Linux XP Desktop 2008

  • Thread starter Thread starter laugh at fanboy in the box
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"David B." <> wrote in message
> It's been my experience that those who don't like Vista are returning to
> XP, not switching to linux.

Depends if they do not mind getting double dipped for XP media.
Jon wrote:
> Big whoop. You can easily download Ubuntu Linux (
> ). It has support, Windows user migration,
> everything that the so called "Linux XP" has, Wine (how you run
> Windows apps on Unix), and is supported by almost all Linux/Unix
> applications that are out there. All that "Linux XP" is a
> distribution of Linux with "Linux XP" stamped on it.

To paraphrase Samuel Johnson:

"Linux is like a dog raised up on its hinder legs. It is not done well but
you are surprised to find it done at all."
"Canuck57" <> wrote in message
> "Bruce Chambers" <bchambers@cable0ne.n3t> wrote in message
> news:%230xtfl$mIHA.4208@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> laugh at fanboy in the box wrote:

>> How das is this? A LinTroll who has to post his spam using Outlook
>> Express. Just pathetic.

> So, yours is User-Agent: Thunderbird
> You don't trust Outlook Express or Windblows mail?

I would have said that Bruce was just exercising choice. Is that a bad thing
all of a sudden?

Mike Hall - MVP
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Mike Hall - MVP wrote:

> "Canuck57" <> wrote in message
> news:UfVLj.172488$pM4.28975@pd7urf1no...
>> "Bruce Chambers" <bchambers@cable0ne.n3t> wrote in message
>> news:%230xtfl$mIHA.4208@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>> laugh at fanboy in the box wrote:
>>> How das is this? A LinTroll who has to post his spam using Outlook
>>> Express. Just pathetic.

>> So, yours is User-Agent: Thunderbird
>> You don't trust Outlook Express or Windblows mail?

> I would have said that Bruce was just exercising choice. Is that a bad
> thing all of a sudden?

Bruce questioned someone else choice of newsreader, so isn't only fair
that he submit to the same scrutiny, Mike?

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"
"kurttrail" <> wrote in message
> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> "Canuck57" <> wrote in message
>> news:UfVLj.172488$pM4.28975@pd7urf1no...
>>> "Bruce Chambers" <bchambers@cable0ne.n3t> wrote in message
>>> news:%230xtfl$mIHA.4208@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>> laugh at fanboy in the box wrote:
>>>> How das is this? A LinTroll who has to post his spam using Outlook
>>>> Express. Just pathetic.
>>> So, yours is User-Agent: Thunderbird
>>> You don't trust Outlook Express or Windblows mail?

>> I would have said that Bruce was just exercising choice. Is that a bad
>> thing all of a sudden?

> Bruce questioned someone else choice of newsreader, so isn't only fair
> that he submit to the same scrutiny, Mike?
> --
> Peace!
> Kurt
> Former Self-anointed Moderator
> microscum.pubic.windowsexp.gonorrhea
> "Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


One would expect Linux trolls to stay true to their cause, and not post from
a newsreader which ONLY works in a Microsoft OS. It is a real giveaway.. :-)

Mike Hall - MVP
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HeyBub wrote:

> kurttrail wrote:
>> HeyBub wrote:
>>> ricky valentine wrote:
>>>> the point is bozo brain, that Linux is getting better and better.
>>>> While with vista, windows just got a whole lot worse!
>>>> If it continues like this, linux's quality will surpass windows very
>>>> soon. And this was bound to happen.
>>> No, the point is: "Why do you care?"

>> No, the point is that you aren't arguing against his opinion, or
>> arguing for your own. Instead you went after the messager rather than
>> the message.
>> Typical way that Republicans debate. Can't discredit the message, then
>> knee-cap the messenger. MicroSycophants are the Republicans of the
>> Computing.

> I figured others would deal with his observations.

Sounds like an excuse, not a reason.

> It just seems odd to
> me when someone wears a Klan outfit to a Black Baptist Church,

MS isn't like a Black Baptist church, though MS's supporters around here
are zealous fanatics who place their faith in a soul-less corrupt

> a Yankee
> cap at the Red Sox stadium,

MS is more like the Yankess, with their kooky supporters who can't take
any criticism of their team.

> or a low-cut dress in a hotel full of
> drunken sailors ala Tailhook.

