Is Linux A Joke? It's free so why are so few using Linux?

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On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 19:55:30 +0200, Alias wrote:

> wrote:
>> Easy question to answer once you have actually tried Linux.
>> I just finished tossing a Ubuntu CD in the trash because that is where
>> it belongs.
>> Now I truly understand why Linux can't seem to break into the desktop
>> market.
>> Linux sucks.
>> The programs look like something Windows had 15 years ago with Windows
>> 3.1.

> Not on my machine.
>> The help system is non existant.

> Existent ... existent.
>> The fonts are terrible.

> Learn how to download fonts.

He shouldn't have to.

That said, I never had a problem with 7.04 font rendering, it looked
perfectly fine to me...7.10 though *does* somehow do something different
that does make them look better. I can't quite put my finger on what
exactly it does different, but it does...

>> The graphics support is terrible.

> Works great with my nVidia card.
>> There is no Direct-X 10 support.

> So what? What uses that?
>> The interface is crude and slow.

> Not on my machine. It's much faster than XP was on the same machine.
>> My printer wasn't even recognized (Lexmark).

> Buy an HP printer and get over it.

I suspect he never bothered adding it. I checked into the printer driver
list and I found a very long list of Lexmark printers that are supported.

>> My widescreen monitor came up with an out of range box sqaure in the
>> middle of the screen instead of the 1440x960 it should be.

> Learn how to configure your video card. It's three clicks.

Difficult though to make the 3 clicks when one can't see the mouse
pointer, isn't it?

>> Some application called Amarok kept freezing up on me when it would
>> search my drives for media. What a non-intuitive POS that program
>> Amarok is.

> I'm using it right now with no problems at all.
>> I tried burning a DVD with k3b and it made a perfect coaster every
>> time.

> Try using a Ubuntu native burner like GnomeBaker.

K3b *is* a native burner...and for all you know, he was running the KDE
desktop which means that K3b would be the default burner.

>> This is with a high end Plextor drive. Why don't Plextools work with
>> Linux?

> You used the wrong program, of course.

K3b is not the wrong program. It's not my choice either, but it most
certainly is not wrong. And for all you know, he was ru

>> And the list goes on.
>> I can't spend my life searching Google for answers so back to Vista I
>> go.
>> At least Vista works.
>> Linux?
>> It just sucks, mostly your time.
>> "Linux, if you think you hate it now, wait until you try it"

> Gosh, I didn't have any of those problems and I am listening to Amarok
> as I type, great program!

That doesn't make his problems any less non-existing Alias. A "It works
on my system so the problem can't exist" response is about as useless as
it gets.

Now I'll say that some of his problems are just out of plain ignorance
from expecting Linux to be identical to Windows. However, he does have
some, even if only very few, actual genuine issues that I can understand
without a problem. Issues that releases such as the upcoming 7.10 release
in October addresses. So if Ubuntu Developers feel that they need to
address such problems, they must exist don't you think?

2003 Yamaha R6

On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 21:04:07 +0200, Alias wrote:

> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fd8tmj$6e3$
>>> wrote:

>>>> My widescreen monitor came up with an out of range box sqaure in the
>>>> middle of the screen instead of the 1440x960 it should be.
>>> Learn how to configure your video card. It's three clicks.

>> But quite difficult when you don't have a display to look at as I know
>> from experience.

> Not the OP's experience.
>> You shouldn't have to borrow a screen just to set the display mode to
>> something that works.

> Not the OP's experience.
>> Resorting to text mode and editing the xconfig file is a pain.

> It took me three clicks and I didn't use a command line (that involves
> typing, not clicking).

Alias, what part of "Out of range" error on a monitor don't you

2003 Yamaha R6

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:fd8tmj$6e3$
>>> wrote:

>>>> My widescreen monitor came up with an out of range box sqaure in the
>>>> middle of the screen instead of the 1440x960 it should be.
>>> Learn how to configure your video card. It's three clicks.

>> But quite difficult when you don't have a display to look at as I know
>> from experience.

> Not the OP's experience.

Assumption based on the poor understanding of the evidence.

He had an "out of range" box, they are frequently accompanied by nothing
If the display can show what is being sent why would it be "out of range"?

>> You shouldn't have to borrow a screen just to set the display mode to
>> something that works.

> Not the OP's experience.

More assumptions.

>> Resorting to text mode and editing the xconfig file is a pain.

> It took me three clicks and I didn't use a command line (that involves
> typing, not clicking).

"Out of range"!
I am not being trolled. The Linux tools are being trolled. AND, THEY ARE



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

"Ponder" <> wrote in message
> Hiya Richard Urban.
> <crosspost left intact for impact>
> In <news:u8s3LTt$HHA.3940@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl> you wrote:
>> On a Vista news group the person says he tried something else and is
>> going
>> back to Vista.

