Linux, At least 10 years and still less than 1 percent of desktop market share? PATHETIC

  • Thread starter Thread starter Au79
  • Start date Start date

Au79 wrote:

> Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured.
> Except of course when a Linux zealot discovers some survey, usually on
> a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of course Linux's
> market share CAN be measured.
> Face the facts, Linux is has and always will be a dud on the desktop
> until it gets support from major hardware and software vendors.
> Until Linux can offer seamless integration with what are 99 percent
> Windows shops, Linux is a dead end.
> The facts, and no matter where you look excepting Linux whoring sites
> of course, the numbers are all in the same area and they are miserable.

Wow! What a good point! Now, kindly leave the same way you came in.


Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured.
Except of course when a Linux zealot discovers some survey, usually on
a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of course Linux's
market share CAN be measured.

Face the facts, Linux is has and always will be a dud on the desktop
until it gets support from major hardware and software vendors.

Until Linux can offer seamless integration with what are 99 percent
Windows shops, Linux is a dead end.

The facts, and no matter where you look excepting Linux whoring sites
of course, the numbers are all in the same area and they are miserable.
Re: Linux, At least 10 years and still less than 1 percent of desktopmarket share? PATHETIC

> Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured. Except of course when a Linux zealot
> discovers some survey, usually on a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of
> course Linux's market share CAN be measured.

Most of those that are leaving Windows are going to Macs,
and OS X Leopard will provide an even bigger boost.
What's impressive about Apple's gains, they don't have
nearly the corporate presence that Microsoft does.... they are
making their gains in the consumer market. Especially, with the
younger users.

Apple results top targets, Mac sales strong

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc blew by analysts' estimates with a 67 percent rise in
profit on Monday as the popularity of its iPhone and iPod boosted Macintosh computer sales, and
its shares jumped 7 percent.
"There's no question that Mac sales are still having a halo effect from the iPod and iPhone,"
said Tim Bajarin, president of technology consulting company Creative Strategies.

Net profit rose to $904 million, or $1.01 per share, in its fiscal fourth quarter, from $542
million, or 62 cents per share, a year ago. Revenue rose 29 percent to $6.22 billion.

That handily beat Wall Street's average targets of 85 cents per share in profit and $6.06
billion of revenue, according to Reuters Estimates.

Apple also benefited from falling prices of electronic components, lifting its gross profit
margin to 33.6 percent. The company said it expects that to fall to 31 percent in its current
quarter as prices for some parts start to rise again.

Apple also forecast first-quarter revenue of $9.2 billion, well ahead of the $8.7 billion
average Wall Street target.

"It appears that they are expecting an extremely solid holiday shopping season and, I would
guess, strength from the launch of the iPhone in Europe," said analyst Shannon Cross of Cross

Some 1.12 million units of the iPhone were sold in the quarter, and 2.16 million Mac computers
were shipped.
I Have No Problems At All With Open Source Linux Ubuntu Support For My
Hardware, I Plan To Return To It Just As Soon As The 110th U.S.A. Congress
Adjourns For Their Traditional Holiday Recess, Just FYI.

<> wrote in message
> Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured.
> Except of course when a Linux zealot discovers some survey, usually on
> a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of course Linux's
> market share CAN be measured.
> Face the facts, Linux is has and always will be a dud on the desktop
> until it gets support from major hardware and software vendors.
> Until Linux can offer seamless integration with what are 99 percent
> Windows shops, Linux is a dead end.
> The facts, and no matter where you look excepting Linux whoring sites
> of course, the numbers are all in the same area and they are miserable.
Kevin, could you burn me a copy of Windows Server 2008 RC0 x86 and mail it
to me? I downloaded it, but its corrupted and I can't bother again. Email me
for details.
My Vista Quickstart Guide:!E8E5CC039D51E3DB!9709.entry
<> wrote in message
>I Have No Problems At All With Open Source Linux Ubuntu Support For My
>Hardware, I Plan To Return To It Just As Soon As The 110th U.S.A. Congress
>Adjourns For Their Traditional Holiday Recess, Just FYI.
> <> wrote in message
>> Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured.
>> Except of course when a Linux zealot discovers some survey, usually on
>> a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of course Linux's
>> market share CAN be measured.
>> Face the facts, Linux is has and always will be a dud on the desktop
>> until it gets support from major hardware and software vendors.
>> Until Linux can offer seamless integration with what are 99 percent
>> Windows shops, Linux is a dead end.
>> The facts, and no matter where you look excepting Linux whoring sites
>> of course, the numbers are all in the same area and they are miserable.