This one is much better. MS's supporters here are like a bunch of
drunken sailors, raping those that wear their Linux cleavage.

> The French have a word for that,

For blaming the victim instead of the rapists?

> but I
> don't know what it is.

Me neither.

> Your point about Republicans attacking the messenger does have some
> validity - but I blame the Democrats.

Blaming the messenger rather than the people kneecapping the messenger.

> It's difficult to attack "hope."

Especially when the opposite message is "100 more years!"

> But, as one pundit said: "Hope is not a winning strategy."

And pundits are always right! You might as well have quoted your Aunt

Republicans use pundits as sources of factual info, when the pundit just
makes sh*t up. Like Obama being muslim, and was educated in a madrassa.
That BS started because some pundit said somewhere those lies, then other
pundits pick that up and repeat those lies...

> Still, the Republicans haven't really oiled their guns yet.

It's interesting some of the metaphors you come up with. Republicans do
like playing with guns. Dick and shooting a pal in the face while duck
hunting. Larry Craig likes playing with meat guns in airport men's rooms.

> You can
> expect the message, the messenger, the candidate, and everybody they
> ever knew to be exposed for the venal, corrupt, and amoral toadies they
> are.

LOL! Even if they aren't. Swiftboating is a republican invention.

> As for Micros~1 supporters being the Republicans of the software world,
> again you may have hit on something. Invest a little to create wealth
> seems to be their working creed.

So you are outing MS supporters as biased stock holders, whose only
motivation is greed.

> Whereas the Linux crowd seems to harken
> to "from each according to his ability to each according to his need."

Redbaiting? But OSS isn't about socialism, but about freedom.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"
Mike Hall - MVP wrote:

> Kurt
> One would expect Linux trolls to stay true to their cause, and not post
> from a newsreader which ONLY works in a Microsoft OS.

I didn't know that Linux supporters weren't allowed to install OE via

Or have Windows running virtually in Linux.

Or Linux supporters can't use Windows at work.

Or that they can't dual boot at home.


Gee Mike, thanks for educating me!


> It is a real
> giveaway.. :-)

Only if one is narrow-minded to begin with. And I would expect that
coming from Bruce, but I'm rather disappointed that I'm hearing it come
from you. I thought you were better than that.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"
kurttrail wrote:
> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> Kurt
>> One would expect Linux trolls to stay true to their cause, and not post
>> from a newsreader which ONLY works in a Microsoft OS.

> I didn't know that Linux supporters weren't allowed to install OE via
> Wine.
> Or have Windows running virtually in Linux.
> Or Linux supporters can't use Windows at work.
> Or that they can't dual boot at home.
> [sarcasm]
> Gee Mike, thanks for educating me!
> [/sarcasm]
>> It is a real
>> giveaway.. :-)

> Only if one is narrow-minded to begin with. And I would expect that
> coming from Bruce, but I'm rather disappointed that I'm hearing it come
> from you. I thought you were better than that.

He's not.

Alias wrote:

> kurttrail wrote:
>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>> Kurt
>>> One would expect Linux trolls to stay true to their cause, and not post
>>> from a newsreader which ONLY works in a Microsoft OS.

>> I didn't know that Linux supporters weren't allowed to install OE via
>> Wine.
>> Or have Windows running virtually in Linux.
>> Or Linux supporters can't use Windows at work.
>> Or that they can't dual boot at home.
>> [sarcasm]
>> Gee Mike, thanks for educating me!
>> [/sarcasm]
>>> It is a real
>>> giveaway.. :-)

>> Only if one is narrow-minded to begin with. And I would expect that
>> coming from Bruce, but I'm rather disappointed that I'm hearing it
>> come from you. I thought you were better than that.

> He's not.

And you are? You're just a fukkin lying linux troll....IOW's a real POS
"kurttrail" <> wrote in message
> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>> Kurt
>> One would expect Linux trolls to stay true to their cause, and not post
>> from a newsreader which ONLY works in a Microsoft OS.