>> Newsgroups:
>> microsoft.public.windowsxp.general,comp.os.linux.advocacy,24hoursupport.helpdesk,

> That's the trouble with auto-defenders, they can't recognise a massive
> crosspost nor when they're being trolled )
> --
> PGP key ID - DSS:0x2661A952
> Homepage: ICQ# 1707811
> Skittles Team:
Re: Is Linux A Joke? It's free so why are so few using Linux?

On Sep 25, 6:30 am, Peter Köhlmann .
> David B. wrote:

> BTW: "pyles69" is flatfish, who also posts as
> Abbie Diaz, achmed.jones, Aftab Singh, Allen Cusimano, Allie Perkins,

etc etc

This is a terrible waste of bandwidth - would it not be better to put
Flatfish's aliases on a web page and point to it?
Last edited by a moderator:
Richard Urban wrote:
> On a Vista news group the person says he tried something else and is
> going back to Vista.
> It is much more appropriate than the post of Linux people who come here
> and berate people for using Vista.

Mostly it's the Windows fanboys who berate users of Vista because they
are a bit lost and a bit inexperienced with newsgroups. Seems to me the
Linux people berate the fanboys, and that should not bother anyone with
usenet experience... if they didn't keep throwing bait around ...
Richard Urban wrote:

> I am not being trolled. The Linux tools are being trolled. AND, THEY ARE

Windows was created to keep stupid people away from UNIX."
-- Tom Christiansen
Yeah, I know, I just never look, shame on me!


Crosspost, do not multipost
How to ask a question
How to Post

"dennis@home" <> wrote in message
> "David B." <> wrote in message
> news:u5t6ydt$HHA.5488@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> You apparently don't understand what a troll is. Someone that posts in a
>> Vista newsgroup, saying he likes Vista and is going back to it is not a
>> troll.

> Even when he crossposts to several other groups?
> Its easy to see crossposts in windows mail just look at the to: line.
"Stephan Rose" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 10:42:06 -0700, pyles69 wrote:
>> Easy question to answer once you have actually tried Linux.
>> I just finished tossing a Ubuntu CD in the trash because that is where
>> it belongs.
>> Now I truly understand why Linux can't seem to break into the desktop
>> market.
>> Linux sucks.
>> The programs look like something Windows had 15 years ago with Windows
>> 3.1.

> I don't recall Win 3.1 looking like this:
>> The help system is non existant.

>> The fonts are terrible.

> I like my LCD Subpixel smoothed fonts perfectly fine...though I will
> grant that upcoming 7.10 release I am running right now has better
> looking fonts than the 7.04 release.
>> The graphics support is terrible.

> Care to explain? I'm using a nVidia 8800 GTX by the way.
>> There is no Direct-X 10 support.

> Of course not. Nor will there ever be. DirectX is a Microsoft API for
> Microsoft Operating Systems. It has no place on non-MS operating systems.
> OpenGL exists for a reason.
>> The interface is crude and slow.

> Ever bother installing the appropriate video card driver for your card? I
> mean, try Vista on a VESA driver and tell me how blazing fast that would
> be...
>> My printer wasn't even recognized (Lexmark). My widescreen monitor came
>> up with an out of range box sqaure in the middle of the screen instead
>> of the 1440x960 it should be. Some application called Amarok kept
>> freezing up on me when it would search my drives for media. What a
>> non-intuitive POS that program Amarok is.

> Honestly I have no idea if Lexmark has any support or not. You did try to
> actually Add the printer though right? Or did you just expect
> applications to magically know it's there?
> As far as the screen issue is, I can believe that. The graphics subsystem
> is undergoing some major overhaul in the current release and problems
> such as that are being resolved.
> And as far as Amarok goes, yea I agree. I don't care much for it either.
> I just use Rhythmbox instead. Much faster, more lightweight and does an
> excellent job.
>> I tried burning a DVD with k3b and it made a perfect coaster every time.
>> This is with a high end Plextor drive. Why don't Plextools work with
>> Linux?

> Plextor drives work perfectly fine. I own two, as does K3B though I
> prefer to use other tools. And if Plextools is windows software, then no
> it won't work. Hint: Linux is not windows. Windows software is for
> windows. Linux software is for Linux. Linux software does not run on
> windows. Windows software does not run on Linux.
>> And the list goes on.
>> I can't spend my life searching Google for answers so back to Vista I
>> go.
>> At least Vista works.
>> Linux?
>> It just sucks, mostly your time.
>> "Linux, if you think you hate it now, wait until you try it"

> *shrug* Your primary problem in my opinion is that you went to Linux
> expecting Windows.
> You expected it behave like windows.
> You expected it to run windows software.
> You expected it to be windows.
> You were disappointed when you discovered it isn't windows.

no, maybe he just expected it to be at least useable
bullshiteos, winblows, blister or linfux? who cares ...

