electricity suppliers. The payment is then handled by the Paypoint or Payzone companies whose terminals are installed in the shop.
I may seem a bit paranoid, but I try to avoid paying for anything on line, you never know when that information stealing trojan has sneaked in through some backdoor just prior to doing the deal or even after you have swept the entire system by the regular Malware detecting and removing scans. It doesn't mean I don't buy anything on line, I am just very careful, and if I can buy something locally I will.

As for paying for anything by cheque (Note different spelling for UK) It is actively being discouraged over here, some companies actually refusing to accept payment by a cheque. The result is that I haven't written one for maybe three or four years as there is in most cases the means set up to pay by credit or debit card.

Nev, I'm confused. :confused:
How would you pay off a credit card if not by check?

I may seem a bit paranoid, but I try to avoid paying for anything on line, you never know when that information stealing trojan has sneaked in through some backdoor just prior to doing the deal or even after you have swept the entire system by the regular Malware detecting and removing scans. It doesn't mean I don't buy anything on line, I am just very careful, and if I can buy something locally I will.

I don't buy much on line and have never had a problem.
I always use a credit card. Credit cards usually are
safer than debit cards because if you have a valid
dispute with the vendor, the credit-card company may
come to the rescue. Also, some credit cards will extend
any manufacturer warranty by a year.

Online banking scares the hell out of me! :eek:
Back to my wonderful new backlit keyboard:

Question (for future reference):

Are extensions available for cords with USB

The cord would not reach the computer tower which
is way overhead on my computer table. No other place
is feasible for the tower. Placing it below on the
enclosed shelf close to the floor puts it in a position
where it would be difficult plugging anything into it --
and risk damaging both cords and plugins.

My neighbor plugged the keyboard into a separate
USB port on the computer table (mouse is plugged
in there also). Little possibility of damage because
the cord threads through the back of the USB port
and then plugs into it. I will just have to remember to
turn off the keyboard backlights when I turn off the
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They do make USB extensions, Lina.

I have this one for my printer because it's located four feet above my desktop.
It will work for your keyboard.

Although I would never order anything else made by Belkin,
I've found that their cables are very sturdy and the price is right.

View attachment 13260

Many thanks, Cindy.

I added it to my Amazon cart. Only $5.97. Also have another
mouse in the cart. Will order when my needs total enough for
free shipping.

I read the one-start reviews. When I get it, I'll attach it and
plug it into the table-top USB for a while to make sure it works
okay before I plug it into the computer tower.

Thanks again! :bunny:
I have two USB extension cables which come in handy for quite a few uses, the external hard drive I have when used with the desktop, the odd time I need to plug the camera in rather than use the card reader, are just two uses.

As for paying off the very rare credit card bill, I nip into the local bank branch and do it over the counter when I go into town for maybe other reasons. A bit old fashioned I know, but why not?
They do make USB extensions, Lina.

I have this one for my printer because it's located four feet above my desktop.
It will work for your keyboard.

Although I would never order anything else made by Belkin,

Cindy. thanks so much for your expert recommendation and advice.
My neighbor just installed 2 of the above Belkin cables to extend the
connections for my keyboard and mouse to my computer tower
(they had been connected to a separate USB on my computer table).

My neighbor marveled at the quality of the cables. The 10-foot
cables were excessively long, but who knew the exact length
needed and if there were 5-foot cables available! My technical
expertise does not include measurements. :rolleyes:

Thanks again. Mouse and keyboard working great, and I now
don't have to try to remember to turn off the lights to the keyboard
when I turn off the computer and I don't have to be careful not to
inadvertently damage the former USB connections.
Different strokes for different folks, Nev. I'm a bit old-fashioned
too, I guess, not banking on line! ;)

I tend to live off my debit card and try to never use the credit card anyway, so it's very rare that I need to pay off any credit card bills.

Back to the keyboard, I am very glad to hear all is working well for you Lina.

On a side note I could do with a way of replacing worn away letters on some of the keys. I have tried white paint pens and a few other methods that last for a short time then wear off again. Being plastic I am now thinking of finding a way of melting the letters in by heating some letter stamps.

Back to the keyboard, I am very glad to hear all is working well for you Lina.

On a side note I could do with a way of replacing worn away letters on some of the keys. I have tried white paint pens and a few other methods that last for a short time then wear off again. Being plastic I am now thinking of finding a way of melting the letters in by heating some letter stamps.

Pete, any such things as glow-in-the-dark letter stamps which you may be
able to melt in?

Perhaps the backlit keyboard would be a good solution for you. It takes
a little getting used to. It's easy to inadvertently hit the CAPS LOCK, but
that rarely happens to me any more. Here's the one I bought and am

Azio Large Print Tri-Color Backlit Wired Keyboard - $24.99

Here's hoping you can innovate and create your own solution .. :pray:
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Unfortunately it would seem that Amazon don't have it in the UK as it says :-

"This item does not ship to *********, United Kingdom. Please check other sellers who may ship internationally"