> I didn't know that Linux supporters weren't allowed to install OE via
> Wine.
> Or have Windows running virtually in Linux.
> Or Linux supporters can't use Windows at work.
> Or that they can't dual boot at home.
> [sarcasm]
> Gee Mike, thanks for educating me!
> [/sarcasm]
>> It is a real
>> giveaway.. :-)

> Only if one is narrow-minded to begin with. And I would expect that
> coming from Bruce, but I'm rather disappointed that I'm hearing it come
> from you. I thought you were better than that.
> --
> Peace!
> Kurt
> Former Self-anointed Moderator
> microscum.pubic.windowsexp.gonorrhea
> "Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


Answer me this.. with what the Linux trolls (and I don't refer to Linux
aficionados) say about Vista, XP, IE7, OE, Windows Mail and MS generally,
why would they want to run anything MS, either dual booting or in VM, at
work or at home? :-)

Mike Hall - MVP
How to construct a good post..
How to use the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
Mike's Window - My Blog..
"Alias" <> wrote in message
> kurttrail wrote:
>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>> Kurt
>>> One would expect Linux trolls to stay true to their cause, and not post
>>> from a newsreader which ONLY works in a Microsoft OS.

>> I didn't know that Linux supporters weren't allowed to install OE via
>> Wine.
>> Or have Windows running virtually in Linux.
>> Or Linux supporters can't use Windows at work.
>> Or that they can't dual boot at home.
>> [sarcasm]
>> Gee Mike, thanks for educating me!
>> [/sarcasm]
>>> It is a real
>>> giveaway.. :-)

>> Only if one is narrow-minded to begin with. And I would expect that
>> coming from Bruce, but I'm rather disappointed that I'm hearing it come
>> from you. I thought you were better than that.

> He's not.
> Alias

Ha-ha. I have the utmost respect for users of MacOS, Linux Distros, Unix,
AIX etc etc, but you are a fake.

Mike Hall - MVP
How to construct a good post..
How to use the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
Mike's Window - My Blog..
Mike Hall - MVP wrote:

> "kurttrail" <> wrote in
> message news:A93Mj.141$
>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>> Kurt
>>> One would expect Linux trolls to stay true to their cause, and not
>>> post from a newsreader which ONLY works in a Microsoft OS.

>> I didn't know that Linux supporters weren't allowed to install OE via
>> Wine.
>> Or have Windows running virtually in Linux.
>> Or Linux supporters can't use Windows at work.
>> Or that they can't dual boot at home.
>> [sarcasm]
>> Gee Mike, thanks for educating me!
>> [/sarcasm]
>>> It is a real
>>> giveaway.. :-)

>> Only if one is narrow-minded to begin with. And I would expect that
>> coming from Bruce, but I'm rather disappointed that I'm hearing it come
>> from you. I thought you were better than that.
>> --
>> Peace!
>> Kurt
>> Former Self-anointed Moderator
>> microscum.pubic.windowsexp.gonorrhea
>> "Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"

> Kurt
> Answer me this.. with what the Linux trolls (and I don't refer to Linux
> aficionados) say about Vista, XP, IE7, OE, Windows Mail and MS
> generally, why would they want to run anything MS, either dual booting
> or in VM, at work or at home? :-)

A troll of any kind is only trying to cause chaos, and would use or do
just about anything to fan the flames.

Case in point, Spanky Butt Monkey.

Now let's take a look at Linux/Ubuntu advocate, Alias. He is not trying
to cause chaos, just trying to give people another choice when they've
become so frustrated with their Windows experience. But some people
don't like that, and then we have the AvF threads that are nothing more
than t*t for tat BS.

Hey, you know me, I sling the sh*t, just like the rest of the chimps
around here, but I rather sling my sh*t while trying to make a point,
rather than slinging sh*t for slinging sh*ts sake alone. [trying saying
that out loud!]

I guess what I'm trying to say is, let's have fun, but let's play
fairly. And you usually do a much better job of it than I do.

Bruce deserved being treated the way he treated somebody else. The
Golden Rule, Karma, whatever. Believe me, Karma bites my ass all the
time, and I usually laugh about it instead of fight it, because I know it
is my just desserts.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"
Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:ftqf1n$c67$
>> kurttrail wrote:
>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>>> Kurt
>>>> One would expect Linux trolls to stay true to their cause, and not post
>>>> from a newsreader which ONLY works in a Microsoft OS.
>>> I didn't know that Linux supporters weren't allowed to install OE via
>>> Wine.
>>> Or have Windows running virtually in Linux.
>>> Or Linux supporters can't use Windows at work.
>>> Or that they can't dual boot at home.
>>> [sarcasm]
>>> Gee Mike, thanks for educating me!
>>> [/sarcasm]
>>>> It is a real
>>>> giveaway.. :-)
>>> Only if one is narrow-minded to begin with. And I would expect that
>>> coming from Bruce, but I'm rather disappointed that I'm hearing it
>>> come from you. I thought you were better than that.