> If you want windows, then go use windows...I mean, you wouldn't go out
> and buy a hammer if you want a screwdriver right?

i screwdriver can be used as a hammer if you use yer imagination ..

> --
> Stephan
> 2003 Yamaha R6
> å›ã®ã“ã¨æ€ã„出ã™æ—¥ãªã‚“ã¦ãªã„ã®ã¯
> å›ã®ã“ã¨å¿˜ã‚ŒãŸã¨ããŒãªã„ã‹ã‚‰

On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 14:47:06 -0400, David B. wrote:

> See, here's another one.
> Where is "here"? I am posting in the Microsoft Vista group on the
> Microsoft news server, where should the Windows "fanboys" post? I am
> replying to a post that was also sent to a couple linux groups, not much
> I can do about that.

Actually, you could have. All you had to do was trim your post list or
set your followups.

Hiya Richard Urban.

In <news:uKX09Hu$HHA.320@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl> you wrote:

> I am not being trolled. The Linux tools are being trolled. AND, THEY ARE

And yet still you answer. Hook line and stinker. You even think shouting
makes you more smart, well I have news for you: it doesn't )

Follow-up set to 24hoursupport.helpdesk, which is probably the most
appropriate place for us to laugh at your continued idiocy (and the place
I'm reading it) )

PGP key ID - DSS:0x2661A952
Homepage: ICQ# 1707811
Skittles Team:
David B. wrote:
> See, here's another one.
> Where is "here"? I am posting in the Microsoft Vista group on the
> Microsoft news server, where should the Windows "fanboys" post? I am
> replying to a post that was also sent to a couple linux groups, not much
> I can do about that.

Then you'd best learn use your newsreader to delete groups to which you
do not want your to go. You *are* in control of where your reply goes
and you included the Linux religion's primary newsgroup.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot
Peter Köhlmann wrote:
> David B. wrote:
>> You apparently don't understand what a troll is. Someone that posts


Jesus, you spent time gathering all his screenames? what are you his
greatest fan or his stalker?
Re: Is Linux A Joke? It's free so why are so few using Linux?

peterwn wrote:
> On Sep 25, 6:30 am, Peter Köhlmann .
> wrote:
>> David B. wrote:

>> BTW: "pyles69" is flatfish, who also posts as
>> Abbie Diaz, achmed.jones, Aftab Singh, Allen Cusimano, Allie
>> Perkins, etc etc

> This is a terrible waste of bandwidth - would it not be better to put
> Flatfish's aliases on a web page and point to it?

In future, please abbreviate the word "bandwidth" as "bndwdth" thereby
saving precious bndwdth.

Thnk yu.
Last edited by a moderator:
I agree with you that linux is not ready by far..
you would have a little better luck trying

HOWEVER vista has many problems that XP never had..

so thats why I call vista the new version of MS linux also called
VISTUX (vista linux or vista sucks)

Xp is the best OS in the market for the desktop use. Period!

. wrote in message
> Easy question to answer once you have actually tried Linux.
> I just finished tossing a Ubuntu CD in the trash because that is where
> it belongs.
> Now I truly understand why Linux can't seem to break into the desktop
> market.
> Linux sucks.
> The programs look like something Windows had 15 years ago with Windows
> 3.1.
> The help system is non existant.
> The fonts are terrible.
> The graphics support is terrible.
> There is no Direct-X 10 support.
> The interface is crude and slow.
> My printer wasn't even recognized (Lexmark).
> My widescreen monitor came up with an out of range box sqaure in the
> middle of the screen instead of the 1440x960 it should be.
> Some application called Amarok kept freezing up on me when it would
> search my drives for media. What a non-intuitive POS that program
> Amarok is.
> I tried burning a DVD with k3b and it made a perfect coaster every
> time.
> This is with a high end Plextor drive.
> Why don't Plextools work with Linux?
> And the list goes on.
> I can't spend my life searching Google for answers so back to Vista I
> go.
> At least Vista works.
> Linux?
> It just sucks, mostly your time.
> "Linux, if you think you hate it now, wait until you try it"
Last edited by a moderator:
dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:fd91n7$g6b$
>> dennis@home wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:fd8tmj$6e3$
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> My widescreen monitor came up with an out of range box sqaure in the
>>>>> middle of the screen instead of the 1440x960 it should be.
>>>> Learn how to configure your video card. It's three clicks.
>>> But quite difficult when you don't have a display to look at as I
>>> know from experience.