On Oct 22, 10:51 pm, wrote:

> Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured.

The key word being measured reliably.

> Except of course when a Linux zealot discovers some survey, usually on
> a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of course Linux's
> market share CAN be measured.

It depends on how the measurements are taken.

The most common form of survey measures IP addresses and assigns each
address as either a Linux, or a Windows device, based on which is used
most often, or first, or last.

The problem with this approach is that a much higher percentage of
Windows machines use DHCP addresses which are measured as the actual
IP address, while most Linux machines access the internet through
dedicated connections or Network Address Translation (NAT) connections
which make dozens, even hundreds, of devices appear to be coming from
a single IP address.

public assigned DHCP addresses are most frequently found on services
such as AOL, MSN, Cellular modems, and public WiFi networks such as

NAT addresses are most often used by corporate networks, Hotel
networks, hotel WiFi networks, WiFi hubs connected to cable-modems.

This can skew the number significantly. A single dial-up MSN user for
example, dialing in every day for 2 hours could have 30 different IP
addresses. If the ISP has nice big address pools, such as a Class A
or Class B address, they could significantly skew the numbers in favor
of Windows home computers.

Conversely, the corporate network could have 100,000 computers in it,
and all of them would look like a single public IP address.

The even bigger problem is in how the results are filtered. Most
browsers used on Linux systems are not "branded" as Linux. They are
usually "generic" such as UNIX/X11 or X11. OS/X and Microsoft Windows
require that the proper branding be used in the signature as a
condition of using the required libraries for things like graphics and

About the only Linux-specific browser is Netscape 7 and later.
Firefox, Konquerer, and others not only don't identify the system as
Linux, but allow the user to manually select a signature indicating
that the browser is IE (fooling web sites that refuse to serve
anything but IE).

> Face the facts, Linux is has and always will be a dud on the desktop
> until it gets support from major hardware and software vendors.

Linux has been "under the radar". It's a bit hard to measure a PC
that doesn't properly identify itself. It's about like trying to
measure black cars on black pavement from a low resolution satellite
in a geostationary orbit by looking at a picture of an entire city.

Another tactic is to use cookies, attempt to collect Windows UID tags,
and assume that any other access that does not identify itself
explicitly is Linux. In the DOJ case, Microsoft claimed that Linux
had grown to 14%, and in the EU trial, Microsoft claimed that it was

> Until Linux can offer seamless integration with what are 99 percent
> Windows shops, Linux is a dead end.

The other problem is that Linux is not an "either/or" solution. Since
End-Users do the Linux installation, it's possible for a Linux user to
ADD Linux to a machine that is licensed for Windows. The End User can
configure Dual-Boot, Live-CD, USB-Drive, or Virtual Machines to run
Linux on Windows, Windows on Linux, or Windows and Linux concurrently
on ESX or ESXi.

> The facts, and no matter where you look excepting Linux whoring sites
> of course, the numbers are all in the same area and they are miserable.

Most Linux distributors will tell you that even they figure that 90%
or more of their customers, end users, use Linux and Windows rather
than Linux exclusively. This means that for every PC shown in that 1%
figure (actually around 6-7% if you count the "other" catagory as
well), there are about 10 Linux machines. Furthermore, the Linux
percentage has been increasing, while Linux has almost 10 years of
"base". If you figure that Windows has grown from 950 million to 1
billion in the last year, that's only 50 million new users. On the
other hand, if Linux has increased from 4% to 7% and Mac has grown
from 3% to 5%, that means that Linux has added 30 million users and
Mac has added 20 million users, even if you don't figure in the NAT vs
DHCP addresses, that is still giving Mac almost 20% of the market for
the year, and Linux getting 30% of the market for the year.

Ironically, the companies most likely to actually know how many of
which kinds of computers are out there, are very tight lipped about
the numbers. Microsoft seems to be very concerned about Linux, and
they have a number of user authenticated Web Sites. Google has been a
big Linux fan since it's inception, and has still tried to support
Linux users on most of it's sites. Yahoo, E-Trade, and Amazon also
have detailed demographics of millions of users. They also seem to be
very careful about supporting Linux.