>> He's not.
>> Alias

> Ha-ha. I have the utmost respect for users of MacOS, Linux Distros,
> Unix, AIX etc etc, but you are a fake.

Sure you do, faker. I have yet to see you have respect for anyone here,
regardless of what OS they use. I have also seen you try to spread FUD
about Ubuntu and you have posted insults a la Frank many times.

Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> kurttrail wrote:
>>> Mike Hall - MVP wrote:
>>>> Kurt
>>>> One would expect Linux trolls to stay true to their cause, and not post
>>>> from a newsreader which ONLY works in a Microsoft OS.
>>> I didn't know that Linux supporters weren't allowed to install OE via
>>> Wine.
>>> Or have Windows running virtually in Linux.
>>> Or Linux supporters can't use Windows at work.
>>> Or that they can't dual boot at home.
>>> [sarcasm]
>>> Gee Mike, thanks for educating me!
>>> [/sarcasm]
>>>> It is a real
>>>> giveaway.. :-)
>>> Only if one is narrow-minded to begin with. And I would expect that
>>> coming from Bruce, but I'm rather disappointed that I'm hearing it
>>> come from you. I thought you were better than that.

>> He's not.

> And you are?
> Frank

Frank's open mindedness:

Who cares about what you like or dislike or're a nobody.
Got it? You are a one cares about your stupid life or your
bullsh*t diatribes about anything.
Get lost you jerk.
Frank, MPWVG, Dec 19, 2007

You're one sick lying fukk!!! No one...NO ONE believes you!!!
You are an admitted liar...a linux atheist and proly a commie
bastard and a real loser of a jerk.
Get lost!
Frank, MPWVG, Dec. 19, 2007

Of course it will. But then again, you don't have Vista so you don't
really know now do you mr liar, mr atheist, mr commie bastard.
Frank, MPWVG, Dec. 20, 2007

What a childishly immature POS lying as*hole you are.
Frank, MPWVG, Dec. 23, 2007

jake wrote:

....just his usual delusional bullsh*t from some unknown blogger.
Get a real life you idiot!
Frank, MPWVG, Jan 2, 2008

You're infested with Vista demons capin' crunch. Is that a result of not
taking your meds or are you just naturally that fukkin stupid?
Frank, MPWVG, Jan 2, 2008

Who the fukk do you think you liar, mr atheist, mr commie
Go screw yourself!
Frank, MPWVG, Jan 1, 2008

flambe wrote:

....nothing but a bunch of uninformed lies and bullsh*t.
Grow up as*hole and face the fact that you're STUPID!
Frank, MPWVG, Dec 31, 2007

Wrong again you POS lying linux loser.
Get a life you moron.
Frank, MPWVG, Jan 1, 2008

You need to stop making a fool out of yourself mr liar.
You are a known troll and a pathological liar.
Get lost you stupid POS moron loser.
Frank, MPWVG, Jan 2, 2008

Ahahaha...of all the people who post to ng's...of all the lunies,
wackos, morons, idiots and just plain'o my friend are at the
very top of that heap of sh*theads...LOL!
Frank, MPWVG, Jan 5, 2008

....FUKK!!! You're so full of sh*t I can almost smell you thru the Internet!
Get a life you stupid POS moron idiot!
Frank, MPWVG, Jan 7, 2008

hehehe...never...and I mean never...admit in public that our are an
idiot...something that you've just done.
Use XP until the hell freezes over.
Frank MPWVG, Jan 10, 2008

Try sticking both of your feet into your big mouth at the same time
Frank, MPWVG 1/16/08

Why? You too stupid to know how to use Vista.
Frank, MPWVG 1/16/08

I know you're a cross-dressing unemployed RS arse kissing lying linux
troll POS, but are you also a slobbering fukkin drunk too?
Sure sounds like it you ignorant as*hole...LOL!
Frank, MPWVG 1/17/08

