linux is copying vista, so get vista for free :-)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Taibear ios
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Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> You will come running in
>>>> calling me all kinds of names and blustering about but who do you
>>>> think the newbie will trust, someone with some class (me) or someone
>>>> who lies, insults and blusters all over the group like a ten year old?
>>> They're not nearly as stupid as you think they are and they will
>>> immediately see you for what you really are...a clueless, classless
>>> lying jerk!
>>> Frank

>> Keep telling yourself that, Frank, as you're the only one who believes
>> it.

> I'm not the delusional moron who thinks he has a "noble" mission in this
> ng to spread the word about ubuntu!

That's because there's nothing noble about you.

> You're sick!
> Frank

I feel great, Frank, not sick at all, but thanks for the concern.

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On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 22:14:15 -0700, Frank <fb@osspan.clm> wrote:

>Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> You will come running in
>>>> calling me all kinds of names and blustering about but who do you
>>>> think the newbie will trust, someone with some class (me) or someone
>>>> who lies, insults and blusters all over the group like a ten year old?
>>> They're not nearly as stupid as you think they are and they will
>>> immediately see you for what you really are...a clueless, classless
>>> lying jerk!
>>> Frank

>> Keep telling yourself that, Frank, as you're the only one who believes it.

>I'm not the delusional moron who thinks he has a "noble" mission in this
>ng to spread the word about ubuntu!
>You're sick!

You're the delusional moron that thinks it is your job to defend
Microsoft. What a total putz!
"Taibear ios" wrote:

> They say that imitating is the best kind of flattery...
> but perhaps this is just taking the vista look and putting it on a platform
> that has less problems than vista.
> Yes even linux is more user friendly than vista!


>Can you imagine that!? lol

Sure I can imagine it!! Matter of fact I have to imagine it since it isn't

silly Linux troll