There are some demographics available that are more reliable, but they
are sold at $5,000 PER VIEWER, and attempting to publish them on this
newsgroup would probably result in either one very nasty lawsuit, or
15 years in federal prison.

There are several web site surveys available that give a wide range of
results, but when you look at the total Linux (Linux plus "other") you
can see that the Linux market is growing. You can also see that the
Mac market is growing. You can see that Firefox is gaining popularity
as well.
Micoshaft Asstroturfer wrote on behalf of
Micoshaft Corporation:


> Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured.
> Except of course when a Linux zealot discovers some survey, usually on
> a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of course Linux's
> market share CAN be measured.
> Face the facts, Linux is has and always will be a dud on the desktop
> until it gets support from major hardware and software vendors.
> Until Linux can offer seamless integration with what are 99 percent
> Windows shops, Linux is a dead end.
> The facts, and no matter where you look excepting Linux whoring sites
> of course, the numbers are all in the same area and they are miserable.

Open source is bigger than Micoshaft Corporation in EU alone.
Linux owns the embedded market and server markets already.
The best tools for development are available for Linux
for server markets and embedded markets.
The recent EU fines show that micoshaft attained its desktop
monopoly illegally.
Of course when doing development work, now it will get easier
than ever to develop and make products and if it doesn't
work with micoshaft desktop products because they are
refusing to comply, then micoshaft will be
fined again - but this time much more heavily.

If your PC has been PISTIFIED by installing PISTA, then
I can only suggest it can get better if you try out
some Linux - see here for liveCDs that boot from CD
without having to install anything.
Re: Linux, At least 10 years and still less than 1 percent of desktopmarket share? PATHETIC

Rex Ballard wrote:
> On Oct 22, 10:51 pm, wrote:

>> Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured.

> The key word being measured reliably.
>> Except of course when a Linux zealot discovers some survey, usually on
>> a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of course Linux's
>> market share CAN be measured.

> It depends on how the measurements are taken.

Have to agree with all you said Rex, it is not easy to quantify usage
but to be honest MS would have to be insane not to consider the
possibility of a mass defection, which makes it all the more surprising
to me that they risk pissing off loyal customers with this "We think
you're a thief, prove you are not" garbage.

Jim Allchin was right to comment about losing touch with what customers

MS probably do know much more about what is out there but remember their
other business it "Training" so if their stake in the IT manager
training market starts to wane a large portion of advocacy may go with
it, in an increasing flow.
Re: Linux, At least 10 years and still less than 1 percent ofdesktop market share? PATHETIC

On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 23:12:42 -0400, MICHAEL wrote:

> Most of those that are leaving Windows are going to Macs, and OS X
> Leopard will provide an even bigger boost.

Which is great because to the consumer who switched from Windows to Mac,
the operating system has become a commodity. In such a market, Linux
provides great value.

"Thufir" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 23:12:42 -0400, MICHAEL wrote:
>> Most of those that are leaving Windows are going to Macs, and OS X
>> Leopard will provide an even bigger boost.

> Which is great because to the consumer who switched from Windows to Mac,
> the operating system has become a commodity. In such a market, Linux
> provides great value.

Apart from the fact that you can't buy a Mac without an OS like you can a PC
so there is no incentive at all to put Linux on a Mac.
The more Macs are sold the less Linux will be used (in % terms).
So while Mac sales are good for bashing M$, Apple are far more restrictive
than M$ are.
dennis@home wrote:

> "Thufir" <> wrote in message
> news:5xfTi.122325$1y4.16486@pd7urf2no...
>> On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 23:12:42 -0400, MICHAEL wrote:
>>> Most of those that are leaving Windows are going to Macs, and OS X
>>> Leopard will provide an even bigger boost.

>> Which is great because to the consumer who switched from Windows to Mac,
>> the operating system has become a commodity. In such a market, Linux
>> provides great value.

> Apart from the fact that you can't buy a Mac without an OS like you can a
> PC so there is no incentive at all to put Linux on a Mac.