Well 'nostop" hahaha...(what a fukkin handle that is!), I guess you
forgot to read huh?
Hey, here's a proper sentence...go fukk yourself you stupid
cross-dressing POS lying linux troll.
Got it?
Want some more?
Just let me know I do so enjoy bit*h slapping your ignorant arse all
over the place.
Frank Vista General, 1/26/08

You would never says the outrageous and perverted insults you said about
my mother, wife and daughter to my face for fear of having the living
sh*t beaten out of you.
Pray we never meet!
Frank, Vista General, 3/7/08

Pray...pray harder and more often than you ever have, that we never,
ever meet in person!
Frank, Vista General, 3/7/08

No but it is certainly higher than your IQ...LOL! is that love affair with that sheep coming along? Everybody
happy I hope...LOL!
Frank, Vista General, 3/9/08

Alias, the lying linux troll wrote:


....nothing of any intellectual importance. He's still having trouble
dealing with the truth about his miserable POS life!
Alias wrote:

...Sure you do, faker.

"Faker"? Coming form a fake and flake like you that's funny!

I have yet to see you have respect for anyone here,
regardless of what OS they use.

"Respect for anyone here"? You fukkin piece of crap you actually have
the audacity to talk about respect for others while posting your
completely disrespectful bullsh*t about others family members, like this
crap from you...

"Your wife asked me if I would stroke her but I declined as I don't do
dogs. Then she screamed that I am a Linux loving commie atheist loser
and went running out into the street naked repeating that over and over
again. You know, like you do on this newsgroup.

Have you stopped fuçking your daughter yet ... LOL!


You're an amazing piece of sh*t for a human being.

I have also seen you try to spread FUD
about Ubuntu and you have posted insults a la Frank many times.

Your day will come you sheep-fukkin as*hole!
Frank wrote:
> Alias, the lying linux troll wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> ...nothing of any intellectual importance.

All I posted was your quotes and you say they are nothing of any
intellectual importance? I agree. In fact, they're disgusting and have
no place in this newsgroup.

Frank wrote:

> Alias, the lying linux troll wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> ...nothing of any intellectual importance. He's still having trouble
> dealing with the truth about his miserable POS life! Frank

I'd rather f*#k sheep than live your hell-hole of an existence, Frank.

I'd rather be a Republican than live with your all-consuming hate, Frank.

I'd rather spend an eternity in Hell, than one nanosecond in your
loathsome skin, Frank.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"
Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
> ...Sure you do, faker.
> "Faker"? Coming form a fake and flake like you that's funny!
> I have yet to see you have respect for anyone here,
> regardless of what OS they use.
> "Respect for anyone here"? You fukkin piece of crap you actually have
> the audacity to talk about respect for others while posting your
> completely disrespectful bullsh*t about others family members, like this
> crap from you...

Gosh, Frank, two posts, one funny and one out of context. Can't you do
better than that?

> "Your wife asked me if I would stroke her but I declined as I don't do
> dogs. Then she screamed that I am a Linux loving commie atheist loser
> and went running out into the street naked repeating that over and over
> again. You know, like you do on this newsgroup.

LOL! Good one!

> Have you stopped fuçking your daughter yet ... LOL!

Well, have you?

> Alias"
> You're an amazing piece of sh*t for a human being.
> I have also seen you try to spread FUD
> about Ubuntu and you have posted insults a la Frank many times.
> Your day will come you sheep-fukkin as*hole!
> Frank

Sure, Frank, got any more empty threats, coward?

Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Alias, the lying linux troll wrote:
>> ------------------------------------
>> ...nothing of any intellectual importance.

> All I posted was your quotes...

Yeah, they are the truth you're having trouble with...

and you say they are nothing of any
> intellectual importance? I agree. In fact, they're disgusting and have
> no place in this newsgroup.

You say that yet you posted this...?

"Your wife asked me if I would stroke her but I declined as I don't do
dogs. Then she screamed that I am a Linux loving commie atheist loser
and went running out into the street naked repeating that over and over
again. You know, like you do on this newsgroup.

Have you stopped fuçking your daughter yet ... LOL!


You sheep-fukkin POS!
Your day will come you vile low-life as*hole loser...LOL!!