>> Not the OP's experience.

> Assumption based on the poor understanding of the evidence.
> He had an "out of range" box, they are frequently accompanied by nothing
> else.
> If the display can show what is being sent why would it be "out of range"?
>>> You shouldn't have to borrow a screen just to set the display mode to
>>> something that works.

>> Not the OP's experience.

> More assumptions.
>>> Resorting to text mode and editing the xconfig file is a pain.

>> It took me three clicks and I didn't use a command line (that involves
>> typing, not clicking).

> "Out of range"!

Oops, I missed that. My bad.

To email me, remove shoes
Just to clarify one point pyles69, with 16MB RAM and no more than 2 applications
open at any one time Windows 3.11 ran quite well. Which was good for the tecnology
of the day. Had no driver problems. Please with all respect Windows 3.1x should
not be placed in the same garbage bin, Linux get thrown in.

I have a real long story with SuSE Linux and getting a USB dialup modem working.
SuSE's 90 day support commitment that comes with a purchsed package disappeared. I
know there are similar stories with Microsoft, but driver issues don't go for
eternity with Windows.

- Winda

. wrote in message
| Easy question to answer once you have actually tried Linux.
| I just finished tossing a Ubuntu CD in the trash because that is where
| it belongs.
| Now I truly understand why Linux can't seem to break into the desktop
| market.
| Linux sucks.
| The programs look like something Windows had 15 years ago with Windows
| 3.1.
| The help system is non existant.
| The fonts are terrible.
| The graphics support is terrible.
| There is no Direct-X 10 support.
| The interface is crude and slow.
| My printer wasn't even recognized (Lexmark).
| My widescreen monitor came up with an out of range box sqaure in the
| middle of the screen instead of the 1440x960 it should be.
| Some application called Amarok kept freezing up on me when it would
| search my drives for media. What a non-intuitive POS that program
| Amarok is.
| I tried burning a DVD with k3b and it made a perfect coaster every
| time.
| This is with a high end Plextor drive.
| Why don't Plextools work with Linux?
| And the list goes on.
| I can't spend my life searching Google for answers so back to Vista I
| go.
| At least Vista works.
| Linux?
| It just sucks, mostly your time.
| "Linux, if you think you hate it now, wait until you try it"
Last edited by a moderator:
may be you shoulda used a different version of linux not all of them sux, me
i love it i run it to show offmy pc from my cdrom, great linux you don't
even need to install it just boot from cd.

Jonathan Perreault

Personnal Advice To You:
#1: Do Not Undermine Windows's Work, Or It'll Undermine You As A User.
#2: Torture Windows (Any) Now Before It Tortures You

Best Comments From Users:
No Matter The Problem Even With Linux, It's Microsoft's And Windows's Faults

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
"Bruce Chambers" <bchambers@cable0ne.n3t> wrote in message
> David B. wrote:
>> See, here's another one.
>> Where is "here"? I am posting in the Microsoft Vista group on the
>> Microsoft news server, where should the Windows "fanboys" post? I am
>> replying to a post that was also sent to a couple linux groups, not much
>> I can do about that.

> Then you'd best learn use your newsreader to delete groups to which you do
> not want your to go. You *are* in control of where your reply goes and
> you included the Linux religion's primary newsgroup.
> --
> Bruce Chambers
> Help us help you:
> They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin
> Many people would rather die than think in fact, most do. ~Bertrand
> Russell
> The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
> killed a great many philosophers.
> ~ Denis Diderot
Re: Is Vista A Joke? Why are so few using Vista?

Tiberius wrote:

> I agree with you that linux is not ready by far..
> you would have a little better luck trying
> HOWEVER vista has many problems that XP never had..
> so thats why I call vista the new version of MS linux also called
> VISTUX (vista linux or vista sucks)
> Xp is the best OS in the market for the desktop use. Period!

Another winidiot who's replied to a troll, & no idea what he's talking
Re: Is Vista A Joke? Why are so few using Vista?

I have most likley used linux more than you
have probably tested more distros than you
I am sure I know more about linux than you
and you call me a wintard?

You compared to me are the wintard... LOL

"William Poaster" <> wrote in message
> Tiberius wrote:
>> I agree with you that linux is not ready by far..
>> you would have a little better luck trying
>> HOWEVER vista has many problems that XP never had..
>> so thats why I call vista the new version of MS linux also called
>> VISTUX (vista linux or vista sucks)
>> Xp is the best OS in the market for the desktop use. Period!

> Another winidiot who's replied to a troll, & no idea what he's talking
> about.