The existance of linux distros for all types of Macs shows that you are full
of it. Again

Do you actually propose that those distros are made *not* to be used? Why do
you have to constantly show that you are truly a Vista user? How can you be
so clueless and still breathe on your own?
Microsoft: The company that made email dangerous
And web browsing. And viewing pictures. And...
"Peter Köhlmann" . wrote in message
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Thufir" <> wrote in message
>> news:5xfTi.122325$1y4.16486@pd7urf2no...
>>> On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 23:12:42 -0400, MICHAEL wrote:
>>>> Most of those that are leaving Windows are going to Macs, and OS X
>>>> Leopard will provide an even bigger boost.
>>> Which is great because to the consumer who switched from Windows to Mac,
>>> the operating system has become a commodity. In such a market, Linux
>>> provides great value.

>> Apart from the fact that you can't buy a Mac without an OS like you can a
>> PC so there is no incentive at all to put Linux on a Mac.

> The existance of linux distros for all types of Macs shows that you are
> full
> of it. Again
> Do you actually propose that those distros are made *not* to be used? Why
> do
> you have to constantly show that you are truly a Vista user? How can you
> be
> so clueless and still breathe on your own?

Hi, brown nose,
The existence of a distro doesn't mean its need or even used, you should
know that, you exist but have no use AFAICS so are a perfect example.

It does make you wonder why someone would replace an up-to-date free bsd
kernel with a linux kernel if they do as you say.
I mean why bother when you can just load the open source app on the existing
open source kernel.
Oh maybe you are on about old antique Macs that aren't sold anymore and
aren't a part of this thread?
Anyway give my regards to Adam next time you see his face.
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: Linux, At least 10 years and still less than 1 percent of desktopmarket share? PATHETIC

7 wrote:
> Micoshaft Asstroturfer wrote on behalf of
> Micoshaft Corporation:

> bs_nf/56073_ylt=Ag8nNmACRlCEbAitLafU9IUjtBAF
>> Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured.
>> Except of course when a Linux zealot discovers some survey, usually on
>> a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of course Linux's
>> market share CAN be measured.
>> Face the facts, Linux is has and always will be a dud on the desktop
>> until it gets support from major hardware and software vendors.
>> Until Linux can offer seamless integration with what are 99 percent
>> Windows shops, Linux is a dead end.
>> The facts, and no matter where you look excepting Linux whoring sites
>> of course, the numbers are all in the same area and they are miserable.

> Open source is bigger than Micoshaft Corporation in EU alone.
> Linux owns the embedded market and server markets already.
> The best tools for development are available for Linux
> for server markets and embedded markets.
> The recent EU fines show that micoshaft attained its desktop
> monopoly illegally.

<Show some kind of proof here the Linux owns the server market,
otherwise, this is just lip service. There are other servers other than
Web servers.>

> Of course when doing development work, now it will get easier
> than ever to develop and make products and if it doesn't
> work with micoshaft desktop products because they are
> refusing to comply, then micoshaft will be
> fined again - but this time much more heavily.

<Where are you coming up with this? Again, show some kind of proof other
than, your lip service. When did you become a software developer 7?>
> If your PC has been PISTIFIED by installing PISTA, then
> I can only suggest it can get better if you try out
> some Linux - see here for liveCDs that boot from CD
> without having to install anything.

<When did you become an expert on anything 7?>
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 07:14:11 -0400, Adam He-Is-Mosses Albright
<> wrote:

>7 wrote:
>> Micoshaft Asstroturfer wrote on behalf of
>> Micoshaft Corporation:

>> bs_nf/56073_ylt=Ag8nNmACRlCEbAitLafU9IUjtBAF
>>> Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured.
>>> Except of course when a Linux zealot discovers some survey, usually on
>>> a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of course Linux's
>>> market share CAN be measured.
>>> Face the facts, Linux is has and always will be a dud on the desktop
>>> until it gets support from major hardware and software vendors.
>>> Until Linux can offer seamless integration with what are 99 percent
>>> Windows shops, Linux is a dead end.
>>> The facts, and no matter where you look excepting Linux whoring sites
>>> of course, the numbers are all in the same area and they are miserable.

>> Open source is bigger than Micoshaft Corporation in EU alone.
>> Linux owns the embedded market and server markets already.
>> The best tools for development are available for Linux
>> for server markets and embedded markets.
>> The recent EU fines show that micoshaft attained its desktop
>> monopoly illegally.

><Show some kind of proof here the Linux owns the server market,
>otherwise, this is just lip service. There are other servers other than
>Web servers.>

Show us any proof a rabid raving lunatic like you was ever sane.
"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message

> Show us any proof a rabid raving lunatic like you was ever sane.

Would that be in sane as judged by a normal person or sane as in what *you*
think you are?
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:14:01 +0100, "dennis@home"
<> wrote:

>"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
>> Show us any proof a rabid raving lunatic like you was ever sane.

>Would that be in sane as judged by a normal person or sane as in what *you*
>think you are?

Your increasing outbursts and unsupported claims strongly suggest you
are border line psychotic.
"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:14:01 +0100, "dennis@home"
> <> wrote:
>>"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
>>> Show us any proof a rabid raving lunatic like you was ever sane.

>>Would that be in sane as judged by a normal person or sane as in what
>>think you are?

> Your increasing outbursts and unsupported claims strongly suggest you
> are border line psychotic.

Which unsupported claims?
I have made none, unlike you.
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:32:02 +0100, "dennis@home"
<> wrote:

>"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:14:01 +0100, "dennis@home"
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
>>>> Show us any proof a rabid raving lunatic like you was ever sane.
>>>Would that be in sane as judged by a normal person or sane as in what
>>>think you are?

>> Your increasing outbursts and unsupported claims strongly suggest you
>> are border line psychotic.

>Which unsupported claims?
>I have made none, unlike you.

Twice you ascribed posts to me you claim I made that I didn't.
Get help nut case you've lost it.
"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:32:02 +0100, "dennis@home"
> <> wrote:
>>"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:14:01 +0100, "dennis@home"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Show us any proof a rabid raving lunatic like you was ever sane.
>>>>Would that be in sane as judged by a normal person or sane as in what
>>>>think you are?
>>> Your increasing outbursts and unsupported claims strongly suggest you
>>> are border line psychotic.

>>Which unsupported claims?
>>I have made none, unlike you.

> Twice you ascribed posts to me you claim I made that I didn't.
> Get help nut case you've lost it.

This is a sign of your mental problems but I doubt you will understand what
I am saying and I am not going to go through it for you like I would with a
10 year old.
Take your meds and reflect on the idea that you are not the most important
person in the world and you may get a clue.
Re: Linux, At least 10 years and still less than 1 percent of desktopmarket share? PATHETIC

Adam Albright wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 07:14:11 -0400, Adam He-Is-Mosses Albright
> <> wrote:
>> 7 wrote:
>>> Micoshaft Asstroturfer wrote on behalf of
>>> Micoshaft Corporation:
>>> bs_nf/56073_ylt=Ag8nNmACRlCEbAitLafU9IUjtBAF
>>>> Oh excuse me, Linux market share can't be measured.
>>>> Except of course when a Linux zealot discovers some survey, usually on
>>>> a pro linux site that shows a good number and then of course Linux's
>>>> market share CAN be measured.
>>>> Face the facts, Linux is has and always will be a dud on the desktop
>>>> until it gets support from major hardware and software vendors.
>>>> Until Linux can offer seamless integration with what are 99 percent
>>>> Windows shops, Linux is a dead end.
>>>> The facts, and no matter where you look excepting Linux whoring sites
>>>> of course, the numbers are all in the same area and they are miserable.
>>> Open source is bigger than Micoshaft Corporation in EU alone.
>>> Linux owns the embedded market and server markets already.
>>> The best tools for development are available for Linux
>>> for server markets and embedded markets.
>>> The recent EU fines show that micoshaft attained its desktop
>>> monopoly illegally.

>> <Show some kind of proof here the Linux owns the server market,
>> otherwise, this is just lip service. There are other servers other than
>> Web servers.>

> Show us any proof a rabid raving lunatic like you was ever sane.

<Ditto Mosses -- ditto Mosses --- DITTO MOOOOOOSSES. Are you going to
soapbox me with one of your prayers Mosses? Maybe, you'll toss one of
your stone tablets at me with your commandments on it. <g> You've proven
that you're a lunatic that will post anything out of your mouth and are
the absolute jacks$$ ever to be seen. No one can out do you -- no one.
We all watch you running around hee hawing 20 out of 24 hours, 7 day a
week and 365 a year HEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAW Albright. You know that name is
going to be applied Albright.>